I 3 * 1. Many enzymesareregulatedby bothallostericfactorsandby phosphorylation.Please explainbriefly: o whatpbospborylation is . why it is an effectivemethodof controlling enzymaticactivity from a structural standpoint . why it is an effectivemethodof contrclling enzymaticactivity from a biological perspectlve . key similarities anddifferencesbetweenthe threemain regulatorymechanismsthat we havestudied:allostericeffectors,selectiveproteolysis,andphosphorylation. (15points) addr{r,^oC I ?bq$4-tu{'P .%ospholl4kln reks lo +1., /exssiblsgM cos.,oC g"h fstp|o^f&" *l kasJ'). a.,^vo {o a \dracr114fu[ "cr{(r'-*r, 'fr i5 ele*'-.'-ar*f.4 o, aa&^cd6eo^e-+1.Rshtt&{o o^^. lros$a:Ie-A.o'^? -6as, ^\+r'5 +t'o bd a,wrvooo6, if i* otso .at"$art la5e. ?hosPholta"ko-. o'{,;l'- si{e. i t. +e'''"..s of sk a Adoc, 7 cla&ul*ku &*o"s, o--d - , l-loo^di^r o.ssocior*t'.S. 1L'i: cat' '\a/'JlJ a' ( rrpjk, eCfed, os w/ 411og*r,. 6"**t + g-t rr.,tis, +".St *f *el- 1,o*elr".'s ld'*\ o$ w*k, -,,a,t{t/,'^S-tk, el"cl..^ (i^dudr5.lu, orlvosi{e) h ,^e*.^,orlc -tt".* L couo,L-rLi^!tra'g$,*. Sivcs {ta-, 1ro*gi"' ;fts 5x4ts" ' Bc'U,"y'.asptolh{a"* (usrctt co$d ",/ e;re 1do\s,:) oJ &-1.cfha,.ita{o^ arr.,-tlur^od1na-tr,*tt1 Ggo.alolc s"d -{+*s laget^1i.teuusibte. Mor@v4 i|L lcl'.i54- <o lcl^.lsc4o a,l,\a, ate<^r& ,C a'l ?hc'pho1t4{$.-is ,rnli!4;'."tap, "; ry:,-a" 1l,,,rs,'-l--_-...4;-tv oh.[ro lli'.q \ '.*{,^,<, c4-Jl C*w, . 1"s co"{ol (rib<, co^t'ol +41 €/lg|h$.*c- ^ -tAr, addt{o* * rer.oa,l oC bo.l{. ?hosflMnlq{s^ o,^d 1'olto\sB ,",€ar"s'*rru+ ^re,*g\rQ"lq r^rhi\t,altosY "ltolo. go^<.r*t\ oro '^o#. n\frqrrldff Lu'r,' \ .. tr? de.il 'er*rc. '-"@?\ 5V,u." 2. In class,you receivedtwo handoutson theregulationof glycogenphosphorylase activity. Oneof thesedetailstheeffectson theenzyme'sactivityof bothallosteric regulatorsandcovalentregulationby phosphorylation, andtheotheroutlinestheweb of kinaseandphosphatase reactionsthat ultimately determinesthe phosphorylationstateof the enzyme.Pleasereferto thesefiguresandthenanswerthefollowingquestionsabout glycogenphosphorylase. a) Figure10.20on page230of your text bookshowstherelativeactivityof glycogen phosphorylase undervariousconditions.Pleaseexpiain o whatthe curvesindicate(e.g.,Whatis changingalongeachaxis? Whatdo the differentlinesrepresent?How shouldtheuninitiatedinterpreta high valueversusa Iow value?) r how this figuredemonstrates theresponse of the glycogenphosphorylase enzymeto both intracellular and extracellular stimuli r the biochemicallogic thatunderliestheseresponses (i.e.,why is it in thebest biochemicalinterestof a cell or organismfor this enzymeto respondin this manner). Put simply,pleaseexplainwhatis shownby this figureandthenexplainwhy it makes goodsensefrom a biologicalperspective.In your answer,you may wish to referto other diagramsor otherinformation,andyou shouldbe sureto explainthelogic of both the intracellularresponsiveness ( 10points) andtheextracellular responsiveness. .J r\* . Jro 6*t sl^o.rs{'t. ^sye aci+,r\ (""r+nataxx) as q'fi.,.eliu- of [m,'p] (1.,-,2,*n) . *t*, ctdqs sho,rt : -{r*{ (a*{ ,.r(e.*.tr. -{4r-jar (ta**1r,ed 1os$a4ftare, is lege{ unrosyorrsvc,+o {",-" . l^*s {r<, {o? c,-rc (at*vr$ u lo16{ ll,,l -t lrcrcasl^A C*rn"] -1^t {ae acl,vt\ # +r, ,q,{o,,,nis F,o+ i^\ibiftd Lyffi "g".rc"."^,fr7 doesro* darce,s<.,a lof ajg a. 1 (*r,tJ (*fo,! *y' Addi{$^ ,d *W) . g) - -lr-r# $'trY .b4, ts{,'L) €.-., (,^^gr-rpxp+a) 6. (,^^p.rpx is ebqrs.,{el]s?-,si+\ro.{ofanv]ras e.'tdu,ed furkf iircruassir,- arl's,r\ -/ rxcrus\tf.l fenr-]. 1t *s n'rnP is \ <) " (yr* rU6{.rt) o.clsr*{o" +c, Q e',gr,*,. "0 - {A^rLla^r,tlt 6.r- is tclr ac{uded f1 Am", b.t{. o.\so in[^,ibi{ed tl ffi ""\ . tas (*t ) €rfiRAeJ\*hr Et {.r, ad*,.{o^ be, orl 1,, .lu,'a' sgr.a,t:,r.,Lt** c.r.o".lA<, lfosgfollasei coscol€,sro.,,^ 0., '[no pbop|.alt^{$^, sL{e hA,"bK*) cd.rr canc{, $* 6.*.r rogarJtr,ssol *^*t6t {"^* t ';^ cr*t',l. +o 1-- ''ler.,cell' l^4r<' *!'e,-t'ln 4rr'*, iNTtrA celf. '\ar $q'{oCoJ"s{^<(, J +*'=, ext q,cg$r,\o^ Jk.^*t*r, enr,'.11 ha,lan6.,- r*,\g. Ftorw uar, at, arluo e.t^q 'h.4- h,eru i"dEafcs fe^t '^q1 fa*-'tt"rs At4} s*r-,^*lotet, A-tP l".htbiB. S\ *h.,^ - orL L{,trE S'abi li"sd to g+,r.rutu a57. '{ads '.o.k+.s gred boto6oo,l c.-'.se- Cclts '--s} .e7"^d'{" local 'tso*czs+*d1 i€ LAHPJq lAtil. 0rSslor^r*,bI 'h^,Lrests^slvr^.aSJ +., 'h'e-,n'*, 8*| 5o,-,,1'*.t Ovtl-rl0Q-'tr*, l%- "Ar^o,,,o"1 (o. e^.r.rro.,*,t-fu) c,.\ctrr\t ^rd {. bo r.bk L loca.l r€lor^vcg, laad', so Ort ll.r4klqf 6.c,r, orll,*{o,, * }.,se,nst.lrl! *" C*irl * C"d. LclorS lilce l^Drr\or{_S Ca^.. Question#2, continued... b) Thecomplementof the glycogenolysis processcatalyzedby glycogenphosphorylase is glycogensynthesis.This processis facilitatedby glycogensynthase.As shownon one of your handoutsandagainon page312in your text,glycogensynthase is alsoregulated bothby allostericeffectorsandby phosphorylation. Pleaseexplainwhy it is logicalthat bothinsulinandglucose-6-phospfhate stimularetheactivityof this enzyme.(5 points) 5,r5vrli". s\o*ld slt^.lo'{e €\rt* syn'l4asis-*$,. ce.lls,bu.anso ilc s<rvc o.s.". si61"al+*t 6r"coso\ ptc^+r0rltj!.c s\p*td.{arasb<. irrrd t'." X-?o 6.;. 6-6-" sdr,.*da*esg\-Sn^ Ignol\ iL. s<.vrs o, siq.,r-\ -{hat \ o.d st^s"ld.{t,r J J < J Lo sax€d i\ bcca*se- s,lntvsis, q\n(56g, is pts-diA\ . . - I s{*-6e, fo.tn. aodya"d r.- *r^r- cdt - -