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Entrepreneurship Course Syllabus

Eastern Oregon University
Course Syllabus
Number of Course: BA 460
Name of Course: Entrepreneurship
Catalog Description: The pursuit of new product/venture ideas is the cornerstone of global
economic growth. This activity is essential for creating new ventures (entrepreneurship) and
sustaining the vitality of existing ventures (intrapreneurship). Entrepreneurship is also the single
greatest source of social change and personal wealth.
This course will explore common sources of new ideas and innovation, techniques for
evaluating opportunities, and the legal principles that guide selection of structure and
protection of intellectual property. This course will also examine tools and techniques used
to identify required resources, pull together a team, and organize/operate effectively.
Credit Hours: 4 hours
Required Texts or Suggested Materials: EOU Bookstore Link
Prerequisites: BA 321 and junior standing
Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, students will be able to demonstrate the
following outcomes:
Understand the concepts, tools, practices, and processes associated with entrepreneurship
(external ventures) and intrapreneurship (internal ventures)
Outline the value that entrepreneurship brings to the community and the economy
Recognize the skills, traits, and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
Identify and assess new entrepreneurial opportunities (venture ideas)
Consider and select the proper form of business and legal entity
Write a concise and well-integrated pre-business plan
Create realistic financial projections for a venture
Select appropriate sources of startup capital
Launch and grow the new venture
Course Requirements:
Quizzes: 30% of Final Grade (30 points/quiz)
There is an online quiz for every chapter that we cover in class. The exams are “generally” due
the Sunday of the week the material is assigned for reading. Class discussions are designed to
follow the same flow as the readings – although we sometimes depart from this schedule for
class discussion purposes. The dates are all published on Canvas – when in doubt, check
Canvas. These are open book exams and there is no time limit for completion as long as the
exam is submitted before the deadline. Each exam will consist of 15 multiple choice, true/false,
or short answer questions covering material from class discussion, the textbook, assigned
articles, discussion questions, videos, or guest lectures.
Each student is offered one “Mulligan” for the term. This Mulligan will allow you to retake one
quiz for the course. This may be a quiz that was not completed by the deadline or an attempt to
improve the score that was originally earned. There is only one per student, per term, and it can
only be applied to the online quizzes, so use it wisely.
Response Briefs: 20% of Final Grade (50 points/brief)
There will be a number of response briefs on noteworthy entrepreneurs or other “hot topics”
assigned over the course of the term. The assignments will be posted in your weekly module on
Canvas. The assignment will usually consist of a video clip or article with questions that explore
the topic in more detail. You will review the information presented and then prepare a response
brief (maximum of 2 pages, 1.5 spaced, 12 point font) that responds to the questions.
The Response Briefs will be graded based on the sophistication of the written contribution and
the quality of the information presented. We are looking for insightful analysis – not just a
summary of what was included in the video/press clip.
Please be certain that you address the question(s) posed. Additionally, please use appropriate
grammar and “proof read” your document. Points will be deducted for poorly prepared
written assignments. Papers that do not address the assigned question, or are “off-topic”, will
receive no credit.
Papers must be submitted before the due date posted on Canvas. Response briefs will only be
accepted on Canvas and late briefs will not be accepted.
Investor Pitch: 10% of Final Grade (100 points)
Outside capital is often required to fund a venture of any scale that requires significant up-front
investment in people, facilities, or intellectual property. Raising capital from outside investors
(angels, venture funds, strategic investors …) usually requires a business plan and an investor
pitch. The investor “pitch” is a brief presentation that takes the potential investor through the
opportunity, the value proposition, the team, the investment required, and the return/upside.
The class will be broken into teams which will each plan a new business venture over the course
of the team. Each team will present their investor “pitch” the final week of class. Additional
information on this project and scoring criteria will be presented on Canvas.
Business Plan: 20% of Final Grade (200 points)
The business plan is a document that describes the details of a business venture. The business
plan serves a number of purposes for new ventures. First, it helps the team systematically think
through the attractiveness and feasibility of the opportunity. Second, it can help communicate
the offering and operational details to internal and external stakeholders. Finally, the business
plan is pivotal to raising funds from sophisticated external investors (when required).
The business plan should answer critical questions such as: what is the opportunity and the
offering; how large is the opportunity; what is the window of opportunity; what type of skills or
resources (land, labor, capital) are required; what is the business model; and what do the
operational details look like? A complete business plan with financials can be more than 40+
single spaced pages + appendices. In this class you will prepare a “condensed” business plan
that covers just the essential elements of the opportunity. Additional information on the exact
form of the business plan and scoring will be provided on Canvas.
The class will be broken into teams which will each plan a new business venture over the course
of the term. The teams will be formed the second week of class and each team will select a new
business venture from a list supplied by your instructor. Teams will each be responsible for
creating a business plan and an investor pitch over the course of the term. The investor pitch is
due the final week of class and the business plan is due Monday of finals week.
Peer Evaluation: 5% of Final Grade (50 points)
A peer evaluation form is required from each team member. It is up to the team to determine in
advance the division of labor and the contributions required of each member. If the team
members all participated equally, or met/exceeded the expectations of the group, then all team
members should be given an equal amount of points. In cases where there is an unequal
contribution, which was not anticipated by the group (as shown by the evaluation), individual
business plan grades may be adjusted to reflect the actual level of participation/contribution.
Attendance and Participation: 10% of Final Grade
Working successfully in business requires collaboration, communication, and teamwork. This
class will give you the opportunity to learn in a highly active and collaborative environment.
10% of your grade will be based on your regular attendance and positive participation in class.
This portion of your grade will not only be based on attendance, but it will also be based on your
active and insightful participation on various discussion questions that will be debated and
analyzed in class. In order to successfully participate in the class discussion you will be required
to have read all the assigned material and thought through the issues prior to the class. The
expectation is that you will be prepared to discuss the assigned topics in a spirited but respectful
manner. The quantity of your participation is not as important as the quality of your
participation. Your participation will be evaluated based on your ability to provide in-depth
analysis on the discussion questions versus simply reciting theory and facts.
It may be necessary to miss a class due to illness, family emergency, or personal matters. Please
send me an email in advance of these absences. If you are an athlete and you have games/events
that conflict with class sessions provide a list of these events at the beginning of the term. Be
sure to submit any assignments due on those days the class session before the one you will miss.
Your first assignment with respect to attendance and participation is to make sure that you have a
current picture uploaded in Canvas. This will help your instructor and classmates more quickly
associate a name with a face and aid in class discussion.
Grading Policies:
A summary of the total points possible for this class by assignment is provided below. The final
course grade assigned will be based on the percentage of total points earned by the student as
outlined in the table below.
Minimum %
Means of Assessment: All learning outcomes are assessed with discussion questions, quizzes,
response briefs, and a (condensed) business plan + investor pitch.
Brief Outline of Course:
Response Briefs
Investor Pitch
Business Plan
Peer Review
Attendance &
Course Total
Due date
as assigned
final class
Mon finals
Mon finals
Max score
of total grade
entire course
2, 3
General Education Category and Outcomes: This is an upper division core course in the
Business Administration degree program.
University Writing Requirement (UWR) Outcomes: Does not qualify as a UWR
For on-campus courses
The Writing Center provides a place — physical or virtual — where every EOU writer can find
an interested, responsive reader. Writing tutorials are free of charge for EOU’s undergraduate
and graduate students who are writing for any course at any level, or who are writing resumes,
job letters, graduate applications, and more. Go to eou.mywconline.com to schedule an
appointment in the Writing Center (Loso Hall 234).
For online or on-site courses
The Writing Center provides a place — physical or virtual — where every EOU writer can find
an interested, responsive reader. Writing tutorials are free of charge for EOU students writing for
any undergraduate course. Go to EOU’s eTutoring page to submit a paper to a writing tutor.
Academic Misconduct Policy:
Eastern Oregon University places a high value upon the integrity of its student scholars. Any
student found responsible for an act of academic misconduct (including but not limited to
cheating, unauthorized collaboration, fabrication, facilitation, plagiarism or tampering) may be
subject to having his or her grade reduced in the course in question, being placed on probation or
suspended from the University, or a combination of these. (Please see the Student Handbook
online at http://www.eou.edu/sse/student-handbook/).
Accommodations/Students with Disabilities policy:
Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation for any type of disability, must
contact the Disability Services Office in Loso Hall, Room 234. Phone: 541-962-3081.
Date: January 1, 2018
"This standard syllabus provides only general information on the course. A detailed syllabus will be provided
by the Instructor. Please keep in mind that not all courses are offered every year. Consult Webster for
scheduling information."