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00 Foundational Resources - Virtual Collaboration Best Practices

School communities are thinking creatively about how to engage students and adults in
collaborative virtual experiences. Many of the same principles from in-person learning still
apply in virtual experiences, but there are specific strategies to consider when working with
groups of people remotely rather than side-by-side.
Below are three articles that present some effective strategies for supporting and engaging
with teams in a virtual environment.
4 Ways to Work Together When
We Can’t Be Together
IDEO’s recommendations for maintaining a spirit of
connection, human-centeredness, and productivity
when collaborating remotely with colleagues.
Virtual Meeting Design:
The Mantra is Preparation
An IDEO U guide to designing effective and
memorable virtual meetings, from planning to
participation to follow-up.
Effective Remote Design Thinking:
Upwork’s Lessons in Creative
Collaboration at a Distance
Case study about what one creative organization,
Upwork, learned about remote collaboration after
guiding teams through a design thinking process.
Virtual Collaboration Best Practices
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