“The Landlady” Reading and Annotation Essential Question: What does the young man, Billy need? And what are the Landlady’s intentions with Billy? Name: Class: Period: Date: Topic: Analyzing a Short Story for the following: Inferencing, Foreshadowing, Simile, Mood, Tone, Summarization and Imagery. From the title, what do you think the story will be about? Who is the main character? Why has he come to Bath? What first attracts Billy to the Bed and Breakfast? Re-read lines 28-38. How would you describe Billy’s mood? List details of the bed and breakfast that make it inviting and comfortable. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What simile is used to describe how the Landlady answers the door? What is weird about the Landlady answering the door so soon after Billy rings the doorbell? What might this mean about her? www.avidonline.org © 2004 AVID Center. All rights reserved. The Landlady tells Billy that she knew he would stay at her bed and breakfast (159). Why do you think she is so certain Billy will stay? Make a prediction: There are no hats or coats in the hall (176). What might this mean? There are no other guests in the bed and breakfast. What does this FORESHADOW? What is Billy trying to figure out? What does he reveal about the two guests’ names? List the anything the Landlady says and does that seem unusual or out of the ordinary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How would you describe the Landlady’s personality? Explain with support. List words, from lines 248-to 1. the end of the paragraph, that show what Billy thinks of the 2. Landlady. 3. 4. www.avidonline.org © 2004 AVID Center. All rights reserved. What odd thing has Billy discovered about the guestbook? Billy recognizes a strange smell of the house, what do you think it is? Billy is surprised when the Landlady reveals what to him about her pets? Why is he surprised? List the horrifying things the Landlady reveals about her activities. 1. 2. 3. 4. What does Billy think about the tea? From your background knowledge, what has been done to the tea? What do you think will happen to Billy? Summary, Reflection, Analysis: Summarize the story in 3-4 sentences. www.avidonline.org © 2004 AVID Center. All rights reserved.