DES-DD33 Free Questions Good Demo For DELL EMC DESDD33 Exam C P ow er P ro te ct D D E xa m 1. DRAG DROP What is the correct sequence of operations used by the PowerProtect DD DIA in the end-to-end verification process? V al ua bl e D E S -D D 33 E xa m Q ue st io ns Fo r P as si ng D E LL E M Answer: 2.A PowerProtect DD appliance has been installed at a company’s location for several months and has reached a steady state. As a best practice, at what percentage of disk utilization should action be taken? A. 60% B. 70% C. 80% D. 95% Answer: C ns Fo r P as si ng D E LL E M C P ow er P ro te ct D D E xa m 3.A PowerProtect DD backup administrator wants to delegate some Operations to their Monitoring and Control team. The administrator wants to add a user to the Monitoring and Control team with limited access to only check the health of the PowerProtect DD appliance. Which role must be applied to the new user? A. Backup Operator B. Limited Admin C. User D. Tenant Admin Answer: C Explanation: The User role provides read-only access to monitor activities and operations. Reference: V al ua bl e D E S -D D 33 E xa m Q ue st io 4.An administrator is migrating their old cloud tier-enabled Data Domain to a new PowerProtect DD appliance with cloud tier. During migration, the administrator recognizes that file system cleaning on the source system is not possible. What is the most likely cause of this behavior? A. Filesystem is disabled on source system B. Source system is running in restricted mode C. Migration will restrict all activities on both systems D. Migration will restrict all activities on source system Answer: D Explanation: Reference: 5.An administrator is scaling Cloud Tier for a DD9400 by adding a second cloud unit. What is the required amount of metadata storage ()? A. 120 B. 240 C. 300 D. 500 Answer: B 6.An organization uses tape libraries in their current backup infrastructure. They have purchased a PowerProtect DD system and plan to use VTL to move from physical tape. What is a consideration when configuring the tape size? A. Target multiple drives to write single stream B. Use multiple drives to write multiple streams C. Set retention periods for as long as possible D. Use larger tapes for multiple smaller datasets Answer: B Go To DES-DD33 Exam Questions Full Version