SMART CARTS PRESENTED BY: 1.K SANDEEP(19K81A0585) 2.S NITHISH(19K81A0596) 3.P MANEESH(19K81A0597) ABSTRACT: SmartCart ➢ Groceries and provisions are essentials required by everyone, the current system of purchasing the groceries/provisions is tiring and time consuming. ➢ This is where the Smartcarts come into play. Basically, whenever a customer enters a store, he/she spends 65% of their time only to locate the items they need to buy. ➢ Using smartcarts one can access the location of a given product at any instant in a more time-efficient and ordered manner. ➢ This ideology can be made even more efficient by use of maintaining a database of all the items present in the store and the respective racks they are placed on. ➢ The tablet on the carts are then linked to the database to enable the customer to look for a given item required if present. This makes shopping less time consuming and planned. ➢ A store can also maintain an ordered form of inventory based on the intake and outtake of products present. ➢ Using a pre-installed app or button over the cart customers who require help carrying or lifting heavy products can call the staff. ➢ Companies like Amazon already started implementing similar ideology wherein the time taken during the billing is reduced by using a readily defined bill that takes input as the items are placed into the cart using a RFID tag and an in built barcode scanner. ➢ Customer can then pay the bill via the tablet placed on the cart either by credit or debit card. ➢ The cart is equipped with a large touch screens at the front,which connects customers to the platforms shopping list recomondations,promotional offers and even way-finding capabilities