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Gender Stereotypes in Advertising: Pantene & Tide Analysis

Maria Elizabeth B. Abad
GED0110 Sec 37
Title of the commercial: Pantene ‘Labels Against Women’ Digital Ad
Scenario/ Events
1. Gender inequality
was shown on the
part where the title
being portrayed
when a man came
up was ‘Boss’
meanwhile when a
woman was
revealed she was
depicted as
2. A man is talking on
a stage, and he is
being ‘Persuasive’
but if it’s the
opposite gender, a
woman, she is
being ‘Pushy’.
3. A male is being
hardworking, he is
depicted as
‘Dedicated’ while a
lady is represented
as ‘Selfish’.
4. When a man keeps
himself clean, he is
‘Neat’ but when a
woman does the
same thing she is
being ‘Vain’.
5. A man dressed
properly is called
‘Smooth’ however
a ‘Show off’ is what
Origin/Source of the
about these issues
It is not unknown that
This form of gender
men are the ones who is
inequality limits the
in charge in the workplace capabilities of women.
most of the time therefore Just because men are the
if a powerful and
ones who are usually at
successful woman ends
the higher position in the
up having the same
workplace it doesn’t mean
position as a man would
that if a woman surpass a
usually have, she’ll be
man’s status, she should
described as bossy since lose respect from other
it’s uncommon for a
people and be called
woman to have power in
the workplace.
People tend to see
It's unfair that in our world
women as unpleasantly
today women are the
self-assertive if she states ones who are usually
her opinions or claims
being degraded and
about a certain subject
humiliated. Our genders
whereas it’s normal for
are out of our hands, we
men to express their own were born the way we
thoughts and appear
are, but the society is
influential or convincing
making women feel that
which shows gender
by being a woman is a
inequality and unfairness. shame.
This shows gender
The negative labels that
stereotyping in a way that are given to women kills a
women’s abilities are
woman’s self-confidence
limited to what other
and belief in themselves.
people define them.
The main problem in this
scenario is that there is
nothing wrong with
keeping oneself clean, in
fact it’s what everyone
should be doing, but
women get called vain for
doing what’s good for
The cognitive biases that
the world at large has
results in women lacking
confidence and having
Sometimes we tend to
have unconscious biases
therefore we should be
more conscious of our
own biases and think
about the possible effects
of it, so we don’t
contribute to those who
create stereotypes and
negatively affect the
The reason why clothes
are made is for people to
wear them so it’s
unethical if women get
a woman is if she
is being stylish.
insecurities about their
labelled as a ‘show off’ if
they decide to dress up
Title of the commercial: Mapapakanta Ka sa Bagong Fragrance ng Tide | Tide
Scenario/ Events
1. The scene shows
various women
doing the laundry.
2. No man was
revealed in the
entire duration of
the advertisement.
3. No other colors
were used in
representing the
scent of the
detergent other
than pink and red.
4. Every member
selected to
promote in the
advertisement are
females and each
show the act of
washing and
cleaning the
Origin/Source of the
about these issues
It has been normalized
The attributes,
that women are the ones
characteristics, and
who should be doing
talents of the masculine
household chores like
and feminine are distinct.
washing the clothes
This does not imply that
instead of men which is
males should perform
wrong because women
male tasks and women
are capable of doing
should do female tasks.
almost everything a man
We should accomplish
can do so it shouldn’t be
tasks that we desire and
only women shown on the not get assessed based
scenario but men as well. on our gender.
This advertisement is
Even though women have
about a laundry detergent long been considered as
but instead of showing
nurturing and
both genders, male and
compassionate and have
female, only females were been assigned to jobs
shown as if to say that
that need these qualities it
only females are the ones doesn’t indicate that
who should be washing
women must only stay at
the clothes.
home, clean, and cook for
Darker shades like deep
There is a gender
blue and maroon are
separation between color
considered colors for men choosing since gender
since it’s known that
stereotyping is implied by
these colors are
the use of pink and red
‘masculine’ (2021) but
colors which signifies
none of these colors were femininity as if to say that
shown on the video.
only women do the
People nowadays have
We should begin to
set labels to what men
address gender prejudice
and women should be
by understanding and
and what they should do. appreciating both
In this case, women are
masculine and feminine
seen as individuals who
qualities in both men and
should stay at home and
women because
only do household chores everyone has the right to
which is wrong.
do the things that they
5. The clothes that
are worn by the
ladies especially
the three women
dancing at the
beginning of the
song are
Gender inequality occurs
in this situation since
people can easily make
fun of their costumes as
it’s making them look like
they are the laundry itself
or that women’s purpose
is to clean the laundry.
please but because of this
mindset that the society
has, women are limited to
what they can be.
If men were put in the
commercial instead of
women, they wouldn’t
have worn clothes like
that or something that
would make them look
Dyer, M. (2021, September 11). Masculine Flowers: Common Flowers That Guys
Giving Flowers To Men – What Are Some Manly Types Of Flowers
Gerdeman, D. (2017, September 11). Why Employers Favor Men