Geology & the Earth The Earth consists of a series of nested layers. Deepest, of course, is the core. We do not have any direct samples. We can only examine the core of the Earth using remote sensing. Geophysical techniques. What we know about the course suggests that number one, the core, is primarily made out of an iron nickel alloy, perhaps himself rat. And there's two parts to the core, the outer part of the core is actually liquid. The inner part of the core is a very high pressure metallic solid. The core, the inner core is basically greased up by that liquid outer core, and so the inner core is free to spin. Irrespective of what the rest of the earth the overlying portions of the Earth are doing, an it's that spin that incidentally generates the Earth's magnetic field. Above the core we have the mantle. And above the mantle we have two layers that are broadly referred to as the asthenosphere and the lithosphere. The asthenosphere is. This is the zone. In the mantle that is relatively. Plastic, it's under high pressure, not nearly as high pressure is the core, but it's still that largest zone in the interior of the earth that is relatively plastic because it's under high pressure and it's capable. Because of that, it's capable of flowing from one place to another. The lithosphere, which is the outermost part. Of the Earth, solid earth, the left fear is approximately 150 kilometers thick, and it is relatively rigid, the. Lower part of the lithosphere is generally considered to be part of the mantle. The upper part of the lithosphere is considered to be a separate zone that I'm sure you've already heard referred to as the crust of the Earth. Now the lithosphere, the uppermost rigid part of the mantle, plus the crust. The lithosphere is divided into a series of separate physical plates and those plates are capable of moving relative to one another, moving over the surface of the Earth. New plate material being produced in certain parts of the Earth. Old plate material being consumed shoved back into deeper parts of the mantle. By other processes, other places on the Earth, and so the lithospheric plates there was about between. Depending on how you count how big you want to define each plate on the order of a large dozen to maybe 20 plates that are jostling around the earth surface and the part of the earth, the solid earth in the year most familiar with are the continents, and these continental masses. Are embedded within the uppermost part of the lithosphere and as the plates move around, they carry the continental masses with them. And so as a process that used to be referred to as continental drift, that name has been dumped. When one theory was replaced by another, will talk about that later. Continental drift when there was a theoretical shift in the earth sciences, got renamed instead, plate tectonics and it play tectonics is a central theory that unites the earth sciences together and we'll talk a lot about plate tectonics later, but plate tectonics once again involves the movement. Of lithospheric plates overtime and in the process carrying continental surficial continental masses. Mountains and all along with them. Before we go into any kind of detail in terms of geology, the structure of the earth or plate tectonics, it's appropriate to talk for a moment about the scientific method now. Every educator, every science educator have ever talked to has to or they feel obliged to present their view of the scientific method an I suspect that there are more detailed definitions of the scientific method. Then there are even educators who teach this stuff. The that's the reason for that is that each scientist has their own view, their own personal take on how science works for them with their research and their personal career. But if you stand back and don't worry quite so much about all of the detail that you learned in earlier science classes. The scientific method consists First off of observations, facts you make observations on the real world. And you strive as a scientist to make those observations as accurate as unbiased, an as repeatable by making multiple observations on the same on the same phenomenon. Once you have these solid and I should add well documented facts. Then you attempt to explain why you seeing what you've seen. That's the second part of the scientific method. First one is making good solid. The best you can make observations. And the second is come up with an idea. A hypothesis to explain what you've seen. We don't stop there. What makes science unique among intellectual disciplines? Is that we then skeptically test our explanations. We skeptically attempt to reject each hypothesis. That potentially explains what we saw. And now that that test does not mean oh want to think about it and come up with some sort of a test, some logical test it means. Let's predict from our ideas. Let's predict what we'll see if we make more observations and each hypothesis, each idea. Each hypothesis will allow us to predict different critical observations that we could make if we fail to make those observations. If they don't exist when we try and make new observations then we reject that hypothesis, and so, by critically and very skeptically testing every idea that we can come up with the explain what we saw originally. Then we eventually are able to reject the hypothesis. They might be good ones, but they're just not accurate an. Ideally, if the scientist is doing his or her job properly ideal you will end up with a single hypothesis in the end, and that's that. That's the one that we present. Now, science doesn't stop there. Science starts with observations. Generate ideas, hypotheses to explain those observations, and then skeptically critically tests attempts to reject each one of the hypotheses. And still we end up with just one hypothesis. But we but science we as scientists. Go through this process skeptically, testing with new observations over and over and over again. The process never stops. Science is capable of disproving ideas we are not capable. On the other hand, approving them, and so since we can't prove an idea, best we can do is find supporting evidence for it. And failed to reject the hypothesis, so there's always room for more testing. And maybe one scientist gets tired of testing after while they say, OK, OK, I've tested this idea 20 times and I keep on getting the only the only idea that survives is this one. I keep on getting the same answer, so I'm done, but somebody else undoubtedly will come along and say I think you didn't make enough observations, or I've got a new way of making observations. I have a new way of testing or I've come up with two hypotheses you didn't think of, and I got those two, and so when additional scientists come along, they more than likely will continue to test the surviving hypothesis that once have been rejected previously. And it's in that fashion that scientists come up with overtime more and more and more evidence that supports. A particular idea at some point. We stop saying. OK, I'm going to test this some more. We say well, tentatively I'll accept it and it's at that point that hypothesis becomes more established and we often refer to it. Then as a theory, that's a scientific method. The court to it is accurate, repeatable observations. Don't just take one story, do it over and over again to make sure you're doing right. Record the information and it depends upon ideas explanations. But then science also depends upon being very skeptically being very skeptical, rather and then testing your ideas and try to reject them. Tries hard as you can to reject them. Based upon new critical observations. So once again, facts ideas, skeptical testing to try very hard to reject hypothesis. Most of those hypotheses have been rejected. You start all over again, make more skeptical tests, more observations, and keep on going to see which hypothesis survives and said never ending process. At some point when we finally call hypothesis theory, which is pretty much a consensus. That yeah, I think we're right, at least for the time being. We always go back and check it again, but more than likely most scientists are going to move on and that's the nature of science. For most of the time that geology has existed as a science, that is since early in the lady early in the 1800s. We have tried to each generation focus more and more and more narrowly on a wider, wider, wider range of topics. Of course, that means, as it progressively greater number of geologists every generation, and by focusing in narrowly we have the time we have the concentration, we have the opportunity to learn more about our own little area. That process is tended to fragment, which has fragmented science and has tended to fragmental subdivided the geology into structural geologists. People who study rocks, people who study landforms, people who studied the oceans, people who studied the way that that chemistry produces different kinds of earth materials, the way that we remotely stance using geophysical information to see what's down there, for example. And in the last 30 years or so, geologists start to become concerned by this. This subdivision of the earth sciences, because as paleontologist, perhaps you don't know as much about the interior of the earth as you ought to know, and so there has been this. Educational effort, referred to as the Earth system concept to try and re integrate all of the various parts of the earth sciences into a single coherent view and that effort to resynthesize, to reintegrate all of the different parts of geology is once again referred to as the Earth system concept, and your textbook was written. With that Earth system concept in mind, and so you will notice, it may seem like the discussions are a lot broader when you get to the chapter on structural geology with my God, there's some discussions of physics. There's some discussions of geophysics. There were some discussions of rock types in there, list some discussions of mineralogy, and that's not just throwing stuff into confuse the introductory student. All that information is thrown in and discussed under the concept of structural geology to let all of these various pieces of information get integrated and to demonstrate to students that it is a whole coherent topic that we're studying not just an individual little bit of fold or an individual little bit of convection in the mantle, or something like that. So the Earth system concept has been representing major shift in geological education and your book is clearly established as a major effort. To teach students to teach this present generation of college students geology as an integrated Earth system discipline. In the nucleus of an atom we have two fundamental particles and this has been known for well over a century or two. Fundamental types of particles. There are particles that have a positive charge on them, which are referred to as protons and the number of protons in a nucleus. The other particles are neutrons, and neutrons have no charge on them. But they have roughly each neutron has roughly the same mass proton, and so the bulk of the mass of an atom. Is the mass of the total number of protons and neutrons. In the nucleus, the lightest way element and that one with the smallest atom is hydrogen, where there is only one proton an. Zero wow one, two, or three. Neutrons. Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1 because it's got one proton and every atom of hydrogen. Has one proton in it and that proton is the is the charged part of the nucleus at one proton you got one unit charge of positive. And so that's balanced by the number of electrons. Even though electrons have virtually no mass, they nonetheless carry a charge, which is about the same size as the charge on a proton, except in electrons.