Chapter 1: Give Me A Lever Long Enough and Single-handed I Can Move the World “When we gain so much ideas and knowledge, that’s the time we could leverage our answers as our understanding intensifies” One of the characteristics of a learning organization is the synergy System’s Thinking is a holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a system’s constituents parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within the context of larger systems. It involves contemplating the whole rather than its parts; looks at patterns to be able to change organization systems more effectively. The highest interest in the Learning Organization can be partially attributed to the perceived growth in knowledge Introduction Sometimes problems are overwhelming when we look at it as a whole, so more often than not, we tend to break it apart. In breaking apart, we tend to think of solutions for each problem that we break into. Break apart problems to make complex tasks and subjects more manageable. However: We no longer see the consequences of our actions; we lose our intrinsic sense of connection to a larger whole When we look into parts, we are disconnecting ourselves in other parts; some parts are neglected or disregarded And when we narrow down our problems, along with the solutions, we become narrow-minded individuals as we tend to think that it is best possible and easiest way. System’s thinking tells us that we need to see the whole and embrace the totality because it will develop us more, holistically. Our Goal Learning Organization – organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together (Senge, 2006) An organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. In order to achieve this learning organization, we need to embrace five disciplines: System’s Thinking Personal Mastery Mental Models Shared Vision Team Learning System’s Thinking A conceptual framework, a body of knowledge and tools that has been developed over the past fifty years, to make the full patterns clearer, and to help us see how to change them effectively Used to analyze patterns in an organization by looking at it from a holistic viewpoint rather than small unrelated manageable parts Logical thinkers tend to see the forest rather than the trees; holistic viewpoint Personal Mastery “You know your strengths, weaknesses, and your goal” Between our strengths and weaknesses, there lies a tension that if not managed well, it could hurt us in the process. So, we should know how maneuver the tension in reaching a certain goal as we are capable of thinking creative ways on how to reach the breaking point without hurting. The discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively. Describes the strength of people to be proactive and keep on learning to continuously achieve results which are important for them Defining what is important to us Being able to see the current reality “Personal mastery tells us that we know our goal, our current reality, strengths and weaknesses that we could use in reaching our goals” Mental Models Deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action (Senge, 2006) Describes the presumptions and generalizations people have which influence their actions. But as part of the learning organization, you should be open to new discoveries or assumptions; inquire the power of inquiry Innate belief systems that are carried until now It focuses on the openness needed to unearth shortcomings in our present ways of seeing the world. Advocacy – pushing/ sharing an idea; wanting to be heard Inquiry – wanting to accept one’s idea; collaborative or generative learning Building Shared Vision Involves the skills of unearthing “shared pictures of the future” that foster commitment and enrolment rather than compliance All employees in a company share the same vision of where the organization needs to go People are not playing according to the rules of the game, but feed responsible for the game. Team Learning Is vital because teams are the fundamental learning unit modern organizations; it is where “the rubber meets the road” The effective teamwork leads to result which individuals could not have achieved on their own Individuals within a team learn more and faster than they would have without the team Team Learning begins with dialogue, which involves suspending assumptions and entering into a freeflowing of meaning through a group Dialogue (Greek, dia-logos) – the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptions and enter into a genuine “thinking together” It is the most effective conversation or communication in learning as there is an evaluation of statements; free-flowing of ideas but there is still evaluation and analysis Dialogue Conservation Discussion Debate People inquire ideas, rather than advocate for their own or other’s ideas Convivial, casual, friendly, talk about personal and social matters A talk that has a purpose – often to make a decision Extreme form of discussion, structured and formal When you shared your vision or accepted the team’s vision, you will be able you work with your teammates and work as a team, intensifying the environment. If ideas will be put in one arena, ideas will definitely be clashing. In battling, debating, there will be thesis and anti-thesis, which will generate a synthesis in which a new idea or learning is also generated as the opinions clashed. This new idea will be another mental model that can be inculcated in cognitive. By accepting that we are ignorant, we also open our minds to new ideas. The Fifth Discipline: System’s Thinking “If you happened to master the four disciplines, that’s the time you’ll be building system’s thinking” System’s thinking is the culminating part; time to build a learning organization where there’s leverage It is the discipline that integrates the disciplines, fusing them into a coherent body of theory and practice System thinking makes the subtlest aspect of the learning organization understandable It involves practices and reflections to get there, metaphorically speaking, to move the world and be a catalyst of change Metanoia – A Shift of Mind The deepest meaning of learning; leads to “generative learning”; the ability of an organization to recreate its future (as opposed to “adaptive learning” which is defined as learning enough for an organizations to survive). Greeks: fundamental shift or change, transcendence of mind; Meta – above or beyond; Noia (nous) – mind To move from one idea to another; opening our minds to possibility of new learnings Early Gnostic Christian Tradition: awakening shared intuition and direct knowing of the highest, of God Catholic: repent; change of heart “As we change our hearts and minds, we became more humane”