GEL4200/7014 Examen partiel Hiver 2017 Wednesday 1 March 2017; Duration: 13:30 to 15:20 Two pages of documentation provided; a calculator is permitted. Problem 1 (15 points out of 100) Consider the following (non-square) 16QAM constellation shown in signal space. 5 2 ES 27 3 2 ES 27 2 ES 27 −5 2 ES 27 −3 2 ES 27 − 2 ES 27 2 ES 27 − 2 ES 27 −3 2 ES 27 −5 2 ES 27 3 2 ES 27 5 2 ES 27 A. (5 points) Give the minimal distance. B. (8 points) Give the probability of error using the approximation from the union bound. Page 1 GEL4200/7014 Examen partiel Hiver 2017 Problem 2 (10 points out of 100) Consider the “Bandwidth Efficiency Plane”. Find the coordinates for 16QAM (square) et 8FSK (coherent) for a probability of error of 10-6. Problem 3 (20 points out of 100) A. (10 points) Describe the phenomenon known as ISI, intersymbol interference. Describe circumstances where ISI might be present. How does a Nyquist pulse combat ISI? B. (10 points) What is a priori probability in a communications system? How can knowledge of the a priori probability be used to improve system performance? Problem 4 (30 points out of 100) For the following set of four signals 1 s1(t) T/3 1 T s2(t) T/3 1 T s3(t) T/3 1 T s4(t) T/3 A. (20 points) Find a set of orthonormal basis vectors. B. (10 points) Give the signal constellation coordinates in this basis for the signal space. The coordinates should be in terms of the average energy per bit, Eb. Page 2 T GEL4200/7014 Examen partiel Hiver 2017 Problem 5 (25 points out of 100) Identify a communications system from the table that is band limited. Justify your choice, that is, explain the qualities of a band limited system. Suggest an appropriate modulation format. Identify a communications system from the table that is power limited. Justify your choice, that is, explain the qualities of a power limited system. Suggest an appropriate modulation format. Bandwidth Bit rate Power source 3 kHz 10 kb/s grid Car door opener 20 MHz 10 b/s battery Microwave link 30 MHz 100 Mb/s grid good; distance chosen for good signal strength and line of sight Mars lander 4 GHz 20 kb/s solar very weak, even with very high gain antennas Cellular data 100 kHz 1 Mb/s battery Cable internet 10 MHz 50 Mb/s grid Twisted pair Page 3 Signal strength ~30 dB varies greatly with distance; requires line of sight varies greatly with distance ~25 dB GEL10280/64486 10 probabilité d'erreur 10 10 10 10 10 Examen partiel Hiver 2017 QPSK coherent 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E /N b 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 Plan de l’efficacité spectrale (Bandwidth Efficiency Plane) 10 QAM, M=16 QAM, M=4 PSK, M=32 PSK, M=8 BPSK 1 R W ( b s Hz ) QAM, M=64 FSK, M=4 FSK, M=16 .1 .1 .01 .01 points indique Pe =10 -5 FSK, M=1024 FSK, M=4096 .001 0 5 Limite de Shannon 10 15 EB N 0 Page 4 20 25 GEL10280/64486 Examen partiel Récepteur d’échantillonnage n ( t ) si ( t ) Σ MAP: i qui maximise p(z|si) p(si) 2 i qui minimise r − si − N 0 ln P ( si ) P ( si ) = probabilité a priori de symbole si t=T r (t ) filtre h(t) décision z (t ) Raised cosine v ( t ) = z (T ) z (T ) > γ < m̂ ML: sin (π t Ts ) cos ( rπ t Ts ) π t Ts 1 − 4r 2t 2 Ts 2 ( a , a ) = Q n M ⋅ Es ( a I ) 2 + ( a Q ) 2 ∑ n n i =1 M coordonnées, espace du signal (a ,a ) I n i qui maximise p(z|si) 2 i qui minimise r − si Énergie moyenne 1 M 2 si Emoy = ∑ M i =1 1 M = ∑ [énergie du signal i ] M i =1 Énergie par bit v. énergie par symbole Eb log 2 M = Es Conversion de l’espace I/Q vers espace du signal I n Hiver 2017 Q n coordonnées, espace I/Q QAM cas rectangulaire (carrée) M=L2 6 log 2 L 1 3log 2 M Eb = Pe 2 1 − d min = Q L2 − 1 M ( M − 1) N 0 Borne d’union Eb 2 K Dmin 2 K Pe ≈ Q Q d min = M 2 N 0 M N 0 K est le nombre des paires des signaux séparés par la distance minimale Dmin Distance minimale dans l’espace du signal D Dmin min si − s k et d min = min = i≠k 2 Eb 2 Eb Pe ( BPSK ) = Q N0 Eb Pe ( OOK ) = Q N0 2 Eb Pe ( QPSK ) ≈ 2Q N0 Pour une modulation orthogonale M 2 Pe ( bit= ) P=b Pe ( symbol ) M −1 Pour une modulation nonorthogonale avec codage de gray P ( symbol ) Pe ( bit= ) P=b e log 2 M Efficacité spectrale Perte par rapport à QPSK d min = x 2 perte = −10 log10 x = η Page 5 Rb 1 1 bits/s = W Tb W GEL10280/64486 Examen partiel η = log 2 M MPSK cohérent † Hiver 2017 2 Es 2 Eb log 2 M π π Pe ( M ) ≈ 2Q sin = 2Q sin M N0 M N0 DPSK incohérent 2 log 2 M M +1 E E log M Pe = ( M − 1) Q s = ( M − 1) Q b 2 N0 N0 Séparation minimale 1/2Ts Processus Gram Schmidt T 1 s1 ( t ) où E1 ∫ s12 ( t ) dt 0 E1 ψ 1 (t ) = 1 Pe = e − Eb 2 ~1 dB de perte entre DPSK et BPSK θ 2 ( t ) s2 ( t ) − s2 ( t ) ,ψ 1 ( t ) ψ 1 ( t ) N0 T E2 ∫ θ 0 Relations trigonométriques i. cos 2θ = 2 cos θ − 1 = 1 − sin θ 2 ψ 2 (t ) = θ2 (t ) E2 θ= si ( t ) − ∑ si ( t ) ,ψ k ( t ) ψ k ( t ) i (t ) T tan θ = sin θ cos θ Loi de Shannon = C W log 2 (1 + SNR ) ( t ) dt 2 k =1 cos (α ± β ) = cos α cos β sin α sin β 2 2 i −1 sin (α= ± β ) sin α cos β ± cos α sin β Eb W C W = ( 2 − 1) N0 C η= MFSK cohérent E R SNR = b b N0 W Eb C →0 ⇒ → −1.6dB W N0 Ei ∫ θ 0 2 ( t ) dt i ψ i (t ) = θi ( t ) Ei η= MFSK incohérent log 2 M M L’effet d’ISI 1 Pe ( BFSK ) = e − Eb 2 2 N0 ~1 dB de perte entre BFSK cohérente et incohérente Séparation minimale 1/Ts † en supposant une impulsion Nyquist idéale Page 6 † † GEL10280/64486 Examen partiel Page 7 Hiver 2017