CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter includes the introduction, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, statement of the problem, hypothesis, scope and limitation, significance of the study and definition of terms used. Introduction Most of the students attended on their school for the sake of their learnings, teachers expected the students to gain knowledge from them enable to pursue what they want in future. But how about those students who attending on class and after that attending to their jobs, how about their learning outcome? how does those students manipulate their time to do a paper works while doing their job? According to them Furr and Elling (2000) suggested that there are many reasons why students take a part time job. First, financial problems (Furr and Elling, 2000) becomes mostly reasons some of students forced to take part time job. Second, students’ involvement in employment has positive impact to develop career related skills. It is hands-on experience that cannot be gained in the classroom alone. Whatever the reasons the students have in taking part time job, there is a popular believe that student with part time job do not tend to have higher academic achievement, because their focus time of study has been divided with their working time. Better academic achievement only can be achieved by students who spend more time on academic related activities outside of class (e.g., reading the text, completing assignment, studying, and preparing reports) (Sarah & Hudson, 2005). A part-time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. They work in shifts. The shifts are often rotational. Workers are considered to be part-time if they commonly work fewer than 30 hours per week. This study aims to know the impacts of having part time work while studying, to know the hindrances that students encountered while doing their job in their academic performance and how they cope with it. Theoretical framework The study was based on the Theory of Academic Performance by Atkinson’s (e.g., Atkinson, 1996; Weiner, 1967) According to Atkinson, educators generally agree that a major variable affecting the academic performance is motivation. However, important as a motivational variable’s may be in understanding, predicting and controlling classroom performance, there is paucity of information and theory associated with them. There are many theories of human motivation; but little attempt has been made to extend this theory in a systematic way to educational situations. Furthermore, the occasional application of psychological theory to education has not typically eventuated in theory of academic motivation a unified and coherent body of information. As a result, there is very little in the way of motivation theory which is clearly help to the academic performance. This situation is not without hope, however. The work of several theories has shown has promise of evolving postulates and hypothesis relevant to the teachinglearning process. Prominent among these is the theory of academic motivation, particularly as formulated by Atkinson. This theory has provided a productive approach to a variety of behavioral phenomena; thus, it has been suggested, that it may also give direction to educationally relevant research. The cited theory is relevant to the present study since it aimed to determine the impact of having part time work towards academic performance of students in ICCT colleges Binangonan Campus. Conceptual framework Input INI Profile of the Respondents Age Sex Sibling Position Parents Educational attainment Monthly Family Income Process Construction and Validation of QuestionnaireChecklist Administration of the QuestionnaireChecklist Data Gathering Analysis and Interpretation of Data Figure 1 FEEDBACK Output *Formulation of conclusion and recommendations “Conceptual Framework Showing the Impacts towards Academic Performance of the Working Students in ICCT Colleges” Statement of the problem This study aimed to determine the impacts of having part time work while studying in ICCT colleges during the School Year 2019-2020. Specifically, it sought answers to the following question: 1. “What is the profile of the working students with regard their:” 1.1 age; 1.2 sex; 1.3 sibling position; 1.4 parent educational attainment; and 1.5 monthly family income; 2. “Absenteeism” Some contributing factor that can affect the academic performance of students, because of their job students did not attend to their class because of the schedule and they need to rest and its really affect their academic performance also their grades. 3. “Lack of financial support”– Some contributing factors is having poor financial support form their parents, students tend to get a part time job enable to get some money to provide what he/she needs, students will become more stressful that can really affect their study. 4. “Increase stress level” Working along with studies gives you opportunities but on the other hand, it can increase stress level too. There can be days where you have to do overwork, which sometimes does not allow a student to pay attention towards his studies. 5. “Procrastination” Also contributing factor is procrastination students who has part time job can really experience it because of lack of concentration and because of their job sometimes they did not attend of it because of tiredness and they need to rest. 6. “Lack of concentration” Taking in every perspective of working along there can be chances where you have deadlines and examination at the same time. Multitasking is really hard to do especially for those students that needed to focus and to accomplish projects and recap for the examination. 7. “Having low sleep hours” Having low sleep of hours can really affect the academic performance of students, Student who has part time work really experience it they tend to work instead of taking rest that can affect their academic performance. 8. “Simultaneously school works” Students who have a part time work are really prone to this issue of not complying of school works because of the job that they have resulting to low grades and low academic performance, 9. “Tiredness” One of the contributing factors is tiredness, students who has part time work experience lack of sleep that can really affect their studies. Students tends to take a rest instead of going to their class, because of their class and ending up not attending their class. 10. “Being bread winner of the family” Being bread winner of the family can one of the factors why does the student part time work, students need to gain money income enable to provide not only he/she needs but also to his/her family that may lead a student to cannot focus on studies that can really affect the academic. 11. “Poor time management” Working students does not know how to control their time end up letting tasks sit until the last minute and is one of the reasons why their part time job affects their academic performance. 12. “Can lead a student to dropout” Higher risk of dropping out juggling work and study will be stressful to students which may lead to dropouts. Few hours on campus can help integrate students into campus life and retention while long hours of work, can have the opposite effect. 13. “School Expenses” One contributing factor why student taking part time work is because they wanted to fulfil his/her dream but because of the tuition fee students tend to take part time job to help his/her parents for the expenses while studying. 14. Lack of interest in studying Working students cannot focus on their study because of their part time job, especially when they need to study hard for their examination, it can lead a student to lost interest and focus on their job instead of studying hard. 15. “Lead to failing grades” Failing grades can occur especially to those students that have work because they are not focus only to the study, they have a lot of barriers to know their lesson immediately that can result to a failing grades. Scope and delimitation This study was conducted to determine the impacts of part time work towards academic performance of ICCT Colleges as perceived by the working students in during the school year 2019 – 2020. This study is limited to 50 students at ICCT Colleges, Binangonan, Rizal and who are currently working while studying. The researchers concentrated on how working students improves their academic performance while having a part-time job. The respondents of this study are the students of ICCT colleges Binangonan campus who taking part time work. This study shall take place in Binangonan, Rizal only. Survey questions are administered after the respondents confirm their participation on this study. Additionally, the findings of this study are limited based only on the answers of the respondents. Hence, the results of the data gathered represents the views only of the respondents not all the school of Binangonan, Rizal as a whole. Significance of the study This study will be beneficial to the following: School Administrators. It will guide them to come up with the scheme to help students who have difficulty paying on time their tuition fees and some school financial requirements. Working Students. This study will serve as their guide on how to become good and responsible students, especially to the students having a family soon, because they will able to carry out their responsibilities and duties as wives and possibly working. Guidance Counselors. It will help them find way on how to counsel and guide students who are found to be laden with problems because they are working students. Parents. It is important to the parent, especially to those parents who work outside the home for they will be able to know the effects it may bring on having a son or daughter having a part time job. Future Researchers. The proposed study will benefit and help the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study. Definition of terms used The following are the operational definitions used in this study to improve the introductory statement; Academic Performance - is the outcome of education — the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. Education- is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Performance- Performance measurement is the process of collecting, analyzing and reporting information regarding the performance of an individual, group, organization, system or component. Stress- it is the body reaction to any situation or events that places unusual demand to the body. Job- a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid. Strategy- a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. Notes Chapter 2 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the local and foreign literature after thorough and in-depth search done by the researcher. Local literature De Guzman, De Castro (2011) graduates need to develop personal skills, qualities and experiences that enable to them to compete in the labor market. The author advises the need for students to do everything they can for them to grow as experts in their chosen field while they are still in school. All these trainings and experiences will just benefit them where the time comes that will be establishing their own careers. This is related the present study as it gave suggestions to further improve the AB Journalism curriculum which must live up to demands and expectations of the different industries. The Philippines may go beyond the standing of employment in the country, rights and importance should be understood. As specified in the book Labor Economics by Cristobal M. Pagoso, in view of low literacy rates in rising unemployment in developing countries, it has become imperative that greater educational opportunities should be provided for the great proportion of adult population as well as the large number of youth outside the formal school system to help them acquire further knowledge and skill thereby improving their livelihood and strengthening the country. From the book Contemporary Social Problems and Issues, it states that the educational levels and literacy rates of workers in the Philippines are among the highest in Asia, but technical, manual and managerial are poorly developed and in short supply. There is an over-abundance of college graduates that most especially in Manila area were in the field of education, law and other professionals exceed in demand to find employment appropriate to their educational training. This information may be considered in the improvement of AB Journalism curriculum to add the technical; manual and managerial skillswhich are said to be lacking among the Filipino graduates Angelo Dulas (2010) Primarily, the study was conducted to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and academic performances on Math and English subject of science high school students. The objectives are (a) to find what level of selfefficacy do High school students have and (b) to explore if there is gender difference among high school students in terms of their self-efficacy and academic performance. Foreign literature Demmert, William G., Jr (2006). This literature review examines research-based information on educational approaches and programs associated with improving the academic performance of Native American students. A search reviewed ERIC's over 8,000 documents on American Indian education, as well as master's and doctoral dissertations and other sources of research on the education of Native Americans. Selected research reports and articles were organized into the following categories: early childhood environment and experiences; Native language and cultural programs; teachers, instruction, and curriculum; community and parental influences on academic performance; student characteristics; economic and social factors; and factors leading to success in college or college completion. The status of research and major research findings are reviewed for each of these categories; brief summaries of research findings with citations are included following the review of each category. Also included are an annotated bibliography of more than 100 research reports, journal articles, and dissertations, most published after 1985; and a bibliography of 23 additional references to other literature reviews and non-Native studies. (SV) As stressed by Gilani (2012) in the works of Garcia and Pearson, reading strategies are deliberate actions that learners select to establish and improve their reading comprehension. He stressed that these strategies are the mental processes involved in the reading techniques chosen by the students while reading. Usually, these techniques are selected consciously to facilitate reading comprehension. Locally, based on the results of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) exams, progress in reading comprehension is lagging behind the improvement in mathematics over the past two decades. Part of the difficulty is that the strategies have been drawn by assuming that we actually know what good readers do and that reading comprehension can be dissected into various parts, each one necessitating a particular strategy. Reading comprehension is really complex. In addition, to Horowitz (2012), the reader must also be intentional and thoughtful while reading, monitoring the words and their meaning as reading progresses. And the reader must apply reading comprehension strategies as ways to be sure that what is being read matches their expectations and builds on their growing body of knowledge that is being stored for immediate or future reference. Notes CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research design, setting of the study, respondents of the study, Instrumentation, Validation of instrument, procedure of the study and statistical treatment. Research Design The researcher utilized the descriptive method using quantitative approach in gathering information about the present condition Krathwohl, D. R, (2009), descriptive research as purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data about prevailing condition, practices, beliefs, processes, trends and cause-effect relationship and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without the aid of statistical methods. A descriptive type of research according to Best (1993), involves the collection of data to answer question concerning the current status of the subject in the study. It designed to gather information or conditions existing at a particular period of time. The focus of the whole process is on the impacts of financial problems on the academic achievement of students. Setting of the study This study conducted at ICCT COLLEGES Binangonan Campus. The location of ICCT COLLEGES Binangonan Campus is located at Calumpang Binangonan Rizal the respondents of this research are focuses of the college and senior high school student of ICCT Colleges Binangonan Campus. ICCT Colleges Foundation Inc., is a tertiary education provider with campuses located mainly in the Province of Rizal, Philippines. In Rizal it has campuses in the municipalities of Cainta, Sumulong Hi-way (Cainta), San Mateo, Cogeo, Antipolo, Taytay, Binangonan and Angono. It exists under the law of the Republic of the Philippines and offers courses that are accredited by Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and as well as industry accredited certificates. The Institute of Creative Computer Technology was originally established in Rizal by Dr. William S. Co on 15 December 1992 because Dr. Co wanted to help the people of Rizal acquire skills in computer technology. By 1994, they began offering fouryear degree programs. With the passage of Republic Act No. 7722 of the Higher Education Act of 1994, privately controlled educational institution's academic fees were deregulated. Unlike the other universities and colleges who used this as an most value for money. Until today, ICCT Colleges continues to provide the most affordable tuition fees. This makes it stand out among its peers. (2) Respondents of the study The researcher collaboratively decided to have the selected students of ICCT COLLEGES Binangonan Campus that will participate in the study. Wherein students have part time work while studying with the total population of 50 to act as a respondent. The researcher divided the survey questionnaire to be able to get each and every grade level to get better result for the study. Instrumentation The instrument of this study was a researcher-made questionnaire-checklist. The instrument was composed of one. The instrument consisted of personal data of the respondents in terms of sex, gender and grade level. And also, it consisted of questions that will lead the researcher to find the strategies in coping financial problem to achieve better grades. Validation of Instrument To check the validity of items the researcher sought the help of the professional lecturer, Research instructor and the academic coordinator for the suggestion and comments. The comments and suggestions of the said experts were considered for the improvement of the instrument. Procedure of study The research process is detailed on it has many procedures. First and foremost, the researchers give their ideas for the research title and analyze if the topic has enough data to be studied. The current study follows the GANTT Chart of Activities in the conduct of the study. The study was made during the Third semester, Academic Year 2019-2020. After the title approval, the researchers started to gather information to support the chapter 1 of this study, the instrumentation was also gathered and formulated after the approval of chapters 1 and 2 questionnaires were distributed after the approval and the permission were granted. Then they analyze and compute each number of students there is in college and senior high school students and distributed survey that are made by the researchers, Once the survey is completed and all the questions are answered by the respondents, the researcher analyze the answer and to come up for an answer. Conducted a survey with the help of other students from different grade level to gather the answers and data needed for them to get too the last part, the conclusion. Statistical Treatment For sufficient treatment of the data gathered, the study utilized the statistical treatment as follows: To determine the profile of the respondents, frequency, percentage and rank distribution were utilized: As well as anticipated problems in pursuing their studies, like financial problem how its effect on students. CHAPTER 4: PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data based on each category. PERSONAL DATA This section of the questionnaire covered the respondents’ age, gender grade level. Though not central to the study, the personal data helped contextualize the findings and the formulation of appropriate recommendations enable to know the impacts of part time work toward academic performance of the students. Table 4.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of The Respondents in Terms of Selected Variables. Sex Male Female Total Age 16-18 19-20 21-22 23 and up Total Grade Level Senior high school College Total Frequency (f) 21 29 50 % 42% 58% 100% Ranking 2 1 19 18 12 1 50 38% 36% 24% 2% 100% 1 2 3 4 29 21 50 58% 42% 100% 1 2 The table presents the frequency of the sample population, in accordance with their profile such as sex, age and grade level. Aligned with the frequency for each are the corresponding percentages. Under the sex section, it shows 42% are male and 58% are female. While 38% of the age is those who belong to 16-18 of age, the 36% are those who belong to 19-20, 24% belong to 21-22, and 2% who belong to 23 and up. In terms of profession, it shows 15% for both undergraduate and graduated while most percentage belongs to variable experienced business with 70%. In terms of grade level, it shows 42% for college students while most percentage belongs to senior high school with 58%. INTERPRETATION OF SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE We carried on a questionnaire survey among 50 students in ICCT Binangonan campus. The following is our data collection and analysis: 1. What is your sibling position? Female Male other 21% other 30% 1st child 44% youngest 22% 1st child 2nd child 2nd child 4% youngest other youngest 7% 2nd child 31% 1st child 2nd child 1st child 41% youngest other 2. What is your parent highest educational Attainment? Male Male Elementary 10% Elementary 10% College 38% Highschool 33% College 57% Highschool 52% Elementary Highschool Elementary College Father Educational Attainment Highschool College Mother Educational Attainment Female Female Elementary 11% Elementary 10% College 45% College 46% Highschool 43% Highschool 45% Elementary Highschool Elementary College Father Educational Attainment Highschool College Mother Educational Attainment 3. What is your monthly family Income? (Estimated) Male 16,000 up 29% Female 5,00010,000 38% 11,00015,000 33% 5,000-10,000 16,000 up 28% 5,00010,000 34% 11,00015,000 38% 11,000-15,000 16,000 up 5,000-10,000 11,000-15,000 16,000 up 4. How do you assess the financial situation on your family? Male Female Bad 10% Bad 0% Satisfied 48% Satisfied 33% Good 52% Good 57% Good Satisfied Bad Good Satisfied Bad 5. Do you spend enough time on academic matters? Female Male Never 14% Never 0% Always 29% Always 21% Sometimes 79% Sometimes 57% Always Sometimes Never Always Sometimes Never 6. Do you prepare daily or weekly “to do” list? Female Male Never 5% Never 14% Always 21% Always 43% Sometimes 52% Sometimes 65% Always Sometimes Never Always Sometimes Never 7. What is your main reason why you are taking part time work while studying? (can select more than one) Male Female Lack of financial support 14% Independent student 10% to support your wants and need 57% Because of your parents 19% Lack of financial support Lack of financial support 27% to support your wants and need 59% Independent student 14% Lack of financial support Independent student Independent student to support your wants and need Because of your parents 8. How do you solve those things to settle your grades or to have a good performance during class hour? (Those factors/things are on question number 7) Putting more attention to study 33% Male Will participate during class hour 53% Female Will participate during class hour 48% Focus on job because it is more important Putting more attention to study 14% Putting more attention to study 52% Putting more attention to study Will participate during class hour Focus on job because it is more important 9. How can you maintain your time on studying while you are working? Have a to-do list 14% Focus on one task at a time 33% Set a time limit Have a to-do list Male Have a to-do list 14% Set a time limit 53% Focus on one task at a time Focus on one task at a time 27% Set a time limit Have a to-do list Female Set a time limit 59% Focus on one task at a time 10. Do you consider your part time work as a factor why you lead to procrastination? (delayed learning) Female Male No 19% Yes 19% Yes 21% No 27% Not Really 52% Not Really 62% Yes Not Really Yes No Not Really No 11. How many sleeping hours do you get during your resting specially at night? 9-10 hrs 9% Female Male 3-4 hrs 24% 9-10 hrs 14% 3-4 hrs 24% 7-8 hrs 24% 5-6 hrs 14% 5-6 hrs 43% 3-4 hrs 5-6 hrs 7-8 hrs 9-10 hrs 7-8 hrs 48% 3-4 hrs 5-6 hrs 7-8 hrs 9-10 hrs 12. How do you handle your stress while you are on school or on your job? Male Sacrificing one of its Skipping job/not passing the requirement s 14% Doing your best to make it Female Skipping job/not passing the requirements 4% Sacrificing one of its 10% Doing your best to make it 86% Skipping job/not passing the requirements Skipping job/not passing the requirements Doing your best to make it Doing your best to make it Sacrificing one of its Sacrificing one of its 13. How often would you say stress interferes with your ability to fall asleep/sleep through at night? Male Female Very often 24% Often 19% Very often 31% Often 34% Somewhat often 57% Very often Somewhat often 35% Somewhat often Often Very often Somewhat often 14. Do you have still time in browsing your notes or do your project? Male Female Sometimes 17% No 24% Yes 76% Yes No Yes 83% Yes Sometimes Often 15. Do you still complying activities, quizzes and other academic matter even though you are working? Sometimes Yes/No 10% Female Male Sometimes Yes/No 0% Yes 100% Yes 90% Yes Sometimes Yes/No Yes Sometimes Yes/No