Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 1 Mr. Vice YES SIR, MISTER PRESIDENT. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PLEASE BE SEATED. NOW ON WITH SOME FUN!!!! THE REST OF THE EVENING’S FESTIVITIES WOULD NOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT OUR FAVORITE BEVERAGE: MISSILE PUNCH. THIS YEAR, LTC ADAM MILLER_________ WILL DO US THE HONOR OF SERVING AS OUR MASTER OF THE PUNCH. _LTC MILLER_, THE LAST PERSON WHO MESSED THIS UP ENDED UP SERVING IN A WEATHER STATION ABOVE THE ARCTIC CIRCLE… AND MAJ WATKINS IS HEADED TO H.R.C. SO I ALREADY HAVE THE REQUEST FOR ORDERS ALL BUT CUT! SHE WILL MAKE SURE TO HOOK YOU UP! ..TRY NOT TO SCREW THIS UP!!!!! _LTC Miller THANK YOU MISTER VICE. THE MISSILES AND SPACE PUNCH IS CONSUMED AT CEREMONIES SUCH AS THIS AND ONLY IN THE PRESENCE OF SUCH DISTINGUISHED AND GOOD LOOKING GUESTS SUCH AS YOURSELVES. Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 2 PLEASE REMAIN CALM WHEN YOUR HEART RATE INCREASES AND SWEAT STARTS TO SMELL LIKE JET FUEL, WHICH IS A COMMON CONSEQUENCE OF CONSUMING SUCH A WILD BREW. THE TASTE IS NOTHING SHORT OF PEPPER SPRAY, AND IF YOU KNOW WHAT PEPPER SPRAY TASTES LIKE, PLEASE LIMIT YOUR TRIPS TO THIS WONDERFUL DRINK…..WE MAY ALSO CHECK ON YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD! The first step in this solemn and reverent ceremony is the preparation of that secret brew that sets fire to the souls of artillerymen like nothing else…(well, not quite like THAT, but you get the idea). Before divulging the secret ingredients of the artillery punch, all present are reminded that they are sworn to secrecy… Missile punch is a substantial brew of true medicinal value. It will cure what ails you… or…, it will ensure that you really don’t care. We wean our children on it and carry it in our canteens to ward off the winters chill. In a pinch, it is an effective bore cleaner for our Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 3 cannon or a lubricant for the breech…, propellant for the missile…., or a quite effective insect repellant. FURTHERMORE, WE ASK THAT YOU USE CAUTION WHILE BREATHING NEAR AN OPEN FLAME AND PLEASE ABSTAIN FROM SMOKING FOR THE DURATION OF THE NIGHT. THIS CONCLUDES THE FORMAL DISCLAIMERS AND WITH THE PRESIDENT’S PERMISSION, WE WILL CONTINUE. Mr. Pike PLEASE CONTINUE LTC Miller SINCE THE DAYS OF THE RUSSIAN HUSSARS IN THE CZAR’S HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY THERE HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED HISTORY OF A CEREMONY CALLED THE PUNCH BOWL CEREMONY OR SOMETIMES THE GROG CEREMONY. THIS TRADITION HAS BEEN CARRIED DOWN THROUGH THE CENTURIES IN MANY ARMIES OF THE WORLD AND THE AMERICAN ARMY IS NO EXCEPTION. PARTICIPANTS BEGIN TO MOVE BEHIND THE PUNCH BOWL Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 4 LTC Miller Artillerymen have enjoyed it wherever they gather. But, all must remember that this most powerful of weapons is to be used quite judiciously or only in dire emergencies. Examples of such emergencies are: The celebration of a promotion… After firing a round and hearing “did anyone see where that one went?”….. Immediately after receiving the command “Cease-fire Freeze” from Range Control…. Immediately before a court martial… Having a previous PEO in your midst (if T2 attends) in you midst…. Or simply to renew the firepower in old artillerymen or set fire to some certain aviators…… So – New Gunners - Watch closely, and listen carefully. CCWS MAJ GODDERZ True artillerymen maintain a base for the punch in their homes at all times and enjoy it at their leisure. In preparation for this gathering, I took Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 5 a quantity of last years punch, sealed it and buried it under horse stables at the riding club. There it has been aging and, as tradition requires, on a moonless night, I sent MAJ Amanda Watkins, armed only with an entrenching tool, a clothes pin, to dig it up…and now, I lay it down as the base…, charge 1, of our mixture. The base charge is the most powerful of potions. The base charge links the missiliers of the present to those of the past and represents the pride of the United Stated Artillery. The base, ladies and gentlemen, traces its heritage to the Mecca of all Artillerymen – Blockhouse, Signal Mountain – where every Missilier learns to cut a charge. CMDS CW5 EVANS ): A good Punch goes nowhere without a bottle of good corn-squeezin’s. I'll contribute my private stash as charge 2, to remind us of the American heritage of citizen soldiers, serving honorably wherever called…at a moments notice. (Pours the mixture into the mixing bowl). Ahh.... Good corn-squeezins in honor of the stubbornness and resourcefulness of our American patriots. Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 6 LTPO CPT YOKLIC I've got this pint of Scotch. I have been saving it for an occasion such as this. As charge 3 it represents our Allies with whom we have fought many a fight and fired many a’round and with whom we guard freedom today (Pours his pint of Scotch into the mixing bowl). A fine single malt Scotch in honor of our most faithful and supportive allies PFRMS LTC MILLAR I think it only appropriate that we add this bottle of champagne as Charge 4. Champagne attests to the superior quality of the artillery…and reminds us that Artillery lends dignity to what otherwise would be just a vulgar brawl (Pops cork into audience and pours the champagne into the mixing bowl). Champagne, which signifies the birthplace of the modern American Artillery! JAMS MAJ LAWSON CHARGE 5 IS A FINE KENTUCKY BOURBON TO SERVE AS THE CATALYST TO BIND OUR PUNCH TOGETHER. IT Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 7 REPRESENTS ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL SERVICES AND SERVES TO REMIND US OF OUR COMMON BOND AND THAT NO ONE BRANCH OF SERVICE CAN DO IT ALL: WE MUST HAVE A COMBINED ARMS TEAM ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE. IAMD CPT SAEED WELL, YOU GUYS ARE A LITTLE TOO REFINED FOR MY BLOOD. ALL THIS FINE LIQUOR IS GREAT AND HONORABLE…BUT, I THINK THE COMMON SOLDIER IS DESERVING OF RECOGNITION. I WANT TO ENSURE THAT OLE’ WILLIE AND JOE OUT ON THE FRONT IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ ARE RECOGNIZED….HOW ABOUT A COLD ONE? (POURS A CAN OF BUD INTO THE MIXING BOWL)….BUDWEISER, THE KING OF BEERS AND A PROPER FIT FOR OUR MISSILE PUNCH. CHARGE 6…..A TRULY AMERICAN INGREDIENT. Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 8 MDSS MAJ HOOGSTRA The final charge is a red elixir representing the color of artillery and reminding us of the blood shed by so many in the pursuit of freedom. This represents the guns and launchers. It is Hydraulic Fluid! (Pours in Cherry Juice). _LTC Miller (STIRS THE PUNCH AND TAKES A SIP) ……”This is definitely NOT IM compliant…Am I dead? (rhetorically): Mr Vice answers How should WE know, You always look LIKE THAT… LTC Miller THE PUNCH IS OBVIOUSLY STILL NOT QUITE RIGHT—SINCE I CAN STILL SEE STRAIGHT…..SOMETHING IS MISSING. WE NEED SOMETHING THAT REPRESENTS THE BRAVERY OF OUR SOLDIERS WHO GAVE ALL IN COMBAT. SOMETHING THAT REMINDS US OF THE LOVE AND SUPPORT OF OUR FAMILIES WHICH MAKES US FIGHT HARDER. SOMETHING THAT REPRESENTS Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 9 THE THRILL OF DELIVERYING CAPABILITY TO THE WARFIGHTER! NO AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL CAN REPRESENT THOSE THINGS. WHAT ARE WE MISSING? CRAM CPT HANCOCK (FROM HIS SEAT, HOLDS UP A BOOT & MOVES TOWARD GROG) THIS BOOT REPRESENTS THE BASIC SOLDIER WITHOUT WHOM WE COULD DO NOTHING…. AND SAND TO REPRESENT YEARS OF FIGHTING AND DEFEATING THE NATIONS ENEMIES IN THE DESERT. ADDITIONALLY, C-RAM CONTRIBUTES CASINGS FROM BULLETS THAT HAVE PROTECTED OUR SOLDIERS FROM INDIRECT FIRE ATTACKS. (PLACES SAND FROM BOOT AND CASINGS INTO THE PUNCH) A sock. This sock represents the basic soldier, without whom we could do nothing CPT HUGHES And an artillery primer (Holds up Primer) Complete with Powder….to really get our punch going Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 10 Mr Vice XO WE NOW ADD MISSILE PROPELLANT! THIS VOLOTILE SUBSTANCE IS REQUIRED TO LAUNCH OUR ROCKETS AND MISSILES — AND TO IGNITE OUR PUNCH (USES TONGS TO INSERT DRY ICE) LTC Miller I BELIEVE THAT DID IT. MR. VICE - .NOW, WE NEED THE MOST EXPENDABLE MEMBER OF THE MESS TO PROVIDE US AN EXPERT OPINION AS TO THE SUITABILITY OF THE PUNCH MR VICE (AD LIB SELECTION) OPINIONS VARY REGARDING THE “MOST EXPENDABLE MEMBER”..NOT NECESSARILY THE YOUNGEST OR OLDEST, NOT THE BRIGHTEST OR SLOWEST, BUT AFTER CAREFUL CONSIDERATION………… ??????, PLEASE SAVOR THIS GROG AND JUDGE IT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 11 “now that the grog is complete, we need a demonstrator to show the proper procedure in the partaking of the grog bowl in case of punishment. Please note, alcohol free punch is available (needs to taste bad).” Let me see..who should I pick on????CPT Jones - post (Mr. Vice CPT Jones audience. The selected person follows instructions as Mr. Vice presents them) “When told to partake of the grog bowl, each member will approach the bowl of choice and do an about face and salute the president of the mess. He may or may not return the salute. The member will about face and salute the grog bowl. The grog bowl may or may not return the salute. The member will select a glass, fill it, and perform another about face. The member will present the glass to the mess and then drink the entire contents. When the glass is empty the member will turn it upside down over the member’s head showing that it is empty. The member will about face, place the glass on the table, about face, make a profound statement while saluting the president of the mess, (PAUSE) and then return to the member’s designated place. Thank you CPT Jones.” Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 12 MR. PRESIDENT, THE PUNCH HAS BEEN CERTIFIED FOR TONIGHT’S CONSUMPTION. I NOW WISH TO INVITE ALL WHO WOULD LIKE TO PARTAKE OF OUR CONCOCTION OF MISSILE PUNCH TO PLEASE STEP FORWARD AND FILL YOUR GLASS. (leave time for all to fill their glasses) Tom Doss As of: 4 November 2021 23:57 13