The Essentials of Script Work: KNOW YOUR CHARACTER Even in the smallest script, you should always know the elements of your character 1. PHYSICAL (posture, sitting, standing, walk, mannerisms etc.) 2. EMOTIONAL/MENTAL (likes, dislikes, sensitivity etc.) 3. RELATIONSHIPS (with yourself, with other characters etc.) To truly understand a character, and not just “READ” the lines to the audience, you must understand the character as a whole THE SCRIPT IS A GUIDE Although its essential to know all your lines, dont get hung up on the fact that every line must be said like its written. IMPROVISATION and making the lines your own, bring your character to life. EVERY LINE IS THERE FOR A REASON Know your MOTIVATIONS! Never say two lines the same! Every line has a specific reason for being there, so make sure you are not saying every line with the same emotion. Change the level of emotion throughout the scene as required. ASK YOURSELF - “What’s my characters MOTIVATION?” Motivation = your reason behind what you are saying and doing TO ACT IS TO REACT The most important rule in theatre is your ability to REact. It is what separates a believable performance from one that lacks depth. REMEMBER THE RULES OF THEATRE -No back to audience -Stage hands, stage feet -Dont break the 4th wall -Dont break character ! -Hide backstage / be quiet backstage -Never talk to the light/sound person (no mater how bad they screw up)