Uploaded by Alina Egelhoff

Speech Critique Assignment Guidelines

Informative & Persuasive Speeches
Peer Critique Assignments
 It will take at least 1 full page to complete the answers to the questions, no more than 2
 Do not write out the questions; however, number your answers to correspond to the
question you are answering.
 The paper must be typed.
 Use no larger than 1” margins and 12 pt, Times New Roman font.
 Double spacing is not necessary, but there can be a space between questions.
 Cover pages and folders are not necessary; all you need it your name in the upper right
corner (and the name of the person you are critiquing for peer critiques)
 Use specific examples and quotes from the speech as you write the paper
 Use specific language
Number the answers throughout the paper. Pick 5 questions from the list below to answer:
1. What made the attention getter most effective Did the speaker relate to the audience, establish
credibility, and preview his/her main points in the beginning of the speech? How? Was it
effective? What could have made it more effective? Provide at least two suggestions to make
the introduction even more powerful/more effective in his/her next presentation.
2. Discuss the main points of the speech. Consider what made the main points strong and/or
what could have made them more effective? What should or could have been added or
eliminated from any main point? Explain/support your response with examples. Make at least
two recommendations for the next presentation.
3. Identify the organizational pattern used for this speech? How do you think the speaker made
that decision? Was the organizational pattern easy to identify and followed throughout the
presentation? Provide examples. In addition to looking at the organization pattern, discuss
the transitions used throughout the speech. Were they appropriate for the presentation? Did
the transitions make the presentation easier to follow? Were they creative? Support your
answers and provide at least two suggestions for improvement on the next presentation.
4. What made the information in the speech interesting? What could have been done to make the
information more interesting? Consider the types of support material, examples, illustrations,
how statistics were used, etc. Discuss the speaker’s use of language. Were a lot of slang or
filler words present in the speech? What creative language techniques were used (metaphors,
alliterations, analogies, etc.)? What made the speaker’s language effective, easy to listen to,
enjoyable? What could have been done to improve? Provide specific details and examples
from the presentation. Identify at least two strategies to make the information more interesting
in a future presentation.
5. Did the speaker incorporate all sources, throughout the body of the speech? What were the
sources and how effectively were they used? What would have made them more effective?
Provide at least two specific suggestions regarding research and orally citation of sources.
6. Discuss the speaker’s body language, movement, gestures, voice fluctuation, use of the
podium, dress, and overall nonverbal communication. How effective was it, what could have
made it more effective? Identify at least two positive characteristics and at least two areas to
improve for the next presentation.
7. Discussion the conclusion of the presentation. Identify the review statement. Was it a clear,
concise review? Did the speaker have a closing memorable thought that made an impact?
What made it effective and why? Provide at least two suggestions to improve the conclusion.
8. Describe how the speaker used a visual aid. How was it used effectively? Did it add value to
the presentation? How could it have been more effective and/or added even more value to the
presentation? Provide at least two suggestions for different visual aids with this topic.
Please note the following:
 For the informative speech, you must answer question #4 as one of your five questions
 For the persuasive speech, you must answer this question as one of your five questions:
Was the speech persuasive? Where you persuaded to change your mind, change
your behavior, or take action? Describe why or why not. What where you persuaded
to change or to do? Describe two changes the speaker could have made to his/her
presentation to be more persuasive.