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Web Technologies Worksheet: Unit 2 Exercises

Họ và tên: Phan Ngọc Nhật Huy
MSSV: 19110082
Unit 2: The Web
Task 5: Read the article quickly and find websites for the following tasks:
1. To search for information on the Web: Google
2. To buy books and DVDs: Amazon
3. To participate in political campaigns: MoveOn.org
4. To view and exchange video clips: YouTube
5. To manage and share personal photos using tabs: Flickr
6. To buy and sell personal items in online auctions: eBay
7. To download music and movies, sometimes illegally: BitTorrent
8. To look up the meanings of new terms: Wikipedia
9. To make free phone calls or video conferencing: Skype
10.To set up a virtual world in which users can pretend to be whomever – or
whatever – they want to be: Second Life
Task 7: Finds words in the article with the following features:
open source, editable web pages: wikis
the same as electronic retailer, or online store: e-tailer
a blog that includes video: videoblog
a program that allows you to make voice and video calls from a computer:
5. an audio broadcast distributed over the Internet: podcast
Task 8: Find 03 simple sentences, 03 compound sentences, 03 complex
sentences and 02 mixed sentences in the text above. Underline the main verbs
in these sentences:
1. Simple sentences: - Another example of the collective power of the internet is
the Google
search engine.
- The Internet isn't just about email or the Web anymore.
- Bit Torrent is a protocol for transferring music, films,
games and podcasts.
2. Compound sentences: - They are posting opinions on online journals weblogs, or blogs; they are organizing political rallies on MoveOn.org; they are
trading songs on illegal file-sharing networks; they are volunteering articles for
the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia; and they are collaborating with other
programmers around the world.
- Thanks to new technologies such as blog software,
peer-to-peer network, open- source software, and wikis, people are getting
together to take collective action like never before.
3. Complex sentences: - Its mathematical formulas surf the combined
judgements of millions of people whose website link to other sites.
- My Space and Facebook are the latest phenomena in
social networking, attracting millions of unique visitors a month.
- Another successful example of a site based on usergenerated content is YouTube, which allows users to upload, view and share movie
clips and music videos, as well as amateur videoblogs.
4. Mixed Sentences: - There is even a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned
by its residents, called Second Life, where real companies have opened shops, and
pop stars such as U2 have performed concerts.
- Bit Torrent breaks the files into small pieces, known as
chunks, and distributes them among a large number of users; when you download a
torrent, you are also uploading it to another user.
Task 9: Buffering is a way of ensuring that web videos run smoothly. Refer to
the flowchart of video buffering and the words given to fill in the gaps in this
description of buffering:
Streaming is a way of dealing with bandwidth problems when you download
video from the Internet. One key to successful streaming is the process of
buffering. If you download a movie, the video player stores part of the movie in
memory while playing it. Imagine the buffer as a container filled from the top as
shown in the flowchart. When the container is full, the player sends data on for
playback from the bottom. Data keeps coming in while a clip plays. The user can
view the beginning of the movie while the rest of the clip downloads. If
connection slowdowns or interruptions occur, the amount of data in the buffer
decreases but as long as some remains, playback is uninterrupted. Playback
continues at a steady rate until the buffer is empty.
Unit 3: Web Design
Task 1: Discuss these questions:
1. Why do companies have websites?
Companies have websites so that they promote projects and advertise
products. In some cases, the website is the company’s business.
2. What’s the difference between a website and a web page?
The difference between a website and a web page is: A website is a
collection of web pages (usually including a home page), set up by an
organization or an individual, which are usually stored on the same server. A
website contains many web pages. A website is like a book, and web pages
are the pages of the book. The pages are all
linked together, you can remove from one page to another by clicking on
words or pictures called hyperlinks. Some websites have a site map that
shows the layout of the entire site.
3. What is a home page?
A home page is a webpage that serves as the starting point of website. It is
the default webpage that loads when you visit a web address that only
contains a domain name. By default, the home page on all web servers is
index.html, however, can also be index.htm, index.php, or whatever the
developer decides.
4. Do you have a blog or personal website? Describe the home page to
your classmates
No, I don’t have a blog or personal website.
Task 2: Read the following text and find the following:
1. The language used to create web documents: HTML (hypertext markup
2. The type of software that lets you design web pages without writing HTML
codes: web editor
3. The format invented by Adobe to distribute text files over the Internet: PDF
(the portable document format)
4. A method of displaying multiple HTML documents in the same browser
window: Frames
5. Three popular formats used to store and play back video: .jpg (Joint
Photographic expert Group), ideal for pictures with many colours, .gif
(Graphics Interchange Format), ideal for pictures with fewer colours,
and .png (Portable Network Graphics), which support 16 million
Task 5: Study these seven points for evaluating websites. What questions
would you ask to evaluate a website on each point?
What look, feel and content will the website have?
Is a website easy to use?
Is a website up-to-date or out-of-date?
Is a website compatible with my device?
Does navigation use JavaScript?
Is the information in a website comparable to other sites on the same topic?
Where should I find helpful graphics on Internet?
Task 6: Study this flowchart for planning a website. Use it as the basis for a
short text providing advice on website planning. Your text should have three
paragraphs corresponding to the 3 stages in this diagram:
Before you create a website, you should plan your website carefully. The first stage
for the planning process is analysis, you should know what the purpose of the site
is and who the target audience is. The second stage for the planning process is
design and implementation, you should think what look, feel and content the site
will have and how it will be created, rolled out and managed. The third stage for
the planning process is evaluation, you should manage how we know if the site is
effective. After you plan your website carefully, you can begin constructing
Task 7: Fill in the gaps in these definitions (1-10):
1. A gateway is an interface enabling dissimilar networks to communicate.
2. A bridge is a hardware and software combination used to connect the same
type of networks.
3. A backbone is a network transmission path handling major data traffic.
4. A router is a special computer directing messages when several networks
are linked.
5. A network is a number of computers and peripherals linked together.
6. A LAN is a network connecting computers over a small distance such as
within a company.
7. A server is a powerful computer storing data shared by all the clients in the
8. A client is a network computer used for accessing a service on a server.
9. A thin client is a simple computer comprising a processor and memory,
display, keyboard, mouse and hard drives only.
10.A hub is an electronic device connecting alt the data cabling in a network.