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FINAL REQUIREMENT- Power puff girls

Course Code
and Title:
MGT1101 Leadership and
Decision Making
2021 - 2022
Requirement: (100% equivalent to Final Exam)
1st Semester
Doc Status:
The Thought Leadership Presentation
John Kenneth Jaen
Submitted by:
MGT 1101 SEC 36
Submitted to:
Dr. Cada, JR. Leonardo
November 6, 2021
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Table of Contents
Overview /Name of the Business:
Janohoack Apparel is a new apparel store business founded by Mr. John Kenneth Jaen last
June, this year. It is a clothing line that sells shirts that are in demand, high quality, and
competitively priced. Our hand-picked leader is the Founder and also the Owner of Janohoack
Apparel, Mr. Jaen decided to start his business when he met a friend who was eager to help him
develop the business. Janohoack Apparel’s vision is to be distinguished and to be a well-known
clothing line. On the other hand, their mission is to build a strong emotional bond with the
customers and partners. Also, to provide consistently high levels of customer service.
Company Address and Contact Details
Janohoack Apparel is located at 33 Col. Bonny Serrano Avenue, Quezon City 1111, Metro
Contact Number: 0966 217 6506
E-mail Address: janohoackapparel@gmail.com
Facebook Page: Janohoack Apparel
Instagram Account: @janohoack
Date of Virtual or Online Interview
The interview between the students/learners and the entrepreneur/leader was conducted virtually
via Microsoft Teams on November 3, 2021 at 6:20-6:47pm. The Data privacy act was
implemented and observed by every participant of the group.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Resume of Person Interviewed
John Kenneth R.
Address: San Agustin
Ibaan, Batangas
Mobile Number: +639662176506
Skype ID: live:
I am the founder and owner of
Philippines that caters different
designs of clothing.
Personal skills
• Being Initiative
• Willingness to learn more
• Ability in handling pressure and
meet deadlines
• You need to be flexible
• Teamwork
Leadership skills
• Decisiveness
• Communication
• Motivate yourself and your team
• Positive at all times
• Trustworthiness in your team
Volunteering in a community service
• Bachelor of Science in Hotel and
Restaurant Management
➢ June 2015- Present (Expected
Month of graduation: May 2019)
➢ University of San Carlos –
Downtown Campus
Major Subjects Taken:
• Western Cuisine (Kitchen
• Gastronomy In HRM (Kitchen
• Principles of Safety, Hygiene and
Sanitation (Kitchen Sanitation)
• Food And Beverage Service
• Food &Beverage Control Systems
& Management
• Rooms Division Management
• Housekeeping Skills And Procedure
• Front Office Procedure
• Basic Finance As Applied In The
Hospitality Industry
• Hospitality Sales And Marketing
• Customer Service Relations
• Human Resource Management In
The Hospitality Industry
• Cruise Operation And Management
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Western Cuisine (Kitchen Laboratory)
University of San Carlos- Downtown Campus
Cebu City, Philippines
August 2018 – Present
Duties and Responsibilities
• Preparing and serving a variety of food items from Western countries
• Receive, unpack, unwrap, rotate, & stow deliveries into appropriate refrigerators,
freezers, and storerooms via supervisor’s instructions
• Examine food for quality and freshness
• Divide meals appropriately using the required measurement instruments, embellish food,
and supervise the distribution of food exiting the kitchen
• Practicing safe and sanitary work habits
• Planning and creating menus for a food service operation
• Selecting, using, and maintaining kitchen knives and tools in a safe manner
• Reading and interpreting recipes
• Calculating food costs from recipes
Front Office Associate
Crown Regency Residences- Cebu
V. Rama Ave, Guadalupe, Cebu
Duties and Responsibilities
• Greeting and welcoming desks as they approach the front desk
• Checking in and out of guests
• Answering guest inquiries both over the phone and in person
• Making and maintaining guest records
• Receiving & processing the reservation requests of future guests
• Answering questions and addressing complaints
Room Attendant
Crown Regency Residences- Cebu
V. Rama Ave, Guadalupe, Cebu
Duties and Responsibilities
• Follow a standard level of professionalism, friendliness, and engagement
• Cleanup all allocated guestrooms, which includes sweeping, bed making, removing dirty
garments from rooms and retrieving clean linen from linen closets, dusting, bathroom
cleaning, as well as inside cleaning windows
• Daily check-in and check-out of master keys
• Ensure that cleaning materials and equipment are used correctly
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Maintain an up-to-date list of all cleaned rooms
In the Housekeeping Office, retrieve and appropriately tag any misplaced and recovered
Adhere to the department's rules and regulations, as well as quality service
Identify components that need maintenance
Adhere to all safety and sanitation regulations
Housekeeping Skills and Procedure
University of San Carlos- Downtown Campus – Cebu City, Philippines
NC II Housekeeping Qualified
June 2016 – October 2016
Duties and Responsibilities
• On-the-job retraining in the hotel room and bathroom cleanliness
• Adhering to the correct and safe handling of hazardous
• Enhancing the capacity for proper and appropriate cleaning
• Adherence to all good hygiene regulations
• Adhere to the department's policy and guidelines, as well as service standards
Gastronomy (Kitchen Laboratory)
University of San Carlos- Downtown Campus
Cebu City, Philippines
October 2015-March 2016
Duties and Responsibilities
• Applying principals of sanitation and personal hygiene in kitchen
• Safely and properly using and caring for professional kitchen tools and equipment
• Exercising consistent portion control skills
• Calculating and analyzing food-cost
• Preparing and serving a variety of food items
Food and Beverage Procedure
University of San Carlos- Downtown Campus – Cebu City, Philippines
NC II Food and Beverage Qualified
October 2015 –March 2016
Duties and Responsibilities
• Taking and processing of food and drink orders
• Describing and practicing sanitary food handling procedures as it relates to front-of-thehouse operations
• Recognizing and performing a variety of service methods
• Executing all components of proper table service in a white tablecloth restaurant
• Properly executing set up and breakdown of table arrangements
• Executing all positions in a professional restaurant, including General Manager, Host,
Captain, Waiter, Busser, Expediter, Bartender, Bar back, and Barista
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Demonstrating proper use of industry machinery and tools including reservation book,
seating charts, dishwasher, dumbwaiter, espresso machine, blenders, POS system, cash
register, and phone
Discussing and demonstrating food pairing and service concepts for beverages used in the
food industry, including wine, beer, coffee and tea
Practicing Upselling and Cross-Selling to increase restaurant revenue
Osmeña Blvd, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
July 29, 2017- October 31, 2017
Vikings Dine and Learn
SM City Cebu –North Reclamation Area, Cebu City, Philippines
October 12, 2016
Personality Development Seminar
Quest Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines
October 7, 2016
Hospitality Management Forum
Marco Polo Plaza Cebu, Nivel Hills, Cebu Veteran Dr., Cebu City, Philippines
September 25, 2015
TESDA NC II in Housekeeping Procedures
Validity: October 2016 –October 2021
TESDA NC II in Food and Beverage Services
Validity: March 2016 –March 2021
Questionnaire Template
In this portion, there are a total of 10 questions, with some being open-ended and others being
closed-ended in style. It gives the relevant facts and information about the person's experiences as
an entrepreneur that the interviewers asked.
1. What was your main reason when you decided to be an entrepreneur and start a business?
2. How and when did you start your own business? Where did you get the idea for your business?
Did you start from scratch?
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
3. May we know what are your beliefs on entrepreneurship?
4. Investing in business demands significant financial, time, and personal sacrifices. And despite
these investments, many entrepreneurs fail. Is it true that not everyone is meant to be a successful
entrepreneur, based on your own observations as a business owner?
_____ AGREE
_____ AGREE with comments:
Comments here:
_____ DISAGREE with comments:
Comments here:
5. Among the choices, what do you think are the top three characteristics of a successful
_____ Knowledge
_____ Planning
_____ Passion
_____ Social Skills
_____ Risk-Taking
_____ Professionalism
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
_____ Creativity
_____ Empathy
_____ Flexibility to unfamiliar circumstances, people, and even failure
_____ Others:____________________
6. How do you achieve personal mastery, especially building up or upgrading your capabilities as
your business grows? How do you manage the dynamics of the business environment? And how
do you manage your personal life while running your business?
7. The difficulties related to owning a company are well-known. Do you experience challenges in
managing your business? If so, what are these difficulties? If not, what future difficulties do you
foresee? Choose among the list below.
_____ Cash Flow Management
_____ Time Management
_____ Marketing Strategy
_____ Business Growth
_____ Short of Capital/Budget
_____ Self-Distrust
_____ Others:____________
8. What are your best strategies to overcome these challenges/difficulties?
9. In today's business environment, how would you display your business' competitive advantages?
What distinguishes it from the competitors in the market?
10. Our university has core values such as Fortitude, Excellence, or Uprightness; do you have any
principles that you follow and aspire to in your business?
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
_____ YES, I have, and these are: ______________________________
_____ NO, I do not.
Transcript of the Interview
This component provides data on description of the meeting with entrepreneur and the learners.
These are all the answers of the entrepreneur in the 10 questions concerning his experiences on
having a business. The interviewers ensure that the company owner’s replies will remain
confidential as a compliance with the Republic Act 10173 - Data Privacy Act of 2012.
1. What was your main reason when you decided to be an entrepreneur and start a business?
According to Mr. John Jaen, having his own clothing line company has been a goal of, the
"Janohoack," since he was in high school. He decided to become an entrepreneur for three
primary reasons. He has time flexibility because he has a certain amount of freedom and
flexibility in setting his routine and organizing his daily activities. He may come across various
individuals who can assist him in one way or another along the way. Lastly, he said that as a
self-employed company owner, he is in charge and can pick his employees and assist them in
developing their capabilities and increasing their productivity.
2. How and when did you start your own business? Where did you get the idea for your business?
Did you start from scratch?
In his statement, Mr. John Jaen said that he had met a friend who was eager to help him develop
his present business, the "Janohoack." His friend is interested in learning about the many aspects
of a clothing line and how it operates. He cannot say that he is starting from scratch since he
refers to other clothing businesses for information, ideas, and understanding about his chosen
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
3. May we know what are your beliefs on entrepreneurship?
Mr. John Jaen's primary idea is that one should learn how to take risks, no matter how little or
large they may be. When establishing as an entrepreneur, there is no assurance that the business
will succeed or fail, but if to become a successful business person, accept the faith that a business
will succeed or fail, regardless of whether it is a good result. This is a necessary part of the
learning process for a new entrepreneur in the business field. Being an entrepreneur involves
the experience of failure since it allows him to learn from his mistakes and improve as a result
of not giving up. He will also be better prepared to deal with any future risks that may arise.
4. Investing in business demands significant financial, time, and personal sacrifices. And despite
these investments, many entrepreneurs fail. Is it true that not everyone is meant to be a successful
entrepreneur, based on your own observations as a business owner?
_____ AGREE
AGREE with comments:
Comments here: Mr. John Jaen agreed that not everyone is suited to be entrepreneurs
due to the pandemic wherein many businesses have failed. Many entrepreneurs leave in
the industry or lose for a variety of reasons, including running out of assets.
Entrepreneurship requires years of dedication, many hours, and a strong sense of
determination to be successful. Entrepreneurs must extend their perspectives when it
comes to starting their firm. He also said that their business is growing despite the
pandemic, and he is willing to face all of the obstacles and failures that may come with
being an entrepreneur to develop and prosper.
_____ DISAGREE with comments:
Comments here:
5. Among the choices, what do you think are the top three characteristics of a successful
_____ Knowledge
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
_____ Passion
_____ Social Skills
_____ Creativity
_____ Empathy
_____ Flexibility to unfamiliar circumstances, people, and even failure
_____ Others:____________________
Mr. John Jaen selected risk-taking, preparation, and professionalism as the three most important
traits to possess. He used the example of a student who is answering a question asked by
a teacher. The student is uncertain if the answer is correct, but taking a chance will help them
develop and learn. Another example is he decides to take a risk in selecting suppliers for his
business. The outcome is not guaranteed, but risks are not entirely harmful. It has the chance to
inform entrepreneurs of some of the most helpful business lessons possible at times. Planning is
critical when starting a business since it entails defining the business's objectives and
determining the resources necessary to fulfill its goals. When dealing with consumers,
maintaining a professional attitude will demonstrate self-respect and earn their trust, which will
boost the company's image and reputation.
6. How do you achieve personal mastery, especially building up or upgrading your capabilities as
your business grows? How do you manage the dynamics of the business environment? And how
do you manage your personal life while running your business?
Mr. John Jaen said that by concentrating on a single type of business, such as his chosen sector
of clothing line, he is better able to grasp, know, and learn about the business and identify and
resolve potential difficulties and concerns as they arise. As a consequence of managing and
owning multiple different businesses without years of expertise and understanding, he believes
that the businesses are more likely to collapse because of their inability to concentrate only on
one form of business. When it comes to running his own company, he prioritizes the happiness
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
of his customers. He brings them into his business through marketing methods such as social
media promotion over the profitability of a business. Since he has a flexible schedule, he can
balance his business and personal life successfully. He has the freedom to choose whether or
not to work at any given moment.
7. The difficulties related to owning a company are well-known. Do you experience challenges in
managing your business? If so, what are these difficulties? If not, what future difficulties do you
foresee? Choose among the list below.
_____ Cash Flow Management
Time Management
_____ Marketing Strategy
_____ Business Growth
_____ Short of Capital/Budget
_____ Self-Distrust
_____ Others:____________
Mr. John Jaen selected time management despite being flexible in his time because of the
pandemic. Since he manages his business online, it is more challenging to handle orders online
than to handle orders in person. Except for the challenge of time management, his business is
not facing any other difficulties, as proven by the fact that cash flow management is not a
problem in his business, the marketing strategy of promoting products on social media is already
successful, there is no shortage of capital or budget, and his business is not on the verge of going
8. What are your best strategies to overcome these challenges/difficulties?
Mr. John Jaen said that the best way to overcome the challenge in having a business is to think
positively, be happy, and trust one's capabilities. The unwillingness to accept or manage
business results from a lack of self-confidence, which means that when problems arise, the
business owner will likely struggle to find solutions to their problems.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
9. In today's business environment, how would you display your business' competitive
advantages? What distinguishes it from the competitors in the market?
One of Mr. John Jaen's clothing business's advantages over its rivals is that the shirts are of
excellent quality and fairly priced. In contrast, other clothing lines tend to be more costly, which
discourages people from purchasing them. Based on his perspective, he believes that other
clothing brands are of high quality yet are overpriced,
10. Our university has core values such as Fortitude, Excellence, or Uprightness; do you have any
principles that you follow and aspire to in your business?
_____ YES, I have, and these are: ______________________________
NO, I do not.
Mr. John Jaen stated that he currently does not have any principles in his business since he is
new to the industry and only started this year. However, according to an earlier statement,
satisfying and making his customers happy is an emerging principle that can help him expand
his business.
Photo Documentation
This part contains images of the interviewers’ asking questions to the entrepreneur and Mr. John
Jaen's impressive responses. Below the pictures is a link to the video of the whole interview.
Video Documentation
Ms. Rivera welcomes the Mr. Jaen and introduces the interviewers
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Ms. Rivera asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 1
Ms. Superable asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 2
Ms. Superable asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 3
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Ms. Razo asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 4
Ms. Razo asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 5
Ms. Marcos asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 6
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Ms. Marcos asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 7
Ms. Reginio asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 8
Ms. Reginio asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 9
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Ms. Abad asked Mr. Jaen about the Question No. 10
Ms. Abad express the gratitude of the all interviewers for the participation of Mr. Jaen for
sharing his experiences as an entrepreneur
Group Photo of the Learners and the Leader
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Individual Reflection Paper/Personal Plan
A. From Maria Elizabeth Abad
Based on the interactive communication with Mr. John Kenneth I have learned that in order
to be successful we need to have skills that a leader has and determine whether our plans will work
well for everyone not just for ourselves but our team as well. Good listening skills are required to
understand and identify what personality a leader has and accomplish tasks especially when
working in groups.
I have realized that even though some people might say that not understanding something
and requesting others for approval indicates weakness but seeking advice does not imply that an
individual lacks competence, but it displays respect for another’s point of view and asking for
feedback does not necessarily signify indecisiveness, but it shows that one values learning above
ego. In a case study of Gulati (2021), he stated that assisting individuals in reaching their full
potential, both personally and professionally, can lead to new possibilities. He also mentioned that
the Head Coach of Seattle Seahawks Pete Carroll enunciated the four methods to be a great coach
based on his insight which includes boosting self-confidence, creating personal connections,
allowing members and teammates to be themselves, and having a sense of purpose. By allowing
members to express their ideas and making them feel like they belong will lead to the success of
the business. We have to improve our teammates, so they continue to be motivated and have the
willpower to reach their full potential. Leaders are determined on how they will achieve their goals
and objectives because unlike most of the people who don’t have what it takes to lead, they find a
greater purpose to have a clear idea of what they want to do and why they want to do it. This is
what a leader like Mr. John has in mind which is why he continues to prosper with his business.
In summation, doing business necessitates a thorough balance between cost and reward.
Standing up for what is right and true regardless of the cost, on the other hand, upholds the integrity
of the person. The advantages are as follows: honor triumphs, character is improved, reputation is
protected, and God is pleased. Requirements? A pure heart and clean hands.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
B. From Casey Marcos
By observing our chosen entrepreneur's statements and stories, I can tell that all leaders
have their unique aspect, intent, and goal for their businesses. And as we all know, these times are
difficult because of the pandemic, but with their business, they were able to at least make money
for themselves. Mr. John Jaen stated that thinking positively, being joyful, and trusting one's
capabilities are the greatest ways to tackle the challenges of running a business. A healthy nature
of work seems to be more profitable in the long run as it promotes pleasant perceptions and wellbeing. As a result, people's relationships with each other grow, and their capabilities and innovation
improve. It refers to the protection against horrible experiences such as pressure, boosting their
ability to get back against hardship while still benefiting their well-being.
Moreover, I observed how our chosen leader differs from other leaders and based on the
responses, I can deduce that this leader has a unique approach to maintaining their enterprise.
Success is indeed solely determined by how you see things from your point of view.
According to Laurie Brenner (2021), Nothing is more vital to the success of a group than
excellent and clear communication among team members. Therefore, engaging with one another
integrates our thinking and analyzes situations from such a variety of viewpoints. One can do
things that would be difficult for individuals to accomplish alone by combining a range of
capabilities to handle increasingly complicated and broader jobs in such a cooperative setting.
Whenever we are dealing with a tight deadline, teamwork enables us to go farther and further into
our study than we could if we were working alone. Also, there are numerous factors to consider.
The first is that you can learn from one another when working in a group.
To sum up, I have concluded that there is nothing that can beat hard work. If you want to
achieve something, hard work takes precedence over intellectual prowess. In addition to that, I
also realized that experience could teach you a lot and that things actually happen when they are
supposed to.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
C. From Angelle Marie Razo
The interview session collaboration with Mr. Jano Jaen, founder of Janohoack apparel,
surely enhances my knowledge. Which gives me the motivation on how to put up a business amid
this pandemic. He clearly elaborates and gives us tips to inspire us to become a successful
entrepreneur someday. Such as being a risk taker, determination on your business to achieve your
goal, and knowing the trend marketing strategy to have a sale.
Starting up a business is a huge risk move although it is part of our life, the more the risk the
higher chances to become successful. Losing gives me ideas and motivations to know what next
move I should prepare. To the fact that putting up a business this day is such a huge risk, many
competitors are on social media to advertise their products. Because social media has a wide range
of coverage and less cost of advertising. An article made by Lim (2021), the Philippines has a high
piracy report, MSMEs used IP (Intellectual Property) for branding that copes up during pandemic.
She also interviewed Lazada Chief Operating Officer Mr. Carlos Barrera who said we can only
mold trust if we have the trust in that brand, trusting the seller, and we want to enable everyone to
own their branding and grow, no matter how ambitious we are”. I remember the day that I made a
scrunchie and stationery business. I took a huge risk because the sales that I got were so low to the
point that I searched for an ambassador for my business but this leads to nothing. Mr. Jaen said
that he wants his business to become trash. It reminds me of my teacher way back in senior high
school. My entrepreneur teacher also told us that if we want a business we should say “My business
would become trash” in a way that people would know my business because it is everywhere.
Nonetheless, the conducted information interview gives me hope to revive my start-up
business. I will adopt Mr. Jaen's answers to become a successful entrepreneur someday. Surely,
he's advice will contribute to the starting success of my business someday. Hence, using the IP like
MSMEs is influential for every entrepreneur, prone for fraud and misleading practices that help
consumer and business owners to ensure trust and safety.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
D. From Kristanae Reginio
The whole question and answer session documentation of Mr. John Jaen and our group’s
communicative information exchange about his roaring success in becoming an entrepreneur has
taught me three perceptions. The three things are I realized the significance of effective
communication, I was able to utilize the effectiveness of the A-B-C model to prevent and control
my stress and I could express my learning and create my part in the final paper with the help of
the action-observation-reflection model.
As I worked with a group, I discovered how crucial effective communication is. Bass and
Stodgill (1990) stated that effective communication requires exchanging the information with a
high probability of the provided information being acknowledged by the intended receiver. When
I work with other people, it is vital to communicate clearly by transmitting certain information that
I want to express to my group mates. They can obtain and comprehend what I intended to say. It
is the tool to communicate our views, ideas, and emotions necessary for effective group work
participation. In a successful communication, we can access and interview a leader, accomplish
the particular parts of the paper given to each member, make a presentation, and complete the form
on time since we are ready to talk directly with one another. Although we successfully submitted
the paper, I still encountered being stressed and pressured in completing this paper. However, I
know how to control it by using the A-B-C model that is useful for recognizing sequences of
happenings that accompany my stress sensation. According to Ellis (1957), they came up with a
model for stress named the ABCs. He states that any challenge we experience has three
components: the “A” or Activating event, the “B” or your belief about the event,” and “C,” which
is the outcome that emerges. In my case, the professor only offered us a limited timeframe to write
the paper (A); that is why I could no longer process my ideas and thoughts clearly because of the
urgency to finish the paper (B). As a result, I feel stressed, drained, and rushed in doing my task
(C). Using this model, I managed to discover where my stress arises from and alter my views by
learning and concentrating on my assigned part to conceive a solid comprehension. With this, I
can control my feelings by being calmed and relaxed instead of stressed and anxious. I can
empower myself to unlock the passage to different ideas and increase resilience to battle my stress.
With the support of the action-observation-reflection model, I expressed my knowledge and
developed my part in the final paper. According to Curphy et al. (2011), the Action-Observation-
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Reflection Model demonstrates that people may grow their leadership with the aid of encountering
three processes: action, observation, and reflection. In conducting an interview, we were able to
identify an entrepreneur and ask him about his experiences of running his own business. After
recording his responses to the questions that we created in the interview, I observed what he stated
about his perspective and experiences on becoming an entrepreneur. I analyzed everything that he
said; that is why I developed my contribution because I now know his experiences as an owner. I
also learned and gained knowledge of being a leader in the business area.
I incorporated my knowledge in my subject, Leadership and Decision Making, and my
experience in finding the right leader, conducting an interview, creating the presentation,
producing the final paper, working and collaborating with my group members. I was able to attain
and develop my knowledge when it comes to my capabilities, thoughts, and beliefs in decisionmaking and leading others that may be immensely beneficial in my career and personal life.
E. From Rio Samantha Rivera
Our group's interview with Mr. Jaen, the owner of Jano hoack Apparel, enabled me to
gain knowledge about how to be a successful leader and entrepreneur. I learned that leadership
requires skills, a positive attitude, a willingness to learn from diverse experiences, and most
importantly, the willingness to take risks in order to succeed in your business while avoiding
jeopardizing or endangering the business being pursued.
Mr. Jaen mentioned that risk-taking is a characteristic that a successful entrepreneur
should possess, and I was able to apply and correlate it to the Action-Observation-Reflection
Model. Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy (2009) believes that leaders must process experiencebased learning through taking risk in order to act and decide more effectively and efficiently in
the future. When taking a risk or engaging in experiential learning, it is necessary to observe the
specific action and its impact on your endeavours, as well as to reflect on its impact on others
and to determine the precise action that should be taken to effectively implement the learning
from the experience. In the article entitled Why Successful Entrepreneurs Need to be calculated
risk takers, Carosa (2020) expounded that in a business, it is very critical to understand the
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
problems being solved; it takes insight and experience to find new, sustainable and effective
solutions. Simply coming up with a random idea and using other people’s money recklessly and
irresponsibly contributes to 90% of failed start-ups. Taking a risk does not always imply that
you will act on an idea immediately upon conception. You must determine whether the risk is
manageable and whether the risk is worthwhile to take in light in terms of its potential
consequences of failure or the reward of success. When taking a risk, it is critical to consider
the worst-case scenario and the potential gain. Mr. Jaen emphasized that in a business, failing
happens and nothing is certain; the environment constantly changes and it will affect the
business. He also mentioned that before his company grew, he took several risks. By combining
the experiences that he gained throughout his life as well as his experiences and lessons in taking
risk, he was able to achieve success in his apparel business. This interview together with the
collaboration with all the previous l lessons I learned, I realized that taking risk, having
experiences and being able to observe and reflect on them will be beneficial whenever I need to
make decisions. In addition, In the future, I can use this knowledge by making calculated risks
that would be a gain for me. Now, I am more aware that failures can happen but this doesn’t
mean that I should stop. I am now equipped with the knowledge that taking risks and
experiencing things doesn’t always mean positive gain, sometimes I might fail but, in these
failures, there are lessons to be learned which will help me in making new and better decisions.
To summarize, I learned that in being a leader or an entrepreneur, taking risk is very
critical. Staying in the safe or comfort zone might lead to a stagnant or underdeveloped business
or team so it is really necessary to take risk. However, it is also critical to calculate every risk
and determine whether this risk is worth the consequences of failing. Lastly, experiences from
taking risks and being able to observe and reflect on them are ways to create better decisions in
the future.
F. From Karla Mercedez Superable
The interview with a successful business owner and the process of making the final paper
gave me realizations and insights. I was able to apply several theories and ideas that aided me in
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
gaining knowledge and experience from the interview; these theories are the contingency theory
and transformational leadership.
According to Team (2021) Fiedler's Contingency Model, also known as the Fiedler's
Contingency Theory of Leadership, no single leadership style is appropriate for all situations. He
concluded that effective leadership is conditional on the leadership style being suitable for a
leader's context. The theory has three components; leadership style, situation, and matching style
to the case. The business owner said that he utilized the contingency model to choose the type of
leadership style that he would employ during the interview and from his inputs. As he stated, a
leader's leadership quality relies on the situation or challenge being faced. I concur with the
business owner's statement. The contingency model is well-suited to a leader's life; when
confronted with obstacles and problems, it can assist the leader in determining which style to
employ to resolve an issue. When a leader is faced with a variety of situations, the contingency
theory can assist in making the problem more manageable. As a business owner myself, I am
handling a small business that is similar to the person we interviewed, clothing. The insights of the
person we interviewed helped me thoroughly understand the theory. By understanding the theory
I can apply this to my business that my leadership style would depend on the situation that is
In a study conducted by Farnsworth et al. (2020), Transformational leadership is defined
as motivating others to desire change, improvement, and leadership positions in their lives. It
comprises analyzing the motives of associates, fulfilling their needs, and recognizing and
appreciating their contributions. As a result, a transformative leader may contribute to the success
of the organization by showing appreciation for its associates. The firm's owner indicates to us
during our discussion that employee engagement is significant to his company. For example,
requesting feedback on how to improve their service or products, generating visions that benefit
both employees and the company, and encouraging people to engage are all examples of how
businesses can innovate. Employees, I believe, play an essential role in the success of a company's
leadership. This is something I can connect to from personal experience, as I observe my parents
consider the opinions of their employees to better the company. In light of the reality that a business
is a two-way street, the owners should cultivate excellent relationships with their employees, who
are the ones who interact with the consumers. The operations of the company are a reflection of
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
how its employees interact with its customers. If employees are well-treated, they are more likely
to deliver excellent service to consumers, resulting in more revenue.
As a result of the interview and the writing process for the final paper, I realized several
leadership realizations. The discussion allowed me to apply two theories that aided me in grasping
the company's owner's statements. By utilizing these theories, I can forecast the leadership style I
will use if I ever have to deal with a firm or a leader of a particular organization. Therefore, after
pondering on our interview, I believe that I will apply this experience and knowledge to future
The preparation of this paper would not have been possible without the participation and
support of Mr. John Kenneth Jaen, the CEO of Janohoack Philippines, who provided valuable
ideas and feedback. The group would want to express their gratitude to him for his efforts and
assistance, which significantly helped finish this paper. Additionally, the group intends to retain
their deepest gratitude and respect to the following:
To the interview between the business owner and students, it provided an opportunity for
students to interact with an entrepreneur and acquire valuable insight into the skills and inputs
required in the business field.
To the business Janohoack Philippines, for being the kind business that lent a helping hand
in supporting the students gain experience and knowledge regarding leadership. The business also
served as a role model for future references among the group members.
Above all, to Mr. John Kenneth Jaen the owner and founder of Janohoack Philippines, for
lending his precious time towards the inputs needed in processing this paper. His ideas of being a
successful leader helped several complete parts of this paper. He also became one of the group’s
inspiration and motivation to be determined in the dreams that they will be pursuing.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
We thank you.
BSA 1st year, Powerpuff Girls
Bass, B. M., & Stogdill, R. M. (1990). Bass & Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: theory,
research, and managerial applications (3rd ed.). Free Press; London.
Brenner, L. (2021). What is the importance of team communication? The Nest.
Carosa, C. (2020). Why successful entrepreneurs need to be calculated risk takers.
Curphy, G. Ginnett, R., & Hughes, R. (2011). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience
(7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Ellis, A. (1957). Rational psychotherapy and individual psychology. Journal of Individual
Psychology, 13: 38-44
Farnsworth, D., Clark, J. L., Johnson, S., Hall, J., Wysocki, A., & Kepner, K. (2020, October 7).
Transformational leadership: The transformation of managers and associates. AskIFAS
Powered by EDIS. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/hr020
Gulati, R. (2021, November 1). Team success starts with the individual - and with love.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Lim, J. (2021, April 6). MSMEs that used IP for branding strategy fared better during pandemic.
Republic of the Philippines Intellectual Property of Office of the Philippines.
Team, I. E. (2021, August 4). Fiedler's contingency model (with definition and tips). Indeed
Career Guide. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/fielderscontingency-model
A. Approval Form Signed by Dr. Leonardo Cada, Jr.
Leadership and Decision-Making Approval Form
Group Member Names:
Section: 11
Date: October 28,
Abad, Maria Elizabeth B.
Marcos, Casey F.
Razo, Angelle Marie C.
Reginio, Kristanae S.
Rivera, Rio Samantha S.
Superable, Karla Mercedez A.
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Jaen, John Kenneth
Submitted by: Power Puff Girls
Janohoack Apparel
Approved by: (SGD.) Dr. Leonardo Cada, Jr.
B. Request Letter for Mr. John Jaen
Far Eastern University – MANILA
Nicanor Reyes St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila
October 26, 2021
John Kenneth Jaen
Sole Proprietorship
33 Col. Bonny Serrano Avenue, Quezon City 1111, Metro Manila
Re: Request to Conduct Informational Interview
Dear Mr. Jaen,
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
We, students of Far Eastern University Manila, a first-year college, are kindly asking for an
informational video interview with you as an entrepreneur to gather pertinent data that will
significantly improve our information and skills and complete our final term requirement for
Leadership and Decision Making. We believe that your business has an enviable reputation in that
area of practice, which will benefit our output.
The area of your specialization in handling a business shows your leadership skills and how to lead
and inspire people in running a business. We would value the chance to meet with you
momentarily to address your experiences and achievements as a business owner. Any other
information you may provide would be highly appreciated.
Rest assured that the data we collect will remain HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL following the
Republic Act 10173-Data Privacy Act of 2012 and handled only for academic reasons. We
anticipate that you share our passion for completing this requirement to complete our first term.
We look forward to your positive reaction to our modest request.
Kindly contact us at your earliest convenience if you can meet with us. We guarantee that we will
not take up too much of your time!
Thank you so much,
Abad, Elizabeth
Marcos, Casey
Razo, Angelle
Reginio, Kristanae
Rivera, Samantha
Superable, Karla
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
C. Theories/Models
Figure 1. A-B-C Model
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Figure 2. Action-Observation-Reflection Model/The Spiral of Experience
Figure 3. Fiedlers Contingency Theory
Course Code:
Course Title:
Leadership and Decision Making
2021 - 2022
1st Semester
Figure 4. Transformational Theory