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Clothing Purchase Intention Literature Review

Review of literature
(Rausch & Kopplin, 2021) Research still lacks a comprehensive to explain
sustainable clothing. To provide a holistic framework the researcher found that
what are the main antecedents of purchase behavior that leads to sustainable
clothing. Four hundred sixty four participants were inquired to assess these
constructs in the context of sustainable clothing by the consumer. The finding of
the study is that the consumer attitude towards sustainable clothing has the
highest impact on purchase intention.
Ong et al., 2021) The fashion industry has been continuously growing over the
years, yet it is an industry that was greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of the study was to determine the factors affecting buying behavior
of Filipinos towards clothing apparel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The online
survey was conducted with the help of 457 respondents who participated
voluntarily and answered an online questionnaire. Structural equation modeling
(SEM) indicated that marketing mix was found to have significant effects on
attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, which subsequently
led to purchase intention.
Stringer, T.et al.(2020) The rise of fast fashion has changed the face of global
fashion. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to understand the influence of
consumer’s values on ethical consumption in a fast-fashion context. An online
survey was designed to collect responses relating to personal values and ethical
concerns towards animal and worker welfare issues, as well as environmental
concerns. The results show personal value and ethical concern towards animal
and worker welfare issues, as well as environmental concerns positive impact on
consumer purchase intention and influence the buying decision of consumer
within the fashion industry.
Yeo et al., (2020) With the view of rapid growth of internet usage, marketer
taken internet as a marketing tool. In this context the researcher establishment
the relationship between consumer purchase intention towards viral marketing.
For this, smart PLS 3.0 used to establishment relationship with the same and the
result indicate there is significant relationship between viral marketing and
consumer purchase intention.
Chandel, P. et al. (2019) The researcher investigated what are the factors that
create clothing interest and related factors among adolescents. For this a sample
size of 100 adolescents from schools and collages were selected based on
convenient sampling. Findings shows that First hypothesis that appearance will
have no relationship with clothing interest, which was rejected as significant
positive correlation was found between appearance and clothing interest.
Cheah et al. (2019) Researcher assess the effect of two promotional methods,
namely, celebrity endorsed advertisement and selfie promotion, on customers’
decision-making processes using the AISAS model. A total of 180 responses were
assessed using structured questionnaire and analysed using partial least squares
structural equation modelling. The results show that while celebrity endorsed
advertisement remains relevant to customer’s decision-making processes, the effect
of selfie promotion is comparable to celebrity endorsement.
Cham et al. (2018) The study examined the factors influencing clothing interest
among Generation Y consumers in Malaysia. Self-administered questionnaires
were used to collection the data. Data has been collected from a total of 300
respondents from Malaysia to test the hypothesized relationships. Results
showed that all variable taken in this study are significant predictors of clothing
interest among the Generation Y consumers in Malaysia
(Sa-Nguanpuak, 2017) Today the era of doing business change and the need of
the consumer continuously change. The objective of this research is to identify
the factors impacting consumers toward online clothing shopping through social
media. In order to identify and understand the factors comprehensively, the indepth qualitative interview was conducted for collected the data. The researcher
found that consumers are stimulated to have purchase intention by nice pictures
through Facebook ads. Subjective Norm also has influence to purchase intention,
but only a little impact to a final decision. Specific price range for each individual
are set in mind whether the decision can be made quickly. Moreover, consumers
agree that there are various risks associated to the purchase of clothing online and
the advertising through Facebook ads to be effective in comparison to Instagram.
(Goworek et al., 2017) The researcher explored and identify ways in which
consumers can be encouraged to behave more sustainably and exploring
consumers' views in relation to the sustainability of clothing maintenance and
divestment and, second, to consider the potential impact of these views on the
clothing and textiles industry. In this context results show Environmental and
social sustainability have become important issues within the fashion market,
with increasing public awareness of sustainability and some increase in
demand for sustainable clothing from consumers.
(Thompson & Tong, 2016) This study investigates the factors that might
influence American consumers’ purchase intention towards bamboo textile and
apparel products. A total of 307 usable questionnaires were collected from young
American consumers and analysis done using structural equation modelling. The
analyses indicated that fashion leadership and environmental concern are
significantly impact on consumer purchase intention towards bamboo textile and
apparel products.
(Giridhar et al., 2016) Clothing is an important product category through which
people express their interests, status, and lifestyle. In this context, the author
identified those factors that determining the purchase intention of consumer. The
results indicate factors relating to self-concept, like the need for uniqueness and
clothing interest are insignificant, but the perceived quality of foreign brand
apparel is a significant factor in determining the purchase intention. We therefore
recommend that foreign entrants into the Indian market adopt suitable
segmentation, distribution and operational strategies to leverage on the high
quality perception of foreign brand apparel in the Indian market.
(Zheng & Chi, 2015) The key factors in the formation of consumer purchase
intention towards environmentally friendly apparel (EFA) is crucial in developing
effective marketing strategies. Researcher take theory of reasoned action and the
theory of planned behaviour an enhanced consumer EFA purchase intention
model was proposed and tested. Using 187 survey responses from US college
students, factor analysis and structural equation modelling were used for data
analysis and hypothesis testing. Results demonstrate that the model has sound
psychometric properties while the statistical criteria are also well met. The model
exhibits high explanatory power, accounting for 66.5% of variance in consumer
EFA purchase intention.
(Shafi & Madhavaiah, 2014) Study investigate the relationship between elements
which affect consumer buying behaviour for apparel products in Bangalore city.
Convenience sampling method was used for data collection, after assembled data
it is analysed in SPSS 16.0. Descriptive statistics was used to analysis the
demographics and Chi-square test were used to analyse the research objective.
At last it is concluded in the present study that there is significant relationship
between reference group and purchase intention also promotion, Store attributes,
product attributes, Income of the respondent and occupation have positive
significant relation between consumer buying behaviour.
(Naderi, 2013) Fashion involvement has been regarded as an important research
topic in consumer research. The author seeks to comprehensive and critical
review and analysis of the recent studies on involvement in the context of fashion
clothing. A content analysis of the current peer-reviewed journal articles
published on this research topics. Further, the findings show that the research
method is biased towards the survey method as opposed to experimentation. In
this paper, the results of the content analysis outlining methodologies, sample
characteristics, variables and major findings are provided and analysed, followed
by directions for future research, theoretical and managerial implications, and
(Gam, 2011) Environmentally friendly clothing (EFC) also reflects a consumer's
fashion choices, and the many variables that influence EFC purchase decisions that
influence the buying behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify
whether fashion and shopping orientation are determinants of EFC purchase
intention. A total of 329 usable questionnaires were collected from young female
consumers aged 18‐25 years. Factor analysis were used to evaluate both independent
variable and the dependent variable – purchase intention regarding EFC. The
findings from a series of linear regression analyses indicated that one fashion
orientation factor, two shopping orientation factors, and three environmental
concern and eco‐friendly behavior factors are significantly related to consumers'
purchase intention regarding EFC.
Kumar, A et al. (2009) The researcher found that direct and indirect effects of
individuals' self‐concept on purchase intention toward a US retail brand versus a
local brand that are available in the Indian market. This study found that Indian
consumers' self‐concept and NFU had indirect effects on purchase intention of
the US brand and the local brand. Both self‐concept and NFU positively
influenced clothing interest. Emotional value was found to be an important factor
influencing purchase intention toward the US brand and the local brand as well.
(Lee et al., 2008) The study is designed to determine what are the factors that
influencing the Mexican college students' purchase intention toward a US apparel
brand. A total of 256 college students in Mexico participated in the survey Using
structural equation modeling (SEM), the study finds that Mexican college
students' normative interpersonal influence positively affected brand
consciousness. Brand consciousness is positively related to emotional value, but
not to perceived quality of a US brand. Emotional value positively influences
purchase intention toward a US brand, while perceived quality negatively
influences purchase intention.
(Lee et al., 2008) The paper examined the direct and indirect effects on purchase
intention toward a US retail brand versus a local brand that are available in the
Indian market. Data obtained from 405 college students in India were analyzed
using structural equation modeling. This study found that Indian consumers' self‐
concept and NFU had indirect effects on purchase intention of the US brand and
the local brand. Both self‐concept and NFU positively influenced clothing
interest. Clothing interest positively influenced perceived quality and emotional
value for the US brand, but not for the local brand. Emotional value was found to
be an important factor influencing purchase intention.