TOPIC: Examination of record management practices to enhance effective and efficient administration at Rongo University, Migori County, Kenya. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter covers the background information, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions, justifications, scope and the limitations of the study. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Records management is an essential component of office administration. An effective records management program allows the organization to render better customer service, provides legal defensibility and leads to improved profitability. Hence, it is necessary to award high priority to records management to avoid organizational challenges that may arise owing to poor handling of office records (Robles & Langemo, 2016). As much as people try to deny it, office organization has a distinct link with productivity. The quicker an organization can locate a file or important legal document, the more productive it will be (Peters, 2011. That does not, however, mean that employees have to be neat freaks in order to be productive. It simply means that an organization needs to learn more effective ways to handle its daily paper flow (Shaver, 2011). It is a manual or automated information system having the necessary functionality that enables it to carry out and support the various records management processes such as collection, organization and classification of records to facilitate their retrieval, distribution, use, disposal or preservation. There are several steps you can take to make sure your records management program is effective. 1. Document Retention Knowing which of your records to keep, and for how long, is essential to ensuring legal and regulatory compliance. To manage records properly, your business should have a comprehensive document retention policy. If you’re in the beginning phase of drafting a policy, consult with a records management professional who can offer guidance on industry-specific and general regulatory requirements. 2. Indexing and Categorization It’s important to know exactly where your information is at all times. Every document you maintain should be accurately indexed and categorized. At any point in the information lifecycle, you should be able to locate each and every file and distinguish between active files and archival documents. 3. Secure Storage Protecting documents from disaster and unauthorized access is a pillar of records management. A commercial records center that meets National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and State of California Department of Public Health (CDPH) standards is an ideal facility for safeguarding your records from physical damage. Specialized climate and fire protection systems within the records center should be utilized to protect your vital business documents for decades. Advanced access controls, intrusion prevention systems, and barcode tracking technology limits access to authorized staff within your organization. 4. Final Disposition Reviews Just as you should review how long to keep documents, you should also know when to destroy them. Final disposition dates represent the expiration date of legal statutory periods. Partner with a NAID AAA Certified shredding company to make sure expired records are destroyed securely and within a strict chain of custody. They will provide locked collection containers that allow for confidential disposal and collection of sensitive documents. When the containers are full, a background-screened shredding technician collects the contents and either destroys your documents on site or transports them to a plant-based shredding facility for destruction. 5. Employee Training Every person in your organization should be up to speed with your company’s records management policies and procedures. Distribute written copies of your records retention policy so employees don’t have to guess whether a file or important data should be stored or destroyed. Schedule ongoing training sessions to keep staff up to date on evolving compliance and privacy protection regulations and trends. The more you educate your employees on records management best practices, the more your organization can handle information in a secure and organized manner. Management practices. Management practices usually refers to the working methods and innovations that managers use to improve the effectiveness of work systems. Common management practices include: empowering staff, training staff, introducing schemes for improving quality, and introducing various forms of new technology. Management’s origins are conventionally traced to Frederick Winslow Taylor, a man whose single-minded obsession with efficiency led to the original management theory of note: Scientific Management, but whose mechanistic thinking has now been superseded by a greater concern for people and the environment. good records management program: recognizes the value of records and records management; manages records strategically; provides sufficient resources for records management; recognizes the link between records and technology; manages records effectively and accountably; provides appropriate access to records; and stores records appropriately and disposes of them regularly. To guarantee efficiency, effectiveness and to enable organizations like universities to survive in the accountability period in which we live today, records must be actively managed throughout their life cycle. This needs to be done via a record management program which is the main implementation vehicle for the records management policy whose aims and objectives must be aligned with those of organizations to which it refers, (popoola 2000). Rongo university has so many records which requires different record management practices and policies adhered to in order to ensure their life cycle is enhanced i.e. from creation to disposal .Records available in the universities are: correspondences, accounting documents, personnel files, pay roll, minutes of meetings (senates, university council, faculty and departmental boards meetings) students’ registration, students’ admissions and examination records, inventory of facilities, budgetary information, list of courses offered, time-tables for lectures, speeches, legal documents, deeds, financial records, letters (appointment, confirmations, admissions, sick leave, queries) and so forth. Accurate and timely availability and use of the records on these would reduce the common problems of management in universities, such as: 1. Difficulty in finding information needed to take a decision or to respond to inquiry 2. Delays in payment of staff emoluments and fringe benefits 3. Piling up of administrative matters causing discontent among staff, students, etc. 4. Improperly registered students in school registers and records 5. Inaccurate demographic figures resulting in either lack of places/spaces for students or wastage of spaces/places available 6. Inability to forward students reports/records or release results on schedule (Nwankwo, 1985). Adequate management as can be seen from the above definitions involve five principles: planning, organization, staffing, supervision and control. Planning involves determining the aims of the university services, setting targets for attaining the aims and preparing realistic decisions to ensure that the objectives will be reached through rational and reasonable use of available resources (Penna, 1964). It also involves policy formulation, stating objectives and goals of the university, budgeting, preparation of program of services as well as procedure and methods. Organization implies organizing both the human and material resources together towards the actualization of the set objectives or goals. This will help to give one sense of direction within the university. 1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. Records management is an important activity in all organizations. Poor management of records can lead to difficulties in retrieval of information, with volumes of records clogging up office space. This situation undermines the effectiveness, accountability, and efficiency of the organization’s functions, leading to poor decision making, corruption, fraud, and abuse of the rights of the citizen (Sichalwe, Ngulube & Stiwell, 2011). Records in Rongo university suffer from arbitrary or random destruction, unprotected from disaster, heaps of files without proper arrangement, clogging of students files. There is also lack of management principles which cover records from their creation through their use to their final disposition. The absence of management principles in the university gives more doubt as how university administrators and other professionals have been handling and taking administrative decisions. It is therefore, necessary to look at the management of university records, in order to find a way forward. The problem of this study put as a question is: how are the records managed to enhance effective administration within the university? Much of the archives at Rongo university are not computerized which makes the performance of duties more difficult, costs organization ‘s time, money resources, and makes them vulnerable to security breaches, prosecution and embarrassment. The poor effectiveness and efficiency in operations may be as a result of poor records management, and if the organization does not embark on proper records management Practices it will lead to low organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, this study will attempt to address the existing challenges and gaps to improve the records management Practices at Rongo university admission office. 1.3. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study was to investigate and explore records management practices and trends in Rongo University and for how long students’ records are kept after students have graduated, to meet their retention period. It sought to determine the practices and forms in which the records are maintained within the institution and how academic references are made using the records to accomplish the mission and the vision of the institution that is the core function of the university. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of this study were to: i. To identify different types of records kept at Rongo university admissions office. ii. To identify the importance of the records management Practices at the university admission office. iii. To examine the challenges faced with management records at Rongo university admission office iv. To propose solutions for effective records management Practices at the university admission office. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS This study sought to answer the following research questions: i. What are different types of records kept at the University admission’s office? ii. What is the importance of the records management Practices carried out at the university admission’s office? iii. What are the challenges faced with management of records at Rongo university admission’s office? iii. What are the solutions for effective records management Practices at the University admissions office? 1.6 JUSTIFICATION The study was basically to identify and explore the records management practices in the institution. The study was to be conducted mainly within the admission’s office which is responsible for managing all the active records in the university. The study would be beneficial to the institution because it would be able to identify the gap in the records management and also provide the proper solutions in the institution to improve efficiency of records management. Also, the findings intended to compliment other existing studies and contribute to the body of knowledge in records management field. The research findings also hoped to form a firm foundation for other researchers in the field of records management. The study also helps researchers in the field to know how long students’ records are kept until their retention period is met, at Rongo university, Migori county Kenya. 1.7 THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY. 1.7.1 Subject Scope The study was confined to the different aspects of the Records Management Practices at the university admission’s office, the challenges it faces as well as strategies to counter these challenges. 1.7.2 Geographical Scope The study was conducted at Rongo university located at Migori county, Kenya. 1.7.3 time scope The study was focused on the time period from October 2021-April 2022. 1.8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study was limited to the university admission’s office where all active records are maintained. This study was conducted within the institution main campus since there were no other satellite campuses that are constituent to this university. The study was limited to some information that are confidential which cannot be shared by the university staffs because of the security mechanisms that have been put in place in managing confidential information.