Uploaded by Jhendz Alinsubao


Course Code
and Title:
MGT1101 Leadership and
Decision Making
2021 - 2022
Requirement: (100% equivalent to Final Exam)
1st Semester
Doc Status:
Final Requirement
In partial fulfillment for the course MGT1101-Leadership and Decision Making
Selected Organization: Hi-Protect Armored Cars Corporation
Selected Leader: Mr. Eduardo Dela Cerna
Alinsubao, Jhendy B.
Belen, Jobert Eduard S.
Busacay, Vincent James C.
Cajilig, Shanelle Michiko G.
Dela Cerna, Eduardo S.
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Table of Contents
Overview /Name of the Business …………………………………………………......................1
Company Address and Contact Details ………………………………………………..............2
Date of Virtual/Online Interview ………………………………………………………... ……..3
Resume of Person Interviewed …………………………………………………………............4
Questionnaire Template …………………………………………………………………..…….5
Transcript of the Interview……………………………………………………….……..............6
Photo Documentation …………………………………………………………………………...9
Individual Reflection/Personal Plan …………………………………………………………..10
Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………………………. …....11
References ………………………………………………………………………………............12
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
HI-Protect Armored Cars Corporation
Hi Protect Armored Cars Corporation is a company that specializes in the manufacturing and
designing of armored vehicles. It was founded in 2015 and has since been led by Chairman
Eduardo Dela Cerna and other fellow executives. Hi Protect is a corporation with the intended
focus on producing vehicles with superior quality that passes the European standards for armored
The Mission of the company is To provide our clients with high-quality armored vehicles adapted
to local conditions. This means producing vehicles that are not only high quality, but also
accessible as its build is dependent on the environment and requirements of the customer. This can
range from politicians needing protection from an assasination to celebrities that require light
armor from aggressive fans and everyday dangers.
Vision is To be the leading vehicle armoring company in the Philippines and to bring world-class
Philippine Armoring into the International Market. Hi Protect hopes to make the use of Philippine
armoring mainstream. This ambition relies on the assumption that the company can become a
leading business in this industry in order to push vehicle armoring to as many people as possible.
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Company Address and Contact Details
PPL Building U.N. Ave. cor San Marcelino St., Paco Manila, Philippines 1007
Email: hiprotectarmor@gmail.com
Facebook: Hi-Protect Armored Cars Corporation
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Date of Interview
The interview was conducted at 11 A.M. on the 5th of November, 2021 in Mr. Dela Cerna’s home
in Pasay City.
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Retired Col. Eduardo Dela Cerna is currently the chairman of Hi-Protect Armored Cars
Corporation. He was born on the 6th of July, 1946. He graduated from Philippine College of
Criminology and received his Bachelor’s degree in 1966 and finished his Master’s in Public
Administration at Gregorio Araneta College in 2002. He was a former chief of police of Pasay
City and served law enforcement for 35 years before he retired. He is also currently a security
consultant at Euromed Laboratories since 2005.
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Questionnaire Template
1. How long have you been in your position?
2. What are the difficulties you have faced/experienced while in your position?
3. Based on your experiences, which part /section of business management did you find the
most difficult?
4. Does your company have core values that you follow and observe during its business
a. If yes, what are they?
b. No.
5. What pushed you to take the job You're currently taking now?
6. Being a leader necessitates a set of values. What are the most important values that
someone must possess to be a great leader, in your professional judgment?
7. What is your primary goal for pursuing this job?
8. Describe an occasion when you took on a leadership role while not having the title of a
9. Among the three, which of the following do you feel most applicable to yourself?
a. I am a hardworking leader who commands my followers to do their utmost for the
b. I do what is required of me, only doing what is enough for the job.
c. I neither care nor like my job, if possible, I always delegate most of my work to
my followers.
10. What are your future plans?
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Transcript of the Interview
Interviewer: “How long have you been in your position?”
Interviewee: “Early 2015”
Interviewer: “What are the difficulties you have faced/experienced while in your
Interviewee: “With my 35 years of experience as a public servant being a law enforcer, I
treat difficulties in my line of work as [a] challenge and stress. I immediately act on every
difficulties to the extent of calling a board conference and sometimes called all the
employees to the general meeting and present the problem. … of the employees to the
general meeting.”
Interviewer: “Based on your experiences, which part or section of business management
did you find the most difficult?”
Interviewee: “Well, in one of the most difficult part in running our corporation is looking
for the good quality of the product, considering that the material that we use, we source it
from abroad, we don’t manufacture it locally. For example, we don’t manufacture bulletproof glasses, we don’t manufacture armored steel which we use in our business. Another
problem that we face sometimes, especially now it is pandemic, it’s the delivering of our
required materials coming from abroad. So, we have a problem about shipment and delays,
and the delivery that we committed to our customer, sometimes we encounter that
difficulty, that problem.”
Interviewer: “Does your company have core values that you follow and observe during its
business operations? If yes, what are they?”
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Interviewee: “Yes, we have core values. Imploring the love of God Almighty and the love
of our family. We stand for integrity, safety, and quality of our products. As such, our
company have a device, a mission and vision. If you will allow me, I will read in our pop
sheets, we have here the mission. One, the mission is to promote our client, to provide our
client with high quality armored vehicle adapted to local conditions. With regards to the
vision, to be the leading vehicle armoring company in the Philippines and to bring world
class Philippine armoring in the international market, that’s our vision.”
Interviewer: “What pushed or motivated you to take your current job?”
Interviewee: “Well, it’s a new challenge because my background is law enforcement and
this line of business, it involves technical and marketing works. So, with my experience as
a public servant, I can use that knowledge of being exposed to the public. So we can use it
with my connection in 41marketing our product, considering that we have a vast market in
the Philippines, as well as abroad but we need a right connection.”
Interviewer: “Being a leader necessitates a set of values. Based on your professional
judgement, what are your most important values that someone must possess to be a great
Interviewee: “To be a great leader, in my experience, a leader must have courage to meet
a new challenge and he must know how to manage his time to meet the deliveries on time.”
Interviewer: “What is your primary goal for pursuing this job?”
Interviewee: “Well, I accept this job to have an extra income of course to meet our financial
needs and stay connected with the world. That’s the main reason why I accepted this kind
of job.”
Interviewer: “Describe an occasion where you took on a leadership role but not having a
title of a leader.”
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Interviewee: “I don’t remember an incident because when we registered our business with
the Security and Exchange Commission, I was already designated as the chairman of the
Interviewer: “Among the three, which of the following do you feel most applicable to
Interviewee: “I think it’s number one, I am a hardworking leader who commands my
followers to do their utmost job. So for short, I lead, by leadership, by example, so others
may follow.”
Interviewer: “What are your future plans as a professional?”
Interviewee: “Well, as a professional, everybody is looking forward [to] their retirement
to enjoy a comfortable life with their family and to give [their] children guidance to meet
their future challenges.”
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Photo Documentation
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Individual Reflection/Personal Plan
Alinsubao, Jhendy B.
“The making of this paper has offered me more than what I had expected. It made me reflect on
my idea of being a leader. Leadership seemed like such a simple concept, but as it turns out, it is
more than that. It is not just someone standing in front of people, telling them what to do, rather,
it is being the first to serve for others to follow, like what our interviewee Mr. Dela Cerna said in
the interview “I lead by example, so others may follow.”. So being a leader is not synonymous to
being in control, instead, it is having an impact that would lead to one’s success and the success
of others.
As a student, the knowledge that I have acquired will be useful in enhancing my abilities and
developing new skill sets that are necessary to being the leader that I aim to be, and to making
better decisions that would allow me to have a better educational experience. And as a citizen,
considering that the elections are nearing, I could use these learnings to be able to assess who
among those who wish to lead our country displays the traits of a great leader. I would seek ways
to use this knowledge to contribute to the betterment of our country.”
Eduardo Dela Cerna
“I learned 2 things from both the interview and the process of doing the Final Requirement. I
learned from the interview that a combination of luck and competency, as well as having a clear
goal in mind helps you make clearer and smart decisions. In the process, on the other hand, I
learned that having good relations and communication helps improve teamwork and allowed me
and my group to efficiently and speedily do our assigned tasks.”
Cajilig, Shanelle Michiko G.
“It is a new experience for me in interviewing a professional leader and I gained knowledge about
business and management. It is indeed an honor for us to interview a leader and the chairman of
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
the business. The summary of what I learned is to be a good example to the followers and guide
them to their greatest potential in doing their job. Being a professional and a leader in business
management could be a challenge to everyone, especially in having a family. Doing our job and
business is for the sake of our family. Even in our business, our inspiration is going to be our
family for us to keep going, to provide for them and financial matters. Setting a good example in
doing the job is very important in business, as it will be the guide of the workers and followers.
The whole business should be prepared and be a good example as it is the face of the management
of the business and the leader is set to be the quality of the business. Every trait of the leader is
going to be the face of the business, so it is indeed an important thing to be a good example to the
followers. I am not into business and such but this interview gave me knowledge about it.”
Belen, Jobert Eduard S.
“I find that the most important thing I got from this is the acquisition of experience. I am now able
to properly assess when and how to communicate with other fellow members as well as being
more confident in how I present my ideas. As a student, I believe that gaining experience is just as
important as understanding theories. Without the skills obtained from experience, I would not be
able to properly use the full extent of the theories and scholarly research I studied throughout my
years at school. The final requirement helped me in the social aspect of leadership and teamwork.
We were able to immediately choose which leader we wanted as the main focus of our thought
leadership presentation. The father of one of our members was qualified in all aspects including
having a leader role, working at a local business, etc. All of the members were brainstorming and
giving out suggestions for the questions that we would use for the interview. After questions were
properly evaluated by the professor, we scheduled a specific day for when the leader would get
interviewed. Eduardo was the one who interviewed since the leader was his father and after, the
other members started to transcript the video for the paper.”
Busacay, Vincent James C.
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
“Being a leader isn’t just about you ordering people around, it's about being a role model in which
people who are in the same team as you are able to execute things properly if you show them the
proper procedure of doing so. As a leader, your job is to show the people who possess lesser minds
or information to be exact, the proper way of doing something and encourage them rather than
being the reason for their discouragement because of your poor decision skills. As a youth that is
bound to become a leader someday, I accept everything that will make me not only a better person,
but also a good leader who can create good decisions that will positively affect the team by a
significant rate and also boost our work efficiency to reduce the time required to execute a certain
objective. Being a leader also means that you have to be careful on the decisions that you may take
since this will affect the entire team. In general, to become a great leader, i must think things
thoroughly and encourage the people who i will be supervising so that their self esteem will rise
up and they will learn not only from me but also their mistakes that will give them the qualities of
a leader for i know that they will lead someone one day, i want to be the example that will help
them grow and learn.”
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to Mr. Eduardo Dela Cerna, chairman
of Hi-Protect Armored Cars Corporation for taking the time to respond to our questions
and imparting us his knowledge in leadership.
And to our professor, Dr. Leonardo F. Cada, Jr. for his unwavering enthusiasm and
continuous guidance, to which without, this work could not have been made possible.
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila
Institute of Accounts, Business, and Finance
Hi Protect Armored Cars. (n.d). About us. http://hiprotectarmoredcars.com/main/aboutus/#our_vision
Appendix/ Appendices
Leadership and Decision-making Approval Form
Group Member Names:
Section: Sec 2
Date: October 28,
Jobert Eduard S. Belen
Eduardo Dela Cerna
Jhendy Alinsubao
Vincent Comio Busacay
Shanelle Michiko Cajilig
Leader Name: Eduardo Dela Cerna
Position: Chairman
Organization/Business: Hi Protect Armored Cars Corporation
Submitted by: Jobert Eduard S. Belen
Approved By: (SGD) Prof. Leonardo F.
Cada, Jr.