PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT 2 Risk can present in your project. It is about HOW you will manage, structured, & performed. You shall create a PLAN how to manage. A company usually has own standard procedure / system of Risk Management. RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS 1. Plan Risk Management 2. Identify Risk 3. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 4. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 5. Plan Risk Response 6. Monitoring & Control Risk Response 1 3 IDENTIFY RISK Listing any possible risk, gather input from all stakeholders, is an iterative process during project life cycle, as soon as project starting, mostly occur at initiating & planning (but can come after that), continual assessment. Tools: • Documentation Reviews : charter, lesson learn, contract, etc. • Gathering Information : Delphi Technique, Interviewing, Root Cause Analysis • SWOT • Checklist Analysis : to identify risk within each category • Assumption Analysis : assumption behind the project • Diagram Technique : cause effect diagram, flow chart OUTPUT of this identify risk is RISK REGISTER. Contains: • List of risk • Potential responses • Root Cause of risk • Update Risk Category 5 PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS Select some output of Qualitative Analysis to further analyze Quantitatively . It is numerical, objective analysis, using Probability & Impact with output in the form of $. Purpose • Determine which risk warrant a response • Determine overall project’s risk • Determine the quantified probability of meeting project • Determine cost & schedule reserve • Identify risk requiring the most attention • Create realistic & achievable cost, schedule or scope target Various Ways: • Interviewing • Cost & Time Estimating • Delphi Technique • Use historical records from previous project • Expert Judgment • Expected Monetary value analysis (EMV) • Monte Carlo Analysis OUTPUT 1. Methodology How you will performed 2. Risk Category Big/small, High/ Medium/Low; Risk Matrix 3. Definition of Probability & impact Risk Matrix 4. Stakeholder tolerance stakeholder justification/reputation 5. Role & Responsibility who will do what 6. Budgeting cost to manage risk 7. Timing when doing risk management 8. Reporting Format standard dashboard, etc 9. Tracking how will be audited, documentation 4 PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS Output from identification of risk is Risk List. Select some of them to analyze further Qualitatively. It is subjective analysis. Using Probability & Impact, with the output High Medium Low risk category. Tools: • Probability Impact Matrix using company standard • Risk Data Quality Management to measure how accurate and well understood • Risk Categorization Regroup by cause to know what package/process/people have most risk • Risk Urgency Assessment Choose which risk need to address first (prioritizing) OUTPUT is RISK REGISTER UPDATE (re‐update Risk Register on Identify Risk). Contain update: • Risk Ranking for the project compare to other project High Medium Low, used for project selection • List of prioritized risk and their probability & Impact rating • List of risk requiring additional analysis in the near term • List of risk for additional analysis and response some of risk will be further analyze in QUANTITATIVELY • Watch‐list (non critical or non top risk) 6 • Trends PLAN RISK RESPONSE Output from qualitative analysis is top risk list. Plan risk response is about what are you going to do with this each top risk. Risk can be THREAT and OPPORTUNITY. Response requires difference strategies. See the list. RISK TYPE THREAT (‐) RISK RESPONSE STRATEGY AVOID MITIGATE TRANSFER ACCEPT eliminate the cause Reduce probability/impact deflect, allocate, insurance Happen it happens SHARE ACCEPT partnership, joint venture) Happen it happens OPPORTUNITY EXPLOIT ENHANCE make sure opportunity increase (+) occur OUTPUT is RISK REGISTER UPDATE (re‐update risk on identify risk). Contain update: • Prioritized list of Quantified Risk • Amount of contingency time & cost reserve needed • Possible realistic achievable completion date & cost with confidence level, versus time and cost objective for the project • The quantified probability of meeting project objectives • Trends in quantitative risk analysis If there will be REMAINING RISK after implementing Risk Response, it should be managed by CONTIGENCY PLAN (Reserve Budget/Time). If Contingency Plan does not work, you need to create FALLBACK PLAN. 7 MONITORING AND CONTROL RISK RESPONSE Look for the occurrence of risk trigger, monitor residual risk, identify new risk and analyze it, evaluate effectiveness of risk management plan, collect and communicate risk status, develop new response, determine if assumption is still valid, ensure risk management is followed, revisit watch list, recommend corrective action, look for unexpected effect, reevaluate risk identification, qualitative, quantitative risk analysis, update risk management, look at the changes, make change, create database of risk data, perform variance and trend analysis, use contingency reserve Work Around : UNPLANNED responses. Not registered in RISK REGISTER Risk Reassessment : review periodically and adjust the risk if necessary Risk Audit likelihood/probability OUTPUT is UPDATE RISK REGISTER • Project Management Plan Update work package, task, cost, schedule, etc. could be changed • Project Document Update Role & responsibility, quality metrics, etc could be changed • Risk Register Update • Residual Risk * Risk Trigger • Contingency Plan * Contracts • Risk Response Owner * Fallback Plan • Secondary Risk * Reserves Reserve Analysis : check your remaining RESERVE Budget Status Meeting : shall be one of meeting topic Closing : Close the risk if no longer applicable OUTPUT • Risk Register Updates • Change Request • Project Management Update • Project Document Update • Organization Process Update Risk Management ‐ slamet suryanto ‐ 2015 1 Increase OPPORTUNITY RISK MANAGEMENT Reduce THREATS Project has Risk and should be managed to avoid any unnecessary changes and being in control of Project Manager. Risk shall be identified and managed staring in initiating and are continually kept up to date during the project is going on. Project Manager should think in advance to identify any kind of risks. Risk will always generate Impact. It could be Positive Impact (+, called OPPORTUNITY), and could be Negative Impact ( ‐, called THREATS) Risk Tolerance : Area of risk that are acceptable or not acceptable Thresholds : The point at which the risk becomes unacceptable. Risk Category, can be categorized in many ways : internal, external, technical, unforeseen, etc. Source of Risk, can be categorized in many ways (come from) : schedule, cost, quality, resource, scope, customer, culture, etc. • • • • • • • • Done During Plan Risk Identify Risk Management Planning Process Planning Process What Develop Planning List all possible Risk Highlight Output Management Plan Risk Register Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Planning Process Calculate Risk using Probability x Impact = High Medium Low Risk Register Update LISTING ALL POSSIBLE SELECT SOME RISK: Example: Assume the plan RISK: Bridge collapse : High Risk Project of is as per company Bridge collapse, rain Rain Season : Low Risk Bridge procedure season, high steel Steel Price : Low Construction price, permitting SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION • • Risk Factor s are factors should be looked: • Probability, the risk will happen • Impact, the range of outcome (amount of impact, high medium low) • Timing, in what project life cycle that risk could be happen • Frequency, how often could be happen Type of Risk • Business Risk : Gain or Loss • Pure Risk : only for Loss (fire, theft) Tips: There are a lot of question in the exam that are situational. You need to analyze in which Risk Management Process those questions falling into. Different process will required different action. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Planning Process Plan Risk Response Monitor & Control Risk Response Monitoring & Controlling Planning Process Develop strategy to increase Calculate Risk Probability Opportunity or Monitor and control x Impact (in $ ) decrease/eliminate Threat Risk Register Update Risk Register Update Risk Register Update Contingency Plan Change Request Fall back Plan SELECT SOME RISK : Bridge collapse: 20% probable, impact $2M Expected Monetary Value Analysis (EMV) EMV = Probability (P) x Impact (I) Check your plan, check Bridge Collapse : hire expert, the risk occurrence, insurance, or joint venture check your reserve funding budget, etc. Work Package Probability Impact EMV = P x I A 25% $ 20,000 $ 5,000 B 65% $ 10,000 $ 6,500 DECISION TREE : Method to choose between many options using EMV analysis A company is trying to determine if prototype is worthwhile on the project. They have come up with the following impacts (see the diagram) of whether the equipment works or fails. Base on the information provided in the diagram, what is the expected monetary value of your decision? Failure : 35% Probability And $ 120,000 impact Prototype: Setup cost $200,000 PROTOTYPE 35% x $120,000 = $42,000 $42,000 + 200,000 = $242,000 Pass : No Impact DO NOT PROTOTYPE Failure : 70% Probability And $ 450,000 impact Don Not Prototype: Set up Cost $0 70% x $450,000 = $315,000 The answer is $242,000, which is the expected monetary value of the decision of prototype Pass : No Impact PROJECT BUDGET STRUCTURE – contingency & management reserve 8. Cost Budget $ 425 7. Management Reserves $ 25 6. Cost Baseline $ 400 $ 50 5. Contingency Reserve $ 350 4. Project Estiamtes 3. Control Account Estimate CA #1= $ 200 CA #2 = $ 150 2. Work Package Estimate WP #A $150 WP #B $50 …….. 1. Activity Estimates A1 A2 Ax $ 75 $ 50 $ 25 B1 B2 Bx $ 10 $ 20 $ 20 ……… Risk Management ‐ slamet suryanto ‐ 2015 2