Uploaded by Jac0074, Tinycards Lover

Salvage TinyCards Project: Decks & Resources

The Salvage TinyCards Project Overview
As of when this was typed, it has been over a year since TinyCards, the world’s best spaced-repetition
digital flashcard service, was shut down. As one TinyCards user was iterating on the Duolingo Forum
covering TinyCards’ shutdown, Duolingo was not just deleting a spaced-repetition digital flashcard
service, it was deleting a huge library of information that its users had compiled. Fortunately, however,
Duolingo gave users who responded to the shutdown news quickly enough the opportunity to download
a set of CSV files of their TinyCards decks. Users could convert parts of these CSV files to Quizlet sets
easily enough with a few edits or they could copy-paste the terms into another service such as StudyLib.
If you had created decks on TinyCards and posted them onto another digital flashcard service following
(or even before) the shutdown, please share the links to your decks on the new service on the Salvage
TinyCards Project’s Duolingo Forum post. I would like the Salvage TinyCards Project’s list to recognize as
many TinyCards deck creators as possible as well as to share their decks so the decks can continue to
benefit others.
The Salvage TinyCards Project will also have a list of TinyCards deck and folder URLS that have been
saved on the Web Archive, but that will be a different document. Please stay tuned to this StudyLib
account to check the following list for updates and to check when the archive list is available.
If there’s anything specific you’re looking for in the Currently Available Deck and Folder List, you can
use your device’s search function (Ctrl+F on computers) to find it. Also, there are more information
sections below the list. Note: the Currently Available Deck and Folder List may eventually be split into
another document if it starts to get too long.
Currently Available Deck and Folder List
Folder: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/c/31238
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/Jac0074/folders/dicho-y-hecho-from-tinycards?x=1xqt&i=2argsy
Folder: Jaylahcat’s Macroeconomics 142
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/c/31366
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/Jac0074/folders/macroeconomics-142-text-only-decks-from-tinycards/sets
(Note: The Quizlet version lacks the cards with images.)
Folder: Jaylahcat’s Just Conjugation Series
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/Jac0074/folders/just-conjugation-series/sets
(Note: This folder also contains sets made after TinyCards shut down that continue the series.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 1
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-1-from-tinycards_226345
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557341474/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-1-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 2
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-2-from-tinycards_226351
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557344026/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-2-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 3
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-3-from-tinycards_226381
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557345744/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-3-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 4
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-4-from-tinycards_226382
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557819297/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-4-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 5
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-5-from-tinycards_226384
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557823805/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-5-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 6
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-6-from-tinycards_226386
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557866572/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-6-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 7
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-7-from-tinycards_226414
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557993332/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-7-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 8
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-8-from-tinycards_226416
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/557996616/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-8-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 9
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-9-from-tinycards_226417
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558211163/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-9-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 10
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-10-from-tinycards_226424
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558311725/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-10-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 11
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-11-from-tinycards_226425
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558314774/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-11-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 12
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-12-from-tinycards_226433
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558325288/dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-12-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Bonus Vocabulary from Dicho y Hecho Capítulo 7
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/bonus-vocabulary-from-dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-7-fromtinycards_226445
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558326090/bonus-vocabulary-from-dicho-y-hecho-capitulo-7-fromtinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Macroeconomics 142 Test 1
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/macroeconomics-142-test-1-from-tinycards_226447
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/553371148/macroeconomics-142-test-1-text-only-version-flash-cards/
(Note: The Quizlet version lacks the cards with images.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Macroeconomics 142 Test 2
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/macroeconomics-142-test-2-from-tinycards_226450
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/553638629/macroeconomics-142-test-2-text-only-version-flash-cards/
(Note: The Quizlet version lacks the cards with images.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Macroeconomics 142 Test 3
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/macroeconomics-142-test-3-from-tinycards_226452
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/553643666/macroeconomics-142-test-3-text-only-version-flash-cards/
(Note: The Quizlet version lacks the cards with images.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Macroeconomics 142 Test 4 (Currently Incomplete)
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/macroeconomics-142-test-4-currently-incomplete-fromtinycards_226461
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558328198/macroeconomics-142-test-4-currently-incomplete-text-onlyversion-flash-cards/
(Note: The Quizlet version lacks the cards with images.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Just conjugation: Spanish stem-changing verbs+more
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/just-conjugation-spanish-stem-changingverbs+more_226257
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/553651876/just-conjugation-spanish-stem-changing-verbsmore-flashcards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Just Conjugation 2: Continued+More Spanish Verbs
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/556305591/just-conjugation-2-continuedmore-spanish-verbs-flash-cards/
(Note: This deck has been expanded from its TinyCards version and may receive more updates.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Just Conjugation Series 2: Commands & Past Imperfect
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/556625887/just-conjugation-series-2-commands-past-imperfect-flashcards/
(Note: This deck has been expanded from its TinyCards version and may receive more updates.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Just Conjugation: Subjunctive mood
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/556636784/just-conjugation-subjunctive-mood-flash-cards/
(Note: This deck may receive updates.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Pokémon GO Spanish Vocabulary (to be updated)
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/pokemon-go-spanish-vocabulary-to-be-updated_190847
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558331255/pokemon-go-spanish-vocabulary-to-be-updated-text-onlyversionfrom-tinycards-flash-cards/
(Notes: This deck has been expanded from its TinyCards version and may receive more updates. Also,
the Quizlet version lacks the images.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory)
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/matlab-matrix-laboratory-from-tinycards_226504
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558426582/matlab-matrix-laboratory-text-only-version-from-tinycardsflash-cards/
(Note: The Quizlet version lacks the images.)
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Microsoft Excel
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/microsoft-excel-from-tinycards_226505
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Math Vocabulary Terms
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/math-vocabulary-terms-from-tinycards_226507
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558482259/math-vocabulary-terms-from-tinycards-flash-cards/
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Trigonometric Identities
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/trigonometric-identities-from-tinycards_226468
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Trigonometric Derivatives
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/trigonometric-derivatives-inverses-included-fromtinycards_226467
Deck: Jaylahcat’s Solubility Rules, Insolubility Rules, and more
StudyLib: https://studylib.net/flashcards/set/solubility-rules-insolubility-rules-and-more-fromtinycards_226506
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/558480653/solubility-rules-insolubility-rules-and-more-from-tinycardsflash-cards/
TinyCards Deck Creators: Where Are They Now?
Deck Creator’s TinyCards username: Jaylahcat
Other service usernames: Jac0074, Tinycards Lover (StudyLib); Jac0074 (Quizlet)
TinyCards History: This user was not particularly well-known on TinyCards (she only had five followers).
Her notable decks include: all twelve vocabulary lists from the college textbook Dicho Y Hecho (Brief
Edition), the Just Conjugation Series, the world’s only Pokémon GO Spanish vocabulary list, a MATLAB
deck, and a short series of Macroeconomics decks. The Macroeconomics decks deserve special mention
because they raised the class’s grades. Jaylahcat also created Trigonometric Identity and Trigonometric
Derivative decks in a unique image format.
Where she is now: Jaylahcat still uses digital flashcards every day to study foreign language terms. She
only uses Quizlet to study and create new decks now, but she also uses StudyLib to keep the Pokémon
GO Spanish Vocabulary deck updated (it has more than doubled in length since TinyCards shut down)
and to upload articles she writes. She also made a currently 290-term Spanish Kitchen Vocabulary deck
on Quizlet and has expanded the Just Conjugation Series since TinyCards went down. Her progress on
expanding the Pokémon GO Spanish Vocabulary deck has slowed from the difficulty of thinking of and
finding new terms to add, but she hopes to start adding new terms again and to continue adding terms
until all the game-specific vocabulary has been added.
How to Contribute, Reach Out, etc.
Did you create decks on TinyCards? If so, once TinyCards ended, did you upload your decks to another
service? If you answered “yes” to both, would you like your decks’ links added to a list of TinyCards
decks that live on on other services? If your answer was “yes” to all of those questions (and/or you have
a story to add to the “TinyCards Deck Creators: Where Are They Now?” section, general inquiries, etc.)
please leave a comment on the following Duolingo thread to contact me about the project: