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Homelessness APA Referances

Annotated Bibliography
Christian Shepard
KNR 208: Dynamics of United States Contemporary Health Issues
Professor Brauer
October 19, 2021
Bump, P. (2020). Analysis | The difference between red-state and blue-state
homelessness. The Washington Post.
This document researches how a particular state's political partisanship affiliation
impacts it’s homelessness rates. It emphasized society’s reaction to Donald Trump's
policies and claims regarding homelessness. Lastly, it specifically compared “Trump
States” and “Clinton States” to better understand the differences in how policies may be
affecting homeless people. After a thorough investigation, the study convincingly
concluded that homelessness rates are higher in states with more democratic (blue)
policies. One of their key findings was that half of America’s homeless population live in
major cities, and four-fifths of them live in democratic (blue) states. I do believe this
document definitely had a particular bias, or perspective. The researchers based their
claims off of real legitimate facts but did not make much of an attempt to provide any
counter-arguments. I would say this was one of my “pro” sources. The researchers did
not consider much outside of the immediate facts about homelessness. I believe the
goal was to demonstrate the real differences in homelessness rates in red vs. blue
states. The author provided sufficient evidence through multiple studies, data, graphs,
and data analysis. I have found The Washington Post to be a well-respected news
source. This document assisted my work as it started to form my hypothesis of how
policies may be affecting homeless people. I primarily used this document to help create
section three of my presentation. I used information from the section titled, “Change in
homeless population estimates by 2016 vote.”
CoC Homeless Populations and Subpopulations Reports. (2021). HUD Exchange.
Retrieved September, 2021 from
This document focuses on the demographics of homeless individuals such as
race, gender, age, ethnicity and length of time being homeless. They also talk about
other defining characteristics such as mental illness and physical health diseases such
as HIV. These reports also provide counts for sheltered and unsheltered homeless
persons by household type and subpopulation, available both at the national, state and
county level. I do not believe this document had any real agenda, particular bias, or
perspective. I would say this was one of my neutral or general sources. I believe the
goal was to objectively describe the homeless population within each state. It provided
sufficient evidence through multiple studies, data, graphs, and data analysis. This is a
credible source as it is a report created from the United States Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) which is funded by the United States Federal Government.
However, HUD announced that it has limited reviews on the data quality and has not
independently verified all the information. This document assisted my work as it
unbiasedly helped me understand how different subpopulations within society are
directly affected by homelessness. I primarily used this document to help create section
two of my presentation. I used information from sections titled, “CoC Homeless
Populations and Subpopulations Reports” in my presentation.
Henry, M. (2020). The 2020 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to
Congress. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
This document addresses various subjects surrounding homelessness such as
national estimates, demographics, & bed inventory. It described how homelessness
rates have changed throughout the years. It also focused on special homeless
populations such as homeless families, unaccompanied youth, and veterans. Lastly, it
demonstrated where homeless people are located by a state to state view. One of the
key findings was that this is the fourth consecutive year that homelessness has
increased nationwide. I do not believe this document had any real agenda, particular
bias, or perspective. I would say this was one of my neutral or general sources. They
did not focus on the various causes of homelessness but rather stated facts related to
homelessness. I believe the article’s goal was to objectively locate and describe the
types of homeless people in America. The author provided sufficient evidence through
multiple studies, data, graphs, and data analysis. I know this is a credible source as it is
a report created from the Department of Housing and Urban Development funded by
the United States Federal Government. This document assisted my work as it
unbiasedly helped me understand the trajectory of homelessness, the demographics of
people it affected, and the location of homelessness people. I primarily used this
document to help create both section two and three of my presentation. I used
information from sections titled, “Homelessness in the United States”, “Homelessness
Individuals”, “National Inventory of Beds”, and the “Appendix” in my presentation.
Homelessness statistics by State. (2021). United States Interagency Council on
Homelessness (USICH). Retrieved September, 2021 from
This document looks at the characteristics of homeless people such as the
number of families, unaccompanied adults, and individual homeless people. It also talks
about other interesting statistics such as the number of public school students. These
statistics provide counts for the number of total homeless persons by the national and
state view. I do not believe this document has a specific agenda, particular bias, or
perspective. I would say this was one of my neutral or general sources. This
organization wanted to objectively describe the homeless population within each state.
The article provided sufficient evidence through multiple studies, data, graphs, and data
analysis. This is a credible source as it is a report created from the United States
Interagency Council on Homelessness, which is funded by the United States Federal
Government. This website provides information for those that are homeless to help get
out of poverty. This document helped me understand the number of highschool students
experiencing homelessness. This provided information for me to learn about the number
of kids who are unlikely to graduate high school simply because of uncontrollable life
circumstances. I primarily used this document to help create section three of my
presentation. I used information from sections titled, “Total People Experiencing
Homelessness” and “Total Number of Homeless Students” in my presentation.
How increasing the federal minimum wage could affect employment and family income.
(2021).Congressional Budget Office. Retrieved September, 2021 from
The Congressional Budget Office created this document to concisely explain the
potential outcomes from increasing the minimum wage. It focuses on current minimum
wages from both a federal view and a state view. It created a simulation in which you
can change the minimum wage, the minimum wage for tipped workers, the target year
for full implementation, and adjustments after the target year to predict important
markers. These important markers of success would be things like the number of job
openings and the number of people in poverty. It demonstrated how annual income for
households would also be affected. Lastly, it answered commonly asked questions to try
to concisely give answers as well as the level of confidence on the subject matter. One
of its key beliefs was that a minimum-wage increase would cause a net reduction in
average family income. I do not believe this document had any real agenda, particular
bias, or perspective. I would say this was one of my neutral or general sources,
however, as they based all of their conclusions on a lot of evidence. The article provided
sufficient evidence through multiple studies, data, graphs, and data analysis. I know this
is a credible source as it is a report created from the Nonpartisan Analysis for the United
States Congress funded by the United States Federal government. This document
assisted my work as it unbiasedly helped me understand the effects of changing the
minimum wage. I primarily used this document to help create both section three of my
presentation. I used information from sections titled, “Effects on Employment, Income,
and Poverty” and “How did CBO estimate effects on family income?” in my presentation.
Job openings and Labor turnover summary. (2021). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Retrieved September, 2021 from https://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.nr0.htm.
This document addresses the specific measurable qualities related to
employment. It expressed the number of job openings and layoffs as well as
unemployment rates. Next, it included estimates of the totals for each industry for four
geographic regions and for establishment size class. This document avoids attempting
to explain the changes among these variables and sticks to strictly providing numbers
associated with the variables. One of the key findings was that over the 12 months
ending in August 2021, hires totaled 72.6 million and separations totaled 66.7 million,
yielding a net employment gain of 5.9 million. I do not believe this document had any
real agenda, particular bias, or perspective. I would say this was one of my neutral or
general sources. I believe their goal was to objectively describe the trends among the
important factors that determine employment rates. The author provided sufficient
evidence through multiple studies, data, graphs, and data analysis. I know this is a
credible source as it is a report created from the United States. Bureau of Labor
Statistics which is funded by the United States Federal Government. This document
assisted my work as it unbiasedly helped me understand the employment trends in the
United States. I primarily used this document to help create both section two and three
of my presentation. I used information from sections titled, “Job Openings and Labor
Turnover - August 2021” and “Net Change in Employment” in my presentation.
Preidt, R. (2021). One-third of U.S. homeless population is obese: Study. MedicineNet.
This document aims to explain the level of physical health of the homelessness
population. It specifically focuses on the rates of obesity. It also tries to provide possible
explanations as to why obesity is a growing problem among the homeless population.
The article predicts that this could be due to the reliance on cheaper and more
unhealthy foods. Due to constant hunger, the body adapts by increasing fat reserves. It
also highlighted the prevalence of a lack of physical activity, high sleep deprivation and
high stress. Finally, it offered useful interventions such as improving the nutritional
standards and education in homeless shelters. I do not believe this document had any
real agenda, particular bias, or perspective. I would say this was one of my neutral or
general sources. I believe the goal was to objectively explain a relevant problem among
the homeless community. The author provided sufficient evidence through a study, data,
graphs, and data analysis. It acknowledged the lack of research done on this topic,
however, and stated that more research will need to be done in order to come to any
conclusions. This document assisted my work as it unbiasedly helped me understand
the physical health trends of homeless people in the United States, and it helped me
appreciate the complexity of the issues that homeless people face. I primarily used this
document to help create both section one and two of my presentation. I used
information from the entire article in my presentation as it was a relatively concise
Sawhill, I. & Rodrigue, E. (2018). The Three Norms Analysis: Technical Background.
Brookings Institution.
The Brookings Institution created a study to discover the life habits of those out
of poverty. This was done to discover the measurable steps people can take to reduce
their risk of poverty. They developed what they call a “Three Norms” and claimed that
these factors dramatically influence or determine your chance of poverty. The first rule is
to complete high school, as this likely increases your employability. The second rule is
to work full-time, as having some sort of income is required to not be in poverty. The last
rule, which is probably less obvious, is to get and stay married and do not have a kid
before the age of 21. One of the key findings was that only 10% of poor people broke
none of these norms. In this report, these authors analyze the results. I do not believe
this document had any real agenda, particular bias, or perspective. I would say this was
one of my neutral or general sources, as they based all of their conclusions on a lot of
evidence. The author provided sufficient evidence through multiple studies, data,
graphs, and data analysis. I know this is a credible source as it is a report created using
credible quality data collection techniques. This document assisted my work as it helped
provide some things we can do as a society to mitigate homelessness. . I primarily used
this document to help create both section three and four of my presentation. I primarily
used information from sections titled, “Missing Norms Among Families That Live In
Poverty ” in my presentation.
State of Homelessness: 2021 edition. (2021). National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Retrieved September, 2021 from
This document is about the current state of homelessness in the U.S. It focuses
on the total number of homeless people through the lens of race and gender. Secondly,
it also demonstrated the amount of sheltered homeless people and unsheltered
homeless people. Next, it highlighted overall trends of homelessness, in total amount as
well as among different subpopulations. It also showed the common forms of assistance
the government is able to provide for the homeless population through temporary
housing and other shelters. Lastly, it showed and compared the different rates of
homelessness across all fifty states in the United States. One of the key findings was
that the lack of affordable housing within a state drives up homelessness rates. I do not
believe this document had any real agenda, particular bias, or perspective. I would say
this was one of my neutral or general sources. I believe their goal was to objectively
describe the amount of homelessness people related to their identifying qualities or
location, and provide an in-depth look at the reasons as to what created that correlation.
The article provided sufficient evidence through multiple studies, data, graphs, and data
analysis. I know this is a credible source as it is a report created from the United States.
National Alliance to End Homelessness funded by the United States Government. This
document made it clear that the data was collected just a couple weeks before the
Covid-19 shutdowns. This document assisted my work as it unbiasedly helped me
understand the places where people are affected by homelessness. I primarily used this
document to help create section three of my presentation.
The Employment Situation - September 2021. (2021). U.S. Department of Labor.
Retrieved September, 2021 from
This document explores the general trends of employment rates, the
demographics of people unemployed, and the number of job openings available to the
public. It showed other interesting information such as the reasons people gave for
unemployment, their education status, and the length of time that they have been
unemployed. It characterized the different types of employment opportunities and
whether or not a particular industry has experienced an increase or decrease of
workers. It had pages full of answers to frequently asked questions about
such as whether undocumented immagrants are counted in
unemployment rates. One of the key findings was that the unemployment rate fell by 0.4
percentage points recently. I do not believe this document had any real agenda,
particular bias, or perspective. I would say this was one of my neutral or general
sources. I believe the goal of the article was to objectively describe the types of work
people are joining, and provide an in-depth look at the reasons why. It provided
sufficient evidence through multiple studies, data, graphs, and data analysis. I know this
is a credible source as it is a report created from the United States Department of Labor
funded by the United States Federal Government. This document assisted my work as it
unbiasedly helped me understand the trends of employment in the United States as well
as understand the types of individuals affected by unemployment. I primarily used this
document to help create both section two and three of my presentation. I used
information from sections titled, “Unemployment Rates” in my presentation.
Bump, P. (2020). Analysis | The difference between red-state and blue-state
homelessness. The Washington Post.
CoC Homeless Populations and Subpopulations Reports. (2021). HUD Exchange.
Retrieved September, 2021 from
Henry, M. (2020). The 2020 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to
Congress. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Homelessness statistics by State. (2021). United States Interagency Council on
Homelessness (USICH). Retrieved September, 2021 from
How increasing the federal minimum wage could affect employment and family income.
(2021).Congressional Budget Office. Retrieved September, 2021 from
Job openings and Labor turnover summary. (2021). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Retrieved September, 2021 from https://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.nr0.htm.
Preidt, R. (2021). One-third of U.S. homeless population is obese: Study. MedicineNet.
Sawhill, I. & Rodrigue, E. (2018). The Three Norms Analysis: Technical Background.
Brookings Institution.
State of Homelessness: 2021 edition. (2021). National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Retrieved September, 2021 from
The Employment Situation - September 2021. (2021). U.S. Department of Labor.
Retrieved September, 2021 from