2019 Early Start First Year Experience Day 1, August 19 th Time Session Campus Location 9:00am-11:30am Math or English Check your Schedule 11:30-12:30pm Lunch 12:30-3pm Math or English Check your Schedule Meet your Peer 3:00pm Mentor at the classroom Introduction to the McKenna Theatre First-Year Experience: Transitions, Purpose 3:30 pm-5pm & Success, Wellness & Connections Description We will learn and share how we are experiencing transitions and how we can prepare for success and wellness. Day 2, August 20 th Time Session 9:00-10:30am 10:30-12 noon 12:00-1pm English or Math English or Math Lunch Residential Hall: 12:00 - 4:00 pm First-Year Town Hall meetings Commuter Panel Campus Location Check your schedule Check your schedule Check your schedule Knuth Hall 1:00- 3:00 pm Before 9 pm See Gator Guide for optional Gator X activities Review the ILEARN Check-In Forum for this day. Please respond before 9pm. Description Online Mandatory meeting for those living on-campus Come hear what SF State has to offer for commuters including tips on how to make commuting work for you Day 3, August 21 st Time Session 9:00 - 11:00 am Math or English Campus Location Description Check your schedule P Lunch 11:00 - 12:30 pm Math or English Check your schedule 12:30-2:30pm 2:30pm Peer Mentor meets with you after class Student Life Festival 2:30pm-5pm Before 9pm See Gator Guide for optional Gator Fest activities Review the ILEARN Check-In Forum for this day. Please respond before 9pm. West Campus Greens Student Life Festival “Chomp Festival” There will be performances by student organizations, lawn games, and the Associated Student’s farmers market. There will be vendors selling goods. An array of food trucks will be attendance and a bouncy house. Online Day 4, August 22 th Time Session 9:00 - 11:00 am Math or English Participate in the Entering Class Photo 11:00-12:30pm Campus Location Check your schedules West Campus Greens Lunch Math or English Description Pick up your free “Go-Gators” t-shirt as we line up in a unique formation for the Entering Class Photo! Check your schedule 12:30-2:30pm 2:30pm Peer Mentor meets with you after class Academic Open Houses Throughout campus See link Gator X: Faculty First Lectures McKenna Theatre Review the ILEARN Check-In Forum for this day. Please respond before 9pm. Online 2:30-4:00pm 4:00-5:15pm Before 9 pm See Gator Guide for optional Gator Fest activities Students are invited to open houses with departments and colleges across campus. Come meet staff and faculty! .Come hear faculty across the campus speak about San Francisco/San Francisco State University. Day 5, August 23 rd Time Session 9:00 - 11:00 am English or Math Campus Location Check your schedules Lunch 11:00-12:30 pm Student Organization & The Quad Resource Fair 12:00-12:30pm English or Math Description Student organizations and campus services and resources will be at the quad. Come by for free food and music Check your schedules 12:30-2:30pm 2:30pm 3:00 - 4:15 pm 4:15 - 5:00 pm See Gator Guide for optional Gator Fest activities Peer Mentor meets your after class Purpose and Preparing McKenna Theatre for your best self at SF State Cookie Social Lawn in front of Library We will reflect and share on how your transition to SF State can be done well and prepare you for your future