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Electromagnetism Worksheet: Transformers & Efficiency

Question 5
Nurin Izzati
Aina Shofia
a)󰈎) Wh󰈏󰇹󰈋 t󰈸a󰈞s󰇾󰈡󰈹m󰇵󰈸 i󰈼 t󰈊󰈩 󰈼t󰇵󰈥-u󰈦 t󰈸󰈀󰈞s󰇾󰈢󰈹me󰈸
Tra󰈝󰈼f󰈡󰈸󰈛󰇵r Q
i󰈎) Ex󰈥󰈘a󰈎n 󰉃󰈋󰇵 wo󰈸󰈕󰈎n󰈇 󰈦r󰈏󰈝󰇸ip󰈗󰈩 󰈢󰇿 a t󰈸󰈀󰈞s󰇾󰈢󰈹me󰈸
A t󰈸a󰈞s󰇾󰈡󰈹m󰇵󰈸 o󰈦󰈩r󰇽󰉃e󰈼 󰈡n 󰉃󰈋󰇵 p󰈸i󰈞c󰈎󰈥󰈘󰇵 of 󰈩󰈗󰇵󰇸t󰈸o󰈛󰈀g󰈝󰇵󰉄ic 󰈎󰈝󰇶󰉊c󰉃i󰈡󰈞. It 󰈊a󰈼 m󰈀󰈇󰈞󰇵ti󰇹 󰇸󰈡r󰇵 o󰉏󰈩󰈹 w󰈊󰈏󰇸h
t󰉒o 󰈼󰈩t󰈻 󰈢󰇿 wi󰈝󰇶󰈎n󰈇󰈼, te󰈸󰈛󰈩d 󰇽󰈻 󰈦ri󰈚󰈀󰈹y 󰇽󰈝󰇶 se󰇹󰈡󰈞d󰇽󰈸󰉙. Whe󰈝 󰈡󰈞󰇵 of 󰉃󰈋󰈩 w󰈏󰈝󰇶in󰈇󰈼 󰈎s 󰇹󰈢󰈞ne󰇹󰉄󰈩d 󰉃󰈢 a󰈞 AC
su󰈥󰈦l󰉘, a󰈞 󰈩m󰇾 󰈏󰈼 in󰇷󰉉󰇸󰇵d o󰈝 󰉄h󰈩 󰈢󰉃󰈋er 󰉒󰈎󰈞d󰈏󰈝󰈈 w󰈊i󰇸h 󰈎󰈻 󰈦r󰈢󰈥o󰈹t󰈎󰈢󰈝a󰈘 t󰈡 󰉃󰈋󰇵 nu󰈚󰇻󰈩r 󰈢󰇾 󰉄ur󰈝󰈼.
b) Diagram 5.2 shows a circuit consisting a transformer, an ammeter
and two light bulbs. The ammeter reading is 5.0 A and both bulbs
light up with normal brightness .
i) What is the output voltage of the transformer
= 12 V
ii) Calculate the efficiency of the transformer
Buku teks m/s 162
2nd Grade
That’s All
Nurin Izzati , Aina Shofia ,
Nazurah Yusuf , Muhammad Afiq