Uploaded by Cirio Alcantara Jr.


Far Eastern University
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Thought Leadership Presentation
Successful Leader: Aries Melanio
CNT Promo & Ads Specialists, Inc.
Submitted by:
Cirio C. Alcantara Jr.
Danica Joyce D. Buxani
Nicole Anne M. Julian
Julianne Nicole G. Marcos
Justine Marie B. Parayno
MGT1101 Sec 1
Submitted to:
Dr. Leonardo F. Cada, Jr.
November 2021
Table of Contents
Overview/ Name of the Business
Company Address and Contact Details
Date of Virtual or Online Interview
Resume of Person Interviewed
Questionnaire Template
Transcript of the Interview
Photo Documentation
Individual Reflection Paper/ Personal Plan
Appendix/ Appendices
I. Overview/Name of the Business
CNT Promo & Ads Specialists, Inc. is a company founded by Felix Tobillo Sr. They are a
registered labor outsourcing firm that provides personnel for frontline initiatives. Under their
company is Mr. Aries Melanio, our hand-picked leader, who is a field operations supervisor. His
team is made up of merchandisers from SM supermarkets under Green Cross Inc. His
responsibilities include training and supervising the members, checking their daily reports, product
pricing and availability, and more.
Company Mission: We will improve the lives of the Filipinos by providing job opportunities
through quality service to our partners focusing on people solutions, learning and development,
and the widest workforce coverage resulting in a sustainable business growth.
Company Vision: As one of the leaders in the industry, we aim to be the preferred business partner
in providing quality job solutions. We are committed to improve the lives of the Filipinos for
nation building.
II. Company Address and Contact Details
CNT Promo & Ads Specialists, Inc.’s head office is located at 35th Floor Summit One
Office Tower, 350 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City. They can be reached through Facebook, email
(hrdadmin@cntpromoads.com), and their contact number is (02) 535 0538. Mr. Aries Melanio can
be contacted through email (melanioaries7@gmail.com) and his contact number (09496399536).
III. Date of Virtual or Online Interview
The virtual interview with Mr. Aries Melanio took place on November 6, 2021, at 3:00
p.m. via Google Meet.
IV. Resume of Person Interviewed
O47 A1 Paseo De Animales Santolan Pasig City
Date of Birth : March 28, 1981 Age : 40
Civil Status : Married
Mobile : 09496399536
Email : melanioaries7@gmail.com
To have a job to support my family and also to build trust to fellow workers.
Faith in God RPMPTSC
Account Specialist | February 1, 2018 - Present
To monitor and ensure that all Merchandiser are present on their respective area.
To monitor the availability of the products in the store.
To build strong relationships with the team.
Solidpoint Manpower & Allied Services, INC.
Account Coordinator | March 2017-January 31, 2018
Promo Edge Corporation
Account Coordinator | October 17, 2006 – March 16, 2017
Philippine Marine Institute – Sta. Cruz Manila
Bachelor of science in Marine Transportation 1998 to 2000
San Juan Academy – Sara, Iloilo – 1994 to 1998
Puente Bunglas Elementary School –Ajuy, Iloilo - 1989 to 1994
Abby Bianzon – Accounting Personnel –Mobile : 09307761185
Jolina Crespo – Office Staff- Mobile : 09064750717
V. Questionnaire Template
1. Based on your experiences and knowledge, what are the most essential characteristics of a
successful leader/ business owner for you?
2. What do you like most about being a leader?
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
4. What are the (Filipino) values if any that you acquired while doing your business?
5. May we know what your current and long-term goals are for your business/team?
6. As a leader, what are the core values you try to instill in your people? Are they something close
to your values and goals?
7. Did you ever experience any type of downfall or any major challenges in your business? If yes,
may we know what those were and how did you solve it?
8. What motivates you despite the hardships you experience daily?
9. How do you delegate tasks and how important is delegation to you? Do you consider different
factors before assigning tasks to someone?
10. As a business owner/manager, how do you properly handle the stress and pressure of owning
a business/managing your team?
11. Was there a time that you had trouble handling your fellow employees? How did you handle
such a situation?
12. What advice can you give to students like us who would like to pursue a career in business or
entrepreneurship in the future?
VI. Transcript of the Interview
Interviewer: Good day! We are students from FEU and we are conducting an interview
about leadership.
Mr. Melanio: Hello. Good afternoon. I will also introduce myself first. I am Aries Melanio and I
work as a supervisor at SM Supermarkets. I am also handling people, so that is why I hope I could
be of some help to you.
Interviewer: Shall we proceed to the interview? Are you ready?
Mr. Melanio: Yes.
Interviewer: What are the most essential characteristics of a successful leader for you?
Mr. Melanio: One of the most essential characteristics of a successful leader for me is to be able
to make your people follow your instructions. Another important characteristic a successful leader
must possess is to be able to put your instructions clearly so that everyone can have a clear
understanding on what the leader is trying to ask for his people to do in order to achieve efficiency
at work.
Interviewer: What do you like most about being a leader?
Mr. Melanio: What I like the most about being a leader is seeing people in team become the best
version of themselves and having best results when it comes to their tasks, as well as seeing
everyone succeed in their jobs with the help of proper leading and delegating of tasks.
Interviewer: What are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
Mr. Melanio: I consider being tough and showing a strong personality as my strength. I must be
firm as a leader most especially whenever I assign tasks so that my people will take my instructions
and do their tasks seriously to meet our deadlines. I also suggest that as a leader, you should also
do your part to remind them of their deadlines and always do a follow-up so that your people will
be informed that you are really expecting output from them since some people tend to not take
your instructions seriously. Moreover, it must be a two-way relationship. Instead of just delegating
different tasks, as a leader, you must also check up on the people in your team and offer them your
help when things get tough. This way, you can ensure that no efforts and time will be put to waste
since you have already checked up on your people even before they have submitted an output the
leader may not like. Consequently, a leader must also show appreciation to his people. After
working hard, a little compliment and words of appreciation to express gratitude to your people
should be done to make them feel valued and appreciated. On the other hand, I consider my
compassion and being soft-hearted for my people as my weakness as a leader. My people’s
weakness is also my weakness. Whenever my member is having a tough time or going through
something, I can notice it and I hurt them as well. Since we are a team, what hurts my members
also hurts me as their leader.
Interviewer: What are your current and long-term goals for your team?
Mr. Melanio: Just like any leader in the world, I want nothing but success for my team. I am a
firm believer that you should not box yourself in a corner and every employee has a chance to
grow and succeed in life. As a leader, you should not just think of your own success but also of
the entire team and that no one shall be left behind.
Interviewer: As a leader, what are the core values you try to instill in your people? Are they
something close to your values and goals?
Mr. Melanio: Patience, courage, and understanding. In our line of work, these values are
important and must be possessed by the members of his team. One must have patience, courage,
and understanding in everything that you do so that when things get difficult, you will not think of
quitting right away. Additionally, it is not easy to handle people with different personalities and
mindset so having a lot of tolerance and composure is necessary. Having a quality of understanding
also plays a big role in their line of work, that is why it is another thing I want to instill in my
people. There are times wherein a subordinate may still not completely understand the task I, as a
leader, ask him to do and it can really affect the quality of work. In this situation, the importance
of having a long patience and being understanding comes in. I also keep on reminding my team to
always have something to look forward to and to not have a closed mindset as I do not believe just
because you are in your current situation, it does not necessarily mean that that is all you can do
and that is all where you can get.
Interviewer: Did you ever experience any type of downfall or any major challenges in your
business? If yes, what were those and how did you solve it?
Mr. Melanio: Just like what I have mentioned earlier, I experienced trying to explain and make
my member understand what I am asking him to do but he still could not get it. I am also having a
tough time because my people do not work inside an office. I cannot focus on just areas so I have
to manage my time so that I can check every area where my people are working. I also have an
experience where my member just keeps saying yes as an answer but there is no output. That is
what I consider as the biggest challenge. What I usually do in this situation is I try to talk to him
personally. I will take him to a place where we can be alone and talk. In this part, I have to set
aside my pride and not think that I am in any way superior to my people. I go to his area first and
ask him to talk with me, but this time, you should not aggressively confront him about his mistake
but take time first to check up on him. I make him understand my side first, but I also listen to his
side as well. Never threaten him. No matter how bad your people’s performance is, you should
still boost his confidence and encourage him.
Interviewer: After talking to your team members about their shortcomings, and you address
it, does it work? Does your advice on your team members on how they can improve their
jobs work?
Mr. Melanio: Yes. Because after the talk, I still check up on him from time to time. I usually tell
my team, when I am having a talk with them individually, that I will get back on them after a week
to see how they are doing, how they are with work, I would usually bring up the topic we had
during our first talk. I will show them my notes on things they need to improve, and I will tell them
that I hope by the following week the problems that were addressed are already solved. And if they
were solved, I always give them compliments about their work, and that they did a good job. And
after that, I usually give them rewards like treating them with food. And I can say that with
everything I have experienced, my strategy on how I properly handle my members when there is
shortcomings work.
Interviewer: What motivates you despite the hardships you experience on a daily basis?
Mr. Melanio: Of course, my number one reason is my family. Just like you, I have someone with
whom I enroll in school with. That is where I get my motivation to properly do my job, to properly
walk-through life every day. So, before leaving the house, I set my goals and plans for the day
first. Because going out in the house without a plan or anything in mind is very hard. I usually
make a checklist of things I should accomplish during the day. It is my way of disciplining myself
and making sure that I do not forget anything important to do during that day. And when I have
done every task that I had, I can go home with my family without having to worry about work.
Interviewer: How do you delegate tasks and how important is delegation? Do you consider
different factors before assigning tasks to someone?
Mr. Melanio: Okay, regarding the delegation of tasks with my team or subordinates, the first thing
I look for is trust. That is something I fully give to them because not giving your trust will
eventually backfire on you. Because as a leader, trust should be the first thing that you should give
to them, and confidence. That is the reason you hired them. Why would you hire them if you are
not going to trust them? Also, your delegation should be precise, clear, and efficient. Try to also
ask them in a nice way because in my experience, that way has always worked.
Interviewer: As a leader, how do you properly handle the stress and pressure of managing
your team?
Mr. Melanio: When I am feeling stressed, I usually get out for fresh air first. I try to cool down
first. When I do not cool down, I am afraid I might hurt my team with the words that would come
out in impulse. If possible, I would drink water to try to calm myself down. I would do anything
to try to clear my head first, any type of stress reliever would do.
Interviewer: Was there a time that you had trouble handling your fellow subordinates? How
did you properly handle that as a leader/business owner?
Mr. Melanio: Yes. What I do is I first talk to the friend of the person I have trouble handling. I
would tell that said friend that I am having trouble approaching that person. I would ask the friend
what the person’s personality was. And with that friend, I would get the idea of how I would
approach that person without him getting hurt. Yes, I also have my observations regarding my
team, but asking one of that person’s closest friends would help me get to know the person more.
Interviewer: Last question is, what advice can you give to students like us who would like to
pursue a career in finance or entrepreneurship in the future?
Mr. Melanio: Based on experience, pursue your dreams, broaden your mind, but do not try to
absorb everything that is surrounding you, and know your limitations. Go on an adventure from
time to time but keep in mind your limitations. Be patient and be mature. You can be independent
if you want to be. And lastly, respect. Respect others and yourself. Also, before you speak, think
first of what you are going to say.
Interviewer: Just one more question, sir. How many people do you supervise in your field?
Mr. Melanio: I supervise 20 people from Muntinlupa to Batangas area.
VI. Acknowledgement
We, the group members, would like to take this opportunity to thank the following:
First, Mr. Aries Melanio for making time on his busy schedule to accommodate and let us interview
him for this project. His cooperation and contributions are appreciated and have been a major help
for the outcome of this project.
We are grateful to our professor, Mr. Leonardo Cada Jr. for his support and help on this project.
His guidance and advice have been invaluable in helping us finish this paper.
Thank you so much!
VII. Photo Documentation
Google Meet Interview with Mr. Aries Melanio
VIII. Individual Reflection Paper/ Personal Plan
Alcantara, Cirio Jr. C.
When our group did the interview for becoming a leader for our final requirement on this
subject, I learnt a lot. I acquired and absorbed fresh facts that will help me in my future endeavors.
The interview educated me to be a better leader not just in class but also when playing with my
friends, being the eldest son to my parents and a brother to my younger sister.
The interviewee carefully and truthfully answered every question that our group posed to
him. The interview that we performed was straightforward, and it will undoubtedly be useful to
me in the future. There are several things that have remained with me since, the first of which is
to be patient with everything and everyone. I know that being patient is important when it comes
to being a leader because my father is a former manager himself, and he always tells me that
patience is the key to everything, that you need to calm down when you're angry because you're
just saying anything when you're angry, and that most of the time you'd disrespect someone just
because you're angry. Also, having the right composure and understanding is important in
leadership because as a leader, you should be an example to your people and being composed
during tense moments or something related to that would surely motivate your subordinates more,
and understanding is also important because remember, your subordinates have feelings and in
order for them to perform at their best, you need to understand them whatever happens to them
because being emotionally affected would stifle their performance (Levin, 2017). Second, you
must help your subordinate realize their full potential and become the best version of themselves.
In the past, precollege days, I was always the leader-type in my class, and I would always tell my
classmates that I wanted them to work harder so that they could be a better version of themselves
while they were under me (Heathfield, 2021). Finally, it may seem obvious, but I believe that in
order for someone to be a true leader, he must be able to persuade others beneath or around him to
follow his directions. The direction he provides should help everyone focus on the shared objective
and make their different tasks function together. As a leader, you will undoubtedly face obstacles
since, in my opinion, being a leader entails not always being flawless and on top. There may be
times when you must overcome adversity in order to be a stronger leader for your team. Despite
all that is going on, I believe I and the interviewee share the same motivation, which is our
respective families. Every day, I studied hard for my parents, who worked tirelessly to provide my
younger sister and me with what we now have. I want to reciprocate all they did for us, so even
though it is difficult to study, I constantly focus and try my best since it is the only way I can thank
them (Cherry, 2020).
Overall, I understood that being a leader comprises more than simply being effective at
your job, but also being a better human being towards your subordinates, which allows you to be
a better leader for them.
Buxani, Danica Joyce D.
Ever since I could remember, I was always curious how someone could lead a group of
people. At a young age, we were trained to be leader by giving us simple tasks that involves leading
your group or classmates. To be honest, I consider myself as more of a follower than a leader and
I see my closest friends thriving at being a leader even when it comes to simple tasks. That is why
since then, I was always curious as to what makes a good leader.
I have realized from the interview that we conducted that leaders are one of the most
resilient, resourceful, strategic, intelligent and at the same time, can be the most caring people who
always look after us to ever exist. In order to be one, you must take extraordinary measures to be
successful in your field. Just like what I have observed from the interview we have conducted,
although it is not easy, leaders must always put on a hard face and a tough and strict aura in order
for his people to take him seriously without sacrificing a good and harmonious relationship among
his team by trying to loosen up from time to time. Moreover, I believe that a leader must also be a
friend to his people. Although sometimes it can be stressful and feels like a heavy burden, I believe
that a leader must look into it at another perspective. Instead of taking it negatively whenever one
of his people is distracted that keeps him from achieving best results at work, he must be flattered
whenever one of his people come up to him during though times because it simply means that is
he trustworthy. One specific thing I also remembered from our interview was when our interviewee
said that his peoples' weakness is also his weakness and even mentioned that he is also hurting
whenever one of his member is going through a difficult time. This only shows that no matter how
authoritative a leader can be, they are also the one who cares about his people the most. Another
thing from the interview that made me reflect the most was about maintaining a good relationship
with his people. At work, it is inevitable to scold or make a bad remark on someone's performance,
but at the end of the day, as a leader, you must learn to check up on your people from time to time.
However, these things that I have mentioned does not really make a great leader. It has
come to my mind that it really depends on the leader and the line of their work and knowing how
to handle different attitudes and personalities. You cannot be a perfect leader, but you can always
have a good relationship with your colleagues that can later on lead to a good workplace
If there is one thing I have truly learned from taking up this course, it must be that there is
no really perfect leadership style, nor a specific formula for being a good and successful leader.
Julian, Nicole Anne M.
The interview that we made with Mr. Aries Melanio made me contented and informed. It
was a success because I had realizations and learnings about the reality of being a leader. As a
student, I get to know what is happening in the outside world and how things are done.
When I asked Mr. Melanio about his experiences as a leader, I became fully aware that he
is a good ad successful leader. Based on his answers to the questions, he is the type of leader who
treats their subordinates with patience and consideration. He cares for them and respects their
feelings, opinions, and feedback which is why his subordinates give back to him by doing good in
their job. Since Mr. Melanio is a coordinator/ field supervisor, he visits his associates from
different locations. He diligently checks on them while asking about their well-being, reflecting
how responsible he is as a leader. During this interview, an important lesson that I have acquired
is that it is challenging to be a leader, but it can be learned. According to Di Guilio (2014), leaders
are not born; they are made. Being a leader can be achieved through hard work and commitment.
Mr. Melanio displayed this by showing that he is serious about his career, and he does it
wholeheartedly. He is an inspiration because someday, I want to be an effective leader with a good
relationship with my team. After he advised us that we have to broaden our minds, be mature,
patient, and aware of our limitations, I recognized that this is not only for work. It is essential to
have these traits in life. It is not easy, but it is not impossible.
Interviewing with my groupmates taught me that it is vital to consider their opinions and
insights because it helped when the interview came. It was smooth, and we did not experience any
problems. Collaborating with them made the work so much easier. Just like in a team, cooperation
is the key to success.
I am thankful that I had the privilege to interview a leader with experiences that he can
share with us. Mr. Melanio proved that being a leader does not need to be harsh. He is the type to
have good relations with them that are rewarded by his team's exerting efforts. It is not easy to be
a leader, but it will bear fulfilling fruits with hard work and dedication. Together with my
experiences with my groupmates, this interview is helpful and an eye-opener because I get to
collaborate with them and make a successful output with plenty of learnings from our interviewed
Marcos, Julianne Nicole G.
Listening to our hand-picked leader helped me realize a few things, one of which is that
leadership is not a one-man coordination. For me, leading comes naturally to those who have a
clear vision for themselves and others. However, if you're on your own, turning a vision into a
reality might be challenging. That is why you have your so-called team.
Team work makes the dream work, they say. And I agree. During the interview with Mr.
Melanio, he stated that he wants nothing but success for his team. This statement alone entices me
with the way he handles his people. He guides them but also corrects them if needed. He also
empathizes with his people if necessary and this just shows us that even a leader understands his
followers. What I can gain from his experiences is the way he is accustomed to how predictable
can people be in the workplace. That way, he will be able to assign work with ease, while
simultaneously ensuring that his team's output is as efficient and effective. Lastly, with the way he
handles his duties, I'm confident that his subordinates consider themselves fortunate to have him
as their supervisor.
The same may be said for what I learnt from my groupmates. For the sake of our group's
survival in this course, it is beneficial to coordinate with the members. We would not have a strong
output if we did not share our insights with one another.
Overall, I enjoyed all of the knowledge I got from this experience. This activity has opened
my eyes to certain things I didn't know before, and I'm delighted I have learnt more now.
Parayno, Justine Marie B.
It has been a tremendous joy to interview a leader who has a diverse range of experiences
and has surmounted several hurdles during his life. It is most likely one of the things that will stick
with me for the rest of my life since I have learned a lot simply by listening and asking questions
for 35 minutes. I have learned the value of treating your subordinates properly, whether through
incentives or simply by being courteous in general, because your attitude toward them has an
influence on how they approach you and your job.
To further elaborate, he stated during the interview that how he treats his employees and
gives them accolades when appropriate has had a significant influence on how well they appreciate
him and the jobs he assigns them. Tremblay et., al (2012) claimed that “using contingent rewards
is more effective in promoting positive attitudes at work than using contingent punishments,”
demonstrating how this leadership style has a significant impact on the leadership process. As a
result, it prompted me to consider the type of leader I want to be in the future and how I'll get there.
The process of completing our final required paper was eye-opening. I haven't worked in
a group for a school requirement in a long time, and I can say that it went well, despite the fact
that it was different from what I was accustomed to because our primary means of contact
nowadays is through social media. However, the things I have learned throughout the interview,
as well as conversing and expounding ideas with my group mates, will come in handy if I ever
have to lead another activity. I would want to attempt to apply the teachings and realizations I've
gained on this journey to myself on a regular basis.
This last prerequisite for our Leadership and Decision Making class has changed my
perspective on things. It not only helped me grasp how leadership works, as well as how difficult
and stressful it may be, but it also helped me realize my own personal objectives and ambitions. It
helped me see things in a different perspective and respect leaders in many disciplines and
elements of the world more.
IX. References
Cherry, K. (2020). How do transformational leaders inspire and motivate followers? Very well
Mind. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-transformational-leadership2795313.
Di Giulio, J. (2014). Are Leaders Born or Made?. Research Gate. Retrieved from
Heathfield, S. M. (2021). Inspire people to great performance? you're a leader worth following.
The Balance Careers. Retrieved from https://www.thebalancecareers.com/leadershipinspiration-1918611.
Kruse, K. (2015). What is leadership? Forbes. Retrieved from
Levin, M. (2017). Why great leaders (like Richard Branson) inspire instead of motivate.
Inc.com. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/marissa-levin/why-great-leaders-likerichard-branson-inspire-instead-of-motivate.html.
Tremblay, M., Vandenberghe, C., & Doucet, O. (2012). Relationships between leader-contingent
and non-contingent reward and punishment behaviors and subordinates’ perceptions of
justice and satisfaction, and evaluation of the moderating influence of trust propensity, pay
level, and role ambiguity. Journal of Business and Psychology, 28(2), 233–249.
X. Appendix/Appendices
a. Detailed request letter for generated output
Dear Mr. Aries Melanio:
Good day!
I am a student from Far Eastern University, Manila enrolled in Leadership and DecisionMaking course. I am a representative of our group in one of our course requirements and
it would be greatly appreciated if we could take 20-30 minutes of your time on November
6, 2021, Saturday at any of your preferred time during that day to interview you regarding
your experiences and background as a Field Supervisor in CNT Promo & Ads Specialist,
The interview will be held via Google Meet with the other (4) four members of my group.
We have prepared 10 questions for you. You may see the attached file for reference.
You may contact us through this email or through our information below if you have any
questions or clarifications. Thank you so much and we are looking forward to meeting with
Justine Marie Parayno