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Climate Change Reaction Paper

Climate Change
“Climate change”, everyone knows that this is a long-term alteration of
temprature and typical weather patterns in a place. It may be a change in particular
location or the planet as a whole. Yet, do we all know that it is because of our human
activities that contributes to the climate change that we are experiencing right now?
Those activities such as emissions of carbon dioxide coming from different big factories
nowadays due to industrialization brought in our society, simply spraying of perfume
which we are fond of, and the burning of plastics and other garbages in our
surroundings which indeed a cause of greenhouse gases which leads to severe our
climate condition.
How sad it is, that by being unconsciously aware, we, ourselves little by little
destroys our own environment? That we don’t even think that this kind of problem may
not be worsen in the first place, if only and if, we tend to avoid . Instead, have solve
this kind of situations that we are experiencing today.
However, it is then not too late for us to change. Convert those bad human
activities into a better one. And think for something that could result to the common
good of everyone, not just to us humans but of course to our planet as a whole. I do
believe that change is constant. That, for me, it is not too late to start. First is the
reconstruction of what we have destroyed. One of it is to take initiative about
reforestation. To bring back to life those burned forest, which we have destroyed due to
the infrastructures brought by modernization. Next , it is not too late to properly recycle
all the recyclable materials that could be found around us. lastly, not too late to create a
more evironmental friendly stuffs so that we could lessen and rebuild what we have
ruined before. Specifically those activities which leads climate change becomes worse
at present.
To conclude , we, hand in hand, must be an agent of a better change for one
another. Let’s take good care of what God has given to us, not a destroyer of the things
that we were blessed of.
Submitted by:
Jhomar M. Samillano
Submitted to:
Chejan B. Roberto
Professor in GEC 7