Ohio’s State Tests ITEM RELEASE SPRING 2016 BIOLOGY Table of Contents Questions 1 – 21: Content Summary and Answer Key………………………..………..iii Question 1: Question and Scoring Guidelines.............................................................1 Question 1: Sample Responses.....................................................................................5 Question 2: Question and Scoring Guidelines.............................................................9 Question 2: Sample Responses...................................................................................13 Question 3: Question and Scoring Guidelines...........................................................17 Question 3: Sample Responses...................................................................................21 Question 4: Question and Scoring Guidelines...........................................................25 Question 4: Sample Responses...................................................................................29 Question 5: Question and Scoring Guidelines...........................................................33 Question 5: Sample Response.....................................................................................36 Question 6: Question and Scoring Guidelines...........................................................37 Question 6: Sample Response.....................................................................................40 Question 7: Question and Scoring Guidelines...........................................................41 Question 7: Sample Response.....................................................................................45 Question 8: Question and Scoring Guidelines...........................................................47 Question 8: Sample Responses...................................................................................51 Question 9: Question and Scoring Guidelines...........................................................57 Question 9: Sample Response.....................................................................................60 Question 10: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................61 Question 10: Sample Response...................................................................................64 Question 11: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................65 Question 11: Sample Response...................................................................................68 Question 12: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................69 Question 12: Sample Responses.................................................................................73 Question 13: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................77 Question 13: Sample Response...................................................................................80 Question 14: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................81 Question 14: Sample Responses.................................................................................85 i Question 15: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................91 Question 15: Sample Response...................................................................................94 Question 16: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................95 Question 16: Sample Response...................................................................................98 Question 17: Question and Scoring Guidelines.........................................................99 Question 17: Sample Response.................................................................................102 Question 18: Question and Scoring Guidelines.......................................................103 Question 18: Sample Responses...............................................................................107 Question 19: Question and Scoring Guidelines.......................................................111 Question 19: Sample Response.................................................................................114 Question 20: Question and Scoring Guidelines.......................................................115 Question 20: Sample Responses...............................................................................119 Question 21: Question and Scoring Guidelines.......................................................123 Question 21: Sample Response.................................................................................126 ii Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Content Summary and Answer Key Question No. Item Type 1 Graphic Response Content Strand Content Statement Heredity Modern Genetics Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for Diversity and describing the vast Interdependence diversity of of Life organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for Diversity and describing the vast Interdependence diversity of of Life organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Answer Key Points --- 1 point --- 1 point --- 1 point 2 Graphic Response 3 Graphic Response 4 Graphic Response Evolution Diversity of Life --- 1 point 5 Multiple Choice Heredity Modern Genetics B 1 point 6 Multiple Choice Heredity Mutations C 1 point 7 Multiple Choice Diversity and Interdependence Ecosystems of Life B 1 point iii Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Content Summary and Answer Key Question No. Item Type Content Strand 8 Graphic Response Cells 9 Mutliple Choice 10 Content Statement Answer Key Points Cellular Processes --- 2 points Heredity Genetic Mechanisms and Inheritance A 1 point Mutliple Choice Cells Cell Structure and Function C 1 point 11 Mutliple Choice Heredity Mutations A 1 point 12 Graphic Response Cells Cell Structure and Function --- 1 point 13 Mutliple Choice Evolution Mechanisms C 1 point 14 Graphic Response Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for Diversity and describing the vast Interdependence diversity of of Life organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. --- 1 point 15 Mutliple Choice Cells Cell Structure and Function C 1 point 16 Mutliple Choice Evolution Diversity of Life B 1 point 17 Mutliple Choice Cells Cell Structure and Function C 1 point iv Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Content Summary and Answer Key Question No. Item Type Content Strand 18 Graphic Response Cells 19 Content Statement Answer Key Points --- 1 point Multiple Choice Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for Diversity and describing the vast Interdependence diversity of of Life organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. B 1 point 20 Graphic Response Evolution Diversity of Life --- 1 point 21 Multiple Choice Evolution Diversity of Life B 1 point Cell Structure and Function v Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 1 Question and Scoring Guidelines 1 Question 1 16408 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: “Unrelated” placed below “Rat B”; AND “Identical Sibling” placed below “Rat C”; AND “Sibling or parent” placed below “Rat D” (1 point). 2 Alignment Content Strand Heredity Content Statement Modern Genetics Content Elaboration Genes are segments of DNA molecules. The sequence of DNA bases in a chromosome determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Inserting, deleting or substituting segments of DNA molecules can alter genes. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to infer genetic relationships between individuals by comparing DNA banding produced through gel electrophoresis. A rat is a diploid organism receiving 50% of its genetic material from each of its parent’s gametes. By analyzing the bands created during gel electrophoresis, identical matches, parents and siblings can be identified. The appearance of similar bands provides evidence for the relationships between the rats. Rat B is unrelated because there are no similar banding patterns compared to Rat A. Rat C is identical to Rat A because the banding is identical. This means that Rat A and C are identical siblings. Rat D has 3 of the 6 bands that are identical to Rat A, which indicates that Rat D could be a parent or sibling. 3 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 1 Sample Responses 5 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point). The response identifies the correct relationships of Rats B, C and D compared to Rat A. Rat B is unrelated since the banding patterns do not match. Rat C is an identical sibling since the banding patterns are an exact match. Rat D is either a sibling or parent since 3 of the 6 band sequences are an exact match, based on the fact that rats are diploid and receive 50% of their genetic material from each parent’s gamete. 6 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points). The response incorrectly identifies the relationships of Rats B and C to Rat A. The correct relationships are as follows: Rat B is unrelated since the banding patterns do not match. Rat C is an identical sibling since the banding patterns are an exact match. Rat D is either a sibling or parent since 3 of the 6 band sequences are an exact match, based on the fact that rats are diploid and receive 50% of their genetic material from each parent’s gamete. 7 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 2 Question and Scoring Guidelines 9 Question 2 16270 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: “B” placed in top box and “C” placed in 2nd-from-top box OR “C” placed in top box and “B” placed in 2nd-from-top box; AND “E” placed in the box directly below “D”; AND “A” placed in the bottom box (1 point). 10 Alignment Content Strand Diversity and Interdependence of Life Content Statement Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for describing the vast diversity of organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Content Elaboration Classification systems are frameworks developed by scientists for describing the diversity of organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Recent molecular-sequence data generally support earlier hypotheses regarding lineages of organisms based upon morphological comparisons. Both morphological comparisons and molecular evidence must be used to describe biodiversity (cladograms can be used to address this). Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to determine evolutionary relationships based on comparisons of amino acid sequences. The more differences found in amino acid sequences, the more distantly related the organisms are to each other. The evidence is contained in the table, “Differences in 113-Amino Acid Sequence.” Organism A and the fact that it does not have any differences is the base organism, which is annotated on a single lineage. Organisms B and C each differ from Organism A by 11 amino acids and are therefore closely related to each other and A. Organism E has the greatest number of amino acid differences and is thus the furthest removed from Organism A. 11 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 2 Sample Responses 13 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1point). Using the cladogram, the student identifies the correct evolutionary relationships based on the amino acid sequences: 1. “B” is placed in the top box since it differs from “A” by 11 amino acid sequences; 2. “C” is placed in the 2nd-from-top box since it differs from “A” by 11(10+1) amino acid sequences; 3. “E” is placed in the box directly below “D” since it differs from “A” by 28 amino acid sequences; and 4. “A” is placed in the bottom box since it is the basis of the comparison to which the others are linked. 14 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point). Using the cladogram, the student identifies the correct evolutionary relationships based on the amino acid sequences. 15 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points). Using the cladogram, the student incorrectly identifies the evolutionary relationships based on the amino acid sequences. 16 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 3 Question and Scoring Guidelines 17 Question 3 15589 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: “Diphyllodes” placed in the top box; AND “Manucodia” placed in the middle box; AND “Empidonax” placed in the bottom box (1 point). 18 Alignment Content Strand Diversity and Interdependence of Life Content Statement Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for describing the vast diversity of organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Content Elaboration Classification systems are frameworks developed by scientists for describing the diversity of organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Recent molecular-sequence data generally support earlier hypotheses regarding lineages of organisms based upon morphological comparisons. Both morphological comparisons and molecular evidence must be used to describe biodiversity (cladograms can be used to address this). Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to use DNA sequence data to construct a cladogram of evolutionary relationships. The more differences found in the nitrogen base sequence, the more distantly related the organisms are to each other. The evidence is contained in the table, “DNA Sequences of Avian Families.” The Avian family of Ptiloris is the base organism, which is annotated on a single lineage. The Avian families Vireo and Diphyllodes differ by 4 nitrogenous bases and are therefore the closest relatives to Ptiloris. The Avian family Manucodia differs from Ptiloris by 6 nitrogenous bases and is thus the next closest relative. Finally, the Avian family of Empidonax is the most distant relative with 10 different nitrogenous bases. 19 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 3 Sample Responses 21 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point). The response shows complete understanding of how to infer evolutionary relationships from DNA sequence data and how to depict these relationships in a cladogram. 22 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points). The response does not show understanding of how to infer evolutionary relationships from DNA sequence data and how to depict these relationships in a cladogram. The response does not make the connection that Vireo and Diphyllodes each differ from Ptiloris by 4 nucleic acid sites, a fact that initiates the correct order by showing that Vireo and Diphyllodes are closely related. 23 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 4 Question and Scoring Guidelines 25 Question 4 14552 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: “DNA Sample #2” selected (1 point). 26 Alignment Content Strand Evolution Content Statement Diversity of Life Content Elaboration Populations evolve over time. Evolution is the consequence of the interactions of: 1. the potential for a population to increase its numbers; 2. the genetic variability of offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes; 3. a finite supply of the resources required for life: and 4. the differential survival and reproduction of individuals with the specific phenotype. Mutations are described in the content elaboration for Heredity. Apply the knowledge of mutation and genetic drift to real-world examples. Recent molecular-sequence data generally, but not always, support earlier hypotheses regarding lineages of organisms based upon morphological comparisons. Cognitive Demand Recalling Accurate Science (R) Requires students to provide accurate statements about scientifically valid facts, concepts and relationships. Recall only requires students to provide a rote response, declarative knowledge or perform routine mathematical tasks. This cognitive demand refers to students’ knowledge of science fact, information, concepts, tools, procedures (being able to describe how) and basic principles. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to analyze the results of a gel electrophoresis to classify a sample. The evidence is in the table, “Gel Electrophoresis Results,” which compares the known base sample labeled “Resistant DNA Sample” with the unknown DNA samples labeled “DNA Sample [#1, #2 #3].” Through visual analysis of the gel electrophoresis results, it can be determined that “DNA Sample #2” is the only sample that matches the known “Resistant DNA Sample.” 27 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 4 Sample Responses 29 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point). The student correctly identifies that “DNA Sample #2” is the only sample with the additional segment that matches the “Resistant DNA Sample.” 30 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points). The response incorrectly selects all three samples as matches for the “Resistant DNA Sample”; however, “DNA Sample #2” is the only sample with the additional segment that matches the “Resistant DNA Sample.” “DNA Sample #1” and “DNA Sample #3” do not share the additional gene. 31 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 5 Question and Scoring Guidelines 33 Question 5 16610 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. The removal of non-essential DNA would not increase the crops’ ability to deal with hot, dry climates. Rationale for Option B: Key – This would help the current plant exhibit traits of the plants that better tolerate a dry climate. Rationale for Option C: This is incorrect. RNA from non-crop plants would not give the crop any advantages in hot, dry climates. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. mRNA may be absorbed from the fertilizer, but it has no long-term ability to increase the crops’ output in hot, dry climates. 34 Alignment Content Strand Heredity Content Statement Modern Genetics Content Elaboration Genes are segments of DNA molecules. The sequence of DNA bases in a chromosome determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Inserting, deleting or substituting segments of DNA molecules can alter genes. Cognitive Demand Recalling Accurate Science (R) Requires students to provide accurate statements about scientifically valid facts, concepts and relationships. Recall only requires students to provide a rote response, declarative knowledge or perform routine mathematical tasks. This cognitive demand refers to students’ knowledge of science fact, information, concepts, tools, procedures (being able to describe how) and basic principles. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to identify a way that genetic engineering can be used to produce better crops. Through the process of genetic engineering, segments of DNA are replaced in an organism’s genetic composition (DNA) to modify a physical trait, which provides the desired benefit to the engineered organism. In this specific question, the desired trait is drought resistance. This item assesses the student’s ability to identify a way that genetic engineering can be used to produce more successful crops. 35 Sample Response: 1 point 36 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 6 Question and Scoring Guidelines 37 Question 6 16652 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. This mutation does not cause a change to the amino acid sequence. Rationale for Option B: This is incorrect. This mutation does not cause a change to the amino acid sequence. Rationale for Option C: Key – This mutation does not cause a change to the amino acid sequence. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. This mutation does not cause a change to the amino acid sequence. 38 Alignment Content Strand Heredity Content Statement Mutations Content Elaboration Genes are segments of DNA molecules. The sequence of DNA bases in a chromosome determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Inserting, deleting or substituting segments of DNA molecules can alter genes. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to determine how a mutation in the DNA has affected the amino acid gene product. A codon, a 3-nitrogenous base sequence, codes for a specific amino acid. The table in this item, “Codons and Amino Acids,” lists only 7 of the 64 codon examples and 5 of the 20 amino acids. As evidenced in the table, a mutation in a codon may or may not affect the amino acid(s) produced. 39 Sample Response: 1 point 40 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 7 Question and Scoring Guidelines 41 Question 7 17913 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. 42 Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. This curve indicates that something else is being introduced to the environment that eventually lowers the size of the population. Rationale for Option B: Key – As the number of individuals in a population exceeds the carrying capacity, the population size falls below the carrying capacity and eventually fluctuates around the carrying capacity. Rationale for Option C: This is incorrect. A population size will not start at a number above zero. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. This growth curve suggests that carrying capacity does not change a population's ability to grow exponentially. Alignment Content Strand Diversity and Interdependence of Life Content Statement Ecosystems Content Elaboration Mathematical graphing and algebraic knowledge (at the high school level) must be used to explain concepts of carrying capacity and homeostasis within biomes. Use real-time data to investigate population changes that occur locally or regionally. Mathematical models can include exponential growth model and the logistic growth model. The simplest version of the logistic growth model is Population Growth Rate = rN (K-N) / K; the only new variable added to the exponential model is K for carrying capacity. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. 43 Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to communicate an understanding of how carrying capacity affects change in ecosystems over time. Carrying capacity is the maximum population size that resources in an environment can sustain for that specific population. A population will increase in number using a logistical curve until the carrying capacity is reached. Since environments will naturally fluctuate, the carrying capacity will also fluctuate around the theoretical limit marked by the dashed line. 44 Sample Response: 1 point 45 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 8 Question and Scoring Guidelines 47 Question 8 16685 Points Possible: 2 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: For Part A: “Ethanol” and “CO2” placed individually in the boxes (1 point); AND For Part B: “35º C” placed in the box (1 point). 48 Alignment Content Strand Cells Content Statement Cellular Processes Content Elaboration A living cell is composed of a small number of elements, mainly carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous and sulfur. Carbon, because of its small size and four available bonding electrons, can join to other carbon atoms in chains and rings to form large and complex molecules. The essential functions of cells involve chemical reactions that involve water and carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. A special group of proteins, enzymes, enables chemical reactions to occur within living systems. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to identify the products of fermentation in an oxygen-free environment and to identify the optimal temperature for fermentation based on the data provided. Fermentation is an anaerobic reaction where glucose in an aqueous solution results in energy, ethanol and carbon dioxide. 49 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 8 Sample Responses 51 Sample Response: 2 points Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (2 points). The response correctly enters the products for fermentation in Part A (“Ethanol” and “CO2”) and correctly enters the optimal fermentation temperature in Part B (“35º C”). 52 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns partial credit (1 point) because it incorrectly enters “Glucose” as a product of fermentation. Glucose is a reactant (consumed) during fermentation, not a product. The response receives 1 point because the student correctly enters the optimal fermentation temperature in Part B (“35º C”). 53 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns partial credit (1 point) because it incorrectly enters “25º C” as the optimal temperature for fermentation. In the chart in this item (“Anaerobic Fermentation Results”) 25º C produced only 2.91g in trial 1 and 2.75g in trial 2, whereas at 35º C, 5.17g was produced in trial 1 and 4.97g was produced in trial 2. The optimal temperature produced the most CO2. The response receives 1 point because the student correctly enters fermentation products in Part A (“Ethanol” and “CO2”). 54 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points). The response incorrectly enters “H2O” as a product of fermentation and “25º C” as the optimal temperature for fermentation. H2O is a reactant in the fermentation reaction, not a product. Additionally, in the chart in this item (“Anaerobic Fermentation Results”), 25º C produced only 2.91g in trial 1 and 2.75g in trial 2, whereas at 35º C, 5.17g was produced in trial 1 and 4.97g was produced in trial 2. The optimal temperature produced the most CO2. 55 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points). The response incorrectly enters “H2O” and “Glucose” as products of fermentation and “20º C” as the optimal temperature for fermentation. H2O and Glucose are reactants in the fermentation reaction, not products. Additionally, in the chart in this item (“Anaerobic Fermentation Results”), 20º C produced only 1.81g in trial 1 and 1.94g in trial 2, whereas at 35º C, 5.17g was produced in trial 1 and 4.97g was produced in trial 2. The optimal temperature produced the most CO2. 56 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 9 Question and Scoring Guidelines 57 Question 9 17542 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. 58 Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: Key – The female offspring receive one X-chromosome from the father. Since the father carries the dominant allele on his X-chromosome and the mother is homozygous recessive on both X-chromosomes, the female will be heterozygous dominant. Rationale for Option B: This is incorrect. The female offspring receive one X-chromosome from the father. Since the father carries the dominant allele on his X-chromosome and the mother is homozygous recessive on both X-chromosomes, the female will be heterozygous dominant, not homozygous recessive. Rationale for Option C: This is incorrect. The individual in question is a female and will not possess a Y-chromosome. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. The individual in question is a female and will not possess a Y-chromosome. Alignment Content Strand Heredity Content Statement Genetic Mechanisms and Inheritance Content Elaboration Genetic mechanisms, both classical and modern including incomplete dominance, sex-linked traits, goodness of fit test (Chi-square) and dihybrid crosses are investigated through real-world examples. Dihybrid crosses can be used to explore linkage groups. Gene interactions and phenotypic effects can be introduced using real-world examples (e.g. polygenic inheritance, epistasis, and pleiotropy). Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical 59 knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to demonstrate an understanding of the genetic mechanisms of inheritance. In this scenario, the traits “B” (dominant for shorttailed) and “b” (recessive for long-tailed) are sex-linked. Since there is an affected female (XX), the traits must be linked to the sex chromosome X. Therefore, the genotype of “1” (affected female) must be either XBXB or XBXb, and the genotype for “2” (unaffected male) must be XbY. The offspring of “1” and “2” is “3” (unaffected female), so her genotype must be XbXb, and the genotype of “1” must therefore be XBXb. Since “6” is the female offspring resulting from the mating of “3” (XbXb) and the affected male, “4” (XBY), the genotype of “6” is XBXb because the XB must be donated by the male parent (“4”) and the Xb by the female parent (“3”). Sample Response: 1 point 60 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 10 Question and Scoring Guidelines 61 Question 10 16331 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. This diagram is representative of a cell from a fungus. Rationale for Option B: This is incorrect. This diagram shows an animal cell. Rationale for Option C: Key – This cell has a cell wall but lacks internal membrane-bound compartments (organelles). Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. This diagram shows a plant cell. 62 Alignment Content Strand Cells Content Statement Cell Structure and Function Content Elaboration The cell is a system that conducts a variety of functions associated with life. Details of cellular processes such as photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, cellular respiration, cell division and differentiation are studied at this grade level. Additionally, cellular organelles studied are cytoskeleton, Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum. From about 4 billion years ago to about 2 billion years ago, only simple, singlecelled microorganisms are found in the fossil record. Once cells with nuclei developed about a billion years ago, increasingly complex multicellular organisms evolved. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to identify which cell is a prokaryotic cell. Since options A, B and D have membrane-bound organelles, option C must be a prokaryote. 63 Sample Response: 1 point 64 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 11 Question and Scoring Guidelines 65 Question 11 17855 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: Key – Enzymes are proteins produced from information coded in nucleic acids. A mutation that occurs during DNA replication can lead to the production of new enzymes. Rationale for Option B: This is incorrect. Photosynthesis converts light energy into stored chemical energy; it does not cause mutations in DNA to occur. Rationale for Option C: This is incorrect. Cellular respiration produces usable energy in the form of ATP from stored chemical energy in sugars; it does not cause mutations in DNA to occur. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. The movement of molecules in and out of cells does not cause mutations in DNA to occur. 66 Alignment Content Strand Heredity Content Statement Mutations Content Elaboration Genes are segments of DNA molecules. The sequence of DNA bases in a chromosome determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Inserting, deleting or substituting segments of DNA molecules can alter genes. An altered gene may be passed on to every cell that develops from it. The resulting features may help, harm or have little or no effect on the offspring’s success in its environments. Gene mutations (when they occur in gametes) can be passed on to offspring. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to communicate an understanding of the molecular basis of inheritance by selecting an explanation for how mutations occur. A genetic mutation is passed on to any cell that replicates from the parent cell through its DNA by mitosis. Only if the genetic mutation occurs in a gamete through meiosis will the mutation be passed on to the offspring. 67 Sample Response: 1 point 68 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 12 Question and Scoring Guidelines 69 Question 12 15527 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: “Channel” placed in the left box; AND “Phospholipids” placed in the center box; AND “ATP Pump” placed in the right box (1 point). 70 Alignment Content Strand Cells Content Statement Cell Structure and Function Content Elaboration Every cell is covered by a membrane that controls what can enter and leave the cell. In all but quite primitive cells, a complex network of proteins provides organization and shape. Within the cell are specialized parts for the transport of materials, energy transformation, protein building, waste disposal, information feedback and movement. In addition to these basic cellular functions, most cells in multicellular organisms perform some specific functions that others do not. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to determine the correct membrane transport mechanism for different substances given the identity and concentration gradient of each substance. The “Channel” (protein channel) allows large-sized molecules, such as glucose, to cross. Since glucose is water soluble, it is transported through the protein channel with the concentration gradient (high concentration to low concentration) without the expenditure of energy. The “Phospholipids” (phospholipid layer) diffuse oxygen across the membrane without expenditure of energy using the concentration gradient (high concentration to lower concentration). The “ATP Pump” allows large-sized molecules such as sodium to be transported against the concentration gradient (low concentration to high concentration), requiring energy through expenditure of ATP. 71 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 12 Sample Responses 73 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point) because the student correctly places the following: “Channel” in the left box, due to the large size of the glucose molecule and the fact that glucose is water soluble. “Phospholipids” in the center box, due to the fact that oxygen is diffusing across the phospholipids with the concentration gradient (high concentration to lower concentration). “ATP Pump” in the right box, due to the fact that sodium is being transported against the concentration gradient (low concentration to high concentration), requiring energy through expenditure of ATP. 74 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points) because the student incorrectly places all three membrane segments in the boxes: Glucose, which is a large, water-soluble molecule, could not diffuse across a phospholipid membrane even with the concentration gradient. Oxygen would diffuse across the phospholipid membrane without the expenditure of ATP/energy. Sodium requires active transport and expenditure of ATP/energy since it is transported against the concentration gradient. 75 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 13 Question and Scoring Guidelines 77 Question 13 17494 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. This is a misconception that a physical characteristic (e.g., webbed toes) is controlled by the environment. The trait must naturally occur in the population through genetic variation or mutation, and then it must provide a survival advantage allowing individuals with the trait to reproduce more successfully, impacting the population. Rationale for Option B: This is incorrect. This is a misconception that a physical characteristic was grown due to change in the environment (e.g., webbing). The trait must naturally occur in the population through genetic variation or mutation, and then it must provide a survival advantage allowing individuals with the trait to reproduce more successfully, impacting the population. Rationale for Option C: Key – The trait (webbed toes) naturally occurred in the population and provided a survival advantage allowing individuals with the trait to reproduce more successfully, impacting the population. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. This is a misconception that change in the environment (e.g., increased water levels) affects the mutation rate. The trait must naturally occur in the population through genetic variation or mutation, and then it must provide a survival advantage allowing individuals with the trait to reproduce more successfully, impacting the population. 78 Alignment Content Strand Evolution Content Statement Mechanisms Content Elaboration Heritable characteristics influence how likely an organism is to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. When an environment changes, the survival value of inherited characteristics may change. This may or may not cause a change in species that inhabit the environment. Formulate and revise explanations for gene flow and sexual selection based on real-world problems. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to determine the effect of environment on the survival of organisms through the process of natural selection. The process of natural selection requires a trait to exist within a population. It is the exhibition of this trait that provides the advantage that allows individuals with the trait to reach reproductive age. These individuals then produce more offspring than the individuals without the trait, thus increasing the frequency of the trait within the population. In this example, webbed toes offer an advantage in the changing environment, allowing those mice to out-reproduce the mice without the trait. 79 Sample Response: 1 point 80 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 14 Question and Scoring Guidelines 81 Question 14 14824 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: “Species X” placed in the 2nd box from the left; AND “Species Y” placed in the 3rd OR 4th box from the left (1 point). 82 Alignment Content Strand Diversity and Interdependence of Life Content Statement Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for describing the vast diversity of organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Content Elaboration Recent molecular-sequence data generally support earlier hypotheses regarding lineages of organisms based upon morphological comparisons. Both morphological comparisons and molecular evidence must be used to describe biodiversity (cladograms can be used to address this). Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to place organisms in an existing cladogram based on the traits of the organisms. The evidence used to complete the cladogram is contained in the table. Species X exhibited the physical traits “Exoskeleton,” “Compound Eyes” and “Mandibles.” Species Y exhibited the same physical traits as Species X with the addition of “Antennae.” The student must trace the emergence of the traits in order to properly position the species in the cladogram. 83 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 14 Sample Responses 85 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point) because of the reasons below. “Species X” was placed in the 2nd box from the left. The student correctly determined this by referring to the cladogram and tracing the physical characteristics of “Exoskeleton,” “Compound Eyes” and “Mandibles.” “Species X” does not have “Antennae,” so the departure was between the two characteristics of “Mandibles” and “Antennae.” “Species Y” was placed in the 4th box from the left. The student correctly determined this by looking at the cladogram and tracing the physical characteristics. Since “Species Y” had the same three characteristics as “Species X” with the addition of “Antennae,” the only available boxes for this species are the 3rd or 4th boxes from the left. 86 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point) because of the reasons below. “Species X” was placed in the 2nd box from the left. The student correctly determined this by referring to the cladogram and tracing the physical characteristics of “Exoskeleton,” “Compound Eyes” and “Mandibles.” “Species X” does not have “Antennae,” so the departure was between the two characteristics of “Mandibles” and “Antennae.” “Species Y” was placed in the 3rd box from the left. The student correctly determined this by looking at the cladogram and tracing the physical characteristics. Since “Species Y” had the same three characteristics as “Species X” with the addition of “Antennae,” the only available boxes for this species are the 3rd or 4th boxes from the left. 87 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points) because of the reasons below. The student incorrectly places “Species X” in the 1st box from the left, omitting the physical characteristic of “Mandibles” that was exhibited. The student also incorrectly places “Species Y” in the 2nd box from the left, omitting the physical characteristic of “Antennae” that was exhibited. 88 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points) because of the reasons below. The student incorrectly places “Species Y” in the 2nd box from the left, omitting the physical characteristic of “Antennae” that was exhibited. The student also incorrectly places “Species X” in the 4th box from the left, adding the physical characteristic of “Antennae” that was not exhibited. 89 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 15 Question and Scoring Guidelines 91 Question 15 16333 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. Cell walls are found in plant cells, not animal cells. Rationale for Option B: This is incorrect. The Golgi complex does not aid in cell support. Rationale for Option C: Key – The cell membrane and cytoskeleton work together to provide support and structure for animal cells. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. The endoplasmic reticulum is not part of a cell structure. 92 Alignment Content Strand Cells Content Statement Cell Structure and Function Content Elaboration Every cell is covered by a membrane that controls what can enter and leave the cell. In all but quite primitive cells, a complex network of proteins provides organization and shape. Within the cell are specialized parts for the transport of materials, energy transformation, protein building, waste disposal, information feedback and movement. In addition to these basic cellular functions, most cells in multicellular organisms perform some specific functions that others do not. Cognitive Demand Recalling Accurate Science (R) Requires students to provide accurate statements about scientifically valid facts, concepts and relationships. Recall only requires students to provide a rote response, declarative knowledge or perform routine mathematical tasks. This cognitive demand refers to students’ knowledge of science fact, information, concepts, tools, procedures (being able to describe how) and basic principles. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to identify which organelles give structure and support to animal cells. The only pair of organelles listed that gives both structure and support in animal cells is the cell membrane and cytoplasm. The cell wall, although it does provide support, is only present in plant cells. The Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum do not have a support function. 93 Sample Response: 1 point 94 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 16 Question and Scoring Guidelines 95 Question 16 17413 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. Mutations would add to the genetic diversity if the mutation occurred in a gamete. The mutation would not be passed to the offspring if it occurred in a somatic cell. Rationale for Option B: Key – Today’s cheetah underwent a sharp decline in population, creating a genetic bottleneck. Today’s cheetah genetic pool is based on these relatively few survivors. This bottleneck created a decrease in genetic diversity within the current cheetah population. Rationale for Option C: This is incorrect. By the definition of a species, cheetahs cannot interbreed with other species of large cats. If possible, this would add to the genetic diversity rather than subtract from it. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. Sharing a common ancestor would have no effect on the cheetah’s genetic diversity. 96 Alignment Content Strand Evolution Content Statement Diversity of Life Content Elaboration Heritable characteristics influence how likely an organism is to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. When an environment changes, the survival value of inherited characteristics may change. This may or may not cause a change in species that inhabit the environment. Formulate and revise explanations for gene flow and sexual selection based on real-world problems. Cognitive Demand Recalling Accurate Science (R) Requires students to provide accurate statements about scientifically valid facts, concepts and relationships. Recall only requires students to provide a rote response, declarative knowledge or perform routine mathematical tasks. This cognitive demand refers to students’ knowledge of science fact, information, concepts, tools, procedures (being able to describe how) and basic principles. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to recall factors that limit the genetic diversity within a population. Today’s cheetahs underwent a sharp decline in population, creating a genetic bottleneck. Today’s cheetah genetic pool is based on relatively few survivors. This bottleneck created a decrease in genetic diversity within the current cheetah population. 97 Sample Response: 1 point 98 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 17 Question and Scoring Guidelines 99 Question 17 16329 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. The characteristics of this cell are typical of a plant cell. Rationale for Option B: This is incorrect. The characteristics of this cell are typical of an animal cell. Rationale for Option C: Key – The characteristics of this cell are typical of a prokaryote. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. The characteristics of this cell are typical of a fungus. 100 Alignment Content Strand Cells Content Statement Cell Structure and Function Content Elaboration The cell is a system that conducts a variety of functions associated with life. Details of cellular processes such as photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, cellular respiration, cell division and differentiation are studied at this grade level. Additionally, cellular organelles studied are cytoskeleton, Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum. From about 4 billion years ago to about 2 billion years ago, only simple, singlecelled microorganisms are found in the fossil record. Once cells with nuclei developed about a billion years ago, increasingly complex multicellular organisms evolved. Cognitive Demand Recalling Accurate Science (R) Requires students to provide accurate statements about scientifically valid facts, concepts and relationships. Recall only requires students to provide a rote response, declarative knowledge or perform routine mathematical tasks. This cognitive demand refers to students’ knowledge of science fact, information, concepts, tools, procedures (being able to describe how) and basic principles. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to distinguish a prokaryotic cell from other cell types based on its features. Prokaryotic cells are the most ancient life forms on Earth. Although they do have DNA used to transfer genetic information, the DNA is found in a nucleoid (nucleus-like). Prokaryotes do not have membrane-bound organelles, such as a true nucleus or chloroplasts. A true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are traits of eukaryotes. 101 Sample Response: 1 point 102 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 18 Question and Scoring Guidelines 103 Question 18 16190 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: A “2” and a “6” placed individually in the boxes (1 point). 104 Alignment Content Strand Cells Content Statement Cell Structure and Function Content Elaboration Within the cell are specialized parts for the transport of materials, energy transformation, protein building, waste disposal, information feedback and movement. In addition to these basic cellular functions, most cells in multicellular organisms perform some specific functions that others do not. Cognitive Demand Recalling Accurate Science (R) Requires students to provide accurate statements about scientifically valid facts, concepts and relationships. Recall only requires students to provide a rote response, declarative knowledge or perform routine mathematical tasks. This cognitive demand refers to students’ knowledge of science fact, information, concepts, tools, procedures (being able to describe how) and basic principles. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to identify plant cell structures that perform various functions. Plant Cells are eukaryotes, which exhibit membrane-bound organelles. The numbered organelles shown are: “1,” a chloroplast that contains chlorophyll and the site of photosynthesis; “2,” the Golgi body, which is responsible for the modification, sorting and packaging of proteins; “3,” a vacuole responsible for temporary storage; “4,” the outermost layer of a plant cell, which is the cell wall, responsible for rigid structure and support; “5,” the nucleus, which is the control center of the cell, housing the DNA; “6,” the endoplasmic reticulum, which is responsible for the transport of proteins and materials; and “7,” the mitochondria, which is responsible for the conversion of glucose to ATP and is the “energy plant” of the cell. Mitochondria have their own heredity information and can self-replicate. 105 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 18 Sample Responses 107 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point) because the student correctly places a “2,” identifying the Golgi body, and a “6,” identifying the rough endoplasmic reticulum, individually in the boxes. 108 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points) because the student incorrectly identifies the nucleus (“5”) and mitochondrion (“7”) as organelles that modify and transport proteins out of the cell. 109 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points) because the student incorrectly identifies the mitochondrion (“7”) as an organelle that can modify and transport proteins out of the cell. The student correctly identifies the Golgi body (“2”) as an organelle that can modify and transport proteins out of the cell; however, the student must identify both organelles correctly in order to receive credit. 110 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 19 Question and Scoring Guidelines 111 Question 19 16037 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. While C. valerioi and C. rosea are more closely related to each other than to C. cupulata, C. cylindrica is more closely related to C. rosea since they are nested more closely in the cladogram that was constructed based on DNA sequences. Rationale for Option B: Key – C. rosea and C. cylindrica are nested the most closely in the cladogram that was constructed based on DNA sequences, so they would be the most closely related of the species, based on the cladogram. 112 Rationale for Option C: This is incorrect. C. cupulata is the least closely related to the other three species in the cladogram based on the links presented in the cladogram. The general positioning of C. cupulata at the top does not indicate relatedness of the species. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. All four of the species come from the same genus Clusia. C. rosea and C. cylindrica are nested the most closely in the cladogram that was constructed based on DNA sequences, so they would be the most closely related of the four species. Alignment Content Strand Diversity and Interdependence of Life Content Statement Classification systems are frameworks created by scientists for describing the vast diversity of organisms, indicating the degree of relatedness between organisms. Content Elaboration Recent molecular-sequence data generally support earlier hypotheses regarding lineages of organisms based upon morphological comparisons. Both morphological comparisons and molecular evidence must be used to describe biodiversity (cladograms can be used to address this). Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to interpret a cladogram to determine the relatedness of species. The cladogram was constructed based on DNA sequences. C. rosea and C. cylindrica are nested the most closely and share a common ancestor, so they would be the most closely related of the species based on their placement in the cladogram. 113 Sample Response: 1 point 114 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 20 Question and Scoring Guidelines 115 Question 20 16579 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines For this item, a full-credit response includes: “No change” placed next to “B allele”; AND “No change” placed next to “b allele” (1 point). 116 Alignment Content Strand Evolution Content Statement Diversity of Life Content Elaboration The great diversity of organisms and ecological niches they occupy result from more than 3.5 billion years of evolution. Some ecosystems can be reasonably persistent over hundreds or thousands of years. Like many complex systems, ecosystems tend to have cyclic fluctuations around a state of rough equilibrium. In the long run, however, ecosystems always change as geological or biological conditions vary. Misconceptions about population growth capacity, interspecies and intra-species competition for resources, and what occurs when a species immigrates to or emigrates from ecosystems are included in this topic. Technology must be used to access real-time/authentic data to study population changes and growth in specific locations. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to use knowledge of incomplete dominance to predict the changes in allele frequencies in a population. Since the heterozygous condition of medium brown (Bb) is being selected by predation, there is a 1:1 reduction in the alleles. Therefore, the relative frequencies would not change. 117 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 20 Sample Responses 119 Sample Response: 1 point Notes on Scoring This response earns full credit (1 point) because the student correctly places “No change” next to “B allele,” and “No change” next to “b allele.” 120 Sample Response: 0 points Notes on Scoring This response earns no credit (0 points) because the student incorrectly places “Increases” next to “B allele.” “B allele” would stay the same, not increase. 121 Biology Spring 2016 Item Release Question 21 Question and Scoring Guidelines 123 Question 21 17498 Points Possible: 1 See Alignment for more detail. Scoring Guidelines Rationale for Option A: This is incorrect. According to the given information, rabbits were introduced to Australia; therefore, there are no native rabbit species with which to breed. Rationale for Option B: Key – Rabbits with the advantageous characteristic of being immune or partially immune to the virus would be able to survive and reproduce, passing this advantage to their offspring. The population of rabbits would begin to increase again. Rationale for Option C: This is incorrect. An organism cannot “learn” to survive a disease or infection. Rationale for Option D: This is incorrect. Organisms cannot change their reproductive cycles at will. 124 Alignment Content Strand Evolution Content Statement Diversity of Life Content Elaboration The great diversity of organisms and ecological niches they occupy result from more than 3.5 billion years of evolution. Some ecosystems can be reasonably persistent over hundreds or thousands of years. Like many complex systems, ecosystems tend to have cyclic fluctuations around a state of rough equilibrium. In the long run, however, ecosystems always change as geological or biological conditions vary. Misconceptions about population growth capacity, interspecies and intra-species competition for resources, and what occurs when a species immigrates to or emigrates from ecosystems are included in this topic. Technology must be used to access real-time/authentic data to study population changes and growth in specific locations. Cognitive Demand Interpreting and Communicating Science Concepts (C) Requires students to use subject-specific conceptual knowledge to interpret and explain events, phenomena, concepts and experiences using gradeappropriate scientific terminology, technological knowledge and mathematical knowledge. Communicate with clarity, focus and organization using rich, investigative scenarios, real-world data and valid scientific information. Explanation of the Item This item requires the student to understand how genetic variation within a species can enable individuals with advantageous characteristics to survive. The process of natural selection requires a trait (e.g., resistance to a virus) to exist within a population. It is the exhibition of this trait that provides the advantage that allows individuals with the trait to reach reproductive age. These individuals then produce more offspring than the individuals without the trait, which increases the frequency of the trait within the population. In this example, the viral resistance offered an advantage in the changing environment, allowing those rabbits to out-reproduce the rabbits without the trait. 125 Sample Response: 1 point 126 The Ohio Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services. Copyright © 2016 by the Ohio Department of Education. All rights reserved.