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Between the World and Me: Double-Entry Journal for AP Lang

Double-Entry Journal for AP Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Double Entry Journal for (title) Between the World and Me _____________________________________________by (author) Ta-Nehisi Coates
Student’s Name: __Trinity Evans____Period: ___A2___ Date: _____9/11/21_________
Note: 1. Provide four quotes for each Book––Book I, II, and III––(each quote should not exceed three complete sentences).
2. Use MLA guidelines (use quotations and a page number).
3. You need a minimum of four complete sentences for each comment: Use the present tense, strong verbs, active
voice, and transitional words.
4. (Avoid using repetition).
Quote and citation (p. #)
0. “[…] the elevation of the belief in
being white, was not achieved through
wine tastings and ice cream socials, but
rather through the pillaging of life,
liberty, labor, and land. […] to deny
you and me the right to secure and
govern our own bodies” (8).
Note: Do not use this exemplar in your
Comments, thoughts, and analysis:
Use the following sentence stems:
Comments, thoughts, and analysis:
0. Coates, the speaker, underscores the
belief in being white in American, and he
juxtaposes how to be a black man in
America. Coates highlights the corrosive
of the country’s prevailing sentiment in the
supremacy of whiteness. The speaker
brings to the fore the truth about the
making of American civilization and
progress, which only a few enjoy at the
expense of people of color. Therefore,
Coates denounces the harsh reality
endured by “minorities” over the years at
the hands of the white oppressor.
This passage illustrates...
Here, the speaker highlights…
The dialogue here captures…
The speaker juxtaposes…
Double-Entry Journal for AP Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Double Entry Journal for (title) Between the World and Me _____________________________________________by (author) Ta-Nehisi Coates
Between the World and Me--Book One (5-71)
Quote and citation (p. #)
Observations, thoughts, and analysis:
‘Good intention’ is a hall pass through
history, a sleeping pill that ensures the
2. “It began to strike me that the
point of my education was a kind
of discomfort, was the process
that would not award me my own
especial Dream but would break
all the dreams, all the comforting
myths of Africa, of America, and
everywhere, and would leave me
only with humanity in all its
3. America makes no claim to the
banal. America believes itself
exceptional, the greatest and
noblest nation to ever exist, a lone
champion standing between the
white city of democracy and the
terrorists, despots, barbarians,
and other enemies of civilization
Coates discusses his experiences as a
child in the school system. Coates sees
the streets and the schools as two arms
of the same beast. If a kid slips up on the
streets, he will get hurt. If he fails in the
schools, he will get suspended and then
sent back to the streets, where he will
get hurt. Then, society can give up on
him without guilt and say he should have
stayed in school.
Observations, thoughts, questions,
and analysis:
Use the following sentence stems:
This passage illustrates...
Here, the speaker highlights…
The dialogue here captures…
The speaker juxtaposes…
After spending innumerable days in the
library trying to find answers to all his
questions, he realizes that his questions
cannot be answered at all. The process
of learning, often, just leads to more
questions, theories, and opinions.
Coates enters the library believing that if
he could just read enough, he will find a
streamlined explanation of black history
starting in Africa and concluding with
how white America is destroying black
culture. Instead, Coates finds the
authors arguing with each other, and it
puts him in a state of mental chaos.
3. Countries throughout history have
oppressed groups of people for arbitrary
reasons, but not all of them claimed the
mantle of exceptionalism that America does.
America consistently touts its glorious,
Double-Entry Journal for AP Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Double Entry Journal for (title) Between the World and Me _____________________________________________by (author) Ta-Nehisi Coates
democratic heritage; it waves flags, lights
fireworks, quotes from the Constitution and
4. The crews walked the blocks of
the Bill of Rights, imposes its will on the
the neighborhood, loud and rude, world. It compares itself to other countries
because it was only through their and finds them wanting. If a country does
loud rudeness that they might feel these things and generally considers itself
any sense of security and pow(22) the grandest and most enlightened country
in the world, then it ought to be able to
withstand the scrutiny and questions levied
at it.
Coates's discussion of Baltimore is both
illuminating and deeply sympathetic. The
young men in the streets who wear flashy
jewelry and low-slung pants, swagger, play
loud music, carry and shoot guns, sell drugs,
and embed the streets with intricate codes
of behavior are not "thugs." They are human
beings whose marginalized existence has led
to their sartorial choices and out-sized
physicality, which stands in for any actual
sort of power or security.
Between the World and Me--Book II (76-132)
Quote and citation (p. #)
Observations, thoughts, and analysis:
Double-Entry Journal for AP Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Double Entry Journal for (title) Between the World and Me _____________________________________________by (author) Ta-Nehisi Coates
I believed, and still do, that our bodies
are our selves, that my soul is the voltage
conducted through neurons and nerves,
and that my spirit is my flesh.(79)
Coates remembers Prince Jones’ funeral.
The pastor prays for forgiveness for the
killer, but Coates thinks about how the
police officer is not Prince’s only killer.
Coates believes that it is America’s
opinion that the nation has the right to
destroy black bodies and has been doing
it for a long time. Therefore, it is the
whole country that has killed Prince
because the officer is merely a product
of his nation’s systemic racism.
Observations, thoughts, questions,
and analysis:
Use the following sentence stems:
This passage illustrates...
Here, the speaker highlights…
The dialogue here captures…
The speaker juxtaposes…
Here is what I would like for you to know:
in America, it is traditional to destroy the
black body – it is heritage.”(103)
3. They had worked two and three
jobs, put children through high
school and college, and become
pillars of their community. I
admired them, but I knew the
whole time that I was merely
encountering the survivor(110)
so that America might justify itself, the
story of a black body's destruction must
begin with his or her error, real or
2. Coates is thinking about slavery and
how it was the central point of the Civil
War. He imagines George Pickett’s men
charging Abraham Brian’s free black
community, believing that it was their
birthright to steal those black men. The
white soldiers believed it was their right
because they had been told and shown
that it was. It was traditional for them.
He also thinks about how the
government stole black bodies in order
to monetize them.
The older people Coates encounters in
Chicago by all accounts are very inspiring.
Double-Entry Journal for AP Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Double Entry Journal for (title) Between the World and Me _____________________________________________by (author) Ta-Nehisi Coates
They've worked hard and managed to eke
out a decent, sometimes even prosperous,
life. They are the examples to aspire to.
People, both black and white, may look at
them and think that if they can do it then
anyone can.
Almost any time a black person is
victimized, their error is put out there for
the world to debate. The policemen and
angry whites who destroyed black bodies
are never held accountable. Their
backgrounds are not raided; their
demeanor, gestures, voice volume, and
clothing are not dissected. Instead, black
people are seen as "deserving" of what
happened to them. They were wearing
hoodies, playing loud music, selling
cigarettes, carrying a toy gun, etc.
Between the World and Me--Book III (135-152)
Quote and citation (p. #)
Observations, thoughts, and analysis:
Observations, thoughts, questions,
and analysis:
Double-Entry Journal for AP Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Double Entry Journal for (title) Between the World and Me _____________________________________________by (author) Ta-Nehisi Coates
Plunder has matured into habit and
addiction; the people who could author
the mechanized death of our ghettos, the
mass rape of private prisons, then
engineer their own forgetting, must
inevitably plunder much more”(150)
Through the windshield I saw the mark of
these ghettos - the abundance of beauty
shops, churches, liquor stores, and
crumbling housing - and I felt the old fear.
Through the windshield I saw the rain
coming down in sheets. (152)
He thinks about how both Dr. Jones and
Malcolm X believed that the white
plunderers who have destroyed black
people are doomed and will reap what
they sow. Coates disagrees. He thinks
black people will also reap what white
people have sown. To plunder meaning
to take and destroy something that is
not yours is a choice. But as Coates has
tried to show Samori, white plundering
of black people had become so deeply
ingrained in American life that
Americans are now still having to
actively unlearn even the smallest
prejudicial thoughts. The resulting
problems, like racial targeting, police
beatings of black people, and mass
incarceration, will take years to abate, if
they will heal at all
Use the following sentence stems:
This passage illustrates...
Here, the speaker highlights…
The dialogue here captures…
The speaker juxtaposes…
3. They made us into a race. We
made ourselves into a people.
2. Coates does not end his letter on a
happy note. In these last lines as he
drives through Chicago, he brings the
letter back to his difficult upbringing in
Baltimore. He reminds Samori about the
bleak and unfair life of black people in
America. It seems unlikely that this will
Double-Entry Journal for AP Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Double Entry Journal for (title) Between the World and Me _____________________________________________by (author) Ta-Nehisi Coates