NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE ABUBAKAR TAFAWA BALEWA UNIVERSITY BAUCHI DIRECTORATE OF GENERAL STUDIES SECOND SEMESTER 2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION GNS 121: USE OF ENGLISH II LECTURE MANUAL INTRODUCTION GNS 121: Use of English II is a 2 credit unit core course for all ATBU fresh (both UTME and DE) students. The course exposes students to the skills of academic writing relevant to science and technology related disciplines involving assignments, term paper, laboratory experiment and workshop reports. Use of English II, therefore, seeks to address students’ subject specific area needs so as to be able to effectively present coherent technical reports in the process of their academic endeavors. The course consists of two components: research paper writing and functional writing. COURSE OUTLINE I. II. Research Paper Writing a). Definition, Purposes and Scope of Research b). Basic Types and Parts of a Research Paper c). Technical Terms associated with Research d). Referencing Functional Writing a). Description b). Definition c). Exemplification d). Classification e). Comparison and Contrast f). Cause and Effect g). Generalization and Qualification h). Interpretation of Data i). Drawing Conclusion INTRODUCTION Formal writing can be categorized into academic writing, business writing and official writing. This course is basically devoted to academic writing as it concerns students’ ability to produce readable documents for a variety of purposes. Academic writing is generally objective, factual and verifiable. This form of writing involves students’ written assignments, term papers, and projects; hence the inclusion of research report, and general technicalities of functional writing relevant to science and technology. PART I: RESEARCH PAPER WRITING I.I Definition and Scope of Research The Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English defines research as… “an investigation undertaken in order to discover new facts, get additional information, etc.” The term can be defined as a careful, diligent and rigorous study to find out new facts on a particular issue. It is a systematic inquiry to find a solution to a problem, discover new knowledge, confirm or dispute findings in previous research. In essence, research is a structured inquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve problems and create new knowledge. It is a scientific process consisting of systematic observation, classification and interpretation of data. Because it is scientific, a research is usually systematic based on observations and experiments rather than mere speculation, guessing or opinion. In general, we as scholars, rely on research findings to solve problems in the entire society. So, problem solving is the main reason behind every scientific investigation. Therefore, at the outset, the problem must be established, observable and empirically testable and then clearly defined. For academic purposes, research can simply be described as a means of: 1. doing old things in a new and easier way; 2. doing new things in new and faster ways; 3. understanding our environment better; and, solving the problems around us. The problem is usually an interrogative sentence that asks for a clear relationship existing between at least two or more variables (independent and dependent). A variable is a condition that obtains (and which may vary) at a given time. Thereafter, the researcher begins to suggest various causes and solutions by way of intelligent guessing commonly known as ‘hypothesis’, which is a tentative proposition suggested as a solution (answer) to a problem (question) or as an explanation of some phenomenon. A hypothesis can be formulated in any of the three forms: declarative form, non-directional (null) form and question form. Hypotheses are particularly necessary where the cause and effect relationships are investigated. 1.2 Basic Types and Parts of a Research Paper 1.2.1 Types of research There are numerous types of research each reflecting the purpose for which it is undertaken and the approach. For instance, from the viewpoint of application, there are two broad categories of research: 1. Pure research and 2. Applied research. In the context of objectives, research can be classified as 1. descriptive, 2. correlative, and 3. explanatory or exploratory. Research could also be classified on the basis of the process or approach adopted to find answers to research questions. These are 1. structured or quantitative and 2. unstructured or qualitative. There is also a combination of the two, described as 3. ‘mixed’ approach. Fundamentally, however, the two major types of research are 1. survey (observing what is there as it is; that is, what is already obtainable) and 2. experimental (attempting doing a new thing in the light of what is already obtaining with a view to arriving at a solution). These two differ on the basis of the method of data collection and the research design. Source of data could be primary (questionnaire, observation and interview) or secondary (test, books, journals, newspapers, encyclopedia, magazines, etc.). An interview could be structured or unstructured. Whatever the type of research in an interview, the researcher ensures that the language used reflects the educational level, age, religion and social position of the interviewee. When gathering data for research, it is always essential to clearly define the goal/problem; analyze them to be able to raise questions based on the main/central issue; put down notes; compare and contrast various views/opinion of others on the similar issue or previous findings relevant to the present study and drawing conclusion from available evidences. 1.2.2 Parts of a research paper Article based paper Even though the structure of a professional journal and that of a research project are supposed to be similar, they are not actually the same. This is because of the several restrictions of a journal space. Therefore, a great deal of detail is excluded in a journal article. This makes a journal paper much shorter than a research project. An article based paper is usually not more than 15 pages long. Its basic parts are abstract, introduction, material and methods, result, discussion, conclusion and recommendations (if any) and references. Abstract Unlike a ‘preface’ for a book, which informs the reader what is available in the text section by section, an ‘abstract’ of a research paper is a brief concise summary (not more than 120 words) of the entire document presented in a less technical manner. It is written in a single line space and briefly captures the background, main purpose, methods adopted, results, conclusion and recommendation (if any). Abstract is written after the work has been completed but brought to the beginning of the paper. Introduction This answers why the study is of scientific interest and explains the background of the study. This is summarized succinctly, but not itemized. The section also discusses the results and conclusions of previously published studies related to the present one. Thus, the majority of statements here are referenced. It is written in third person using active voice. It is organized to move from general to specific information. The section is limited to studies that relate directly to the present study. Thus, because journal articles do not require extensive literature review, the few available ones are captured under this section. The last parts of this section involve statement of problem and research questions as well as hypotheses (if any). This provides a good transition to the next section, known as material and methods, in which the researcher explains how they proceed to meet the research objectives and answer research questions or test the hypotheses. Materials and Method This involves the materials used in the study and the steps taken in the experiment/study. It is however, not a list of instruments. The section includes the population size, sampling techniques and sample size and a brief description of statistical test used. The section is written in past tense as it describes what was actually done to generate data. Results This section presents the results/findings of the experiment but does not attempt to interpret their meanings. It does not include the raw data collected. Instead, the researcher only summarizes the data with text, tables and/or figures. Here, the text of the paper is used to state the results then reference is made to a table or figure where the data are summarized. You always proceed from general to specific features of the data. The text should relate to your data in those of the literature. However, the same data should not be presented in both a table and a figure. In this section, you always concentrate on general patterns, trends and differences in the results. You are required to state the result as concisely as possible. Accompany the word “significantly” by the statistical probability level (e.g. p = 0.05). Although, using a figure is acceptable, it is best to present the data in a table unless there is visual information that can be gained by using a figure. Discussion This is the section where you interpret the data in relation to the original objectives or hypotheses. Then, you relate your interpretations to the present state of knowledge and future needs for research. In this section, it is acceptable to explain what the results mean or why they differ from what others have found. Hence, you interpret results in the light of other published results by putting additional information from sources you cited in the introduction section as well as introducing new sources by providing accurate citations. You should also relate your discussion back to the objectives and questions you raised in the introduction section. However, you do not have to simply restate the objectives. In this section, you equally suggest future directions for research, new methods and explanation for deviation from previously published results. It is, of course, essential that you cite sources in the discussion section as evidence of your claims. The cited sources including those in the introduction section must be accounted for under the ‘References’ section, which is the last section except where you have other information of secondary importance such as row data that you place in the ‘Appendix’. Parts of a project based paper A project has three major parts. They are preliminary pages or preliminaries, main report and end matter. Preliminary pages consist of cover page, title page, declaration page, approval page, table of contents, list of table, list of figures, abstract, dedication, and acknowledgements. Main report slightly differs from one institution to the other. This section is usually broken into chapters. Chapter One is known as ‘Introduction’, Chapter Two ‘Review of (related) Literature’, Chapter Three is ‘Research Methodology’, Chapter Four is ‘Result Analysis and Interpretation of Data’ and Chapter Five is ‘Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations’. The last part, known as end matter involves references and all information of secondary importance commonly known as appendices. Preliminaries Cover page A page that appears at the beginning of a research work consisting of about 20 words in length as the title followed other information such the name of author, name of the institution and the year. Title page This page is immediately next to cover page and contains everything on the cover page; and. in addition, states the purpose for which the project is submitted. The title clearly defines the relationship between the variables and indicates the population for the study. Declaration page The page where the researcher declares that the work is an independent study Approval/Certification page This shows the signature of the relevant persons as having approved the research report. Table of contents This contains and sequentially lists all the headings and sub headings with their corresponding page locations. The page numbers are usually identified and written after the work has been completed. List of tables It lists all tables in the work with their corresponding page locations (the full title of each table is usually mentioned and serially numbered on the top left hand side of the table). List of figures It lists all figures in the work with their corresponding page locations (Unlike list of table, the number and title of every figure is indicated on its bottom). List of Appendices It lists all appendices in the work with their corresponding page locations Operational definition of terms The page where significant terms are defined in the context of the study. Abbreviations This is where all abbreviations and acronyms related to the study are written with their full meanings Dedication This page mentions the being, person or phenomenon the study is dedicated to. This written the fewest words, usually not more than one or two lines. Acknowledgements This is devoted to mentioning those who helped in the successful completion of the work. Abstract An abstract for a research project is much longer than that of a journal paper. For project, it can be as long as 250 words. Usually written in a single line space and after the full report has been completed. It summarizes the background, purpose, methodology, results, conclusion, implications and recommendations Main Report CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background of the study Background is where the problem of the study is introduced and fully explained. Quoting authoritative sources here is essentially needed to support that the present study is required. Statement of Problem This indicates why there is a gap that the present investigation is set out to fill. Aim and objectives The aim of the study (which is always one) and the specific objectives emanating from the variables for the study. Research questions These are the specific objectives converted to interrogative expressions and need to be answered to arrive at the research findings. Research hypotheses A hypothesis provides an educated guess regarding the nature of the expected relationship between the variables. Significance of the study This is where the researcher points out the contributions the study would make to existing knowledge and to the wider society. Scope and delimitation This indicates the width and breadth the study problem is able to manage. Limitations This bring to focus restricted aspect of the problem the study can address and also providing convincing reasons for the restrictions. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Under this subsection of the chapter, the researcher points out the purpose of the review and also those areas based on the research objectives that will be reviewed. The Review Literature that is relevant to the present study is reviewed so as to provide a basis to the problem which is also linked to the data collection instrument for the intended study. In the review, all authors cited are finally accounted for under the list of ‘references’ at the beginning of the end matter. CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research design This effectively describes the design for the study and at the same time, clearly points out what informs the choice of the design. Population for the study In this subsection, the researcher explains the total number of persons, events, constructs, etc. about which the study is concerned. Sampling technique and sample size Because the whole population is so large, a sample is taken. So, not only does this section mentions the subsection of the entire population involved in the study, but it also describes it. Method of data collection Also known as instrumentation, this section describes the instrument for the research which include observation, interview, questionnaire or test. The section further explains how the instrument is constructed and also justifies its validity and degree of reliability (often by way of pilot study). Data analytical procedure This is the section that briefly discusses the statistical design with which the data collated is computed. CHAPTER FOUR: RESULT ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION This involves the data presentation by means of answering research questions and testing research hypotheses (if any). The data is summarily presented in tables or graphs under which brief interpretations follow. Discussion Comments on the presented results and comparing them with previous findings by other scholars. CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary This is where the researcher reports all findings sequentially in relation to the research questions raised in chapter one. Limitations The section that identifies those characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings of the research. Implications It suggests how the findings are important to policy, theory and subsequent research. This is where it is indicated whether or not the findings of the research are in consonance with theory. Conclusion In the light of what the study found out, a conclusion is provided here. Recommendations These are suggestions proffered to all those concerned based on the findings of the research. In this section, the researcher could also recommend for carrying out further research to fill any uncompleted gap. End Matter This is the third and last part of a research project. It immediately follows the main report. It mainly consists of references and appendices. References It is the list of all authors cited in the work written in alphabetical order according surnames. References are not exactly the same as ‘bibliography’, which involves both those cited and those not cited but relevant to the study. Appendices These are information of secondary importance that cannot be accommodated in the main report. Long Essay Because a long essay such as a ‘Term Paper’ is not a rigorous research activity, the format is simple and straightforward. It is presented like a normal course assignment. Except where a term paper is so extensively detailed, it does not require the luxury of having subheadings. In most cases, it only requires the title, students’ name, course code, course title and lecturer’s name. These are followed by a short introduction as a sub heading, then the main work and conclusion. The terms ‘project’, ‘thesis’ and ‘dissertation’ are in some cases used interchangeably. However, some academic institutions consider a ‘project’ for a bachelor’s degree, a ‘thesis’ for a degree of master and ‘dissertation’ for a doctorate degree. While a ‘term paper’ is meant to satisfy a particular course requirement in a given semester, a ‘research project’ a terminal work as a requirement in a partial fulfilment for the award of a certificate before graduation. A term paper is a prelude to a project writing; and, therefore, much shorter than the latter. 1.3 Some Technical Terms associated with Research ACS American Chemical Society APA The American Psychological Association ASA American Sociological Association CBE Council of Biology Editors (now known as Council of Science Editors [CSE]) Classic Style of Entry The outmoded system of referencing. Although not in use presently, classic entry which is of Latin origin is available in books written about 40 years ago. Examples are 1. Ibid/Ib/Ibidem (same place) and Op cit/Loc cit (same place, different place, same place) CMS Chicago Manual Style CSE Council of Science Editors (formerly known as Council of Biology Editors [CBE]). Direct quotation Words of another person copied verbatim. If long, the quote is indented but if is less than three lines, the quote is put in quotation marks without being indented. Endnote Further remark on an issue but coming at the end of the chapter or section Footnotes It is so called because it is written at the bottom of the relevant page. It comprises additional notes/remark on a particular issue already indicated with an asterisk. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Interpolation Comments or clarification added in brackets to quotations. In-text citation The form of referencing within the text. It is the act of reporting what somebody says by writing their surname(s) with year of publication in brackets or followed by comma if surname is already in brackets. MLA Modern Languages Association OWL Online Writing Lab Paraphrase Also known as indirect citation, paraphrase is re-expression of the original work for a better understanding and to avoid too many quotations/re-wording of a piece of writing to make it easier to understand. Periodical Literature A category of serial publication appearing on a regular schedule (weekly, monthly or quarterly). Examples are magazines, bulletins, gazettes and newsletters. Plagiarism Also known as ‘academic theft’, plagiarism is the offence/act of taking someone else’s ideas as if it is one’s own. Triple Entry Name, year, Page number 1.4 Referencing For our purpose in this course, referencing is completely devoted to the American Psychological Association (APA) format. 1.4.1 In-text referencing/citation Based on the APA citation manual, the following guidelines are necessary when making citations within the main report. 1. Use the author’s surname, date format throughout. 2. Use ‘and’ to join the surnames of multiple authors. 3. Use ampersand (&) in parenthetic materials, in tables and in the final reference list. 4. For a work authored by a corporate body, write the entire name in full at the beginning in brackets and the initials enclosed in a square bracket. 5. Then use only the initials subsequently. 6. When the author is anonymous, indicate so (Anonymous, year). 7. Where multiple authors have same surnames, use their initials before the surname. 8. When author is not mentioned, in the original source, cite using the first three words from the title. 9. With more than two authors, mention all initially; and subsequently, mention only the first followed by ‘et al’. 10. Different works by same author within the same year are distinguished by a, b, c, d. 11. Two or more works by the same author(s) are arranged in the order of year of publication. 12. Two or more works by different authors cited in the same parentheses are listed alphabetically using semi colons to separate the studies. 13. When a work in secondary source is discussed, simply mention the original work and cite the secondary source. 14. With a direct quote, whether or not indented, indicate the page number of the relevant source in brackets immediately after the quotation. 15. As much as possible use paraphrase in the in-text citation to minimize too many direct quotations everywhere in your main report. 1.4.2 Reference List Non electronic based source Every citation in the text must be accounted for in the ‘References’ section at the end of the work. Since what you have is References and not Bibliography, you cannot afford to add any suggested readings other than those cited in the work. For reference list, the following guides are essential. 1. For a single-authored book, write the author’s surname, comma, initial(s) with dot(s), year in brackets, dot, book title in italics comma or dot, place of publication colon then publisher’s name and dot. Examples Hedge, T. (1991). Writing. New York: Oxford. Hensen, J. (1987). When Writers Read. U.S.A: Heinenmann Educational Books Inc. U.S.A: Heinenmann Educational Books Inc. 2. For a two authored book, same as in a single authored work but separate the first and the second author with comma and an ampersand. Examples Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A (2004). English for Specific Purposes (19th edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Locker, K. O., & Skienzler, D. S. (2008). Administrative and Business Communication (7th Edition), New York: McGraw Hills Publishers. 3. For more than two authors, same as in a two-authored book but still remember to put an ampersand after a comma before the last contributor’s surname. 4. For a multivolume work, indicate the volume number in brackets in Arabic numerals immediately after the title. Examples Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A (2004). English for Specific Purposes (19th edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Locker, K. O., & Skienzler, D. S. (2008). Administrative and Business Communication (7th Edition), New York: McGraw Hills Publishers. 5. Put an ampersand (&) not ‘and’ between the second to the last and the last author’s names. 6. For a journal article, write the author’s surname followed by comma and initials, year in brackets, title of article in italics comma volume number and pages covered eg 6 (2), 265 – 273 Examples 7. For a chapter contribution or an edited work, write the relevant author’s surname, comma, initials, year in brackets, title of relevant chapter/section in quotation marks, comma the word ‘in’ colon, editor’s name Ed in brackets, title of the book, comma, pages covered in brackets, place of publication, publisher’s name. 8. For conference proceedings, write the author’s surname, comma, initials, year in brackets, title, in title of proceedings, occasion, place and date, pages covered. 9. For a newspaper, article writer’s name (if available, if not, the first three words from the title), paper name, year in brackets, title, comma, day and month, page location. 10. For government documents (as in newspaper followed by volume number). 11. If it is a government policy document, put the title of the policy in the position of the author’s name. 12. For a standalone document that does not indicate any year of publication, simply write ’nd’ in the place of the year. 13. Where a document does not carry the name of the author(s), begin with title. 14. If a journal is accepted for publication but still in press, write ‘In press’ in the position for year but do not indicate year, volume number or page number until the document is published. 15. If manuscript is submitted for publication but not yet accepted, write the author, year in brackets, title and put ‘manuscript submitted for publication’ but do write the journal or the publisher’s name. 16. If the unpublished manuscript is a student’s project, after author’s name, year in brackets and title, put ‘unpublished project and the institution’s name. 17. Author’s titles such as Mr, Mrs, Dr, Professor, Deacon are completely omitted. Electronic based Material 18. Write the source (website) of any internet based material (eg. Available at http://www...). 19. If you feel that the content of an internet based document has changed, indicate the date of retrieval along with the source of the document; eg. Retrieved on June 24, 2021 from: http://www... 20. If a document is retrieved from an organization such as an institutional website, the host organization and relevant programme should be identified before citing the web address; eg. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University portal Website: http://www… EXERCISES I: Read the abstract of a research paper below and answer the questions that follow it. (1)Epidemiological data on Bovine Brucellosis are scanty in this area. It is an infection usually caused by viobars of Brucella abortus, especially where cattle are kept in close association with sheep and goats. (2)The present study was intended to determine the prevalence of the disease so as to supplement the existing data. (3) A total of 150 blood and milk samples were collected from cattle in various farms. The samples collected were carefully packaged and incubated at 37 degrees Centigrade in 5 – 10 % for 6 weeks. (4)Out of the 150 blood and milk samples processed, 3 bulls and 1 cow were found positive for Brucella infection from blood culture. (5) In the light of the result, it can be inferred that, the low prevalence of the disease is largely attributable to the level of awareness of the Fulani and Hausa herdsmen. (6) It is, therefore, strongly observed that cattle herdsmen should always ensure regular vaccination of cattle and prompt treatment of the infected ones. QUESTIONS 1. A number is boldly assigned to each of the sub-sections of the abstract (numbered 1 to 6). Identify and write down in your answer booklet what each number represents from the following: a. synopsis, b. resume, c. conclusion, d. preface, e. materials and method, f. dependent variable, g. purpose, h. background, i. recommendation, j. discussion, k. result, l. appendix 2. From the abstract, identify and write down any 4 past passive tenses that express particular/specific procedural description. Re-organise the following list of references according to the recent edition of APA Citation Manual. 1. In 1981 Almudeef Printing Press Bauchi published a book titled “Oral Poetry edited by Ibrahim Yaro Yahaya with Muhammad Sule, Nasiru Salihu and Godwin Emmanuel’s chapter contribution titled “ The Hausa Poet” Covering Pages 139 to 156. 2. The book of Fatima Sani-Rabiu retrieved on October 19, 2019 from with the title Global warming today: Causes, effects and solutions. 3. Towards the end of August 2013, the article of Professor Moses Adebayo Aremu and Mr John Peter’s article appeared in the Ife Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Volume 1, Number 2. The title of the article is Nigerianisms in the English language usage by selected Pentecostal preachers in southwestern Nigeria. The article begins from page 85 and ends on page 103. 4. A book titled ‘my life’ contains the life of Sir Ahmadu Bello in 1962. It was first published in London by Cambridge University Press. III: Match each of the terms associated with research (numbered in Roman numerals) with the suitable definition (in letter lists) that most appropriately reflects it. i. Sampling ii. Methodology iii. Discussion iv. Bibliography v. Recommendation vi. Variable vii. Appendices viii. Preliminaries ix. Acknowledgement x. Title page DEFINITIONS (a). Information of secondary importance and provided as an end matter; (b). Mentioning of all those who helped, in anyway, in the successful completion of the study; (c). A comment on the result and also highlights some previous findings of other scholars relevant to the present study; (d). The procedure adopted in the in the study involving design for data gathering and analysis; (e).The name given to the first page of a thesis; (f).A process in which a portion of the entire population is carefully selected as a representation of the whole; (g). A condition that obtains at a given time and which may vary as time goes on; (h). Information provided before the main report of a project and usually the page numbers of which are numbered in roman numerals; (i). A detailed list of works cited as well as those not cited but are relevant to the topic; (j). Providing suggestion(s) to improve existing conditions PART II: FUNCTIONAL WRITING 1.2.1 Description Description of places, scenes, objects and processes are not so straightforward. To describe, the writer has to be logical, organized and sequential. The writer is required to begin from general to specific; from whole to part; from large to small; from outside to inside; top to bottom and from left to right. Apart from describing a personality, physical feature or a location, which ordinarily requires the use of present simple tense (is/are), there are also general (procedural) and specific or particular descriptions. General Description Both general and particular descriptions, which are our main concern, are objective and highly impersonal. They are, therefore, written in the passive voice. General description is the description of a process or procedure. So, the present passive tense (is/are + verb stem +ed/en) is used. Below is an example. HOW A PAPER IS MADE 1. The trees are felled or cut down. 2. The branches and leaves are removed. 3. The trees are transported to the sawmill. 4. The bark is stripped from the trunks. 5. The trunks are sawn into logs. 6. They are conveyed to the paper mill. 7. They are placed in the shredder. 8. They are cut into small chips. 9. They are mixed with water and acid. 10. They are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp. 11. This wood pulp is cleaned. 12. It is also chemically bleached to whiten it. 13. It is passed through rollers to flatten it. 14. Sheets of wet paper are produced. 15. The water is removed from the sheets. 16. These sheets are pressed, dried and refined until the finished is produced. Now, underline all the verbs written in present passive tense. The fact that the text is a general description suggests that the procedure takes place everywhere and at any time. In order to link the sentences, sequence markers, also known as sequencers (first, initially, to begin with, next, at the same time, subsequently, then, finally, lastly, etc), usually placed at, or near, the beginning of a sentence could also be used. However, when describing a process, to produce a sentence for each step; such that every sentence mentions one step; and also having almost the same shape is often boring. So, it is sometime more logical and much clearer to put several steps in a single sentence. This is because a good writer does not always need sequencers to communicate effectively. It is generally assumed that, realistically speaking the natural order of the process and the reader’s knowledge of the world would provide the required insight that facilitates a smooth understanding. Take a look at the example below. One of the earliest attempts at solar heating was the Dover House, Maria Tilkes and Eleanor Raymond, and built in 1949. In this house, energy from the sun is absorbed by a large area of blackened metal sheets covered by double plates of glass. Before the heat can be blown around the house it must first be stored in large tanks containing Glauber’s salt, a given volume of which can hold eight and a half times more heat than water. designed by Dr Equally, to avoid unnecessary repetition of certain subjects, relative pronouns and relative clauses are used. For example, sentences 1 and 2 can be merged into one as in number 3. 1. The bark is stripped from the trunks. 2. The trunks are sawn into logs. 3. the bark is stripped from the trunks which are sawn into logs. Particular/Specific Description Very good examples of a specific description are obvious in laboratory or workshop reports in which cases the writer explains what happened during a particular event at a particular time. Therefore, the past passive tense (was/were + verb +en/ed) is often used. Passive voice is chosen to depersonalize the information. However, when the writer wants to avoid distance between the actor and the action, active voice could be used. Read the following examples. 1. The liquid was heated in a test tube and reagent was added (PASSIVE). 2. The results were tabulated, and then the following conclusion were reached (PASSIVE). 3. The switch K was then closed and an accurate balance print (was) found (PASSIVE). 4. The four reactors we tested in the work reported here all contained a platinum catalyst (ACTIVE) Now, change the following sentences below to suit standard format for laboratory report writing. 1. Weight a dry stoppered 50ml flask and introduce 2.5g of acid. 2. Tighten the thread on a clamp 3. Use a metre rule to measure various lengths of 100cm, 80cm, 40cm and 20cm respectively. Answer 1. A dry stoppered 50ml flask was weighted and 2.5kg of acid was introduced. 2. The thread was tightened on a clamp 3. Various lengths of 100cm, 80cm, 40cm and 20cm were measured with a metre rule. It is also possible to shorten certain passive constructions. See example below. 1. the data were collected and they were analysed. 2. The data were collected and analysed. 1.2.2 Definition Definition is the process of explaining meaning of a concept or a phenomenon. There are three kinds of definition. These are 1. Real/formal definition, 2. Name/nominal/naming definition and 3. Expanded definition definition This kind of definition begins with concept being defined, followed by verb, then the general class to which the concept belongs, and finally a relative (wh-) clause. (concept + verb [is/are] + general class+ wh- clause). 1. Biology is the science which deals with the physical life of animals and plants. 2. A parasite is an organism which lives for all or part of its life on or in another organism. Nominal/name definition The general feature/characteristic/class followed by a relative (wh-) clause then verb and finally the concept defined. (general class + wh- clause + verb[is/are] + concept) 1. The science which deals with the physical life of animal and plants is called Biology. 2. An organism which lives for all or part of its life on or in another organism is known as a parasite. Expanded definition This kind of definition is called because it combines a definition with an added explanation such as example. 1. The science which deals with the physical life of animal and plants is called Biology the branches of which are Botany, Ecology and Zoology. 2. A parasite is an organism which lives for all or part of its life on or in another organism from which it derives some benefits such as food, shelter and protection. 3. Courtship is an innate pattern of behaviours- such as dancing, preening, or bringing nesting materials- which certain vertebrates carry out before mating. NB: 1. Always avoid omitting an important element when writing definition; and, 2. Avoid giving an example only in place of definition. 1.3 Exemplification When examples are provided in the process of defining something as in expanded definition, the act is known as exemplification. A sentence might use example to complete its meaning. This is often associated with sentences which make very wide generalisations. Examples are usually the detailed ellaborations (the examples) emanating from the topic sentence. Apart from giving definitions, examples are also possible in other instances such as statements referring to quality, feature or habit. These include efforts to support an assertion. For example, 1. Limestone regions in many regions of the world contains caves (examples are required). 2. There are three reasons why I want to be educated List required). Common markers/ connectives for exemplification are ‘for example’, ‘for instance’, ‘as shown by’, ‘particularly’, ‘such as’, ‘a case in point’, ‘an example’ and ‘illustration’. Exemplification can also take place without the use of connectives. Eg, The colour of stalactites is determined by the nature of the surrounding rocks. where the surrounding rocks contain copper, the stalactites are green. The presence of iron makes the stalactites pale yellow. In limestone areas which do not contain copper or iron, the stalactites are yellow or brown. 1.4 Classification/Division Classification refers to the division of items into classes, categories, groups or families on the basis of a certain identifiable criterion or several criteria (habit, colour, origin, shape, size, etc). Classification essays group objects/people/phenomena/animals according to the characteristics they share- usually a group to sub groups. The process requires the following: i. Establish a subject- select a topic with a general grouping to be classified into groups; ii. Provide specific details that form a basis of classification; iii. Use transitional words to help reader follow the causal analysis; and, iv. Draw conclusion concerning the groups and subgroups. To classify items effectively well, the distinguishing features have to be clearly determined. For instance, animals could be categorized according to vertebrates and invertebrates, each of which is further divided into sub groups. The commonest way of classification is through a diagram which is interpreted in a text. The first stage is always having a topic sentence with a title relating to the essay or by way of providing a thesis statement indicating the main group that will be classified into subgroups. Basic words used in classification are: categories, categorise, classes, classify, division, divide, items, itemize, arrangement, arrange, distinction, distinguish, difference, differ, fall into, order, kinds, types, members, consists of…, comprises, divided into, further subdivided, and classified according to/on the basis of… 1.5 Comparison and Contrast Comparison is involved when talking or writing about two persons, objects, or ideas in order to establish similarities and differences between/among them in terms of certain characteristics. Comparison involves more than one thing except in the effort to compare an aspect of that thing with another aspect of the same thing. Eg. Colour of the flower bud and the leaves of the same plant. 1.5.1 Comparison: The eye and the camera 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The camera and the eye are similar in many aspects. They both need light rays in order to function. Both have a sensitive surface on which the image is formed. In the eye, the image is formed on the retina. In the camera the image, the image is formed on the film. As in the camera, the image on the retina is inverted. Both the eye and the camera have a lens which focuses the image on the sensitive surface. 8. In the camera, the lens moves backwards and forwards. 9. In the eye, the curvature of the lens is charged. 10. In this respect, the eye differs from the camera. Now, identify from the 10 sentences above, those which show similarity and those that indicate difference. 1.5.2 Contrast As an aspect of comparison, contrast describes any observable trait (behaviour, characteristics, colour, etc in living and non-living things. While comparison reveals both similarities and differences, contrast points out an emphasis on the differences only. Contrast is, therefore, an aspect of comparison. See an example below. Plants and Animals There are several characteristics that distinguish plants from animals. Green plants are able to manufacture their own food. They use substances in the environment. This process is known as photosynthesis. In contrast, all animals, including man, get their own food either directly from plants or indirectly by eating animals which have eaten plants. Animals, therefore, take in a wider range of food than plants. Words denoting similarities and differences Similarity: similarly, in like manner, just as…so, similar to, the same as, in the same way, resembles, (be) like/alike/equally, as much as, as…as Contrast: in contrast, unlike…, not like, on the contrary, on the other hand, but, different from, dissimilar, differ(s) from, while, whereas, not similar to, more/less than. Qualifying degree adverbs for comparison: approximately, considerably, practically, entirely, totally, exactly, almost, nearly, slightly, a little, more or less, a great deal, somewhat, somehow. NB: there are situations when a contrast is indicated without any signaling word. For example: 1. The lion, unlike the goat, eats meat (‘unlike’ indicates difference). 2. A triangle has three sides; a rectangle has four (difference is implied/in-built). 1.6 Cause and Effect Cause-effect relationship refers to the idea of linking the reason /purpose/cause of events or actions with their result/effect/consequence. For any expression that shows cause and effect, there is a connective/linking expression as in the example below. CAUSE Heat Prices rose. Any marks on the leaves are probably CONNECTIVE Causes As a result, due to EFFECT iron to expand fewer goods were sold the same virus Now, link each of the expressions numbered 1 to 6 with the one from those numbered (a) to (i) that appropriately fits. Connective in each case is in italics. 1. There is acid in that bottle. Therefore… 2. The effect of the fluctuation in temperature 3. Bad labour relations caused… 4. The accident occurred because of… 5. He passed his examinations because… 6. Delayed treatment often results in…. (a). the road was icy. (b). he was unsuccessful. (c). prolonged illness. (d). it must be handled very carefully. (e). careful storage. (f). the icy road conditions. (g). the strike. (h). he worked hard. (i). was to kill the laboratory specimens. Most often, the type and the position of the connective usually determines whether the cause or the effect occupies the initial position. For instance, 1. An increase in demand often causes/results in/ leads to/culminates in /produces higher prices. 2. Higher prices result from/emanate from an increase in demand. 3. The prices are higher because of/ as a result of/ on account of/owing to/through/largely due to/ because there is/since there is/as there is an increase in demand. 4. The prices are higher because the demand has increased. 5. When/If there is an increase in demand, (then) prices rise. 6. Because/As/Since/Now that the demand has increased, the prices are higher. 1.7 Generalisation and Qualification This is where general comments are made about information and at the same time, opinion/interpretation/analysis is given after describing the information initially. To make general comments about certain information often requires that it is qualified with some amount of precision. The qualification entails that the writer is giving interpretation or opinion purely based on the available information. The following are some the commonly used expressions for qualification. QUANTITY: all, every, each, most, majority (of), many, much, a lot (of), enough, some, several, a number (of), a minority (of), a few, few, a little, little, no, none, no any FREQUENCY: always, usually, normally, generally, regularly, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, scarce(ly), seldom, hardly, never PROBABILITY: certainly, definitely, undoubtedly, probable, probably, likely, perhaps, possible, possibly, maybe, unlikely Below is frame for a typical description of a factual information Based on a survey of/ A recent survey of…analysed…Out of …, … were/were found to be…This implies/suggests/shows/reveals that all/almost/most/majority/several/a larger proportion of…However/Interestingly… The …tend(s) to/There is a general tendency that… generally/most frequently/always/rarely 1.8 Interpretation of Data Our age is characterized by information explosion. Therefore, the problem associated with data can be summarized briefly as those involving the source, collection, processing, storage and retrieval. Information of whatever form, shape or mode for scientific or academic use is described as data. In academic writing, data interpretation is the written comment or discussion on significant information from tables, diagrams, charts, etc. even where such diagrammatic information is clear. It usually begins with an introduction of general comment which is followed by a descriptive comment on the most significant information. The introductory section mentions the type of diagram (eg. table or figure) with the number assigned to it and its important features (content). The commentary section adequately describes or discusses everything within the content in any of the following examples. As can be seen from/in … According to Table I/Figure I… As is shown in… As indicated… Larger of… was/suggests/implies…In fact, … accounted for as much as/ greater than/less than/as high as/as low as/lower than... While/Whereas/On the contrary/On the other hand… /Similarly/Most importantly/As much as/Only… … very minimal/slight/gradual/sharp/rapid/sudden/marked/ increase/decrease… 1.9 Drawing Conclusions Soon after every data interpretation, conclusions are drawn. This is usually in the light of findings that emerged from the data interpreted. The conclusions inform the reader what is inferred/suggested from the data. Conclusions state clearly what is obtainable or what can/may be predicted. From every information in a text, table or figure, you make an analysis, make comments on significant items and discuss them. Thereafter, you draw some conclusion(s). Summary, is in this context, largely different from conclusion(s). EXERCISES I: Read the following description of a procedure used to carry out a study on ‘an economic analysis of natural gas policy alternatives’ and answer the questions that follow. A mathematical model was developed for the evaluation of alternative natural gas policies. The model is based upon a simplified energy demand function which relates the quantity of energy consumed to price. The relationship was not estimated by a statistical procedure. Rather, parameters were specified which, on the basis of previous studies, were thought to approximate market behavior. Energy consumption was defined to include natural gas, oil and electricity used in the residential, commercial, and individual sectors. Fuels used for transportation and oil used for industrial feedstock were excluded because natural gas is not generally used for these purposes. It is used to produce anhydrous ammonia, but this was also excluded. The supply and price of natural gas and the prices of potential natural gas substitutes were specified for each policy option. The model was then used to calculate the price of energy, the quantity of energy, and the quantities of natural gas substitutes that would be consumed. From this information, policy alternatives were evaluated by comparing the consumer expenditure associated with each policy. QUESTIONS 1. Identify and write down in your answer booklet: (a) 8 passive voice verb forms that show particular/specific description (b) 2 passive voice verb forms showing general description II: Change the following from nominal to formal definitions. 1. A writing instrument which contains a lead and can be erased by a rubber is called a pencil. 2. A person who studies living organisms is called a biologist. 3. A book which has softcovers and is relatively cheap is known as a paperback. 4. The type of vision which allows distances to be judged and shapes perceived in depth is known as a binocular vision. 5. A substance which has the property of being transparent is glass. III: The following are statements about animals (numbered 1 to 5) and plants (marked by letters a to e). Match the statements that express contrast. ANIMALS 1. Animal cells are enclosed in a membrane. 2. Animals obtain food from plants and other animals. 3. Animals can move. 4. Animals are sensitive to their environment. 5 All parts of an animal grow. PLANTS a. Plants manufacture their own food. b. Plants do not have the power of locomotion. c. Plants only grow in their extremities. d. Plants do not appear to be sensitive to their environment. e. Plant cells are enclosed in a non-living wall. III: The following are statements about human (numbered 1 to 5) and insect communities (marked by letters a to e). Match the statements which express similarities. HUMAN SOCIETIES 1. Cities are complex. 2. Countries maintain armies. 3. Individuals work together. 4. Human houses are functional. 5. There is division of labour. INSECT SOCIETIES a. Groups have specialized functions. b. Individuals coordinate their efforts. c. There are soldiers to defend the colonies. d. Insects’ nests are not simple. e. Nests are built to perform specific functions IV. Each of the sentences below shows a cause and effect relationship. Copy the sentences and indicate each of the two clauses in every sentence as expressing either a cause or an effect. 1. He was demoted because his performance was too low. 2. Drug addicts can become very moody and sometimes violent. As a consequence, families sometimes break off. 3. Since men take on the main responsibility of keeping the family, they develop stressrelated illness and die younger. 4. Many able-bodied men are killed in violence prone communities. As a result, widows and orphans are left without a breadwinner. V. Complete each of these sentences, making use of any one of the following: such as, as…as, while, nevertheless, a case in point, an example, although, however, because. 1. at the approach of danger, many birds utter warning calls. This is… of animals. 2. …the imported juices are expensive, the locally produced ones are cheap. 4. there are a number of languages … Italian and Romania which descended from Latin. 5. The number of signals that an animal can make is very limited, the Great is… 6. alkaline and base were mixed in the basin, a remarkable reaction was observed. 7. … he is a novice, his written English performance was impressive. Suggested Readings Altherton, B. (2000). ‘Developing accuracy in academic writing’. In A. J. Gillet, & L. Wray (Eds), Assessing the effectiveness of EAP programmes (pp 12-23) London: BALEAP Barras, R. (1978). Scientists must write – A guide to better writing for scientists, engineers and students. New York: Willey and Sons Inc. Brown, F. A. (2003). English for tertiary education: An integrated approach. Jos: Mazlink. Crème, P, & Lea, M. R. (2003). Writing at university – a guide for students 2nd edition. London: Oxford University Press Grant – Robertson, R. (1982). Approaches to encourage young Arabs to monitor and improve their writing skills. In Jordan, R.R. (Ed) Case services in ELT. (pp46-55) London: Collins Hamp – Lyons, L. & Courter, K. B. (1984). Research matters. London: New Bury House Publication. Harding, K. (2007). English for specific purposes. London: Oxford University Press. Hedge, T. (1991). Writing. New York: Oxford. Horsella, M. & Sindermann, G. (1992). Aspects of scientific discourse: conditional argumentation, English for Specific Purposes: An International Journal, 11(3), 129 – 140. Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A (2004). English for specific purposes (19th edition), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jean-Luc, L. (2008). Scientific writing 2.0: A reader and writer’s guide. London: World Scientific. Jordan, R. R. (1980). Academic writing course : Collins study skills in English. London: Collins. Kaewpet, C. (2009). Communication needs of Thai civil engineering students. English for Specific Purposes, 28, 266-278. Okezi, U. (1984). “Towards functional performance based use of English programmes in Nigeria”, In Freeman, R. and Jibril, M. (Eds) English language studies in Nigerian higher education papers of the Nigerian English Studies in Association with the British Council. Pp62-73. Conference held at BUK, Nigeria. Olaofe, I. A. (2010). Research writing for academic growth: a handbook for writing seminar and conference papers, theses, dissertations and journal articles.Zaria, Nigeria: ABU Press Limited. Paltridge, B. (2001). ‘Linguistic research in EAP pedagogy’, in J. Flowerdew and M. Peacock (Eds) Research Perspectives on English for Academic Purposes. Retrieved: November 16, 2009 from Sambo, A. A. (2005). Research Methods in Education. Ibadan: Stirling – Horden Publishing Company Udoeyo, F. F. & Wudiri, A. J. (1996). Future engineers and the science of English language. Bauchi Liberal Studies Series, 1 (1), 76White, R. & Arndt, V. (1991). Process writing. London: Longman.