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What is the Difference Between a Search Term and a Keyword

What is the Difference between a Search Term
and a Keyword?
The world of digital advertising consists of a wide terminology. The set of terms or jargon used in
online marketing is so diverse that even experienced marketers sometimes get confused. One
such confusing term is 'search term' or 'search query,' which is often used interchangeably with
'keyword.' But they aren't the same; there is a lot of difference between the two.
If you also treat these two terms the same, this article will help you know the difference between
the two. So, let's get started!
What is a Keyword?
A keyword is a phrase or string of text you bid on to target your Google Ads to the customers.
Keywords are based on the products and services you offer and make it easy for the search
engine to rank your page in the SERP.
For example, if you own a sportswear store, you will likely target the keywords, like 'women
sportswear' or 'best sportswear for men.' You can find high-value keywords with keyword research
and use this data to find the most valuable keywords for your Ad campaign.
What is a Search Term?
A search query or search term is what a user enters in the search bar while searching for a
product. If five users are searching for the same product, they will search in five unique ways,
creating five different search terms or queries. Along with the use of different prepositions, the
search terms may include misspellings also.
For example, when users are searching for sportswear, they may enter search queries, like 'what
is the best sportswear for women,' 'where to buy sportswear,' 'best stylish sportswear for women,'
etc. So, all these users are searching for sportswear with different search queries.
What is the difference between the two?
Well, the most significant difference between the two is who uses them. This means marketers
use high-quality keywords to create PPC Ad campaigns and users use search queries to find the
In fact, most consumers don't even know what a keyword is or what keywords a brand is targeting.
They just type what they are searching for, hoping that Google will provide them with the right
On the flip side, marketers or advertisers use these search terms to decide which keywords they
should target. While it is practically impossible to target every search query, marketers analyze
the top search queries and use them to determine keywords that match the users' search queries
How To Find The Right Keywords From The Users' Search Queries?
Users' search queries play a crucial role in keyword selection. Below is how marketers use search
terms to find the right keywords for their site and incorporate them into their marketing strategyFilter the Search Queries that Drive Traffic to your Site
Marketers use Google Search Console to find the search queries that bring users or drive traffic
to your website. All you have to do is log in to the search console and head on to the Search
Analytics under Search Traffic. You will see all the search terms that brought visitors to your site.
When you view the phrases or words your customers use to find your products and services, you
get an idea of the type of keywords to use in your strategy. You can also study the search results
for these terms and optimize the content for those keywords that are attracting traffic.
Analyze Google Keyword Search Term Report
Google Keyword Search Term report provides you with a list of the most popular search terms
audience used within your search network. This report tells you which of the keywords matched
the users' search terms directed them to your Ad or how close a search term is to the exact
When you know the keywords that match the users' search terms, you can easily manage your
Use Your Current Keywords to Find New Search Queries
In addition to the search queries that are currently driving traffic to your site, you can use Google
Autosuggest to find new queries. When you type something in the search engine bar, you might
have noticed that Google ads tool suggests related terms.
These are the suggestions based on the users' search queries and give marketers insights into
what your target audience is searching for.
What does Google Search Term mean for PPC advertisers?
Basically, the search tern reflects the 'total or a significant number of users' is uncertain. Google
has updated this term for privacy reasons and to protect the user's data. Another prime reason
for the update is that the Google ads are losing their plot with keywords. Initially, the keywords
were bread and butter for advertisers.
Since then, they have been at the center of audience targeting. In fact, Google has rolled many
new features and campaigns that revolve around keywords. Thus the update will help PPC
advertisers to think beyond keywords and to rely on other algorithms like machine learning and
To Sum Up
Finding the right keywords that target the users' search queries is an important part of online
marketing. Though there is only a subtle difference between the two terms, it is essential to
understand how they differ. When you know how to differentiate between the two, or how to relate
them with each other, it will improve your chances to target the right audience.
Use the above information to distinguish between a keyword and a search term, and use it to
determine the keywords you should target to maximize the traffic conversion.