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Malnutrition Report: Barangay Rizal, Surigao City

1. What forms of malnutrition exist?
Underweight, stunted and wasted
2. How many are malnourished?
Height for age status- 56
Weight for age status- 35
Weight for height status- 20
3. Who are the malnourished?
Children ages from 0-59 months
4. Where are the malnourished?
Found in all sitios in Barangay Rizal
5. What are the causes of malnutrition?
(prepare a problem tree)
6. What have been done to address
malnutrition? How effective have these
-Backyard gardening
-Distribution of seedlings
-Vitamins supplementation
-Food fortification
-Feeding program
-Nutrition Counseling
-Livelihood projects
7. What resources are available to
address malnutrition?
8. What constraints could affect the
implementation of nutrition intervention?
The most evident reason is due to
pandemic since the activities can still be
limited. In relation to this, during feeding
program, the parents of the malnourished
children will just bring the food from the
center to their respective households and
there might be a tendency that the food will
be divided also to the siblings of the
malnourished individual. Another thing,
parents are too lazy to follow the advice of
bns/bhw and other health committee.
Problem tree
Barangay Rizal, Surigao City
Underweight pre-school children 0-59 months
Inadequate food
Presence of illness
Inadequate care for
mother and children
-Poor infant and child
feeding practices
-teenage pregnancy
-Limited knowledge
and skills of child
-Large family size
-Low income
-Poor sanitation
-Unsanitary toilet
-Low food availability
due to weather