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Crypto CH 1-3 Flashcards: Security Concepts

03/11/2021, 15:13
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Science / Computer Science / Computer Security and Reliability
Crypto CH 1 - 3
Terms in this set (135)
The OSI security architecture
provides a systematic
framework for defining
security attacks, mechanisms,
and services.
[True or False]
Security attacks are classified
as either passive or
[True or False]
Authentication protocols and
encryption algorithms are
examples of security
[True or False]
The more critical a
component or service, the
higher the level of required
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
Security services include
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
access control, data
confidentiality and data
integrity, but do not include
[True or False]
The field of network and
Internet security consists of
measures to deter, prevent,
detect and correct security
violations that involve the
transmission of information.
[True or False]
Patient allergy information is
an example of an asset with a
high requirement for integrity.
[True or False]
The OSI security architecture
was not developed as an
international standard,
therefore causing an obstacle
for computer and
communication vendors when
developing security features
[True or false]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
Data origin authentication
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
does not provide protection
against the modification of
data units.
[True or False]
The emphasis in dealing with
active attacks is on prevention
rather than detection.
[True or False]
The connection-oriented
integrity service addresses
both message stream
modification and denial of
[True or False]
All the techniques for
providing security have two
components: a securityrelated transformation on the
information to be sent and
some secret information
shared by the two principals.
[True or False]
Information access threats
intercept or modify data on
behalf of users who should
not have access to that data.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The data integrity service
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
inserts bits into gaps in a data
stream to frustrate traffic
analysis attempts.
[True or False]
Symmetric encryption is used
to conceal the contents of
blocks or streams of data of
any size, including messages,
files, encryption keys, and
[True or false]
__________ is the most common
C) Asymmetric Encryption
method used to conceal small
blocks of data, such as
encryption keys and hash
function values, which are
used in digital signatures.
A) Authentication protocols
B) Symmetric encryption
C) Asymmetric encryption
D) Data integrity algorithms
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A common technique for
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) Encryption
masking contents of
messages or other
information traffic so that
opponents can not extract the
information from the message
is __________ .
A) analysis
B) encryption
C) masquerade
D) integrity
__________ involves the passive
D) Replay
capture of a data unit and its
subsequent retransmission to
produce an unauthorized
A) Service denial
B) Masquerade
C) Disruption
D) Replay
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The three concepts that form
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) confidentiality, integrity and availability
what is often referred to as
the CIA triad are ________ . These
three concepts embody the
fundamental security
objectives for both data and
for information and
computing services.
A) communication,
information and authenticity
B) confidentiality, integrity and
C) confidentiality, integrity,
access control
D) communication, integrity
and authentication
A loss of __________ is the
B) confidentiality
unauthorized disclosure of
A) integrity
B) confidentiality
C) reliability
D) authenticity
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
Verifying that users are who
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
D) authenticity
they say they are and that
each input arriving at the
system came from a trusted
source is _________ .
A) integrity
B) credibility
C) accountability
D) authenticity
A _________ level breach of
C) Moderate
security could cause a
significant degradation in
mission capability to an extent
and duration that the
organization is able to
perform its primary functions,
but the effectiveness of the
functions is significantly
A) high
B) catastrophic
C) moderate
D) low
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A __________ is any action that
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
C) security attack
compromises the security of
information owned by an
A) security service
B) security mechanism
C) security attack
D) security alert
A __________ takes place when
B) masquerade
one entity pretends to be a
different entity.
A) passive attack
B) masquerade
C) service denial
D) replay
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ is the protection of
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
C) Confidentiality
transmitted data from passive
A)Data control
B) Access control
C) Confidentiality
D) Nonrepudiation
A(n) __________ service is one
D) availability
that protects a system to
ensure its availability and
addresses the security
concerns raised by denial-ofservice attacks.
A) integrity
B) masquerade
C) replay
D) availability
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ threats exploit service
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
C) Service
flaws in computers to inhibit
use by legitimate users.
A) Reliability
B) Passive
C) Service
D) Information access
A(n) __________ is a potential for
C) threat
violation of security, which
exists when there is a
circumstance, capability,
action or event that could
breach security and cause
A) attack
B) risk
C) threat
D) attack vector
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The protection of the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) traffic-flow confidentiality
information that might be
derived from observation of
traffic flows is _________ .
A) connection confidentiality
B) traffic-flow confidentiality
C) selective-field
D) connectionless
Data appended to, or a
D) digital signature
cryptographic transformation
of, a data unit that allows a
recipient of the data unit to
prove the source and integrity
of the data unit and protect
against forgery is a(n) ___________
A) encipherment
B) security audit trail
C) authentication exchange
D) digital signature
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A ___________ is any process, or a
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Security Mechanism
device incorporating such a
process, that is designed to
detect, prevent, or recover
from a security attack.
Examples are encryption
algorithms, digital signatures
and authentication protocols.
An __________ attack attempts to
alter system resources or
affect their operation.
"The protection afforded to
Computer Security
an automated information
system in order to attain the
applicable objectives of
preserving the integrity,
availability and confidentiality
of information system
resources" is the definition of
_________ .
A loss of __________ is the
disruption of access to or use
of information or an
information system.
Irreversible __________
mechanisms include hash
algorithms and message
authentication codes, which
are used in digital signature
and message authentication
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
In the United States, the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
release of student grade
information is regulated by
the __________ .
A loss of _________ is the
unauthorized modification or
destruction of information.
A _________ attack attempts to
learn or make use of
information from the system
but does not affect system
The __________ service is
concerned with assuring the
recipient that the message is
from the source that it claims
to be from. This service must
also assure that the
connection is not interfered
with in such a way that a third
party can masquerade as one
of the two legitimate parties
for the purposes of
unauthorized transmission or
Two specific authentication
data origin
services defined in X.800 are
peer entity authentication and
_________ authentication.
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
In the context of network
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
access control
security, ___________ is the ability
to limit and control the access
to host systems and
applications via
communications links.
__________ prevents either sender
or receiver from denying a
transmitted message. Thus,
when a message is sent, the
receiver can prove that the
alleged sender in fact sent the
message and when a message
is received, the sender can
prove that the alleged
receiver in fact received the
Viruses and worms are two
examples of _________ attacks.
Such attacks can be
introduced into a system by
means of a disk that contains
the unwanted logic
concealed in otherwise useful
software. They can also be
inserted into a system across
a network.
An __________ is an assault on
system security that derives
from an intelligent act that is a
deliberate attempt to evade
security services and violate
the security policy of a
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ is the use of a trusted
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
third party to assure certain
properties of a data
Symmetric encryption remains
by far the most widely used of
the two types of encryption.
[True or False]
Rotor machines are
sophisticated precomputer
hardware devices that use
substitution techniques.
[True or False]
Symmetric encryption is a
form of cryptosystem in which
encryption and decryption
are performed using different
keys. It is also known as nonconventional encryption.
[True or False]
With the use of symmetric
encryption, the principal
security problem is
maintaining the secrecy of the
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The process of converting
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
from plaintext to ciphertext is
known as deciphering or
[True or False]
The algorithm will produce a
different output depending
on the specific secret key
being used at the time. The
exact substitutions and
transformations performed by
the algorithm depend on the
[True or False]
When using symmetric
encryption it is very important
to keep the algorithm secret.
[True or False]
On average, half of all
possible keys must be tried to
achieve success with a bruteforce attack.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
Ciphertext generated using a
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
computationally secure
encryption scheme is
impossible for an opponent to
decrypt simply because the
required information is not
[True or False]
Monoalphabetic ciphers are
easy to break because they
reflect the frequency data of
the original alphabet.
[True or False]
As with Playfair, the strength
of the Hill cipher is that it
completely hides single letter
[True or False]
A scheme known as a one-
time pad is unbreakable
because it produces random
output that bears no statistical
relationship to the plaintext.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The one-time pad has
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
unlimited utility and is useful
primarily for high-bandwidth
channels requiring low
[True or False]
The most widely used cipher
is the Data Encryption
[True or False]
Steganography renders the
message unintelligible to
outsiders by various
transformations of the text.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ techniques map
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
C) Substitution
plaintext elements
(characters, bits) into
ciphertext elements.
A) Symmetric
B) Traditional
C) Substitution
D) Transposition
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
Joseph Mauborgne proposed
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
A) one-time pad
an improvement to the
Vernam cipher that uses a
random key that is as long as
the message so that the key
does not need to be
repeated. The key is used to
encrypt and decrypt a single
message and then is
discarded. Each new message
requires a new key of the
same length as the new
message. This scheme is
known as a(n) __________ .
A) one-time pad
B) pascaline
C) polycipher
D) enigma
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
An original intelligible
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
A) plaintext, ciphertext
message fed into the
algorithm as input is known as
__________ , while the coded
message produced as output
is called the __________ .
A) plaintext, ciphertext
B) cipher, plaintext
C) decryption, encryption
D) deciphering, enciphering
Restoring the plaintext from
D) deciphering
the ciphertext is __________ .
A) transposition
B) encryption
C) steganography
D) deciphering
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A __________ attack involves
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
A) brute-force
trying every possible key until
an intelligible translation of
the ciphertext is obtained.
A) brute-force
B) chosen plaintext
C) ciphertext only
D) Caesar attack
Techniques used for
C) cryptanalysis
deciphering a message
without any knowledge of the
enciphering details is ___________
A) steganography
B) blind deciphering
C) cryptanalysis
D) transposition
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The ___________ takes the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
D) decryption algorithm
ciphertext and the secret key
and produces the original
plaintext. It is essentially the
encryption algorithm run in
A) diagram algorithm
B) cryptanalysis
C) Voronoi algorithm
D) decryption algorithm
If both sender and receiver
B) conventional encryption
use the same key, the system
is referred to as:
A) public-key encryption
B) conventional encryption
C) two-key
D) asymmetric
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ attacks exploit the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) Cryptanalytic
characteristics of the
algorithm to attempt to
deduce a specific plaintext or
to deduce the key being used.
A) Brute-force
B) Cryptanalytic
C) transposition
D) Block cipher
The __________ was used as the
D) Playfair cipher
standard field system by the
British Army in World War I
and was used by the U.S.
Army and other Allied forces
during World War II.
A) Caesar cipher
B) Hill cipher
C) Rail Fence cipher
D) PlayfairCH
03/11/2021, 15:13
The __________ attack is the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
C) ciphertext-only
easiest to defend against
because the opponent has
the least amount of
information to work with.
A) chosen plaintext
B) chosen ciphertext
C) ciphertext-only
D) known plaintext
_________ refer to common two-
D) Digrams
letter combinations in the
English language.
A) Transposition
B) Polyalphabetic cipher
C) Streaming
D) Digrams
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A way to improve on the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) polyalphabetic substitution cipher
simple monoalphabetic
technique is to use different
monoalphabetic substitutions
as one proceeds through the
plaintext message. The
general name for this
approach is ___________ .
A) rail fence cipher
B) polyalphabetic substitution
C) polyanalysis cipher
D) cryptanalysis
A technique referred to as a
A) transposition cipher
__________ is a mapping achieved
by performing some sort of
permutation on the plaintext
A) transposition cipher
B) Caesar cipher
C) polyalphabetic cipher
D) monoalphabetic cipher
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The methods of __________
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) steganography
conceal the existence of the
message in a graphic image.
A) cryptology
B) steganography
C) cryptography
D) decryptology
__________ encryption is a form of
cryptosystem in which
encryption and decryption
are performed using the same
A technique for hiding a
secret message within a larger
document or picture in such a
way that others cannot
discern the presence or
contents of the hidden
message is __________ .
An encryption scheme is said
Computationally Secure
to be __________ if the cost of
breaking the cipher exceeds
the value of the encrypted
information and the time
required to break the cipher
exceeds the useful lifetime of
the information.
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The two types of attack on an
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
brute force
encryption algorithm are
cryptanalysis based on
properties of the encryption
algorithm, and _________ which
involves trying all possible
Cryptographic systems are
The number of keys used
characterized along three
independent dimensions: The
type of operations used for
transforming plaintext to
ciphertext; The way in which
the plaintext is processed;
and __________ .
All encryption algorithms are
based on two general
principles: substitution and
____________ .
One of the simplest and best
known polyalphabetic ciphers
is _________ cipher. In this
scheme, the set of related
monoalphabetic substitution
rules consists of the 26 Caesar
ciphers with shifts of 0
through 25. Each cipher is
denoted by a key letter which
is the ciphertext letter that
substitutes for the plaintext
letter a.
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A __________ cipher processes
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
block, stream
the input one block of
elements at a time producing
an output block for each input
block whereas a __________
cipher processes the input
elements continuously
producing output one
element at a time.
The earliest known and
simplest use of a substitution
cipher was called the __________
cipher and involved replacing
each letter of the alphabet
with the letter standing three
places further down the
An encryption scheme is
unconditionally secure
__________ secure if the
ciphertext generated by the
scheme does not contain
enough information to
determine uniquely the
corresponding plaintext, no
matter how much ciphertext is
The best known multiple letter
encryption cipher is the
__________ which treats digrams
in the plaintext as single units
and translates these units into
ciphertext digrams.
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The task of making large
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Rail fence
quantities of random keys on
a regular basis and
distributing a key of equal
length to both sender and
receiver for every message
sent are difficulties of the
__________ scheme.
The simplest transposition
rail fence cipher
cipher is the _________ technique
in which the plaintext is
written down as a sequence
of diagonals and then read off
as a sequence of rows.
The most widely used cipher
ever is the __________
The __________ consist of a set of
independently rotating
cylinders through which
electrical pulses can flow.
Each cylinder has 26 input
pins and 26 output pins with
internal wiring that connects
each input pin to a unique
output pin.
The vast majority of network
based symmetric
cryptographic applications
make use of stream ciphers.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The Feistel cipher structure,
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
based on Shannon's proposal
of 1945, dates back over a
quarter of a century and is the
structure used by many
significant symmetric block
ciphers currently in use.
[True or False]
DES uses a 56-bit block and a
64-bit key.
[True or False]
If the bit-stream generator is a
key-controlled algorithm the
two users only need to share
the generating key and then
each can produce the
[True or False]
A problem with the ideal
block cipher using a small
block size is that it is
vulnerable to a statistical
analysis of the plaintext.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
Confusion seeks to make the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
statistical relationship
between the plaintext and
ciphertext as complex as
possible in order to thwart
attempts to deduce the key.
[True or False]
All other things being equal,
smaller block sizes mean
greater security.
[True or False]
Greater complexity in the
subkey generation algorithm
should lead to greater
difficulty of cryptanalysis.
[True or False]
Fast software
encryption/decryption and
ease of analysis are two
considerations in the design
of a Feistel cipher.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A prime concern with DES has
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
been its vulnerability to bruteforce attack because of its
relatively short key length.
[True or False]
One criteria for an S-box is: "If
two inputs to an S-box differ
in exactly one bit, the outputs
must also differ in exactly one
[True or False]
The heart of a Feistel block
cipher is the function F, which
relies on the use of S-boxes.
[True or False]
The strict avalanche criterion
and the bit independence
criterion appear to weaken
the effectiveness of the
confusion function.
[True or False]
An advantage of key-
dependent S-boxes is that
because they are not fixed, it
is impossible to analyze the Sboxes ahead of time to look
for weaknesses.
[True or False]
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The key schedule algorithm is
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
more popular and has
received more attention than
S-box design.
[True or False]
DES exhibits the classic
A) Feistel
__________ block cipher structure,
which consists of a number of
identical rounds of
A) Feistel
C) Rendell
D) Shannon
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A sequence of plaintext
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
C) permutation
elements is replaced by a
__________ of that sequence
which means that no elements
are added, deleted or
replaced in the sequence, but
rather the order in which the
elements appear in the
sequence is changed.
A) stream
B) substitution
C) permutation
D) diffusion
A __________ cipher is one that
C) stream
encrypts a digital data stream
one bit or one byte at a time.
A) product
B) key
C) stream
D) block
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ cryptanalysis is based
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
D) Linear
on finding linear
approximations to describe
the transformations
performed in DES.
A) Block
B) Permutation
C) Stream
D) Linear
A __________ cipher is one in
D) block
which a block of plaintext is
treated as a whole and used
to produce a ciphertext block
of equal length.
A) bit
B) stream
C) product
D) block
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ is when each plaintext
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
A) Substitution
element or group of elements
is uniquely replaced by a
corresponding ciphertext
element or group of
A) Substitution
B) Diffusion
C) Permutation
D) Streaming
Key sizes of __________ or less are
B) 64 bits
now considered to be
A) 128 bits
B) 64 bits
C) 16 bits
D) 32 bits
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
__________ cryptanalysis is the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) Differential
first published attack that is
capable of breaking DES in
less than 255 encryptions.
A) Permutation
B) Differential
C) Confusion
D) Linear
The criteria used in the design
B) Data Encryption Standard
of the __________ focused on the
design of the S-boxes and on
the P function that takes the
output of the S-boxes.
A) Avalanche Attack
B) Data Encryption Standard
C) Substitution Key
D) Product Cipher
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The greater the number of
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) harder
rounds, the __________ it is to
perform cryptanalysis.
A) equally difficult
B) harder
C) easier
D) less difficult
The function F provides the
C) confusion
element of __________ in a Feistel
A) stability
B) clarification
C) confusion
D) alignment
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
One of the most intense areas
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
D) S-box
of research in the field of
symmetric block ciphers is
__________ design.
A) F-box
B) E-box
C) D-box
D) S-box
Mister and Adams proposed
D) bent functions
that all linear combinations of
S-box columns should be
_________ which are a special
class of Boolean functions
that are highly nonlinear
according to certain
mathematical criteria.
A) angular functions
B) horizontal functions
C) vertical functions
D) bent functions
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The Nyberg approach that is
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
B) human-made
more or less a manual
approach with only simple
mathematics to support it is
__________ .
A) random with testing
B) human-made
C) random
D) math-made
Allowing for the maximum
A) ideal block cipher
number of possible
encryption mappings from the
plaintext block is referred to
by Feistel as the __________ .
A) ideal block cipher
B) ideal substitution cipher
C) round function
D) diffusion cipher
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A _________ is an
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Block Cipher
scheme in which a block of
plaintext is treated as a whole
and used to produce a
ciphertext block of equal
__________ seeks to make the
relationship between the
statistics of the ciphertext and
the value of the encryption
key as complex as possible so
that even if the attacker can
get some handle on the
statistics of the ciphertext, the
way in which the key was used
to produce that ciphertext is
so complex it is difficult to
deduce the key.
Many block ciphers have a
__________ structure which
consists of a number of
identical rounds of processing
and in each round a
substitution is performed on
one half of the data being
processed, followed by a
permutation that interchanges
the two halves.
Two important methods of
cryptanalysis are differential
cryptanalysis and _________
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
The __________ criterion is
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Guaranteed avalanche
defined as: "An S-box satisfies
GA of order y if, for a 1-bit
input change, at least y output
bits change."
In ___________ the statistical
structure of the plaintext is
dissipated into long-range
statistics of the ciphertext. This
is achieved by having each
plaintext digit affect the value
of many ciphertext digits.
The most widely used
encryption scheme is based
on the __________ adopted in
1977 by the National Bureau
of Standards as Federal
Information Processing
Standard 46.
A change in one bit of the
plaintext or one bit of the key
should produce a change in
many bits of the ciphertext.
This is referred to as the
__________ effect.
Two areas of concern
Key Size
regarding the level of security
provided by DES are the
nature of the algorithm and
the __________ .
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
A _________ attack exploits the
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
fact that an encryption or
decryption algorithm often
takes slightly different
amounts of time on different
The __________ criterion states
Bit independence
that output bits j and k should
change independently when
any single input bit i is
inverted for all i, j and k.
The rationale behind __________
cryptanalysis is to observe the
behavior of pairs of text
blocks evolving along each
round of the cipher instead of
observing the evolution of a
single text block.
The cryptographic strength of
The Number of Rounds
a Feistel cipher derives from
three aspects of the design:
the function F, the key
schedule algorithm, and
__________ .
The __________ criterion states
Strict Avalanche
that any output bit j of an Sbox should change with
probability 1/2 when any
single input bit i is inverted for
all i,j.
Crypto CH 1 - 3
03/11/2021, 15:13
An example of a technique
Crypto CH 1 - 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
that uses S-boxes that are
both random and key
dependent is ___________ , which
starts with S-boxes filled with
pseudorandom digits and
then alters the contents using
the key.