Faculty of Business and Law Academic Year: Examination Period: Module Leader: Module Code: Module Title: Work Item Code: Noelle Quenivet UJUUJU-30-2 Public International Law CC1 Duration: 1 Hour and 30 minutes 14/15 January Standard materials required for this examination: Examination Answer Booklet Yes Multiple Choice Answer Sheet No Graph Paper Type of paper e.g. G3, G14 N/A Number of sheets per student Additional materials required for this examination: Details of additional material supplied by UWE: To be collected with Answer Booklet (please delete as appropriate) No Details of approved material supplied by Student: To be collected with Answer Booklet (please delete as appropriate) No University approved Calculator n/a Candidates permitted to keep Examination Question Paper Yes Candidates are NOT permitted to turn the page over until the exam starts UJUUJU-30-2 Page 1 of 2 Instructions to Candidates: Candidates must answer any FIVE questions. 1. Describe the rules of treaty interpretation as spelled out in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. (20 marks) 2. Can a rule in a treaty be applied to a state that is not bound by the treaty if the rule is also part of customary international law? (20 marks) 3. State and explain the legal definition of statehood as spelled out in the Montevideo Convention. (20 marks) 4. Explain the main theories of recognition under international law. (20 marks) 5. Discuss the right to self-determination in the context of statehood. (20 marks) 6. What is the general concept and what are the various bases of jurisdiction? (20 marks) 7. Discuss the legality of abductions and international arrests. (20 marks) 8. Explain the different ways States can seize international courts to settle their disputes. (20 marks) 9. Explain the different types of reparations under State responsibility. (20 marks) 10. Discuss any two circumstances precluding wrongfulness. (20 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER UJUUJU-30-2 Page 2 of 2