SECTION 2 Poland and the Baltic Republic History Settled by many different groups Groups became: Estonians, Latvians, & Lithuanians Each had own language and culture Historical events tie all together Early History People of the Baltics Formed many independent kingdoms Lithuania Ruled much of Eastern & Northern Europe Latvia & Poland were largest & strongest & Estonia small and weak kingdoms Often invaded by others The World Wars WWI & WWII were devastating WWI fought mainly in Poland: many soldiers and civilians died WWII: began when Germany invaded Poland from the west. Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. Millions were killed & property destroyed. Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania also suffered Occupied by Soviet army Soviet Domination Soviets dominated Eastern Europe after WWII Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania became part of U.S.S.R. after war Poland remained free, but had to have Communist gov’t Communist gov’t was opposed by many 1991 the Baltic Republics broke away from U.S.S.R. & became independent once again. Culture Cultures are different & similar Speak different languages and practice different religions Latvian, Lithuanian, & Polish Catholic & Lutheran Common customs: cook same types of foods & enjoy same types of entertainment Potatoes & sausage, seafood Pottery, painting, and embroidery, music & dance Frederic Chopin The Region Today Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, & Poland Feel effects of Soviet Rule still Economies not developed during Soviet Rule No decent infrastructure (the set of resources, like roads, airports, and factories, that a country needs in order to support economic activities. Working to build & strengthen economies Replacing Seeking old & outdated factories w/ new ones new sources of income Tourism is on the rise in these countries Estonia History of Russian control 30% ethnic Russian Russia is still important trading partner New ties forming w/ Finland Language related to Finnish Most people are Lutheran Ferries link Estonian capital w/ Finnish Latvia 2nd largest Baltic country Highest % of ethnic minorities 57% are Latvian 30% are Russian Largest urban area of Baltic countries Strong Scandinavian & Russian influences Once part of Russian Empire & part once rules by Sweden Most people are Lutheran Sweden & Finland are important trading partners Lithuania Largest of southernmost Baltic countries Small % of ethnic minorities 80% are Lithuania 9% Russian 7% Polish Ancient ties w/ Poland Roman Catholicism is main religion Agriculture & production of consumer goods are Poland Largest & most populous Gained independence after WWI WWII communist gov’t formed by Soviets 1989 Communists allowed free elections Ties w/ western countries has strengthened 1999 Poland, Czech Republic, & Hungary