Uploaded by John Crespo

Electronic Devices Lab Report: RC Circuits & Op Amps

Course Name: Electronic Devices Lab
Course Number and Section: 14:332:363:08
Experiment: Lab 1. RC Circuits & Operational Amplifiers
Lab Instructor: Yicheng Lu
Date Performed: 10/21/2021
Date Submitted: 10/25/2021
Submitted by: John Crespo, 202003149
Lab 2 Design problems:
Lab 4.1
Diode I-V Transfer Curve:
Generate a plot of Id vs Vi and Vo vs Vi. Do you see a resemble between the two
The two graphs tend to follow a trend where the output voltage and diode current
increases when the input voltage approximates 0.6 V. Also, when they go passed 3V the
current also approximate to 2 mA
Id vs Vi
Vo vs Vi
Lab 4.2
Fun with Diodes I: Rectifier
For both simulations, provide a plot of vi and vo vs t, and report the peak voltage
(Vp) and the ripple voltage (Vr)
• Peak detector I: Use RL = 1 k omhs, C =47 uF , 1N4003 diode
RL = 1000 ohms
Peak voltage (Vp) is 4.22V
Ripple Voltage = Vpeak – Vlower = 4.228 - 4.137 = 0.091V
• Peak detector II : This time use RL = 100 ohm, C = 47uF, 1N4003 diode
RL = 100 ohms
Peak voltage (Vp) is 4.202 V
Ripple Voltage = Vpeak – Vlower = 4.202 – 3.5329 = 0.6698 V
Lab 4.3
Fun with Diodes II: Limiting and Clamping Circuits
Zener diode limiter:
• Use R= 1k ohm and 1N4733A Zener diodes.
• Simulate using a 15-voltage peak to peak, 100 Hz input sinusoid with no DC
• Use your simulator’s X-Y mode to plot Vo vs Vi
X-Y mode Vin vs Vout.
Vin&Vout vs Time
For the diodes, I included the specification for each diode in the txt file.