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MYP Biology Assessment: Multiple Intelligence Map

MYP Assessment Task Coversheet
Assessment Task/ La actividad de evaluación
From the homework assignment that you have completed you should be able to create and compare the
Multiple Intelligence map of your brain. Follow the given instructions and complete the analysis.
Criterion and Assessment Rubrics
Criterion and Assessment Rubrics
Criterion E: Processing Data
This criterion measures how well you record data in written form, graphs and tables. It measures how well
you recognize patterns, similarities and differences in the results of your experiments. It also measures how
well you write or speak about these results.
1. Presentation and title: Student´s own Mind map is clear and well organsied. Comparative
section of assessment is clearly organized, well presented and legible.
2. Raw data table: Clear table created with all appropriate aspects: title, labels, units and
uncertainties. Appropriate data have been recorded and entered correctly.
3. Data processing: All calculations (or the appropriate formulae required for data processing
must be included in this section. Processed data table is included with title, labels, units and
4. Data Presentation: Data are presented in an appropriate graphical form that will allow student
to formulate their conclusion/ make comparisons. All titles, labels, units, error bars are present.
5. Conclusion: A clear statement as to whether the hypothesis is supported by the data is present.
A description (including references to appropriate data) shows a clear understanding of the
events expressed by the data.
6. Evaluation: A clear statement (in reference to whether the aim of the practical was achieved)
is given. The reliability of the data is commented upon. The student provides a critique of the
methodology used, possible improvements and areas for further study.
Student Reflection:
Teacher Feedback/ Retroalimentación del profesor:
Versión 1
Edición Sep 2010
Our brain has the capacity to help us learn in many ways. Everyone gathers information and learns in
the ways that best work for them. If we understand these different ways of learning, and identify the
way(s) in which we best learn, we can promote successful learning experiences!
Materials: Questionnaire answers; a protractor; a calculator; colouring pencils.
Learning Style Inventory Procedure:
1. Count up the total number of checks/ticks from your homework
2. Use the questionnaire breakdown sheet (provided in class) to count yout totals for each of the eight
Intelligences. Choose a colour to represtn each intelligence type.
3. Create a bar graph that lists the eight multiple intelligences across the bottom of the sheet of graph paper and number
the y-axis from 0 to 60. Use color (or designs) to complete a graph for each of the multiple intelligences (according to the
intelligence category totals).
4. Do the calculations required to work out the percentage for each intelligence.
5. If 360o is equal to 100%. 1% must equal 3.6o . Calculate the degrees of the circle below that would be occupied by each
type of intelligence. Colour each section according to the colours allocated in step 2.
This will form a pie chart or circle graph which represents the different intelligences in your brain.
6. Along the outside edge of the circle, write the name of the learning style that the colour represents.
Create a hypothesis for this activity concerning the MI styles likely to be found in boys and girls.
On a separate page create a table to record the appropriate data needed to compare the learning styles of yourself
and 5 others. There should be 3 females and 3 males in your table…
Process this data appropriately and write a conclusion about the comparative results.
Evaluate this activity.
Versión 1
Edición Sep 2010