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Real Estate Investment Guide: Income Property Analysis

Before you place a down payment on your next great
real estate investment, you will likely look it over.
However, what will you look at? Examining an income
property requires not only analyzing the location,
amenities, layout and building structure, but the rental
history, income, expenses and other data related to
tenant occupancy. Industry professionals take a threepronged approach 1) Inspect the property, 2) Learn
about tenancy, and 3) Analyze the financials.
Inspect the Property
Look at the following:
Location. Is it the property located in a convenient
place? What is the neighborhood like? Is the
neighborhood changing? Is the local economy
growing, slowing, or going away? What is the
community like, is it culturally diverse, have a rural
character, or a college or university nearby?
Structure. What is the building's condition? Does it
require updates or repairs immediately? What is the
heating or cooling system like? What are the room
sizes? How many units are involved (if a multifamily)?
What does the foundation look like?
Land. Where does the building sit on the property? Is
there a lawn? What parking is available if the property
is in an urban area? Are there many trees on the
property? How does winter affect parking areas and
access to the building?
Learn about Tenancy
Understand tenant history. How long has the building
been renting? What is the average length of tenancy?
What is the historical vacancy rate (the length of time
a space, called a unit, is not under a lease)? Has there
been a particular type of tenant, such as a college
student or a retiree?
Learn about current tenants. When is each lease due
to expire? What has been the previous manager's
experience with each tenant? What do tenants like
about the property? What do they not like?
Analyze the Financials
· Take a look at the following:
Past and current income and expense
statements. Determine the net operating
income (NOI) for the current year and for the previous
two years; the NOI is calculated by subtracting the
total expenses for a period from the total income
Income (Revenue) - Expenses = Net Operating
Past and current cash flow statements. Determine
the cash flow that the property will provide. This
means the monthly inflow of rental payments and
other income and the outflow of operating expenses,
debt payment, and one-time charges, such as repairs.
By taking the current NOI and subtracting
your acquisition costs (purchase expenses) you will
determine your actual cash flow, positive or negative,
while paying the mortgage debt.
NOI - Acquisition Costs (Debt Service) = Cash Flow
Property tax statements. Although tax expenses
are usually listed on documents like the income
statement, examining the actual tax records can show
you the tax assessed valuation, credits received,
special assessments levied on the property, and the
distribution of your taxes to county and local entities.
Tax Assessed Value (TAV) + Assessments - Credits x
Mil (tax) rate = Property Taxes
Expense records. Invoices, contracts, purchase
orders, and receipts tell quite a bit about what has
happened at the property. The totals will likely be
listed on financial documents like the cash flow
statement, but, as with the tax statements, you will
uncover specifics regarding the work that has been
done. Checking actual transaction records also verifies
the claims made on financial records.
Once you have examined these three areas, the
decision to buy or not to buy should be a simple one. If
you have the resources, temperament, and attitude to
make the investment work, consider making the
purchase. Nevertheless, managing your purchase is
about more than receiving positive cash flow. You
should look for a more effective approach to improve
the current levels. When you analyze the financials,
think of ways that you can achieve better results, like
doing repairs yourself (if you have adequate skills).
Keep in mind that each income property manager is
different, and you can bring unique approaches to
managing the property.
Obtaining Financing
If you decide that you want to buy, the next question
is, "How will you pay for it?" There are primarily four
ways, cash, bank loans, owner or investor financing,
and creative financing.
1. Cash. This is the least likely option for most people,
and that is probably a good thing. Buying with no
mortgage puts you at risk of a greater loss, eliminates
the benefit of leverage (using other people's money),
and removes tax advantages such as the mortgage
interest deduction. However, if you do purchase with
cash, there is the benefit of showing no debt on the
purchase, which reflects well on your net worth.
2. Debt financing (mortgage). This is the traditional
method of purchasing property, though much of the
financing in the commercial arena comes through
mortgage brokers. Banks offer financing at fixed or
adjustable rates, and typically ask for 10 to 20 percent
down. A lender will ordinarily need to review several
financial documents such as
Income and expense statement.
Personal financial statements.
Blueprints and diagrams of the building(s).
Property appraisal.
3. Investor financing. Some institutions and
individuals will offer financing in exchange for
an equity (ownership) position in the project. Private
investors look for a return on investment (ROI) that will
come from the profit on the income. Some will lend up
to 80 percent of the purchase price. The downside is
profit sharing on the income or appreciation in value of
the property that investors insist on having.
4. Creative financing. Although sometimes
considered controversial, there are creative ways to
complete a purchase through unusual arrangements
such as creating a partnership, asking the owner to
finance part of the sale, and substituting collateral are a
few examples. It is recommended that a certified
accountant or an attorney who specializes in real estate
transactions review any creatively financed purchase.
Making an Offer
Now that financing has been secured, you are ready to
make an offer. However, how should you approach the
seller (or seller's agent)? The first thing to remember is
this, the offer is your offer. You have reasons for buying
this property; these reasons should dictate how you
make the offer to purchase. Do not be swayed by the
current manager's claims or competition from other
investors. If you purchase based on outside influences,
you may end up overpaying or ultimately buying the
wrong property for you.
You will need to have a grasp on the current and future
economic environment, both in the property's region
and for the country it is located in. Generally, your
financing lasts for 20 to 30 years and you will want to
hold the property long enough to realize significant
appreciation and greater income. Determine if the
commercial investment market is healthy, and if you
are in a buyer's market (more sellers than buyers) or
a seller's market (more buyers than sellers). The timing
of your purchase could have a large impact upon when
and how much profit can be made.
If you can find out the price the selling manager paid
for the property, you will know how the asking
price relates to what he paid. Is he selling at a profit or
a loss? Also knowing when leases are due to expire
may shed light on whether there may be tenant
turnover soon. Ask how the price was set, maybe there
is some flexibility there.
The next thing to do is to understand the seller's
motivation. It will help if you can discover why he or
she is selling; this is not always disclosed but, with
some clever questioning, you may be able to uncover
the reason that the property is for sale. At times, a
commercial property sale is due purely to poor overall
economic conditions. Businesses may fail or move out,
affecting a property manager's income. Other times, a
manager may have other difficulties that prohibit him
from holding on to the property. Perhaps the property
itself is not performing well. A solid analysis of the
property and economic conditions will tell you if you can
improve the property's financial returns. If the property
is for sale because it is poorly managed, you can make
a lower offer because a lender will hesitate to lend full
price if the numbers do not support the loan.
When you know the seller's motivation, you can make
an offer that gives you an advantage. For instance, if
the seller is in financial difficulty you can offer much
less than the asking price or you could convince him to
accept unusual repayment terms. Perhaps you could
offer a small partial stake in future profits in exchange
for a lower selling price. Always construct your offer
based on the most conservative figures you can use to
determine income and value appreciation. Most
importantly, make an offer that you can look back on in
the future with satisfaction.
Purchase and Sale Agreements
Commercial and residential income property purchase
and sale (P&S) agreements are relatively similar. This
document outlines the conditions and terms of your
purchase, so it is important to review the entire
agreement. It would be optimal for you to create the
agreement rather than use a standard form used by a
real estate agent; remember, this is your offer, make it
specific to what you intend to provide and what you
want to gain. There are some standard clauses that can
be included that are 1) pertinent to most transactions
and 2) are enforceable in nearly all states in the U.S.
They include, but are not limited to:
Purchase price, appraised value, financing
amount and terms, down payment, closing costs,
escrow deposits. All the financial aspects of the
Closing terms. Specifics regarding the actual
purchase or sale of the property.
Physical identification. Description and location of
the property, including number of rental units.
Current rent received. Details of each leased unit's
income and security deposits held.
"Subject to" provision (contingency). Actions that
must be satisfied for the transaction to take place,
such as passing a building or sewage disposal
Disclosures. Explanations of environmental hazards,
deficiencies, and other criteria that must be disclosed
by law.
Financial review. A requirement to make available
all pertinent financial documents to the buyer.
Items and fixtures included. Describes all
appliances, equipment, fixtures, and other physical
items to be included in the sale.
Indemnification. Clause that forgives a party against
damages, claims, and liabilities by an action that
cannot be foreseen.
Dispute resolution. Explains how disagreements
between buyer and seller and about how specifics
within the agreement will be resolved
Before you present or sign a purchase and sale
agreement, have it reviewed by an attorney who
specializes in real estate transactions. This is a
contract, which binds you and the seller to specific
performances prior to closing the deal. Violating the
terms of the P & S agreement can be costly. If you are
uncomfortable with any conditions, discuss alternatives
with the seller or his agent.
Rights and Responsibilities
Your Responsibilities
Whether you manage your own properties or those
owned by others, your role carries with it a significant
amount of responsibility. You are accountable to
tenants, neighbors, property owners, the municipality,
the IRS, and contractors, among others. You will likely
perform several functions when managing the property.
To perform the job, there are a number of duties you
are responsible for. They include:
Attracting tenants.
Interviewing tenant applicants.
Checking references.
Paying expenses.
Making repairs or hiring contractors.
Performing maintenance or hiring contractors.
Paying taxes.
Performing exterior duties (such as snow removal,
lawn care) or hiring contractors.
Collecting payments.
Managing tenant behavior (creating disturbances
would be one example of poor behavior).
Performing eviction activities.
Responding to emergencies.
The most basic responsibility is to ensure that the
rental unit is habitable. According to a booklet
entitled Becoming a Landlord produced by the Federal
National Mortgage Association (Fannie
Mae) "'Habitability' may be defined differently from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but at a minimum you must
Maintain all common areas, such as hallways and
stairways, in a safe and clean condition;
Ensure that the electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning systems are operating
and properly maintained;
Supply running water, hot water, and heat in
reasonable amounts at reasonable times; and,
Provide trash receptacles and arrange for the removal
of trash and rubbish."
But simply providing a "habitable" place does not
guarantee you will have success filling the rental units.
Managing the property effectively means improving on
the minimum standards. For example, clearing snow
from the front steps may meet the requirement for
ease of access regulations, but clearing a path to
vehicles will enhance the management's relationship
with tenants.
Your responsibilities include managing the environment
that your tenants share. This may require you to handle
disturbances and disagreements between tenants. It is
important that you maintain a neutral, professional
position when dealing with tenants because property
managers are expected under the law to act fairly and
reasonably. The best practice is to clearly define
expectations in the lease, and to handle each incident
according to the requirements of the agreement.
Maintaining the Property
A critical obligation of the property manager's role is to
provide a rental space that is free from physical
hazards to tenants and their belongings. You are
expected by law to maintain safe conditions within and
around the buildings. Providing locks and adequate
lighting for the exterior and common areas are
measures that meet common regulations, along with
sturdy building construction and proper working order
of electrical, heating, and plumbing systems. Removing
hazardous material like lead paint or asbestos is
required by law to protect tenants, as is waste storage
and removal. Tenant health and welfare are common
protections in many landlord and tenant laws across the
Updates are a normal part of maintaining a property.
Replacing appliances and equipment in the property is
typically the manager's responsibility, along with
exterior painting or replacing fixtures, or signage repair
on commercial properties. Unless it is a critical
measure, updating rental space is best done between
tenants. Fresh interior paint may be necessary following
a tenant's departure, and appliances should be replaced
every 15 to 20 years. Exterior painting is usually done
every ten years or so. If you plan to manage the
property for the entire mortgage period, you should
expect to do at least some updates over that period.
Repairs should be handled in a timely fashion. Damages
caused by the tenant are generally viewed by law as a
responsibility of the tenant. However, events such as
an appliance breaking down or damage caused by
events of nature are the responsibility of the manager
or owner. Lack of heat, no running water, electricity
outages, and exposure to outside elements or
hazardous materials are emergencies that require
immediate attention by the manager. Otherwise, it is
allowable to attend to a repair in a reasonable time
period. Keep in mind that delayed response to
necessary repairs that cause further damage is
generally considered negligence by the party causing
the initial damage. Tenants should notify you if
something needs repairs. If you are not skilled to
perform the work, it will be helpful if you have a list of
contractors that you can contact; those who repair
critical systems like a furnace on an emergency basis
are best to hire. Seek a contractor you can work with
on a continual basis. Providing rapid response to repairs
will strengthen your relationship with tenants.
The property must provide ease of access for tenants
and visitors, both during entry and emergency exiting.
This usually means keeping hallways and stairways free
of obstacles. In some cases, you may be required to
provide additional safety measures. Some regulations
(called building codes) require a certain number of fire
escapes per story, for example. According to many
states, a unit that has at least two egress (exit) points
would be considered adequate access in case of
emergency. Some properties must also provide access
for disabled occupants. Check with your local code
enforcement officer or city manager to determine if
your property meets regulatory criteria.
Maintaining a property is not only a duty but also a
selling point for your management ability. By
performing regular maintenance, you accomplish two
things: 1) preventing the possibility of greater cost and
inconvenience due to expensive repairs; and 2)
showing tenants that you care about the building they
occupy, this will improve your chances to attract and
retain the best tenants.
Laws and Regulations
As a property manager, you must comply with a variety
of laws and regulations. Housing standards, building
codes, environmental regulations, and property owner
and tenant laws all affect how you must operate your
management system. You will likely encounter federal,
state, and local requirements, so it is important to learn
what they are. You should periodically obtain updated
information, as laws and regulations change or be
added. Figure 4-1 lists common requirements you must
comply with, along with sources of information.
Figure 4-1
Public health
Civil rights
U.S. Housing
and Urban
Department of
Health and
Human Services
Landlord or
tenant laws
State Attorney
General's Office
or Consumer
Housing codes,
building codes
Local housing
Fire or health
City manager
The landlord-tenant laws govern the majority of a
property manager's responsibilities. Because the
relationship is somewhat unbalanced in favor of the
property manager, especially in residential income
properties, the regulations are in place to establish fair
principles that must be adhered to by each party.
These regulations cover areas such as:
structural requirements,
providing adequate waste and food preparation
eviction procedures,
security deposit collection,
notification requirements,
safety and health requirements, and
rent collection rights.
Keep in mind that these laws are constructed to protect
both parties, and intended to provide standards that
each party can expect during tenancy. For instance, a
property owner's right to entry prohibits a renter from
denying access to the rental unit but generally requires
adequate notice to the renter prior to the property
owner's access.
There may be some activities that are governed under
more than one jurisdiction. In addition to federal laws
governing anti-discrimination, some municipalities now
have their own ordinances that protect renters' civil
rights (for instance, discrimination against unmarried
residential renters). In most cases, these ordinances
enhance existing federal statutes; in a case where
there is conflict between two regulations, the federal
laws generally supersede (overrule) state statutes and
local ordinances.
Tenant Responsibilities
Of course, managing an income property is not a one
way relationship; your tenants have responsibilities as
well. Besides the commitment to pay rent on time,
tenants are generally required by law to:
Keep the rental unit and the area surrounding it clean
and in good condition.
Notify the manager of significant damage promptly.
Refrain from disturbing neighbors (like loud noise).
Repair damages that the tenant causes.
Allow access to the manager or owner at reasonable
Notify the manager about long term absences from
the unit.
Provide adequate notice of lease termination.
Provide a security deposit to cover repairs or missed
rent payment.
Unless the tenant has violated a condition of the
contract or a law, or regulation, he or she has the right
to occupy the rental space for the entire lease period.
In many residential property situations, leases are
designed for one year periods and, in some cases, the
right to occupy the space may be extended on an at will
basis; this means that the lease can be terminated at
any time by either party. However, the terminating
party typically must notify the other of their intent with
a notice of at least one rental period (such as a month).