Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region V Division of Naga City District VIII CARARAYAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Skills Enhancement Training & Seminar in EIM NC II (New TR) Monitoring Form Venue: __________________________________________________________________Date of Monitoring: ___________________________ I. TRAINING OBSERVATION: Please check the corresponding column whether the following indicators are evident or not. INDICATORS EVIDENT NOT EVIDENT REMARKS 1. The training has an approved proposal. 2. The training matrix was observed (or the training content was completely delivered) 3. The number of days were maximized as stated in the training design. 4. The objectives of the training were met. 5. The monitoring and evaluation tools were utilized. 6. Participants were able to perform and submit the required outputs. 7. Attendance was systematically monitored. 8. The venue was conducive. 9. The training started and ended on time. 10. There were available training learning materials. 11. The trainers used appropriate resource package (Session guide, PowerPoint presentation and video presentation, EIM Training Mock-up, etc.) II. COMMENT/RECOMMENDATION ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ III. CRITICAL INCIDENT: If you have encountered remarkable event/situation (positive/negative) that needs to detailed here. Please accomplish STAR Form (Situation/Task- Describe the specific situation and/or task needed to be accomplished. Action- describe how the person/s or the training team responded to the situation or acted on the task at hand. Result – describe the effect of the action). SITUATION/TASK ACTION RESULT (Please use back page if needed.) Name of Monitoring Official: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________