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Dominion Dance Company Competitive Dance Info 2020-2021

Dominion Dance Company
Competitive Dance Information 2020-2021
Covid-19 Update
We understand that everyone is nervous about public health and safety during the covid19 pandemic. Keeping our students and families in good health is our utmost priority.
In addition to following guidelines from The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health, we’ve put in safety measures to keep
everyone safe. We are providing ample space for dancers to spread out and establishing
protocols including: requiring dancers take their temperatures as they enter the studio
sanitizes ballet barres
, floors and door handles in between each class.
Dance Company Placement
Placement in each Dance Company is based on the following criteria: technique, potential
commitment level, enthusiasm, attitude and behavior in class, attendance and stage presence.
We place students together in groups that we feel will work best together in rehearsals and
performances. Company members are selected by instructors and will be invited into the
appropriate Company class.
Attendance & Time Commitment
A dance company is a team. Just as sports teams require all players to attend practices, dance
companies require their dancers to attend all classes and rehearsals. Absences will not only
affect the individual dancer, but the Company as a whole.
Each dancer is allowed up to three (3) unexcused absences from Company classes and
rehearsals. *Excused absences receive prior approval from the director; advance notice of
absence does not mean it is excused. The following are considered “excused” absences:
Death in the family, Scheduled school programs or performances required for credit, Wedding
or religious dedication of you or a member of your family. If your dancer is seriously ill, infectious
or suffering from any symptoms related to covid-19 dancers should stay home. Dancer/Parent
will need to make arrangements to learn company choreography.
Punctuality is just as important as attendance, please be on time and prepared for class. Two
(2) occurrences of tardiness will count as an unexcused absence.
Students should not miss more than 5 (five) days of any class per dance season; after which,
the dancer may be dismissed from the Company. Dance requires consistent ongoing training,
and dancers who excessively miss classes will not be able to perform at the same level as
those who have attended all classes regularly.
Company members must be present in ALL their classes and rehearsals the week prior to every
performance and competition.
Being a member of a dance company is a privilege and comes with responsibility. Personal
accountability is essential for a successful season, and commitment to your other company
members is a vital component of this success. When a member of the company is not present, it
negatively impacts your entire team.
Regular attendance in all dance classes is expected of Dance Company members. Excess
absences from ANY one-dance class may be cause for dismissal from the Company. No refund
of payment shall be given in the event of dismissal or withdrawal from any competitive dance
Dance Company Classes
Dance Company class levels/hours for the 2020-2021 dance season are as follows:
A. Dance Company A Teams (Intermediate 4 or more hours)
B. Dance Company B Teams (Novice 1.5-2 or more hours)
All Company members are required to take Ballet Technique class. These classes are in
addition to the weekly team rehearsal.
Dance Competitions
Each Dance Company will attend 2-3 competitions throughout the dance season both locally
and nationally. Please be aware that becoming a company member will obligate you to these
competitions. All competitions are held on week nights or weekends and are a full day or
possibly full weekend commitment. Competition management does not send the performance
day and time to the studio until 5-7 days prior to the event. Dancers and parents will need to be
available for the entire week(end) until we know whether you are performing.
StarPower, Regional Dance Competition
April 23-25
Minneapolis Convention Center
StarQuest Regional Dance Competition
May 5-9
Roy Wilkins Auditiorium
StarPower, National Dance Competition
June 22-26
Westgate Las Vegas NV
Dance Attire
Every competitive dance line at Dominion Dance Company has a specific dress code. Dress
code rules are established for the purpose of uniformity and so that the teacher is able to see
the full lines of the body. Each dance company will wear a specific bra top and spandex shorts
for classes excluding ballet technique. Black Leotard with pale pink or nude tights. Practice
attire is $35.
Dance Jackets
It is mandatory that all company members have dance jackets for competitions/conventions/
and performances. Jackets cost approx. $90 (jacket w/dancer’s name). Dance bags are
approx. $45 each. Dancers must wear their jacket upon arrival and when leaving all
competitions, conventions and performances.
Band Communication App
Dominion will use the Band-App as a major source of communication this dance season. Each
dance line will have its own band app. With the band app, we can schedule practices with the
team calendar, notify all members quickly about canceled practices, and share videos + pictures
from practices and performances with the team all in one place. Band will not completely
replace email but will used as an additional source of communication.
Financial Commitment
Dance Company students must pay a $35 registration fee.
Monthly payment for Dance Company A is $225. This amount includes $150 for tuition, (ballet
technique, acro, tap, jazz, hip hop) costume fee for three costumes, and entry fees for three
dances, at three competitions. We estimate the yearly fees (costume, entry fees) added it to
tuition and divided by 9 months to get your monthly payment.
Monthly payment for Dance Company B is $165. This amount includes $90 for tuition, costume
fee for two costumes, and entry fees for two dances at three competitions. We estimate the
yearly fees (costume, entry fees) added it to tuition and divided by 9 months to get your monthly
Payment can be made from the 1st-15th of the month but MUST be paid by the 15th of every
month. A $20 late fee will be assessed for payments not made by the 15th of every month.
A non-payment non-participation letter will be sent in the event monthly payment is not made.
Dancers will not be able to attend class until monthly payment is made.
Solo, Duet, Trio
A solo, duet or trio is a private lesson. Private lessons will be 30 minutes. You must pay a
monthly fee of $100 solo $85 duet at $65 trio BEFORE your monthly lesson begins. This is the
cost per dancer. Lessons will not be given unless the private fee has been paid. Costume for
private lessons range between $75-$100. There is a$20 deposit when signing up for a solo,
duet or trio.
Make Up
Each Company member will need to purchase a list of make-up for our competition dance
season. A complete make up list will be sent to all parents via email in November 2020. The list
will include eyeshadow, blush, glitter and lipstick for the competition line.
Student Code of Conduct
Students learn better in a secure orderly and non-disruptive environment. The goal of Dominion
Dance Company’s Student Code of Conduct is to help students and teachers create an
environment that is conducive to teaching and learning.
At Dominion Dance Company clear and reasonable rules are fairly and consistently
implemented. We reserve the right to inform a student that s/he should seek instruction
elsewhere if his or her behavior – or that of the parent, family members or caregivers – is
disruptive or disrespectful. This also extends to disrespectful behavior on social media.
A safe and positive learning environment for students and adults is essential to our success and
we appreciate your commitment to these principles.
Have Fun…
Don’t forget to have fun! You’ll gain lifetime of great memories and friendships during this time
together so enjoy every second! We strive to make this the most positive and rewarding
experience for our dancers and look forward to having another incredible and exciting dance