Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 3.3 23 Feb 2021 Ad Hoc Reporting User’s Guide Version 22 Nov 19 Edited 23 Feb 2021 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFLCMC/HIAM, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction 2. Report Definitions 3 4 2.1 Report Component Functions 4 3. ART Conditions 4. ART Reports 4 5 4.1 Individual Task List Report (ITL) 4.2 Journal Entry Report (JE) 4.3 Master Task List Report (MTL) 4.4 Master Task List Task (MTL) Group(s) Report 4.5 Personnel List Report (PL) 4.6 100% Task Coverage Report (TC) 4.7 Personnel Qualified on UTC (PQ) 4.8 Training Visibility Ledger Report (TVL) 4.9 Training Visibility Ledger Report (TVL) Single Line 4.10 UTC Task Report (UTC) 4.11 Role Report (RR) 4.12 Generate Enterprise Task Coverage Report (ETC) 4.13 Generate Enterprise Product Status Report (EPS) 4.14 Open Suspense Report (OS) 4.15 Deployment Task Report (DT) 4.16 Enterprise and Training Warehouse Report (ETW) 4.17 Utilization and Training Warehouse Report (UTW) 4.18 Milestone Report (MR) 4.19 Weapons Load Crew (WLC) AF Form 2435 (WLC2435) 4.20 WLC Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program (WLCMSEP) 4.21 WLC Status (WLCS) 4.22 WLC Summary (WLCSUM) 4.23 WLC Training Requirements (WLCTR) 4.24 WLC Training Requirements Employee (WLCTRE) 4.25 WLC Unit Committed Munitions List (WLCUCML) 4.26 Course Development Course (CDC) Report 4.27 Scheduling (SCHDL) Report 5. How to Run ART Reports 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 5.1 ART Log In/Home User Action 5.2 Creating Reports 5.3 Generate Report from Saved Template Generate Report from Saved Template: 5.4 Edit Report 5.5 Report Sharing 5.6 Delete Reports 27 30 94 95 100 109 118 Edited 23 Feb 2021 1. Updated the version number to 2. Updated grammatical errors 2 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 1. Introduction - The Adhoc Report Tool (ART) tool is an additional reporting option providing the user broad criteria of data pertaining to employees and/or organizational levels. - ART parameters are assigned specifically to the report(s) processed within the ART module. - All TBA roles, (except the trainee role), are authorized to request all ART reports. - All report functions are executed the same with the exception of selected parameters. - Depending on which report is created: - Reports can be generated on: MAJCOM level Wing Group Squadron Flight Work center - All roles can process any report() at any level - Conditions in ART are not case sensitive - The type of report, to include how much data you are requesting, may result in slow report processing, It is recommended to generate the report, allow it to run in the background, and check back later to see if the report has finished. - When querying multiple conditions, each new condition must have its own unique name - ART will only work using internet explorer as your browser. - The “Value” text must match the text within TBA (example: 1st FW must be spelled out 1st Fighter Wing) - The Flight, Squadron, Group, Wing, and MAJCOM value drop down selection lists all organizations assigned in TBA. Personnel can select the organization to query. - When running reports, do not put data in parenthesis. Do not put spaces between the office symbol and work center name. - Only the following special characters can be used with ART. All other special characters will cause reports to error. Comma, ~ , $ , ( , ) , - , ! , ^ , @ , { , } , _ , a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - Reports are based of the Primary AFSC (PAFSC) - When running reports for a flight level or above, you can click the small blue circle with the down arrow next to the calendar icon beside the value box and the organization names will display. Type in the beginning of the organization (i.e 6th and the drop-down menu moves to the 6th orgs). We could not get work centers to populate due the amount of work centers loaded in TBA. NOTE: If a report has been enhanced or edited during a release, we recommend you reaccomplish your report template. Depending on the update to the report, the previous report template may not process and error during the transaction. 3 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 2. Report Definitions 2.1 Report Component Functions --- Finished reports will be deleted after 30 days. Save the report to your desktop if needed longer than 30 days. --- If multiple selections are available, hold down the CTRL key to select multiple entries or to select multiple items in a series, hold down the “shift” key . --- To return to TBA, Select the “Exit” or “Return to TBA” button --- Once a transaction has been initiated, processing should not be interrupted. You may be required to: Reestablished connection Verify transaction completion by using applicable query 3. ART Conditions The following is a list of the various descriptions and conditions available to process (run) a report in ART: Conditions Description of Condition = Equal to specified character(s) > < <= >= LIKE IN Greater than specified character(s) Less than specified character(s) Less than or equal to specified character(s) Greater than or equal to specified character(s) Value is similar to specified character(s) Value is equal to any one of a specified set of values Value is between two values; including the end value specified in the range. The values is not between the two values specified in the range BETWEEN NOT BETWEEN Use the (%) sign with the “Like” condition only when you do not know the specific name of the item to query. Each report has “items” that can be queried by using alpha-characters or alphanumerical or numerical values. Each ART report has certain values that can queried, the values are listed the respective ART Report section. -- How to get a count of employees in a TVL report: In Microsoft Excel, in the cell below the last employee's NM enter the following: For our purposes, A17 will hold the last employees name. =counta (A2:A17) This will produce a count of all non-empty cells in the specified range. This function can also be used with the Master Task List report to find a number of tasks and headers. -- How to get a count of employees in a TVL report in upgrade training. 4 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 In Microsoft Excel, in the cell below the last employee's UGT_STATE enter the following: For our purposes, A17 will hold the last employees name. =COUNTIF(L2:L17, "A")+COUNTIF(L2:L17, "B")+COUNTIF(L2:L17, C")+COUNTIF (L2:L17, "E")+COUNTIF(L2:L17, "F")+COUNTIF(L2:L17, "G") This will produce a count of all employees in UTG status of A, B, C, E, F or G. 4. ART Reports 4.1 Individual Task List Report (ITL) The Individual Task List report provides the capability to produce a report of all tasks loaded to an employee’s Individual Training Plan (ITP). The ITL report is derived from information contained in the ITP record. Item Work Center name Employee name DAFSC, PAFSC, CAFSC Employee Number Active/Archived Completion Date Start Date Certified Task(s) Core Task(s) Task knowledge Task reference(s) Product Type (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, WJQS) Task number Product name Trainee Trainer Certifier Squadron Values alpha numerical last name, space, first name space middle initial space rank number plus an alpha character number alpha character number number type in a Y alpha numerical alpha character alpha numerical alpha character number alpha numerical alpha character alpha character alpha character alpha numerical 4.2 Journal Entry Report (JE) The Journal Entry Report provides a list of journal entries assigned to an employee. The report can be processed on either active and/or archive journal entries for a work center, flight, and/or squadron. Item Work Center name Assign Date Employee Number Values Alpha numerical number number 5 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Journal entry subject Journal entry date Journal entry text Trainee signature Trainee name Signer signature Signer name Signer role Active/Archived Employee name DAFSC. PAFSC, CAFSE Product Type (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, WJQS) Base Flight Squadron 23 Feb 2021 alpha numerical date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) alpha numerical alpha character rank space last name, space first name space middle initial alpha character Rank space last name space first name space middle initial alpha character alpha character last name, space first name space middle initial space rank number plus an alpha character alpha character alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical NOTE: The signer can be the Commander, Trainer, Certifier, Supervisor, Work Center Supervisor, or UTM. 4.3 Master Task List Report (MTL) The Master Task List report provides a list of tasks loaded to the work center’s Master Training Plan (MTP). The MTL report is derived from information contained in the work center’s MTP and MTL. - Report Field Description and Calculations -- # Emp Asgn W/C - The total number of employees assigned to the work center the report was run for. -- Minimum # Assigned for Task Coverage is the minimum number of employees required to be qualified for each task. This is taken from the “Employees Req’d” field on Manage Identifiers and Deployment Tasks function for the work center Master Training Plan (MTP). -- Assigned = the total number of employees that have each task loaded to their active Individual Training Plan. -- % Completed tasks = Percent Qualified for each task. For each task, the total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on 6 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 the task divided by the total number of employees assigned the task. (Example: 4 fully qualified divided by 10 assigned = 40% Qual) -- % Started task(s) = Percent in training. For each task, total number of employees with start dates only divided by the total number of employees assigned each task in their active ITP. (Example: 3 employees with start dates (only) on task divided by 10 employees assigned the task = 30% In Training) -- Personnel in UGT- TSC A, B, C, E, F and G = Personnel in Upgrade Training with a Training Status Code (TSC) in their employee record = A, B, C, E, F or G. -- # of Tasks Reported for MTL = Number of Tasks Reported for the MTL. This count is the total of all tasks (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, and WJQS) contained in the work centers MTL. Headers and sub-headers are not included in this count. Item Task number Task knowledge Core Task(s) Certified Tasks(s) Task reference(s) Product Number Product Type (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, WJQS) Minimum Number assigned to task coverage Number Assigned to W/C Number Assigned to task(s) Percent Completed task(s) Percent Task(s) awt signatures Percent Started task(s) Percent Tasks not started Base Work Center name Flight Squadron Group Wing Values number alpha character alpha numerical type in a Y alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha character number number number number number number number alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.4 Master Task List Task (MTL) Group(s) Report The Master Task List Group Report provides a list of task groups assigned to a work center. The Information is derived from the work center’s MTP/MTL. - Report Field Description and Calculations -- Minimum # Assigned for Task Coverage –The minimum number of employees required to be qualified for each task. The information is taken from the “Employees Req’d” field on Manage Identifiers and Deployment Tasks function for the work center Master Training Plan (MTP). 7 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 -- # Assigned to W/C - The total number of employees assigned to the work center -- # Assigned to Task - The total number of employees that have the task loaded to their active Individual Training Plan -- % Completed Tasks - is the percent of tasks fully signed off on trainees. Fully signed off consists of all required signatures and dates on a record. For each task, the total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on the task divided by the total number of employees assigned the task. (Example: 4 fully qualified divided by 10 assigned = 40% Qual) Item Task number Task knowledge Core Task(s) Certified Tasks(s) Task reference(s) Product Number Minimum Number assigned to task coverage Number Assigned to W/C Number Assigned to task(s) Percent Completed task(s) Percent Task(s) awt signatures Percent Started task(s) Percent Tasks not started Base Work Center name Flight Squadron Group Wing Taskgroup ID Taskgroup Name Values number alpha character alpha numerical type in a Y alpha numerical alpha numerical number number number number number number number alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.5 Personnel List Report (PL) The Personnel List report provides a list of personnel assigned to the organization. The authorized organization levels for the report are Work Center, Flight, Squadron, Group, and Wing. - Report Field Description and Calculations -- Total Personnel Assigned = Total number of employees assigned to the Work Center, Flight, Squadron, Group or Wing that the report was run for. -- Total Personnel with ITPs = Total number of employees assigned to the Work Center, Flight, Squadron, Group or Wing that have active Individual Training Plans. Item Values 8 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Employee Number Org name Org level Employee name and rank DAFSC, PAFSC, CAFSC Training Status Code DET Immediate supervisor Date Assigned TDY/DPL (Yes/No) ITP (Yes/No Work Center name Squadron Group Wing 23 Feb 2021 number alpha numerical alpha numerical last name, space first name space middle initial space rank number plus an alpha character for a suffix alpha character date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) last name, space first name space middle initial space rank number Yes or No Yes or No alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.6 100% Task Coverage Report (TC) The 100% Task Coverage report provides the capability to review the tasks assigned to a work center as well as produce a report displaying the number of tasks assigned versus the number of tasks completed. It also provides the ability to determine if assigned employees complete all tasks identified in the MTL. - Report Field Description and Calculations -- EMP Req’d = The minimum number of employees required to be qualified for each task. This is taken from the “Employees Req’d” field on Manage Identifiers and Deployment Tasks function for the work center Master Training Plan (MTP). -- EMP Asgn = Employees Assigned. The total number of employees that have each task loaded to their active Individual Training Plan. -- EMP Com = Employees Completed. The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on each active Individual Training Plan task. -- % Task Co = Percent Task Coverage. The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on the task divided by the minimum number of employees required to be qualified for the task. The minimum number is taken from the “Employees Req’d” field on Manage Identifiers and Deployment Tasks function for the work center Master Training Plan. (Example: 2 employees are fully qualified on a task and the minimum number of employees required is 4, the % Task Co = 50%) Item Work Center name Values alpha numerical 9 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Product Number Product Type (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, WJQS) Task number Task knowledge Core Task(s) Number of employee requiring Number of employee assigned Number of employee completed Percent qualified Base Flight Squadron Group Wing MAJCOM 23 Feb 2021 alpha numerical alpha character number alpha character alpha numerical number number number number followed by a percent sign alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha character 4.7 Personnel Qualified on UTC (PQ) The Personnel 100% Qualified on UTC report provides the capability to view the products, tasks, and trainees assigned to UTCs against a work center. Item Work Center name UTC number and name Product name Employee Number Employee name DAFSC, PAFSC, CAFSC Base Name Flight Squadron Values alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical number last name, space first name space middle initial space rank number plus an alpha character for a suffix alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.8 Training Visibility Ledger Report (TVL) The Training Visibility Ledger report provides a summary of a work centers training status per personnel assigned to the requested work center. This report is a multiple line report displaying each product assigned to a trainee on multiple lines. - Report Field Description and Calculations -- Date of Assignment = The Work Center Assign Date as reflected in the employees personnel record. 10 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 -- Init Eval Date = The Initial Evaluation Date as reflected in the employees personnel record. This is set when the initial evaluation journal entry (created on add and gain employee) is signed by both employees. -- MSEP Eval Date = Maintenance Standardization & Evaluation Program (MSEP) date of the last task evaluation as reflected in the employee record. -- # Qual = Number Qualified. The total number of active tasks that individual has completely signed off -- % Qual = Percent Qualified. The total number of tasks the employee is fully qualified on (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) divided by the total number of tasks the employee has assigned in their active Individual Training Plan. -- Days Non-Prog = Days Non-Progression is calculated by: a. The latest date (start or completion date when available) in the active ITP (all active tasks considered) is the starting point for calculating non-progression. b. Individual has not progressed from a nonqualified state (Un-started Task, Started Task, and Completed Task with signature suspense) for 30 days or more c. If task(s) exist in active ITP but have no dates (start or completion dates); the non-progression starting point is based on the initial evaluation date in the employee’s record. Any time period 30 days or greater is displayed in this field. d. If a or c conditions above do not exist, non-progression cannot be calculated. e. If individual is 100 percent task qualified (all task(s) on active ITP are D =Complete Task with Signature) non-progression calculation is not required and is not output -- UGT- TSC = Training Status Codes (A, B, C, E, F, etc…) as documented in the “Training Information” section on the “Employee Mgmt” screen. -- UGT- DET = Date Entered Training as documented on the as documented in the “Training Information” section on the “Employee Mgmt” screen. -- Employees Assigned This Work Center In Career Field/Occupational Group = The total number of employees for selected work center with a PAFSC or Duty Code in their employee record that is associated to the Career Field or Occupational Group the report was run for. -- In Upgrade Training (UGT) - TSC A, B, C, E, F AND G = The total number of employees for selected work center and selected Career Field or Occupational Group that have a Training Status Code (TSC) in their employee record. -- 3/5/7/Officer lvl Core Tasks Req- Core Tasks required are calculated by counting the number of core tasks assigned to a trainees ITP . -- 3/5/7/Officer lvl Core Tasks Comp- Core tasks completed are calculated by counting the number of core tasks fully signed off in a trainees record. -- % 3/5/7/Officer Comp- The percentage of core tasks is calculated by dividing the number of core tasks assigned by the number of completed core tasks. Item Employee name and rank Employee last name Employee first name Rank Skill level Values last name, space first name space middle initial space rank alpha character alpha character alpha numerical number 11 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version DAFSC, PAFSC, CAFSC Date of assignment Initial eval date MSEP date Training Status Code DET Immediate supervisor OrgID Employee Number Number Assigned Number qualified Percent qualified Days non-progress TDY/DPL (Yes/No) ITP (Yes/No Base Work Center name Flight Squadron Group Wing MAJCOM Product Name 3 lvl Core Tasks Req 3 lvl Core Tasks Comp Percent 3 lvl Comp 5 lvl Core Tasks Req 5 lvl Core Tasks Comp Percent 5 lvl Comp 7 lvl Core Tasks Req 7 lvl Core Tasks Comp Percent 7 lvl Comp Officer Core Tasks Req 23 Feb 2021 number plus an alpha character for a suffix date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) alpha character date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) last name, space first name space middle initial space rank number number number number number followed by a percent sign number Yes or No Yes or No alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha character Alpha numerical character number number number number number number number number number number 12 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Officer Core Tasks Comp Percent Officer Comp 23 Feb 2021 number number 4.9 Training Visibility Ledger Report (TVL) Single Line The Training Visibility Ledger Single Line report provides a summary of a work centers training status on one line per personnel assigned to the requested work center. - Report Field Description and Calculations -- Date of Assignment = The Work center Assign Date as reflected in the employees personnel record. -- Init Eval Date = The Initial Evaluation Date as reflected in the employees personnel record. This is set when the initial evaluation journal entry (created on add and gain employee) is signed by both employees. -- MSEP Eval Date = Maintenance Standardization & Evaluation Program (MSEP) date of the last task evaluation as reflected in the employee record. -- # Qual = Number Qualified. The total number of active tasks that individual has completely signed off -- % Qual = Percent Qualified. The total number of tasks the employee is fully qualified on (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) divided by the total number of tasks the employee has assigned in their active Individual Training Plan. -- Days Non-Prog = Days Non-Progression is calculated by: a. The latest date (start or completion date when available) in the active ITP (all active tasks considered) is the starting point for calculating non-progression. b. Individual has not progressed from a nonqualified state (Un-started Task, Started Task, and Completed Task with signature suspense) for 30 days or more c. If task(s) exist in active ITP but have no dates (start or completion dates); the non-progression starting point is based on the initial evaluation date in the employee’s record. Any time period 30 days or greater is displayed in this field. d. If a or c conditions above do not exist, non-progression cannot be calculated. e. If individual is 100 percent task qualified (all task(s) on active ITP are D =Complete Task with Signature) non-progression calculation is not required and is not output -- UGT- TSC = Training Status Codes (A, B, C, E, F, etc…) as documented in the “Training Information” section on the “Employee Mgmt” screen. -- UGT- DET = Date Entered Training as documented on the as documented in the “Training Information” section on the “Employee Mgmt” screen. -- Employees Assigned This Work Center In Career Field/Occupational Group = The total number of employees for selected work center with a PAFSC or Duty Code in their employee record that is associated to the Career Field or Occupational Group the report was run for. -- In Upgrade Training (UGT) - TSC A, B, C, E, F AND G = The total number of employees for selected work center and selected Career Field or Occupational Group that have a Training Status Code (TSC) in their employee record. -- 3/5/7/Officer lvl Core Tasks Req- Core Tasks required are calculated by counting the number of core tasks assigned to a trainees ITP . -- 3/5/7/Officer lvl Core Tasks Comp- Core tasks completed are calculated by counting the number of core tasks fully signed off in a trainees record. -- % 3/5/7/Officer Comp- The percentage of core tasks is calculated by dividing the number of core tasks assigned by the number of completed core tasks. 13 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Item Employee name and rank Employee last name Employee first name Rank Skill level DAFSC, PAFSC, CAFSC Date of assignment Initial eval date MSEP date Training Status Code DET Immediate supervisor OrgID Employee Number Number Assigned Number qualified Percent qualified Days non-progress TDY/DPL (Yes/No) ITP (Yes/No Base Work Center name Flight Squadron Group Wing MAJCOM Product Name 3 lvl Core Tasks Req 23 Feb 2021 Values last name, space first name space middle initial space rank alpha character alpha character alpha numerical number number plus an alpha character for a suffix date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) alpha character date format must equal DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 10JUL-2013) last name, space first name space middle initial space rank number number number number number followed by a percent sign number Yes or No Yes or No alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha character Alpha numerical character number 14 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 3 lvl Core Tasks Comp Percent 3 lvl Comp 5 lvl Core Tasks Req 5 lvl Core Tasks Comp Percent 5 lvl Comp 7 lvl Core Tasks Req 7 lvl Core Tasks Comp Percent 7 lvl Comp Officer Core Tasks Req Officer Core Tasks Comp Percent Officer Comp 23 Feb 2021 number number number number number number number number number number number 4.10 UTC Task Report (UTC) This function provides a summary of personnel qualified on UTCs that are associated with tasks. The report is broken down into two sections: “Detail Task Summary” and “Personnel 100% qualified on UTC”. - Report Field Description and Calculations -- Total # Employees Qualified = The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on the employees active Individual Training Plan for task. -- # Minimum = The minimum number of employees required to be qualified for each task. This is taken from the “Employees Req’d” field on Manage Identifiers and Deployment Tasks function for the work center Master Training Plan (MTP). -- # assigned = The total number of employees that have each task loaded to their active Individual Training Plan. -- % Qual = Percent Qualified for task. The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on the task divided by the total number of employees assigned the task. (Example: 4 fully qualified divided by 10 assigned = 40% Qual). -- % In Training = Percent in training. For task, the total number of employees with start dates only divided by the total number of employees assigned the task in their active individual Training Plan. (Example: 3 employees with start dates (only) on task divided by 10 employees assigned the task = 30% In Training). Item Work Center name UTC number and name Product name Task number Task knowledge Total Number of Employees qualified Minimum Number assigned to task coverage Number Assigned to task(s) Values alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical number alpha character number number number 15 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Percent qualified Percent in training Base Flight Squadron 23 Feb 2021 number followed by a percent sign number alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.11 Role Report (RR) The Role Report provides the capability to run a report on roles assigned to an employee(s). Querying roles can be by “All assigned roles” or by an individual role. Item Employee last name Employee first name Middle Initial Rank DAFSC, PAFSC, CAFSC Employee Number Base Work Center name Flight Squadron Group Wing MAJCOM Trainee Trainer Certifier Supervisor Commander Career Field Manager Career Field Administrator MAJCOM Functional Manager MAJCOM Functional Manager MAJCOM Inspector Flight Chief Enterprise Data Manager Training Manager Work center Supervisor Enterprise Course List Manager Unit Deployment Manager Values alpha character alpha character alpha character alpha numerical number plus an alpha character for a suffix number alpha character alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha character X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 16 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Base Inspector All Roles for this Employee 23 Feb 2021 X X 4.12 Generate Enterprise Task Coverage Report (ETC) The Enterprise Task Coverage report provides summary status of tasks loaded to work centers within TBA, by product and organization. NOTE: You cannot add additional conditions to this report. NOTE: Change the Careerfield Id value to an AFSC or series code NOTE: Place an “X” in the value for the skill level condition NOTE: To run a report on all Air Force personnel, change the org level to “00” To run a report on a MAJCOM level, change the org level to “01” To run a report on a NAF level, change the org level to “02” To run a report on a Wing level, change the org level to “03” To run a report on a Group level, change the org level to “04” To run a report on a Squadron level, change the org level to “05” To run a report on a Flight level, change the org level to “06” - Report Field Description and Calculations - Number Personnel Assigned = Number personnel assigned to the work center for the Career field or Occupational Group that is selected. This includes all employees that have a PAFSC or Duty Code that is associated to the Career field or Occupational Group for the report selected. - Total Number of Tasks = Total number of tasks loaded to the work center MTL which includes CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS & WJQS. - Percent of Core Task Qualified = Percent Qualified for Core Task. The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on the core task divided by the total number of employees assigned the core task. (Example: 4 fully qualified divided by 10 assigned = 40% Percent of Core Task Qualified) - Percent Qualified = Percent Qualified for Task (all tasks, Core and Non-Core). The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on the task divided by the total number of employees assigned the task. (Example: 4 fully qualified divided by 10 assigned = 40% Percent Task Qualified) - Percent in Training = Percent in training. For task, the total number of employees with start dates only or start date and completed dates with not all required signatures divided by the total number of employees assigned the task in their active Individual Training Plan. (Example: 3 employees with start dates (only) on task divided by 10 employees assigned the task = 30% In Training) - Number of UNSAT Eval Previous 12 Mos. = Cumulative total of UNSAT evaluations documented on active assigned tasks in the last 12 months. Item OrgID Org Level CareerfieldID Work Center Name Values number number number alpha numerical 17 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Base Number Personnel Assigned Total Number Task Core Tasks(s) Qualified Training Unsat Evals 23 Feb 2021 alpha character number number number number number number 4.13 Generate Enterprise Product Status Report (EPS) The Enterprise Product Status report provides a summary of tasks associated to products loaded in TBA. The report output provides the percent of employees qualified on the task and the average “time to qualify” in days to reach qualification. The authorized organization levels for the report are Work Center, Flight, Squadron, Group, Wing, NAF, MAJCOM or AF. The “Time to Qualify” average is generated by taking the time between the start date and completion date for each task on each employee’s active ITP record and calculating the average in days. NOTE: You cannot add additional conditions to this report. NOTE: Change the Product Name value to a CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS or WJQS number NOTE: To run a report on all Air Force personnel, change the org level to “00” To run a report on a MAJCOM level, change the org level to “01” To run a report on a NAF level, change the org level to “02” To run a report on a Wing level, change the org level to “03” To run a report on a Group level, change the org level to “04” To run a report on a Squadron level, change the org level to “05” To run a report on a Fligjt level, change the org level to “06” - Report Field Description and Calculations - Number Qualified = The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on each active Individual Training Plan task. - Number Assigned = The total number of employees that have each task loaded to their active Individual Training Plan. - Percent Qualified = The total number of employees fully qualified (all start, complete dates and signatures completed) on the task divided by the total number of employees assigned the task. (Example: 4 fully qualified divided by 10 assigned = 40% Qual) - Avg. Time to Qualify = Average time in days to reach qualification for all employees who are fully qualified on task (all start, complete dates and signatures completed). Results are compiled by subtracting the start date from the completion date for each fully qualified employee and computing the average. - Longest Time to Qualify = indicates the single longest time that an employee took to become fully qualified on the task. - # UNSAT Evals Past 12 Mos. = Cumulative total of UNSAT evaluations documented on active assigned tasks in the last 12 months. Item OrgID Values number 18 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Workcenter Name Org Level TaskID Number Assigned Number Qualified Percent Qualified Avg Time to Qualify Longest Time to Qualify Core Certifiable Unsat Evals Task ProductID Task Knowledge Task Reference ProductID Product Name Product Type (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, WJQS) Product Last Change Date 23 Feb 2021 alpha numerical number number number number number number number number number number alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical number 4.14 Open Suspense Report (OS) The Open Suspense Report displays all open suspense’s for a flight, squadron, group, or wing level. The suspense report is based off the pending action column. Item Trainee Pending Action Role Name Suspense Date Initiator Type Base Workcenter Name Flight Squadron Group Wing Values alpha alpha alpha number alpha alpha alpha alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.15 Deployment Task Report (DT) The Deployment Task Report provides data for personnel within the unit with contingency tasks assigned, contingency tasks qualified, and percentage qualified on contingency tasks. Contingency tasks are tasks identified by the work center supervisor as contingency/deployment tasks in their MTP. Item Employee Name and Rank Values alpha character 19 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Employee Last Name Employee First Name Rank Skill Level DAFSC, PAFSC, CAFSC Date Assigned Training Status Code Date Entered Training Immediate Supervisor Orgid Employee Number Tasks Assigned Tasks Qualified Percent Qualified Days Non Progress Workcenter Name Flight Squadron Group Wing MAJCOM 23 Feb 2021 alpha character alpha character alpha numerical Number alpha numerical plus an alpha character for a suffix number alpha number alpha number number number number number Number alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.16 Enterprise and Training Warehouse Report (ETW) The Enterprise and Training Warehouse report provides information on a CFETP that is in ETW. Item Product Type (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, WJQS) TaskID Product Name Obsolete Code Task Number Task Knowledge Task Reference Core Task Wartime Task 3 Lvl Course 3 Lvl CDC 5 Lvl Course 5 Lvl CDC 5 Lvl QTP 7 Lvl Course Values alpha character number alpha character number number alpha numerical alpha numerical number number alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical 20 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 7 Lvl CDC Parent HeaderID Associated CFETP Certified Task Recertify Task Change Status Code 23 Feb 2021 alpha numerical number alpha numerical alpha alpha alpha 4.17 Utilization and Training Warehouse Report (UTW) The Utilization and Training Warehouse report provides information on a CFETP that resides in UTW. Item Product Type (CFETP, AFJQS, CJQS, WJQS) Taskid Product Number Obsolete Code Task Number Task Knowledge Task Reference Core Tasks Wartime Task 3 Lvl Course 3 Lvl CDC 5 Lvl Course 5 Lvl CDC 5 Lvl QTP 7 Lvl Course 7 Lvl CDC Parent HeaderID Associated CFETP Task Comment Certified Task Recertify Task Change Status Code Values alpha character number alpha character number number alpha numerical alpha numerical number number alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical number alpha numerical alpha numberical alpha alpha alpha 4.18 Milestone Report (MR) The Milestone report provides a summary of tasks associated to milestones. The information is derived from assigning milestones to the MTP and the trainees ITP. Item Product Number Task Number Task Knowledge Values alpha character number alpha numerical 21 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Core Task(s) Duty Task Level Deployment Task Minimum Number assigned for Task Coverage Number Qualified for Task Coverage Percent Qualified Training Start Month Training end Month Number Training Days Training Method Eval Method References/Training Aids Base Work center Name Flight Squadron 23 Feb 2021 number number alpha number number number number number Number alpha alpha alpha alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical alpha numerical 4.19 Weapons Load Crew (WLC) AF Form 2435 (WLC2435) The WLC2435 report provides a summary for a members munitions loading certification and decertification for individual munitions and munitions family groups. Further, this form allows for the documentation of munitions-related task qualification items and tracks the frequency for which a member performs an evaluated proficiency load required to maintain certification. Person Last Name alpha Person First Name alpha Person Middle Initial alpha Crew Name number Position number Course Name alpha Year number January alpha February alpha March alpha April alpha May alpha June alpha July alpha August alpha September alpha October alpha November alpha December Alpha Employee ID number 22 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 4.20 WLC Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program (WLCMSEP) The WLCMSEP report provides a summary of trend data for errors discovered during evaluated loads, post loads or flight line evaluation along with evaluation statistics. This summery may be included in the units Maintenance Standardization & Evaluation Program (MSEP) briefing and will include graphs, narratives, quality trends identified through evaluations, and descriptions of successful programs or initiatives Course Name Course Group Name Base Base Administrative Errors Base Directed Errors Base Intervention Errors Base MRPL Errors Base Proficiency Errors Base Reliability Errors Base Safety Errors Base Technical Errors Baser Time Errors Last 30 Days Pass Rate Last 30 Days Fail Rate Last 30 Days Drop Rate Last 90 Days Pass Rate Last 90 Days Fail Rate Last 90 Days Drop Rate Last 180 Days Pass Rate Last 180 Days Fail Rate Last 180 Days Drop Rate Last 365 Days Pass Rate Last 365 Days Fail Rate Last 365 Days Drop Rate Total Base Pass Rate Total Base Fail Rate Total Base Drop Rate Total Base Taken AF Administrative Errors AF Directed Errors AF Intervention Errors AF MPRL Errors AF Proficiency Errors AF Reliability Errors AF Safety Errors AF Technical Order Errors AF Time Errors alpha alpha alpha number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number 23 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version AF Discrepancy Errors Total AF Pass Rate Total AF Fail Rate Total AF Drop Rate Total AF Taken 23 Feb 2021 number number number number number 4.21 WLC Status (WLCS) The WLCS report provides a summary that can be used for trend analysis. The information this summary provides includes total number of evaluated loads, minimum and maximum load times and pass or failed evaluation counts. This data can be pulled by date range. Base Crew ID Crew Name Type Eval Course Group Name Course ID Course Name Beginning Date End Date Total Crew Loads Average Time Minimum Time Maximum Time Status Text Discrepancies Pass Count Total Loads alpha number alpha alpha alpha number alpha number number number number number number number number number number 4.22 WLC Summary (WLCSUM) The WLCSUM report provides a summary which depicts the current status of assigned load crews and load crew members. Further, it provides a due date summary of when the member, by load crews, are required to be evaluated for proficiency on munitions they are certified or qualified on. The report is organized showing all formed load crews within a squadron and all munition items available per that squadrons UCML. Base Crew Name Rank Person First Name Person Last Name Person Middle Initial Course Group Name Course Name alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha 24 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Initial Certification Date Due Date Position Individual Course Status Team Course Status Individual Group Status Team Group Status 23 Feb 2021 number number number number number number number 4.23 WLC Training Requirements (WLCTR) The WLCTR report provides a summary of course requirements by base and crew position and a summary of course name, course description, course frequency and the OPR for the course. Provides quick list to ensure base has appropriate course requirements (UCML/TTML association) Base Crew position Course ID Prefix Code Course Name Course Description Course Frequency OPR alpha number alpha alpha alpha alpha number alpha 4.24 WLC Training Requirements Employee (WLCTRE) The WLCTRE report provides a summary of course name, course description, course frequency and the OPR for the course by the employee name or id. Can be used to ensure that load crew members are associated with applicable position and courses. Base Work Center Employee ID Employee Name Crew ID Crew Name Crew Position Course ID Prefix Code Course Name Course Description Course Frequency OPR alpha alpha number number number alpha number number number alpha alpha number alpha 4.25 WLC Unit Committed Munitions List (WLCUCML) The WLCUCML report provides a list of Primary Munitions (PM), Support Munitions (SM), and Limited-use Munitions (LM) necessary to meet unit’s operational, test or training 25 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 requirements. Additionally, the WLCUCML will specifies the minimum certified load crews required to meet unit requirements. Bomb Family Munitions Nomenclature Base alpha alpha number 4.26 Course Development Course (CDC) Report The CDC report provides a summary of trainees and assigned CDCs. The report displays the number of volumes, CDC order date, CDC issue date, volume due dates, and scores. Employee Name Employee ID CDC ID CDC Name Vol/CE Order Date Issue Date Due Date Completion Date Exam Score Exam Min Overdue Work Center Name Flight Squadron Wing MAJCOM alpha alpha number alpha number number number number number number number number alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha 4.27 Scheduling (SCHDL) Report The SCHDL report provides a summary of trainees assigned, scheduled, and completed courses. Course Number Class Name Class Status Open Seats Start Date Start Time Completion Date Completion Time Class Base Name Address Building Room number alpha alpha number number number number number alpha alpha/numerical alpha/numerical alpha/numerical 26 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Instructor Name Instructor Employee ID Use Name Employee Id Status Base Name Work Center Name Flight Squadron Group Wing NAF MAJCOM HAF 23 Feb 2021 alpha number alpha number alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha 5. How to Run ART Reports All reports are generated the same with the exception of the condition(s) selected. 5.1 ART Log In/Home User Action Step 1. 2. Application/User Action Select “Reports & Queries” Select “Ad Hoc Reporting Tool (ART)” Application Response Displays a list of report and query options, including the, “Ad Hoc Reporting Tool (ART)” option (See Fig 1) Application displays “ART” Reports List screen (See Fig 2) Select the Reports and Queries Tab; select the Ad Hoc Reporting Tool (ART) 27 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Fig 1 28 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Fig 2 29 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 5.2 Creating Reports Step 1. 2. 3. Application/User Action Log into ART Select the “Create” button at bottom of screen Click on “Click Here for Reports” 4. Select a report 5. Select the checkbox(s) next to any of the parameters or Select the “Select All” button (The “Select All” button is the button with a check mark inside a blue circle) 6. Type a “Report Name” in the “Name” text Box Application Response Report Template screen is displayed Create Report screen is displayed A drop down list of available reports is displayed A list of parameters for the report is displayed Selected Parameter checkboxes are populated “Report Definition” window is populated with “Name and Description, Column Definitions, and Conditions” windows “Conditions” window is populated with your work center information Organizes the selection parameters Type in a Report description (optional) Report Ordering window is displayed Select “Report Ordering” (optional) Select the report order Order by “ascending/descending” Drag parameter to the selected order Close window “NOTE”: Make sure and update the prepopulated work center or delete it if you are running a report on a different work center Condition window is displayed Select the “Add Condition” button 7. In the “Add Condition” window Enter name of report Select required item for the report Select required condition Select required value Select OK Select “Save” button Selected conditions are displayed in the window and in the conditions block “Saving Report Template, please be patient” message is displayed “A new report was named (report name) was created successfully” message appears at the bottom of the page 8. Report is saved on the Report Template(s) screen Refreshes to finished reports screen Click the “Generate” button 30 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Generated reports appears on screen with the following columns: Checkbox Name (Report Name) Start Time (Report Generated Time) End Time (Processing End Time) 9. Download, Delete, and Refresh buttons Checkbox populated Check the checkbox next to the report A “File Download” pop-up message box appears “Do you want to open or save this file?” Double click the report or right click on the mouse Select “Download Report” 10. Select “Open”, “Save”, or “Cancel” button Name: Name of report Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet, XXX Kb From: where report was ran from Open”, “Save” and “Cancel” buttons For Download, a file “Download” window appears with “Open”, “Save”, or “Cancel” buttons For “Open”, select the report to open For “Save”, select the applicable place to save the document For “Cancel”, report is cancelled 31 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Creating reports: Select the create button 32 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Refreshes to the Create Report screen Select the “Click here for Reports” 33 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select applicable report from drop down menu 34 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The selected report is populated with selectable parameters 35 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Select the “Select all” button to query 23 Feb 2021 (to select all the parameters) or individually select each parameter Screen refreshes and displays the Report Definitions 36 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type the name of the report in the “Name” block The description can be left as is or populated with a description 37 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 If you want to sort the columns (this will be how the report is produced in Excel), click on the column and drag to the place you would like to sort the columns. Currently, the “Employee Number” is listed before “Squadron”. Now, let’s move “Employee number” after “Squadron.” 38 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 As you can see, the Employee number is now displayed after the squadron 39 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 If you would like to order the data either by ascending or descending, select “Report Ordering” 40 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Screen displays a “pop up box” with pre-populated column definitions. You can order the parameters how you want them displayed on the report. 41 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select the parameters and the “order” by “ascending” or “descending”, select the order column and the ascending will change to descending and vice versa. Click and drag the items to the preferred order. Select close 42 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The “Conditions” are critical to whether or not a report will produce data. If the “Condition” is “=” then the information typed in the “Value” must be typed in the block the exact way the data is displayed in TBA. For example, if the “Item” is Wing, the Wing must be the exact name of the Wing in TBA: 2nd Bomb Wing. The same is true for any level in TBA. Double click on the condition row which displays your work center (A) or select the “Add Condition” button (B) To Run a report by double clicking on the condition Run a report by “Double clicking on the condition row which displays your work center” A-1 43 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type in the name of the report Select the “Item” from the drop down list to query Select the “Condition” from the drop down list Either leave the current “Value” or type in the “Value” (the value must be the exact name as shown in TBA, including commas) Select the “OK” button A-2 44 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The information is displayed in the condition section. A-3 45 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Running a report by “Adding a Condition” Select the “Add Condition” button B-1 46 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 A pop-up window appears B-2 47 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type in the name of the report Select the “Item” from the drop down list to query Select the “Condition” from the drop down list Either leave the current “Value” or type in the “Value” (the value must be the exact name as shown in TBA). You will receive an error when selecting generate if the organization name is incorrect. B-3 48 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select the “OK” button B-4 49 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 To remove an added condition Right click on the “Your Work Center” row and select “Remove” B-5 50 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The selected row is removed. Select the “Save” button Select the “Generate” button at the bottom of the page. B-6 51 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Report is ran and transitions to the “Finished Reports” screen 52 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Place a check mark beside the report you would like to view. 53 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select either the download button at the bottom of the page (identified by the green arrow) or right click the mouse to display a pop-up window displaying download report and delete report (identified by a red arrow). You must wait until the report has completed running and shows a date and time stamp in the End time. You can hit the refresh button (identified by a blue arrow) at the bottom of the page to refresh the screen. Select download (green arrow). 54 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 How to add more than one condition and run a report for a specific time period. Select the create button 55 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Refreshes to the Create Report screen Select the “Click here for Reports” 56 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select applicable report from drop down menu 57 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Page is populated with selectable parameters for the selected report 58 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Select the “Select all” button to query 23 Feb 2021 (to select all the parameters) or individually select each parameter Screen refreshes and displays the Report Definitions 59 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type the name of the report in the “Name” block The description can be left as is or populated with a description 60 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 If the default condition row requires updating, double click and update the conditions or To add a new condition select the “Add Condition” button 61 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The “Add Condition” window pops up Type in the “Name” of the report Select the “Item” from the drop down list to query, selected journal entry date Select the “Condition” from the drop down list, select “between” Select the “Value” and place the dates to query the journal entries Select the “OK” button 62 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 To add another condition, follow the previous steps. Each additional condition is required to have its own unique name. If not, the application will not display data for all conditions. 63 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select the “OK” button Select “Save” Select “Generate” 64 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 How to use the “Like” Condition and “Wild Card” Value Select the create button 65 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Refreshes to the Create Report screen Select the “Click here for Reports” 66 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select applicable report from drop down menu 67 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Page is populated with selectable parameters for the selected report 68 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Select the “Select all” button to query 23 Feb 2021 (to select all the parameters) or individually select each parameter Screen refreshes and displays the Report Definitions 69 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type the name of the report in the “Name” block The description can be left as is or populated with a description 70 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Double click the default condition row and update the condition and value. 71 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type in the name of the report Select the “Item” from the drop down list to query, selected taskgroupnm Select the “Condition” from the drop down list, selected “like” Select the “Value” and type a partial name of the task group to query with the “wild card” identifier Select the “OK” button 72 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The condition line information is updated Select “Save” Select “Generate” 73 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 How to query a single task for a squadron, work center, etc Select the create button 74 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Refreshes to the Create Report screen Select the “Click here for Reports” 75 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select ITL report from drop down menu 76 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Page is populated with selectable parameters for the selected report 77 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Select the “Select all” button to query 23 Feb 2021 (to select all the parameters) or individually select each parameter Screen refreshes and displays the Report Definitions 78 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type the name of the report in the “Name” block The description can be left as is or populated with a description 79 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Double click the default condition row and update the condition and value or To add a new condition select the “Add Condition” button 80 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 To run a query on a specific task, you will need to identify the product name, task number, and work center, squadron, etc . Type in the name of the report Select the “Item” from the drop down list to query, selected “product name”, “task number”, and “work center name” Select the “Condition” from the drop down list, selected “=” Select the “Value” and put in the “product name”, “task number”, and “work center name” Select the “OK” button Select “Save” Select “Generate” 81 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 How to query using the “in” condition to list multiple work centers, squadrons, etc.. Select the create button 82 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Refreshes to the Create Report screen Select the “Click here for Reports” 83 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select applicable report from drop down menu, selected MTL task group report 84 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Page is populated with selectable parameters for the MTL Task group report 85 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Select the “Select all” button to query 23 Feb 2021 (to select all the parameters) or individually select each parameter Screen refreshes and displays the Report Definitions 86 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type the name of the report in the “Name” block The description can be left as is or populated with a description 87 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 If the default condition row requires updating, double click and update the conditions. To add a new condition select the “Add Condition” button 88 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type in the name of the report Select the “Item” from the drop down list to query, left default work center Select the “Condition” from the drop down list, selected “in” Select the “Value” and placed the two products to query from the work center. Select “OK” Select “Save” Select “Generate” 89 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Using the “in” command to query multiple employee numbers When using the “IN” command each text entry must be separated by a comma. The ART tool will automatically put single quotes around the entry if it is a text field. Note: The employee number field is a text field in TBA. There is an easy way to take a large list from Excel and put the commas in. 1. Copy the column from Excel into Microsoft Word 2. Use the find and replace feature (shortcut is <control><H>) a. Put your cursor in the “find what” block b. Click the <More> button c. click <Special> button d. Choose <Paragraph Mark> e. In the “replace with” block, type a comma f. Choose “replace all” g. Clean it up… 3. Paste the info into the ART block and ensure the ART tool formatted it correctly 90 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 91 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Then look at your data and make sure it looks good with a single comma in between the items (no spaces). If there is an extra comma at the end, you can delete it Paste the info into the ad-hoc reporting tool and ensure it imports correctly and puts a single quote around all text entries (note, employee numbers are treated as text in TBA). (Note, adding single quotes in Microsoft Word is not recommended because there are sometimes problems importing the list…the workaround is to save the file as plain text, MS-DOS Unicode and allow character substitution, close the document, then open it in WordPad and copy the text). When you paste the info into ART, it should look like this: 92 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 After you hit “OK”, and then verify that ART put all the data in the correct format Correct Incorrect NOTE: Notice there are no single quotes and commas separating the entries 93 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 5.3 Generate Report from Saved Template Step 1. 2. Application/User Action Log into ART Select the check box next to the report from the Reports List Either select generate report from the button at the bottom of the page Application Response Report Template screen is displayed Message appears stating your report is generated or 3. Right click on the mouse presents a menu with Generate Report, Edit Report, Report sharing, Save As, and Delete Report Select “Finished Reports” Report appears on the screen Checkbox Name Date and time report was ran End Time Download, Delete, and Refresh buttons 94 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Generate Report from Saved Template: Report Template tab 95 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Check the report to generate 96 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Generating the report can be done 2 different ways The first is displayed on the screen below. Select the “Generate” button from the bottom of the page. A pop-up message displays your report is generated. 97 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The second way to generate a report is to right click on the mouse. A pop-up window presents a menu with Generate Report, Edit Report, Report sharing, Save As, and Delete Report Select “Generate Report”. A pop-up message displays your report is generated 98 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select the “Finished Reports” tab 99 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 5.4 Edit Report Step Step 1. 2. 3. Action Results Application/User Action Log into ART Select a report by either double clicking or right click the mouse on the report and select “Edit report Place a report name in the “Name” text box Application Response Report Template screen is displayed The “Edit Report” screen will appear. The left side of the screen should display the currently applied conditions The conditions are displayed in the Conditions block. Edit Conditions 4. Select “OK” Select “Save” System displays Saving Report Template, please be patient a. NOTE 1: To edit or remove an existing condition, right click on the mouse and select “Edit” or “Remove” 5. A new report was named (report name) was created successfully message appears at the bottom of the page b. NOTE 2: You can also edit the report name, report description, field parameters, and report ordering To Generate a report see 5.3 100 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Edit Reports: Reports Template tab 101 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select a report by either double clicking or right click on the mouse the report and select “Edit report. 102 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The Screen refreshes to the report you selected to edit. 103 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version Select the “Add Condition” 23 Feb 2021 button 104 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 The “Add Condition” pop-up window is displayed. 105 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type in the required information. 106 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select “OK”. The query added a second condition. This example will bring back the work center with employees assigned an ITP 107 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select the “Save” button 108 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 5.5 Report Sharing Report sharing allows a user to share a report with another user within TBA. Sharing reporting uses the portal id of shared user. Step Step 1. 2. 3. Action Results Application/User Action Add user to shared report Log into ART Application Response Select the check box next to the report from the Reports List Right click on the report and select Report Sharing” 4. Type in the users portal id in the text box 5. Select “Add” 6. Select the “Save” button Report Template screen is displayed A pop up box appears with “Generate Report”, “Edit Report”, “Report Sharing”, “Save As”, and “Delete Report” Shared users information moves from text box to added user box A check mark appears next to the shared users name Saving, Please be patient The request was successfully processed! In the user name column a little blue symbol will appear next to the users’ name Screen returns to report template screen. A picture of a person’s head is located under the user name column. 7. 8. Remove user from shared reports At the report sharing pop up box, deselect the shared user(s) to un-share the report Uncheck the check box Select the “Save” button Saving, Please be patient The request was successfully processed! Shared user is removed from pop up window. The picture of the person’s head is removed. 109 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Report sharing: Reports Template tab 110 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select report to share and right click to display the pop-up window. Select “Report Sharing”. 111 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 A “Report Sharing” pop-up window appears 112 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Type in the portal id of the user to share the report with in the text box 113 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select “Add”, user’s information moves from “Add User” block to “Users” block 114 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select “Add”, select “Save”. The screen refreshes after processing the request to the report template screen. An icon of is displayed under the user name column. 115 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 To remove a person from a shared report, follow the first 5 slides. Deselect the name of the person to unshared the report. 116 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select “Save”. The screen refreshes after processing the request to the report template screen. The icon has been removed from the user name column 117 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 5.6 Delete Reports Deleting Finished Reports Multiple or single reports can be deleted. 5.6.1 Multiple Report deletions Step 1. 2. 3. Application/User Action Log into ART Select either the Report Template or the Finished Report tab Click the checkbox(s) beside the report(s) to delete Application Response Screen displays the Report Template page Screen displays the Report Template or the Finished Report page Checks appears next to the report(s) and the line is highlighted Select the “Delete” on the bottom of screen A pop up box appears: 4. “Confirm Delete” message box appears “Are you sure you want to delete the selected report [name of report] ?” “OK” and “Cancel” buttons Deleting report, please be patient Selected report(s) were deleted successfully! Report is removed from the screen Click “OK” button 118 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Delete Multiple Finished Reports: Select the Finished Reports tab 119 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Click the reports to delete 120 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select the delete button on the bottom of the screen 121 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 A pop-up window appears validating you want to delete the reports. Select “OK” and the reports are deleted from TBA. 122 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 5.6.2 Single Report deletions Step 1. Application/User Action Log into ART 2. Select either the Report Template or the Finished Report tab 3. Click the checkbox(s) beside the report to delete Select the “Delete” on the bottom of screen “Confirm Delete” message box appears “Are you sure you want to delete the selected report [name of report] ?” “OK” and “Cancel” buttons Deleting report, please be patient Selected report(s) were deleted successfully! Report is removed from the screen or Right-click on the report 4. Application Response Screen displays the Report Template page Screen displays the Report Template or the Finished Report page Checks appears next to the report(s) and the line is highlighted Select “Delete Report” Click “OK” button 123 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Delete a Single Finished Report: Select the Finished Reports tab 124 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Click the report to delete 125 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Right click the mouse, a pop-up window appears with the download report and delete report selections. Or select the delete button at the bottom of the screen Select “Delete Report” 126 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 A pop-up window appears validating you want to delete the reports Select “OK” and the reports are deleted from TBA. 127 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Deleting Reports from the Reports Template tab Multiple or single reports can be deleted 5.6.3 Multiple Report deletionsLog into ART Click the checkbox(s) beside the report to delete Select either the Report Template or the Finished Report tab is displayed Checks appears next to the report(s) and the line is highlighted Select the “Delete” on the bottom of screen “Confirm Delete” message box appears “Are you sure you want to delete the selected report [name of report] ?” “OK” and “Cancel” buttons Click “OK” button Deleting report, please be patient Selected report(s) were deleted successfully! Report is removed from the screen 128 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Delete Multiple Reports from the Report Template tab: Select the Reports Template tab 129 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Click the reports to delete 130 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select the delete button at the bottom of the page. 131 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 A pop-up window appears validating you want to delete the reports Select “OK” and the reports are deleted from TBA. 132 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 5.6.4 Single Report deletions 1. Log into ART 2. Click the checkbox(s) beside the report to delete Select the “Delete” on the bottom of screen 23 Feb 2021 Select either the Report Template tab Checks appears next to the report(s) and the line is highlighted or A pop up box appears with “Generate Report”, “Edit Report”, “Report Sharing”, “Save As”, and “Delete Report” Right-click on the report Select “Delete Report” 3. “Confirm Delete” message box appears “Are you sure you want to delete the selected report [name of report] ?” “OK” and “Cancel” buttons Deleting report, please be patient Selected report(s) were deleted successfully! Report is removed from the screen Click “OK” button 133 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Delete a Single report from the Report Template Tab: Select the Reports Template tab 134 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Click the report to delete 135 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Right click the mouse A pop-up window appears with Generate Report, Edit Report, Report Sharing, Save As, and delete report selection 136 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Training Business Area Application Ad Hoc Reporting Tool User’s Guide - Software Version 23 Feb 2021 Select “Delete Report” A pop-up window appears validating you want to delete the reports Select “OK” and the reports are deleted from TBA 137 Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD Contractors Only; administrative/operational use; March 2018. Other requests for this document shall refer to the Program Management Officer AFPEO ESC/HGGI, 200 E. Moore Drive, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL 36114. DESTRUCTION NOTICE--Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.