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Rubik's Cube Permutations: A Mathematical Analysis

Extended Essay – Mathematics:
Finding the total number of legal
permutations of the Rubik’s Cube
Rafid Hoda
Term: May 2010
Session number: 000504 – 008
Trondheim Katedralskole
Word Count: 3635
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
In this essay we will be finding the total number of legal permutations of the Rubik’s
Cube. Appropriate notation is introduced first, enabling us to handle the cube
mathematically. The cube is then converted to a mathematical cube called the cube
group {G,} . Subsequently, we show that the generators of {G,} are:
By looking at permutations, we show that every state of the cube is actually a permutation.
Permutations of the cube can be written in cycle notation. The permutations in cycle
notation can be decomposed into 2-cycles or pair exchanges, which we will show. By
looking at the number of decomposed 2-cycles we know if a permutation is even or odd,
and we thereby show that the cube group only contains even permutations, thus odd
permutations are not achievable on the cube. We will also explicitly consider some illegal
cases to help us answer our question.
We will then consider twists and flips of the little cubies. We will see that the sum of all
edge flips must be 0 or a multiple of 2. Similary the sum of all corner twists must be 0 or a
multiple of 3. We will explicilty look at some illegal cases.
Finally we will use the illegal cases of the cube to compute the legal permutations of the
cube. This is done by:
12!8! 212 38 12!8!⋅38 ⋅ 212
⋅ =
= 43 252 003 274 489 856 000
2 3
Which leads to the final result that the total number legal permutations of the cube is
exactly 43 252 003 274 489 856 000 which can be approximated to 43⋅1018.
Word count: 241
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
I am grateful to my supervisor and teacher Hella Sakshaug, who provided me with
constructive feedback throughout the process of this essay.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Notation
3. Groups
3.1 Turning the cube into a group
3.2 Testing the axioms
4. Generators
4.1 Generators of the cube group
5. Permutations
6. Cycles
7. Permutation cycles of the cube
7.1 Decomposition of cycles
7.2 Even permutations
7.3 Illegal cases
8. Flips and twists of edges and corners
8.1 Flips of edges
8.2 Twists of corners
9. Finding the total number of permutations
9.1 Positioning of the corners and edges
9.2 Flipped edges and twisted corners
9.3 Calculating the total number of legal permutations of the cube
10. Conclusion
Bibliography and resources
Summary of terminology and notation
Ernö Rubik invented the Rubik’s Cube to improve his student’s three-dimensional skills.
The Rubik’s Cube quickly became a worldwide phenomenon and was picked up by people
of all ages.1
A typical Rubik’s cube looks as follows:
Figure 1: Left and right view of the cube.
The cube consists of 6 faces, each colored a unique color. Traditionally, these colors are
white, red, blue, orange, yellow and green.
We can turn each of the six faces a multiple of 90° in either the clockwise or
counterclockwise direction. By turning the faces of the cube, we can mix up the colors.
The purpose of the toy is to mix up the colors and then solve it by making each face a solid
color again.
It is apparent that by turning the sides of the cube we can get many different states of the
cube, but exactly how many? We will later see that these states are actually permutations
of the cube and so our research question becomes: Finding the total number of legal
permutations of the Rubik’s Cube.
The question is worthy of investigation because we get an idea of how complex a toy like
the Rubik’s Cube can be.
Alexander H. Frey, Jr. and David Singmaster, Handbook of Cubik Math (New Jersey: Enslow Publishers,
1982) page.iv, “Preface”.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
It is crucial to introduce appropriate notation, as it can get confusing otherwise.
We will use David Singmaster’s notation, described in the Handbook of Cubik Math.2
Naturally, the cube consists of 6 sides, of faces, where each face has a unique color:
Figure 2: Two figures of the whole cube in “dice” view and how the sides come together to form the
The cube is built up of 3 different types of smaller cubes, or cubies:
Center cubies:
Edge cubies:
Figure 3: Center cubie
Figure 4: Edge cubie
Corner cubies:
Figure 5: Corner cubie
Edge and corner cubies will sometimes be called edges and corners throughout this essay.
There are in total 6 centers, 12 edges and 8 corners.
Singmaster has chosen the following six names for the six faces: Front, Back, Right, Left,
Up, and Down.3
Singmaster, pages 3-12.
Singmaster, page 10.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
The following table highlights the different faces:
Front = F
Up = U
Right = R
Down = D
Left = L
Back = B
Table 1
If we turn the up face, 90° in the clockwise direction, that will be a move, denoted by U. To
undo the move we just turn the up face 90° in the counterclockwise direction, which will
be U-1. Note that clockwise or counterclockwise refers to as we look at that face.
In general we have:
X is the move to turn the X face 90° in the clockwise direction. We turn the X face 90° in
the counterclockwise direction to “undo” the move, and return to our initial state. This
move is denoted by X-1 and is the inverse of X.4 The result of doing X and then X-1 is the
identity denoted by e. The identity will be explained later in detail.
We can keep turning any face however many times we like.
X, X2, X3 , X4 are all moves which we can apply to the cube. The exponent acts as; X2 =
XX, X3 = XXX = X-1 etc. Note, that X4 would be to turn the X face 360° in the clockwise
direction, which just leads us back to the initial state.
Singmaster, page 18.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
The following basic facts can be derived:
X2 = XX,
X3 = XXX = X-1,
X4 = X2X2 = XXXX = e,
X5 = X, etc
We can turn two or more distinct faces to execute a more complex move.
The moves are read from left to right.
Turn the Up face 90° clockwise, then turn the Front face 90° clockwise.
Turn the Up face 90° clockwise, turn the Front fact 180°
clockwise/counterclockwise, then turn the Right face 90° clockwise
Turn the Down face 90° counterclockwise, the Back face 90° clockwise,
the Left face 180° clockwise/counterclockwise.
Table 2
Below are examples of three moves executed on the cube:
Figure 6: U
Figure 7: UR
Figure 8: URF
A summary of the notation is included in the appendix.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Let us understand what groups are, before turning the cube into a group.
Definition: A group is a mathematical structure made up of a set G of elements together
with an operation  . There are certain rules that a group must satisfy in order to be a group,
these are:
(1) Closure:
For all a, b ∈ G ⇒ a  b ∈ G. Hence the group G is closed under  .
Example; 1 + 2 = 3 where 1,2 and 3 ∈ Z
(2) Associativity:
The following holds; (a  b)  c = a  (b  c) .
Example: (1 + 2) + 3 = 1 + (2 + 3)
(3) Identity:
Every group has an identity element “e” such that; a  e = e  a = a .
Example: 1 + 0 = 0 + 1 = 1
(4) Inverses:
Every element a in a group must have an inverse a-1 such that; a  a −1 = a −1  a = e .
Example 1 +(-1) = (-1) + 1 = 0.
0 is the inverse of itself.
The four rules stated are called the group axioms. The examples under the four examples
show that the integers under addition form a group.
This section is based on: Mark Cartwright. Groups (Hampshire: THE MACMILLIAN PRESS LTD, 1993),
pages 64-68.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
3.1 Turning the cube into a group
Let us now turn the cube into a group.
We need to define the elements and the group operation of our group, and check if the
axioms hold.
Let us denote our cube group as:
{G,} where G is the set containing the elements, and  is the operation. We will
henceforth use {G,} or the “cube group” when referring to our group.
We define the different elements in the set G to be moves. Remember from earlier that a
move is just a single or a combination of two or more single turns of faces.
So the following moves are examples of elements contained in the set G
{R, F, D, B, L, U, R2, F2, D2, R-1, FR, FRU, RUR-1} are all elements of G
Above are just some of the examples. It is immediately apparent that there are a lot of
elements in G.
Now we need to define our group operation  . The natural way to define the operation
would be to use it to combine two element(moves):
A  B = AB where A, B ∈G
(A and B are just arbitrary moves.)
A  B is doing move A followed by move B. And therefore  is the same as followed by.
Now that we have our set and group operation, let us check if they together form a group
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
3.2 Testing the axioms
(1) Closure:
The closure law is satisfied under {G,} . Suppose A and B are arbitrary moves, then
A  B = C where A, B ∈G . As A and B are both moves in G then C must also be in G as
C is a move composed by A and B.
(2) Associativity:
Assume A, B and C are arbitrary moves, then:
(A  B)  C = AB  C = ABC
A  (B  C) = A  BC = ABC
Hence, associativity holds under {G,} . As long as one executes multiple moves in the
same order, it does not matter if we combine moves.
(3) Identity:
The identity will be the move that does nothing. We can call this identity “e”, then for any
arbitrary move A, we have:
Ae = eA = A
(4) Inverses:
Every element or move has its inverse such that A  A−1 = A-1  A = e . So if we apply a
move to the cube and then apply the inverse of the move, we are back to where we started.
Let us show that Q-1 is the inverse of Q, where Q = ABC and Q-1= C-1B-1A-1 :
Q  Q −1 = ABC  C −1B−1A−1
Q  Q −1 = AB  e  B−1A−1
Q  Q −1 = A  e  e  A−1
Q  Q −1 = e
Hence Q-1 is the inverse of Q.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
A generator of a group is the set of elements that with their inverses can be combined by
the group operation(repetitions allowed) to produce all the other group elements6. Hence
we can produce all elements of a group by just one or a few elements.
Let us consider the group of all integers under addition, i.e. {Z,+} . What we notice is that
by using the numbers 1 and -1(inverse of 1) we can produce all of the numbers of {Z,+} .
0 = 1 + (-1);
1 = 1;
2 = 1 + 1;
- 1 = -1;
-2= (-1)+( -1)
3 = 1 + 1 + 1; etc
3 = (-1)+(-1)+(-1); etc
(Note that subtraction is not an operation here, the negative numbers are just inverses.)
The notation we use to denote that the element 1 generates the group of integers is:
{Z,+} = 1
4.1 Generators of the cube group
The elements that generate the cube group are:
This is very easy to see, because the moves; U, F, R, L, B and D are the fundamental
moves that when combined can generate all moves.
Edited by David Nelson, The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics(London: Penguin Books, 2003)
pages 183-184.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Permutations are very important for this essay, as we will later see that all the elements in
{G,} are really permutations.
A permutation is a rearrangement of objects8. When we turn the faces of cube, we are
changing the position, or rearranging the edge and corner cubies of the cube.
Let us consider a simple case, before we proceed to the cube.
If we consider the set {1, 2, 3}, there are 6 possible rearrangement of the objects:
1. (1, 2, 3)
2. (1, 3, 2)
3. (2, 1, 3)
4. (2, 3, 1)
5. (3, 1, 2)
6. (3, 2, 1)
And thus there are 6 possible ways to rearrange the objects of {1, 2, 3}.
Let us look at one of the permutations from an intuitive point. Consider 3 boxes, numbered
1, 2 and 3 and placed in increasing order from left to right. Each box has an object inside
it; box 1 has object 1, box 2 has object 2 and box 3 has object 3. What is in a box at a given
time can be called its content.
This section is based on: Tom Davis, “Permutation Groups”, 2. April 2003
<http://www.geometer.org/mathcircles/perm.pdf>, 7. November 2009, pages 1-8.
8 Davis, page 1.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Below follows an illustration of the situation:
Figure 9: The brown figures represent boxes, while the yellow figures represent objects.
The boxes do not move. We can however move the objects around, but there can only be
one object in a box at a given time.
Now let us perform a permutation that we listed previously, (1, 3, 2):
Figure 10: Objects 2 and 3 are swapped.
What Figure 12 is showing is that object 2 and 3 have been swapped.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
The permutation on the previous page can be written as (23) in cycle notation. This
indicates that the contents of box 2 moves to box 3, and the contents of box 3 moves to box
2. In other words, it represents a cycle.
1 is not included in (23), because nothing happens to the contents of box 1.
Let us consider another permutation listed in cycle notation:
(14)(23) ⇒ Contents of 1 moves to 4, contents of 4 moves to 1. Contents of 2 moves to 3,
contents of 3 moves to 2.
Observe that since it’s a cycle:
(14)(23) = (41)(32)
The above is correct because the numbers inside the cycle are just shifted, they still have
the same order.
Of course we are not restricted to having 2 objects inside the parenthesis:
are all examples of permutations.
The number of numbers we have within a parenthesis tells us what type of a permutation
cycle it is. So for instance: (12) is a 2-cycle, while (243) is a 3-cycle, (1768) is a 4-cycle
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Let us get specific to the cube. We need to find an effective way to name the movable
cubies of the cube, so we can work with them. Fortunately, a neat way of naming the
individual cubies is used and described in the Handbook of Cubik Math9, which we will
If we take the cube and label every facelet of each side with the first letter of that side in
lowercase, this is how the cube will look like:
Figure 11
By labeling the cube this way, we can easily refer to the individual cubies. Remember that
when we first introduced permutations, we had boxes with objects in them. The boxes
acted as containers for the movable objects. We will be using the same principle as with
the boxes.
Figure 12
Singmaster, pages 12-14.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
What is highlighted in the Figure 14 is the cubicle: urf. We could also call it rfu or fur, just
as long as we read the letters clockwise. A cubicle acts as a box and does not move, what
moves is the cubie in a cubicle. We do not need to worry about naming the cubies, because
they are moving.
Below follows a flat view of the Up side, but all the corner and edge pieces are labeled in
their full form:
Figure 13
We turn the Up side 90° clockwise:
Figure 14
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
The arrows represent where each edge and corner piece is moved.
This is what happens:
uf ⎯
⎯→ ul
urf ⎯
⎯→ ulf
ul ⎯
⎯→ ub
ulf ⎯
⎯→ ulb
ub ⎯
⎯→ ur
ulb ⎯
⎯→ urb
ur ⎯
⎯→ uf
urb ⎯
⎯→ urf
uf ⎯
⎯→ ul means that what ever cubie is in uf is moved to ul.
We write what happens in cycle notation:
(uf, ul, ub, ur)(urf, ulf, ulb, urb)
7.1 Decomposition of cycles
2-cycles are interesting, because we can take any cycle larger than 2 and break it into a
sequence of 2-cycles10. This is fairly easy to show, because a 2-cycle is just a pair
exchange. So a 2-cycle or pair exchange is when we swap any two cubies.
Consider the cube permutation:
(uf, ul, ub, ur)(urf, ulf, ulb, urb)
Singmaster, page 126.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
This is how the pair exchanges(edges and corners) are happening:
Figure 15
We can see from the figures above that what we actually are doing is swapping two cubies
at a time, and hence we can decompose any permutation of the cube into these 2-cycles or
pair exchanges:
(uf, ul, ub, ur)(urf, ulf, ulb, urb)
Can be decomposed into:
(uf, ul)(uf, ub)(uf, ur)(urf, ulf)(urf, ulb)(urf, urb)
In general:
(a, b, c): contents of a move to b, contents of b move to c, contents of c move back to a.
(a, b)(a, c): contents of a move to b, contents of b move to a. contents of a(which was
originally in b) move to c, contents of c move to a. Hence: (a, b, c) = (a, b)(a, c)
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
7.2 Even permutations
We say that a permutation is even if it can be decomposed into an even number of 2cycles(pair exchanges)11. Conversely we have that an odd permutation is one which can be
decomposed into an odd number of 2-cycles.
Let us again look at the permutation where we turned the up face 90° clockwise:
(uf, ul, ub, ur)(urf, ulf, ulb, urb)
We can decompose it into six 2-cycles:
(uf, ul)(uf, ub)(uf, ur)(urf, ulf)(urf, ulb)(urf, urb)
Since six is an even number, the permutation is an even permutation. Hence, U is an even
If we repeat this process by turning the right, left, front, back and down side, we will get
the exact same result, namely even permutations.
Hence R, L, F, B, D are even permutations.
From page 12, we know that the generators of the cube group are:
This means that the cube group exists only of even permutations, because U, F, R, L, B and
D all produce even permutations. And all permutations are just combinations of the six
fundamental permutations. It is similar to saying that however many even numbers we add
up, the sum will always be an even number.
This leads to the conclusion that every single permutation of the cube is even. Conversely,
it means that odd permutations are not valid permutations on the cube.
Davis, page 8.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
This fact will allow us to show that certain states of the cube cannot be achieved. It is
important to notice that we have only dealt with the positioning of the cubies.
7.3 Illegal cases
We can prove that certain permutations are illegal, meaning not achievable by turning the
faces. For now we will only consider pair-exchanges(swapped edges or corners). We will
look at twists and flips of corners and edges later.
Consider the following state of the cube:
Figure 16
We cannot see the whole cube, but the blue-white and red-white edges are “swapped”.
This means that it is a 2-cycle. The permutation will be (uf, ur). Since it is a single 2-cycle,
it is an odd permutation, and thus an illegal permutation.
We can take another example where we have 3 2-cycles:
(uf, ur)(uf, ul)(uf, ub)
This is also an illegal permutation as we have 3 pair-exchanges, and thus an odd
We will not go through all cases, because that will take too much space, but this section is
important for our final calculation, and we will be using what we have shown here.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
8. Flips and twists
We have not yet considered that edges can be flipped and corners can be twisted. A flipped
edge cubie will have the faceletes swapped.
Unfortunately, we cannot use the same method as we used for the positioning of the
cubies. This is because the notation for writing permutations would have to be enhanced to
include twists and flips. Instead we will use another method described in the Handbook of
Cubic Math12, where we assign number values to different flips and twists of edges and
8.1 Flips of edges
We will denote the original position of the edge as 0(no change), while when it is it flipped
it will be +1.
This is shown in the diagram below:
Figure 17: The edge cubie on the left is place right, while the one on the right is flipped.
Singmaster, pages 130-134
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Implemented on the cube, we have:
Figure 18
As we can see, the figure to the left is untouched and hence the sum of the flips is 0. The
figure to the right however has one edge flipped, and hence the sum of flips is +1. If we
flip the flipped edge we get +1+1= 2 and hence we are back to where we started. This
means that the second state shown in Figure 19 is not achievable(hence its illegal), because
it flips a single edge while leaving everything untouched.
This means that the sum of flips being 2 is the same as 0. In fact, any multiple of 2 will
give a sum of 0. This means that we are working with modulus 2, ie. multiples of 2.
So we have:
0 = 0 (mod 2)
+1 + 1 = 2 = 0 (mod 2)
1 + 1 + 1 = 3 = 1 (mod 2)
This means that one single edge cubie cannot be flipped, while leaving everything else
fixed. Two edges can however be flipped, because 1 + 1 = 2 = 0 (mod 2). Three edges
cannot be flipped, four edges can be flipped, etc. This fact will be used later on when we
calculate the number of total permutations of the cube.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
8.2 Twists of corners
We will handle the twists of corners similar to how we handled the flips of edges.
A corner cubie can be twisted in three different ways:
Figure 19
As illustrated in the figure above; the original state of the corner cubie will be 0, a twist of
120° in the clockwise direction is +1, while a twist 120° in the counterclockwise direction
is -1. Notice that here we work with a modulus of 3, since +1+1+1 =3 = 0(mod 3).
The following is obvious:
+1 = 1 (mod 3)
+1+1 = 2 = -1 = 2 (mod 3)
+1+1+1= 3 = 0 (mod 3)
So if we twist three corner cubies 120° in the clockwise direction, that is the same as doing
So as with the edge, we cannot have a single corner twisted, while everything else is fixed,
because this gives a sum of +1 or -1. We can however have two corners flipped, where one
is +1 and the other is -1, because they cancel each other. We cannot have two corners
twisted with +1, because that will give a sum of 2.
What we have shown in 8.1 and 8.2 will be used for our final result.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
9. Finding the total number of permutations
We can now use everything we know to show exactly how many permutations of the cube
are achievable.
9.1 Positioning of corners and edges
Let us first look at the positions corner and edge cubies can have.
We have 12 cubicles to place the 12 edge cubies in:
Figure 20: The edge cubicles are highlighted.
The 12 edge cubies can be placed in the 12 cubicles in 12! different ways. The first edge
cubie can be placed in 12 cubicles, the second in 11 cubicles, the third in 10, etc.
The 11th edge cubie can be placed in 2 ways. But this is really not true.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
The figure below illustrates where the 11th edge cubie can be placed:
Figure 21
Notice how only one of the positioning will lead to a valid permutation. If the edge
piece(in Figure 24) is placed in the red face cubicle, then the last edge cubie must be
placed in the last cubicle, which will lead to an illegal permutation, because we will have
two edges swapped. Let us address with this problem after we have considered the corner
We have 8 corner cubies:
Figure 22: The corner cubicles are highlighted.
Similar to the edge cubies, we can place the 8 corner cubies in the 8 corner cubicles in 8!
different ways.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
We see that we meet the same problem as with the edge cubies. The 7th corner cubie can be
placed in 2 places:
Figure 23
In 1 out of 2 cases the 7th corner cubie will be placed wrong, which will make the last
corner cubie being misplaced, as with the edges.
We cannot have a state of the cube where two edges or corners are swapped.
Below is a list of the states we have:
(1)Two edge cubies swapped.
(2)Two corner cubies swapped
(3)Two edges swapped and two corners swapped.
(4)All edges and corners in their right place.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Below follows figures for each point:
Figure 24
Number 4 is obviously a legal state, as nothing is done. However, number 3 is also a valid
permutation, because it consists of two pair exchanges or 2-cycles, i.e. it is an even
permutation. So half of the permutations are valid. Hence, the number of permutations(not
counting twisted corners and flipped edges) are:
9.2 Flipped edges and twisted corners
The edge cubies can be placed in an edge cubicle in 2 ways, either as they are or flipped.
Since there are in total 12 edge cubies, there will be:
2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 = 212
Ways to place the 12 edge cubies in the 12 edge cubicles. However, the 12th and last edge
cubie really has no choice, the 11 previous determine its flip. If the sum of the 11 first flips
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
is even, then the 12 flip must also be even. Conversely, if the sum of the 11 first flips is
odd, then the 12 flip must also be odd. This is because the final sum of all the flips can
only be an even number for the state to be considered legal. This is how the 12th edge cubie
loses its “choice”, and hence the number of ways the 12 edges can be flipped is:
Similarly, the 8 corners can be twisted in 38 ways. Again the 8th edge cubie’s twist is
determined by the previous 7 corner twists. If the sum of the first 7 twists is not a multiple
of 3, the 8th corner(with +1, -1 or 0) must make the final sum a multiple of 3. This is
because the sum must always be a multiple of 3. The 8th corner loses its choice and hence
the number of ways the 8 corners can be flipped is:
And that is it! That covers everything.
9.3 Calculating the total number of legal permutations of the cube
Since we are calculating the total number of legal permutations of the cube we need to
multiply the results in 9.1 and 9.2:
12!8! 212 38 12!8!⋅38 ⋅ 212
⋅ =
= 43 252 003 274 489 856 000
2 3
≈ 43⋅1018
So the total number of legal permutations of the Rubik’s cube is
43 252 003 274 489 856 000, which can be approximated to 43 ⋅1018.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
10. Conclusion
In this essay we wanted to find the total number of legal permutations of the
Rubik’s Cube. To do this, we first converted the cube into a group {G,} , which had the
We then looked at cube permutations. Since we could decompose any cycle into 2-cycles,
we showed that only even permutations are valid with the cube. With this we showed some
illegal cases of positioning cubies.
Since we could not use the same method as positioning for considering flips and twists of
the cubies, we introduced another method. We found that legal flips of edges had to sum
up to 0, or a multiple of 2. Twists of corners had to sum up to 0, or a multiple of 3. We
looked at general illegal cases.
We finally used everything we had shown to show how many legal permutations we could
get of the cube. The exact value was calculated to be:
43 252 003 274 489 856 000, which is approximately 43 ⋅1018.
As the result of this essay demonstrates, the number of legal permutations of the Rubik’s
Cube is a relatively large number, which in turn shows the complexity of the toy.
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
Bibliography and recourses
Alexander H. Frey, Jr. and David Singmaster, Handbook of Cubik Math (New Jersey:
Enslow Publishers, 1982)
Mark Cartwright, Groups (Hampshire: THE MACMILLIAN PRESS LTD, 1993)
Edited by David Nelson, The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (London: The Penguin
Group, Third Edition, 2003)
Tom Davis, “Permutation Groups”, 2. April 2003, 7. November 2009,
Applications used:
Microsoft Word 2008
Equation Editor
Macromedia Flash 8 (Used to make illustrations)
Big number scientific calculator (Used for final calculation) http://www.alpertron.com.ar/BIGCALC.HTM
Rafid Hoda – May 2010
Candidate number: 000504 ‐ 008
The following table is taken directly from page 4 from Handbook of Cubik Math:
Definition or Abbreviation
The small cube pieces which make up the
whole cube.
The spaces occupied by cubies
The faces of a cubie
Types of Cubies:
A corner cubie has three facelets.
Corner, Edge, and Center
An edge cubie has two facelets.
A center cubie has one facelet.
Positional Names for Cube Faces
Table(A) 1