Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Cleaner Production journal homepage: How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China? Zhe Zhang a, Aizhen Zhang b, Daoping Wang a, Aijun Li a, *, Huixuan Song c a The Center for Economic Research, Shandong School of Development, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China School of Foreign Language, University of Jinan, Jinan, Shandong, 250022, China c School of Economics, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 20 April 2016 Received in revised form 12 November 2016 Accepted 13 November 2016 Available online xxx The Chinese government committed to controlling carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and promoting development of non-fossil fuels. Thus, it becomes a top priority for the government to develop effective climate policies. Against such background, this paper develops a new multi-country computable general equilibrium (CGE) model with detailed energy disaggregation. This study evaluates the impact of single policy instrument (carbon tax) and combined policy mixes, in order to investigate driving factors affecting the policy performance. The main findings are as follows. Firstly, the driving factors can be classified into two types. The first type of factors affects cost-effectiveness significantly, while the second type generates considerable effect on emission performance. Secondly, cross-border externalities function as important barriers to the CO2 emission reduction, since they imply extra competitiveness loss and result in considerable carbon leakage. Finally, this paper considers two integrated policy mixes, wherein carbon tax revenue is recycled to reduce capital tax or support clean energy subsidy. These policy mixes can improve both cost-effectiveness and emission performance, and thus perform better than carbon tax alone. In this way, carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. Looking ahead, complicated policy mixes are preferred to improve the performance of China's carbon tax. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Renewable energy subsidy CGE model Rebound effect Competitiveness issues Carbon leakage Carbon dioxide emission abatement costs 1. Introduction Currently, China is the world's largest carbon emitter with large annual increased carbon dioxide emissions. According to IEA (2015), China's carbon dioxide emissions increased rapidly from 3299.7 million tons in 2000e9023.1 million tons in 2013. In the meantime, there was a substantial increase in China's share of the world's total carbon dioxide emissions, which increased from 14.15% in 2000 to 28.03% in 2013 (IEA, 2015). Against this background, China faces increasing international pressure to control its domestic carbon dioxide emissions. At present, it becomes a top priority for the Chinese government to develop effective climate policies to curb domestic carbon dioxide emissions. According to Chinadaily (2014), the Chinese government made several commitments to control carbon dioxide emissions. In 2009, the Chinese government committed to reducing * Corresponding author. The Center for Economic Research, Shandong School of Development, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China. E-mail addresses: (Z. Zhang), (A. Zhang), (D. Wang), (A. Li), (H. Song). its carbon intensity by 40e45% in 2020 as compared with the 2005 levels. In 2014, the Chinese government pledged to reach a peak in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and committed to increasing the share of non-fossil fuels to about 20% in primary energy consumption by 2030. To fulfill these commitments, the Chinese government should adopt effective climate policies to curb domestic carbon dioxide emissions. Importantly, well-designed climate policies require detailed information about the underlying factors that affect the performance. For this purpose, this study develops a new computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and investigates the potential forces affecting the performance of carbon tax in China (the performance, for short). Here, this study considers the impact of both single policy instrument and aggregate policy mixes. The climate policy mixes include an integrated tax-tax policy and an integrated tax-subsidy policy. Carbon tax revenue is recycled to reduce capital tax in the first policy mix and used to subsidize lowcarbon energy (or clean energy) in the second policy mix. Great interest has been expressed in the potential of alternative climate policies to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon tax and cap-and-trade policy are regarded as two important policy instruments of curbing carbon dioxide emissions. A series of studies seek to find out which policy instrument will perform 0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), 2 Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 better, such as Pearce (1991); Shammin and Bullard (2009); AviYonah and Uhlmann (2009); Wirl (2012) and Strand (2013). It is noteworthy that carbon tax can be motivated by double dividend hypothesis, since carbon tax revenue can be used to reduce the distorting effect of existing tax regime. Many studies have followed this line of research, such as Goulder (1995); Proost and Regemorter (1995); Parry (2000); Schwartz and Repetto (2000); ChiroleuAssouline and Fodha (2006, 2014); Jacobs and de Mooij (2015). Meanwhile, some studies consider the impact of energy efficiency improvement in China, such as Yao et al. (2015) and Li et al. (2017). Under such circumstances, this study evaluates the combined impact of carbon tax and other climate policies, since carbon tax revenue can be used to reduce distorting effect of tax system or support non-fossil fuel subsidy. Meanwhile, some studies discuss optimal carbon tax, wherein the main focus is optimal pathways of carbon tax rate over time. For example, Wang et al. (2011) argued that low carbon tax rate might be appropriate as a starting point. Zhang et al. (2013) investigated optimal pathways in China's power sector. Fang et al. (2013) argued that it would be important to determine the time to levy carbon tax. Liu (2013) discussed tax evasion and optimal environmental taxes by adopting a CGE model. Lin and Zeng (2014) calculated the optimal gasoline tax in China. Duan et al. (2014) argued that the optimal pathways of carbon tax in China were monotonically increasing, and found that the optimal pathways formed a classical S-shaped pattern. In the meantime, some studies evaluate the effect of carbon tax (or other climate policies) in different goal-settings. For example, Li and Lin (2013) compared absolute-emission-reduction goals (massed-based goals or absolute-volume-based goals) and intensity-based emission goals (rate-based goals) in China, and argued that there were significant differences in effect between the two different goal-settings. Burtraw et al. (2015) considered rate standard and the coordination problem among states in the United States. Another important topic about carbon tax is about distributional effect across households, sectors or regions. For example, Zhang and Baranzini (2004) argued that future carbon tax rates could become higher than those already implemented and hence result in more acute economic impacts, given the target of the Framework Convention. Liang and Wei (2012) argued that carbon tax alone would reduce standard of living of both urban and rural households and widen urban-rural gap in China. Jiang and Shao (2014) pointed out that distributional effect was crucial to the public acceptance of carbon tax in China. Some studies evaluate the effect of exogenous factors or settings, such as technological innovations and border measures. Gomes et al. (2008) argued that reduction measures should be taken to encourage solid waste treatment and wastewater treats et al. (2010) assessed the impact ment in place of fossil fuel. Toma of European carbon dioxide emissions trading scheme on Portuguese chemical industry. Jin (2012) argued that induced technical improvement could help to reduce deadweight loss that was caused by carbon tax in China. Zhang et al. (2014) argued that lowcarbon technologies alone would be insufficient to restrain China's increasing carbon dioxide emissions. Li et al. (2012) adopted the SICGE model to evaluate the impact of China's export carbon tax. Li and Zhang (2012) argued that carbon motivated border tax adjustments (CBTA) would be relatively costly and inefficient to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in comparison with carbon tax in China. Chang (2013) argued that it would result in a decrease of 11% in carbon dioxide emissions, by changing from production-based responsibility to shared responsibility. Li et al. (2015) argued that there would be considerable differences when different countries adopted carbon tax to achieve the same carbon dioxide emission reduction. The final line of research includes studies of the general equilibrium modeling, especially those studies focusing on climate policies. Liang and Wei (2012) used a recursive dynamic CGE model and tested the distributional effect of carbon tax in China. Jin (2012) developed a CGE model with endogenous technical change and examined the impact of technological innovation on carbon dioxide emissions. Guo et al. (2014) adopted a CGE model to evaluate the effect of carbon tax in China and energy sectors were disaggregated in detail in their model. Liu and Lu (2015) used a dynamic CGE model to test the impact of carbon tax in China, wherein several revenue recycling schemes were adopted. Based on the previous studies, this paper seeks to provide two contributions. Firstly, this study provides contributions in modeling, since it develops a new multi-country general equilibrium model. The model is presented in detail in Section 2.1 One important feature of this model is that there is detailed disaggregation of energy composites. Energy composites are disaggregated into coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, bioenergy and wind. In such a setting, our model can be used to simulate the combined effect of integrated tax-subsidy policy, which combines both carbon tax on fossil fuels and subsidy to low-carbon energy. Secondly, this study seeks to provide fresh insights by focusing on the following two questions. (1) Which factors affect the performance of carbon tax in China and how to improve the performance? To answer these questions, this study makes numerical simulations and performs sensitivity analysis to explore the potential driving factors. (2) Are there significant differences in effect between single policy instrument (carbon tax) and combined policy mixes? Here, this study addresses two policy mixes. The first one is an integrated tax-tax policy, which means that carbon tax revenue is recycled to reduce capital tax. The second one is an integrated tax-subsidy policy, wherein carbon tax revenue is used to subsidize low-carbon energy. The purpose is to investigate whether carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. This study is structured as follows. In Section 2, the model and data are introduced. In Section 3, the results are presented. In Section 4, discussion of the simulation results is provided. In Section 5, the conclusions and policy implications are reported. 2. Methods This study develops a new multi-country (or world regions) general equilibrium model, after referring to models in Rivers (2010); Dong and Whalley (2012); Li and Zhang (2012); Lin and Li (2012); Li et al. (2013, 2014, 2015). For readability, this model is reported in detail. 2.1. The production In this model, there are eight countries (or world regions), i.e. China, the United States (US), Japan, India, the European Union (EU or EU27), Brazil, Australia and Rest of the World (ROW). In such a setting, this model covers the major trade partners of China, and thus it is capable of incorporating the potential interaction between China and other economies. Such potential interaction between countries can be triggered by China's carbon tax and possibly conducted through trade or energy channel. For simplicity of statements, all world regions are treated as countries. Following 1 Corresponding author can provide the program of initial benchmark state to readers who are interested in this paper. This program can provide complete version of the CGE model. Other programs under different policy scenarios can be derived easily. Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 3 2 Dong and Whalley (2012), ROW is not a producer of final goods and is used to deal with the potential trade imbalances among countries. In this model, there are nine types of production inputs, i.e. capital, labor, coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, bioenergy and wind. Various production inputs are combined to produce final goods. Specifically, capital and labor are aggregated into nonenergy composites. Meanwhile, coal, oil and natural gas are aggregated into fossil fuels, while nuclear, hydro, bioenergy and wind are aggregated into low-carbon energy. Then, fossil fuels and 6 EC ¼ r3 4a31 ðFFÞ 3 ðs3 1Þ s3 þ a32 ðLEÞ 6 FF ¼ r4 4a41 ðFF1 Þ 3 s 1 s 1 low-carbon energy are aggregated into energy composites. Furthermore, non-energy composites and energy composites are aggregated into final output. Final output is classified into two kinds, i.e. industrial goods and non-industrial goods. In the meantime, capital and fossil fuels are assumed to be mobile among countries and sectors. Labor and low-carbon energy are assumed to be mobile between sectors in a country but immobile across countries. Production function transforms various production inputs into final goods, and the nesting structure of production function is illustrated in Fig. 1. Production function follows the constant elasticity of substitution (CES) form, which is in line with many studies, such as Dong and Whalley (2012); Li and Zhang (2012); Lin and Li (2012), and Li et al. (2015). Technically, production function can be written as follows: 2 3 6 Y ¼ r1 4a11 ðVAÞ ðs1 1Þ s1 þ a12 ðECÞ ðs1 1Þ s1 2 7 5 3 ð2 Þ ð2 Þ 6 7 VA ¼ r2 4a21 ðFKÞ s2 þ a22 ðFLÞ s2 5 s 1 s 1 s1 ðs1 1Þ (1) s2 7 5 (3) 3 ðs4 1Þ s4 þ a42 ðFF2 Þ ðs4 1Þ s4 ðs4 1Þ þ a43 ðFF3 Þ s4 7 5 s4 ðs4 1Þ (4) s5 ðs5 1Þ ð5 Þ ð5 Þ ð5 Þ ð5 Þ 6 7 LE ¼ r5 4a51 ðLE1 Þ s5 þ a52 ðLE2 Þ s5 þ a53 ðLE3 Þ s5 þ a54 ðLE4 Þ s5 5 s 1 s3 s3 ðs3 1Þ 2 2 s 1 ðs3 1Þ (5) Where Y represents final output. VA represents non-energy composites and EC represents energy composites. FK represents capital and FL represents labor. FF represents fossil fuels and LE represents low-carbon energy. FF1 represents coal, FF2 represents oil and FF3 represents natural gas. LE1 represents nuclear, LE2 represents hydro, LE3 represents bioenergy and LE4 represents wind. ss represent substitution elasticity among various production inputs. rs represent scale parameters. as represent share parameters. Following Li and Zhang (2012); Lin and Li (2012) and Li et al. (2015), energy supply is assumed to be a function of energy price and price elasticity of energy supply. Technically, the function can be written as follows. t ESFF;m ¼ EDFF;m PFF;m FF;m (6) t ESLE;n ¼ EDLE;n PLE;n LE;n (7) ðs2 1Þ (2) Where Outputs Energy composites Fossil Fuels Coal Oil Non-energy composites Low-carbon energy Gas Nuclear Hydro Capital Bioenergy Fig. 1. The nesting structure of production function. Labor Wind Subscript m represents fossil fuels. Subscript n represents low-carbon energy. ES represents energy supply. ED represents energy endowment at initial benchmark state before carbon tax. PFF represents fossil fuel price. PLE represents low-carbon energy price. t represents price elasticity of energy supply. In competitive markets, producers make production decisions according to the principle of profit-maximization. Under the assumptions of constant returns of scale, perfect competition and profit maximization, zero-profit conditions will hold. Following Rivers (2010), zero-profit conditions can be written as follows: Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), 4 Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 pj ¼ Pj Yj FKj PK FLj PL X X FFm PFFm 1 þ TFFm m LEn PLEn 1 SLEn ¼ 0 (8) n Here, ROW is not a producer of final goods. Thus, its income is the sum of net energy export and trade balance, which can be written as follows: I¼ Subscript j represents final goods, i.e. industrial goods and nonindustrial goods. Pj represents price of goods j. PK represents capital price. PL represents labor price. T represents carbon tax rate of fossil fuels. S represents subsidy rate of low-carbon energy. (12) In this model, there is one representative household in each country. The households obtain income through collecting revenue from final goods, production inputs and taxes. The households spend their income on various final goods in order to obtain utility. Final goods produced by different producers are treated as differentiated goods, since this model adopts Armington assumptions. Armington assumptions imply that there is limited substitution instead of perfect substitution among different final goods. Meanwhile, utility of the households is assumed to be a function of goods consumption. The utility function follows the CES form, which is in line with many studies, such as Dong and Whalley (2012); Li et al. (2014; 2015). Technically, utility function can be expressed as follows. 2 3q q1 0 6 U ¼ 4ðb1 Þ ðx1 Þ 1 q0 q01 q0 1 q0 þ ðb2 Þ ðx2 Þ q0 1 q0 7 5 (9) qj X 1 q dij j xij Where EX represents net energy export of ROW. The households pursue maximized utility subject to budget constraints. Then, the utility-maximization problem can be written as follows: 2 2.2. The household xj ¼ PFF;m EXFF;m þ TI m Where " X #qj 1 qjq1 j (10) 3q0q1 q0 1 q0 1 1 1 6 7 MaxU ¼ 4ðb1 Þq ðx1 Þ q0 þ ðb2 Þq ðx2 Þ q0 5 X s:t: Pj xlj I (13) (14) j 2.3. Price relationships In this study, there is only one abating country (China), whereas other countries do not adopt abating policies. For China, carbon tax rate is treated as a variable until the given carbon dioxide emission abatement target is satisfied. In this regard, this study follows Li et al. (2015). In such a setting, there is a gap between China's energy price and international energy price. Technically, the following price relationships hold. C PFF;m;CH ¼ PFF;m;W 1 þ TFF;m;CH (15) C S ¼ PLE;n;CH 1 SLE;n;CH PLE;n;CH (16) Where i Superscript C denotes price for consumers. Superscript S denotes price for producers. Subscript W denotes energy price in international market. Subscript CH denotes energy price in China's market. Where Subscript i represents different producers. U represents utility. x represents goods consumption. xij represents consumption of goods j from producer i. bs and ds represent share parameters. qs represent substitution elasticity among goods from different producers. In the meantime, the income is the sum of revenue from final goods, energy balance, carbon tax and trade balance for each household (i.e. China, the United States, Japan, India, the European Union, Brazil and Australia). Here, this model incorporates exogenous trade balance to address potential trade imbalance between countries, after following Dong and Whalley (2012). I ¼ GI þ EI þ CI þ TI (11) 2.4. Market clearing conditions All markets clear, when supply is equal to demand at the same time in all markets (i.e. markets in final goods and production inputs). Then, the following market clearing conditions hold, wherein this study is line with many studies, such as Dong and Whalley (2012); Li and Zhang (2012); Li et al. (2014, 2015). Specifically, the market clearing conditions can be specified as follows: X Yij ¼ X i X xkj ESi;FF;m þ EXFF;m ¼ i Where GI represents revenue from final goods. EI represents revenue from energy balance. CI represents revenue from carbon tax. TI represents revenue from trade balance. (17) k XX i ESk;LE;n ¼ X LEk;j;n FFi;j;m (18) j (19) j X FLij ¼ LDi (20) j Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 XX i FKij ¼ j X KDi (21) i Where Subscript k represents different consumers. LD represents initial labor endowment before carbon tax. KD represents initial capital endowment before carbon tax. 2.5. Data sources and scenarios This study calibrates the data according to the method in Sancho (2009), wherein the base year is 2012. The output data source is World Bank (2015) and the trade data source is United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (2015). The consumption is derived according to the data of output and trade. The data sources of energy are BP (2014e2015); IEA (2013e2014, 2015) and Wind Database (2015). The data sources of input-output tables are OECD Database (2015). During calculation, this paper adjusts the data based on the ratio of capital to labor so that the base year becomes 2012. Due to data availability, low-carbon energy price is calculated based on electricity price, wherein the data sources are IEA (2012) and Wikipedia (2015). For simplicity, this paper assumes that all carbon dioxide emissions are from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). For each fossil fuel, emission factors of carbon dioxide emissions are derived according to the data of IEA (2013e2014, 2015). Table 1 reports the major parameters in this model. As for substitution elasticity among production inputs, this study mainly refers to Huang et al. (2003) and Burniaux and Martins (2012). Huang et al. (2003) provided an econometrical estimation in China. As for substitution elasticity among energy, this study refers to Burniaux and Martins (2012). In terms of price elasticity, supply elasticity for other fossil fuels and low-carbon energy is set 1.0, which is in line with Burniaux and Martins (2012). Meanwhile, supply elasticity for coal is set 5.0, which is different from that in Burniaux and Martins (2012). In addition, this study performs sensitivity analysis in order to show robustness of the results. As for the range of parameters' values, this paper also refers to parameters’ values in other studies, i.e. Burniaux (2001); Hertel et al. (2009); Rivers (2010); Dong and Whalley (2012); Li and Zhang (2012) and Li et al. (2014). In this study, the baseline policy scenario is set according to China's commitment of carbon intensity reduction. Specifically, the policy target of China's carbon intensity is 2.243 ton of carbon dioxide per thousand USD, which decreases by 40% relative to the 2005 levels (1.3458 ton per thousand USD). In the meantime, two other scenarios are set according to the sector coverage of carbon tax, since sector exemption is frequently used for policy makers to protect domestic sectors from the loss of international competitiveness. In this regard, the impact of sector exemption is evaluated in many studies, such as Rivers (2010). Specifically, one scenario of sector coverage is named as ALL-Sector, wherein all sectors are taxed. The other scenario is named as INDSector, wherein only industrial sector is taxed. 3. Results Based on the general equilibrium model, this study performs numerical simulations. The main simulation results are presented as follows. Firstly, this study considers the impact of single policy instrument (carbon tax), which means that there is no other climate policy in this scenario. This study focuses on output implications and emission implications. Output implications are reported in Table 2. Fig. 2 illustrates carbon dioxide emission changes across countries, Fig. 3 depicts carbon dioxide emission changes across sectors and Fig. 4 demonstrates carbon dioxide emission changes across energy. Table 3 presents leakage rate and carbon dioxide emission abatement cost. Secondly, this study investigates combined effect of carbon tax and other policy instruments. Two policy mixes are considered. The first policy mix is an integrated tax-tax policy, meaning that carbon tax is combined with capital tax. In this policy setting, carbon tax revenue is recycled to reduce capital tax. The intent is to explore whether revenue recycling can affect the performance. The implications of integrated tax-tax policy are reported in Table 3. The second policy mix is an integrated tax-subsidy policy, which combines carbon tax on fossil fuels and subsidy to low-carbon energy. In this policy setting, carbon tax revenue is used to subsidize low-carbon energy. The purpose is to investigate whether lowcarbon energy subsidy can improve the performance. The implications of integrated tax-subsidy policy are reported in Fig. 5. Finally, this study performs sensitivity analysis of major parameters in order to identify the potential driving factors affecting the performance. Fig. 6 illustrates the impact of carbon intensity reduction on the performance. Fig. 7 makes sensitivity analysis of Armington trade elasticity in order to investigate whether Armington trade elasticity can have a significant effect on the performance. Figs. 8e10 depict the effect of price elasticity of energy supply on the performance. Three types of energy supply elasticity are included, i.e. coal supply elasticity, oil supply elasticity and natural gas supply elasticity. Table 2 Output implications of carbon tax alone. Scenarios ALL-Sectora Table 1 Values for major parameters used in modeling. Parameters Substitution elasticity among production inputs s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 Values Parameters 0.88 0.40 0.50 0.40 1.26 Price elasticity of energy supply Values t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sources: Burniaux (2001), Huang et al. (2003), Hertel et al. (2009), Rivers (2010), Dong and Whalley (2012), Burniaux and Martins (2012), Li and Zhang (2012) and Li et al. (2014). 5 IND-Sectorb Regions China US Japan India EU Brazil Australia Worldc China US Japan India EU Brazil Australia World Output changes (%) Industrial goods Non-industrial goods Overall output 7.34 0.72 0.39 2.55 0.54 0.92 1.33 1.77 9.44 1.02 0.05 2.81 0.24 1.22 1.57 2.10 1.09 0.21 0.89 0.43 0.83 0.87 0.14 0.63 1.69 0.21 0.79 0.50 0.79 0.69 0.01 0.67 2.70 0.31 0.56 1.10 0.49 0.88 0.48 0.02 3.32 0.38 0.57 1.23 0.53 0.82 0.45 0.08 a ALL-Sector represents scenario where all sectors are taxed (hereafter). IND-Sector represents scenario where only industrial goods are taxed (hereafter). c World refers to the sum of China, US, Japan, India, EU, Brazil and Australia. b Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), 6 Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 Table 3 Leakage rate and carbon dioxide emission abatement cost of carbon tax alone. Carbon emissions changes 10% Scenarios 0% Carbon tax without revenue recycling Carbon tax with revenue recycling -10% -20% ALL-Sector IND-Sector ALL-Sector IND-Sector Leakage rate (%) Carbon dioxide emission abatement cost (USD/t) 40.23 34.39 38.52 32.78 100.00 120.98 19.54 62.19 -30% ALL-sector IND-sector -40% -50% China US Japan India EU Brazil Australia 4.1. The single effect of carbon tax World Fig. 2. Impact of carbon tax on carbon dioxide emissions across countries. Note: For all scenarios, China's carbon intensity decreases by 40% in terms of 2005 levels. In this case, the target of carbon intensity is about 1.346 (ton/1000USD). This subsection considers the impact of carbon tax alone in China. Output implications and carbon dioxide emission implications are discussed in Subsection 4.1.1 and Subsection 4.1.2 separately. In Subsection 4.1.3, this study focuses on two important indicators, i.e. leakage rate and carbon dioxide emission abatement cost. 4. Discussion In this section, this study discusses the simulation results. Section 4.1 considers the implications of carbon tax alone. Section 4.2 evaluates the effect of the integrated tax-tax policy and the integrated tax-subsidy policy. The purpose is to investigate whether carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. Section 4.3 performs sensitivity analysis in order to identify the driving factors affecting the performance. Carbon emissions changes 10% Emissions of China 4.1.1. The output implications The output implications of carbon tax in China are reported in Table 2. This study begins with discussing the impact of carbon tax on China's output. In the scenario of ALL-Sector, China experiences output loss of industrial goods (7.34%) and output improvement of non-industrial goods (1.09%). In the meantime, there is overall output loss (2.70%). As for the scenario of IND-Sector, industrial goods face output reduction (9.44%) and non-industrial goods Emissions of other countries Emissions of world 0% -10% -20% -30% ALL-sector IND-sector -40% -50% From IND From NIND From IND From NIND From IND From NIND Fig. 3. Impact of carbon tax on carbon dioxide emissions across sectors. Note: Other countries represent the sum of other countries (i.e. the United States, Japan, India, the European Union, Brazil and Australia) (hereafter). Carbon emissions changes 10% Emissions of China Emissions of other countries Emissions of world 0% -10% -20% -30% ALL-sector IND-sector -40% -50% From Coal From Oil From Gas From Coal From Oil From Gas From Coal From Oil From Gas Fig. 4. Impact of carbon tax on carbon dioxide emissions across fossil fuels. Note: Other countries represent the sum of other countries (i.e. the United States, Japan, India, the European Union, Brazil and Australia) (hereafter). Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 a b 60 140 Carbon emission abatement cost (USD/t) 7 ALL-sector IND-sector 55 Leakage rate (%) 120 100 80 50 45 40 35 60 30 40 25 20 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 20 0% 100% Rate of low-carbon energy subsidy 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Rate of low-carbon energy subsidy Fig. 5. Combined effect of carbon tax and low-carbon energy subsidy. a b 60 Carbon emission abatement cost (USD/t) 140 ALL-sector IND-sector 55 Leakage rate (%) 120 100 80 50 45 40 35 60 30 40 25 20 25% 30% 35% 40% 20 45% 25% Reduction of carbon intensity 30% 35% 40% 45% Reduction of carbon intensity Fig. 6. Sensitivity analysis of carbon intensity reduction. b 140 60 ALL-sector IND-sector 55 120 Leakage rate (%) Carbon emission abatement cost (USD/t) a 100 80 50 45 40 35 60 30 40 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Armington trade elasticity 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Armington trade elasticity Fig. 7. Sensitivity analysis of Armington trade elasticity. experience output improvement (1.69%). Meanwhile, there is overall output reduction (3.32%). From the above results, one can see that carbon tax affects the structure of economy, resulting in production shift from industrial goods to non-industrial goods. These results are not surprising and the explanations are as follows. Industrial goods are intensive in terms of fossil fuel consumption, while non-industrial goods are extensive in terms of fossil fuel consumption. Then, industrial Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), 8 Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 a b Carbon emission abatement cost (USD/t) 140 60 ALL-sector IND-sector 55 Leakage rate (%) 120 100 80 50 45 40 35 60 30 40 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Coal supply elasticity Coal supply elasticity Fig. 8. Sensitivity analysis of coal supply elasticity. a b 60 Carbon emission abatement cost (USD/t) 140 ALL-sector IND-sector 55 Leakage rate (%) 120 100 80 50 45 40 35 60 30 40 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Oil supply elasticity Oil supply elasticity Fig. 9. Sensitivity analysis of oil supply elasticity. a b 60 Carbon emission abatement cost (USD/t) 140 ALL-sector IND-sector 55 Leakage rate (%) 120 100 80 50 45 40 35 60 30 40 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gas supply elasticity 9 10 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gas supply elasticity Fig. 10. Sensitivity analysis of natural gas supply elasticity. goods face relatively high carbon tax rate compared with nonindustrial goods. Thus, industrial goods undergo relatively large output loss. It is noteworthy that there is other effect, driving up output of non-industrial goods. Overall output decline (particularly for fossilfuel-intensive sectors) leads to demand reduction of various production inputs. In this case, demand decrease drives down price of production inputs, given that market supply remains constant. Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 Then, low price of production inputs encourages output of nonindustrial goods. When such effect becomes dominant, nonindustrial goods experience output gain instead of output loss. Furthermore, one can also see that output implications are qualitatively similar between scenarios of ALL-Sector and INDSector. Quantitatively, however, there are considerable differences between the two scenarios, since taxation extension of sector coverage reduces overall output loss. Quite interestingly, these results imply that overall output loss can be reduced by welldesigned sector coverage of carbon tax, when the carbon intensity reduction target remains to be the same. Then, this study considers output implications in the nonabating countries, as presented in Table 2. The non-abating countries include all countries except China, since China is the only abating country in this paper. In the scenario of ALL-Sector, there is industrial output gain in the United States (0.72%), India (2.55%), Brazil (0.92%) and Australia (1.33%), while there is industrial output loss of Japan (0.39%) and the European Union (0.54%). These differences are induced by cross-country variations, such as trade openness and the structure of economy. In contrast, there is nonindustrial output improvement in all non-abating countries, i.e. the United States (0.21%), Japan (0.89%), India (0.43%), the European Union (0.83%), Brazil (0.87%) and Australia (0.14%). In addition, there is overall output improvement in all non-abating countries, i.e. the United States (0.31%), Japan (0.56%), India (1.10%), the European Union (0.49%), Brazil (0.88%) and Australia (0.48%). In addition, it can be observed from Table 2 that there are qualitatively similar results in the scenario of IND-Sector. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that all nonabating countries are affected by carbon tax in China, in spite of cross-country variations. Undoubtedly, all non-abating countries are positively affected in terms of overall output. These results are not surprising and the explanations are mainly two folds. On one hand, there exists competitiveness issue through trade channel, since China is a large economy with high trade openness. In this case, China's carbon tax results in competitiveness loss of domestic producers, causing output loss of domestic sectors and output gain in international competitors. On the other hand, there is rebound effect through energy channel, since China is the largest primary energy consumer in the world. Carbon tax in China adds new cost to domestic producers and thus drives down energy demand in China. As a consequence, energy price falls in international market, given that there is no change in the world's market supply. Furthermore, low international energy price reduces production cost and thus promotes output growth in the non-abating countries, since energy is an important production input. Such effect is termed as cross-border rebound effect. It is noteworthy that cross-border rebound effect implies relocation of energy consumption from the abating country to the non-abating countries and thus generates benefits to the non-abating countries. Finally, this study considers output implications in the world. In the scenario of ALL-Sector, the world shows output loss of industrial goods (1.77%) and overall output (0.02%), which are mainly induced by output reduction in China. By contrast, there is an output increase in non-industrial goods (0.63%). In this way, the structure of economy can be affected in the world. Furthermore, similar results can be found in the scenario of IND-Sector. 4.1.2. The carbon dioxide emission implications This subsection looks into carbon dioxide emission implications. Here, this study begins with discussing carbon dioxide emission changes across countries. According to the results in Fig. 2, China shows a reduction of 27.77% in carbon dioxide emissions in the scenario of ALL-Sector and a decrease of 28.23% in IND-Sector. 9 These results show that carbon tax contributes to carbon dioxide emission reduction in China. Meanwhile, it can be seen that there are some quantitative differences in carbon dioxide emission reduction between the two scenarios, wherein the two scenarios face the same level of carbon intensity reduction target. These results imply that taxation extension of sector coverage can be relevant to explaining part of differences in emission implications across scenarios. From Fig. 2, it can also be observed that the non-abating countries experience an increase in carbon dioxide emissions. For example, the United States shows an increase of 6.81% carbon dioxide emission in the scenario of ALL-Sector and 5.90% in INDSector. For Japan, there is an increase of 7.32% in carbon dioxide emissions in the scenario of ALL-Sector and an increase of 6.13% in IND-Sector. These results imply that carbon tax in China results in carbon leakage from the abating country (China) to the non-abating countries. In the meantime, the world shows a reduction of 6.60% in carbon dioxide emissions in the scenario of ALL-Sector and of 7.36% in IND-Sector. The results suggest that China's carbon tax contributes to the world's carbon dioxide emission mitigation. By comparison, there are slight differences in the size of the world's carbon dioxide emission reduction, implying that taxation extension of sector coverage may be relevant to explaining the world's carbon dioxide emission reduction. Then, this study considers carbon dioxide emission changes from the perspective of sector, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The main purpose is to find out whether carbon dioxide emissions are affected by production shift across sectors or across countries. As for the scenario of ALL-Sector, there is a decrease of 34.09% in carbon dioxide emissions of China's industrial goods and a decrease of 16.28% in China's non-industrial goods. In terms of all nonabating countries, there is an increase of 8.61% in carbon dioxide emissions of industrial goods and an increase of 6.06% in carbon dioxide emissions of non-industrial goods. As for the scenario of IND-Sector, there is a decrease of 46.74% in carbon dioxide emissions of industrial goods and a reduction of 5.42% in non-industrial goods. Meanwhile, the non-abating countries show an increase of 7.97% in carbon dioxide emissions of industrial goods and 4.76% in non-industrial goods. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that production shift across sectors is not in proportion to carbon dioxide emission changes across sectors. This conclusion is quite interesting, since it implies that production shift across sectors is not the driving factor explaining carbon leakage across scenarios. Similarly, it can also be concluded that output relocation across countries may be insignificant in explaining differences in carbon leakage across scenarios. Finally, this study considers emission changes from the viewpoint of fossil fuels, as depicted in Fig. 4. The main purpose is to explore whether inter-fuel substitution and relocation of fossil fuel consumption across countries are important in explaining carbon leakage. As for the scenario of ALL-Sector, there is a large drop in carbon dioxide emissions from coal (31.47%), a significant decrease from oil (8.26%) and a large reduction from natural gas (18.77%) in China. In the non-abating countries, there is a significant increase in carbon dioxide emissions from coal (9.70%), and a moderate increase from oil (5.94%) and natural gas (5.89%). As for the scenario of IND-Sector, there is a large decrease in carbon dioxide emissions from coal (33.43%), a small decrease from oil (1.08%) and a large reduction from natural gas (14.41%) in China. In the meantime, the non-abating countries experience a moderate increase in carbon dioxide emissions from coal (9.03%), and a small increase from oil (4.60%) and natural gas (5.08%) respectively. In general, there are two types of effect which generate Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), 10 Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 considerable impact on carbon dioxide emissions. The first type of effect is termed as inter-fuel substitution effect. Carbon tax in China leads to relative price changes among fossil fuels. Then, relative price change results in inter-fuel substitution among fossil fuels. It is important to note that inter-fuel substitution effect does not affect carbon leakage directly, since leakage rate is calculated according to carbon dioxide emission changes across countries. The second type of effect is termed as rebound effect. In China, carbon tax curbs domestic fossil fuel consumption. Then, consumption reduction leads to price decrease in fossil fuel, when market supply remains constant. Low fossil fuel price encourages fossil fuel consumption, indicating rebound in fossil fuel consumption. Such rebound effect is mainly conducted within the abating country. It is noteworthy that rebound effect can be conducted across borders. Fossil fuel consumption reduction in China's market indicates total consumption reduction in international market. Consumption reduction drives down international fossil fuel price, when market supply remains constant. Low international fossil fuel price encourages fossil fuel consumption in the non-abating countries, thus implying rebound in fossil fuel consumption in these countries. Importantly, cross-border rebound effect implies relocation of fossil fuel consumption from the abating country to the non-abating countries. Relocation of fossil fuel consumption corresponds to relocation of carbon dioxide emissions across countries, thus inducing carbon leakage directly. 4.1.3. Leakage rate and carbon dioxide emission abatement cost This subsection focuses on two important indicators. The first indicator is leakage rate, which is calculated as the ratio of increased carbon dioxide emissions in the non-abating countries (the United States, Japan, India, the European Union, Brazil and Australia) to decreased carbon dioxide emissions in the abating country (China). In such a setting, leakage rate reflects the degree of carbon leakage. As presented in Table 3, the estimated leakage rate is 40.23% in the scenario of ALL-Sector, while leakage rate is 34.39% in INDSector. These results indicate that there is a moderate gap in leakage rate between these two scenarios. Therefore, taxation extension of sector coverage may be relevant to determining carbon leakage across countries. There are significant differences in the size of leakage rate among existing studies. Branger and Quirion (2014) found that leakage rate ranged from 5% to 25% with the mean of 14%, which was based on 25 existing studies. By comparison, the estimated leakage rate in this study is greater than that in existing studies. However, the leakage rate in this paper is still reasonable, since there is only one abating country in this manuscript. Burniaux and Martins (2012) held that the size of leakage rate was affected by many factors, such as the size of abating-country coalition, the shape of production function and coal supply elasticity. The second indicator is carbon dioxide emission abatement cost, which is defined as ratio of GDP loss relative to carbon dioxide emission reduction. In this study, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost refers to average abatement cost, instead of marginal abatement cost. Carbon dioxide emission abatement cost is used to capture the effectiveness of policy instruments. According to Table 3, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost is 100.00 USD/t in the scenario of ALL-Sector and 120.98 USD/t in INDSector. It can be found that our results are reliable, after making a comparison with the results of other studies. For example, Li and Lin (2013) estimated average carbon dioxide emission abatement cost of carbon tax and carbon tax with revenue recycling. Their estimated carbon abatement cost is about 400 RMB/t in the scenario of carbon tax and 330RMB/t in the scenario of carbon tax with revenue recycling. Cui et al. (2014) found that average carbon dioxide emission abatement cost ranged from 7.14 RMB/t to 98.80 RMB/t, covering the following provinces, i.e. Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hubei, Guangdong and Chongqing.2 They also found that there were rapid increasing trends of average carbon dioxide emission abatement cost with the increase of carbon intensity reduction. When intensity reduction target increased from 40% to 60%, average carbon dioxide emission abatement cost increased sharply from 16.18 RMB/t to 184.36 RMB/t. From the simulation results, it can be concluded that there are considerable differences in carbon dioxide emission abatement cost between the two scenarios. To put it differently, taxation extension of sector coverage can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emission abatement cost. Therefore, taxation extension of sector coverage may be important in determining costeffectiveness of carbon tax. 4.2. Combined effect of policy mixes This subsection discusses the combined impact of two policy mixes. The first policy mix is an integrated tax-tax policy, wherein all carbon tax revenue is recycled to reduce capital tax. The second policy mix is an integrated tax-subsidy policy, wherein carbon tax revenue is used to subsidize low-carbon energy. Overall, this subsection seeks to find out whether carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. 4.2.1. Impact of integrated tax-tax policy The impact of integrated tax-tax policy is discussed in this subsection. The purpose is to investigate whether revenue recycling can improve the performance. For simplicity, this study focuses on two performance indicators, with leakage rate reflecting carbon dioxide emission reduction efficiency and carbon dioxide emission abatement cost showing cost-effectiveness. The simulation results are presented in Table 3. As for the scenario of ALL-Sector, leakage rate (38.52%) in carbon tax with revenue recycling is slightly lower than that in carbon tax without revenue recycling (40.23%). In terms of the scenario of INDSector, leakage rate in carbon tax with revenue recycling (32.78%) is slightly lower than that in carbon tax without revenue recycling (34.39%), too. Then, the above results imply that revenue recycling can reduce carbon leakage to a certain degree, thus contributing to the world's carbon dioxide emission reduction. Meanwhile, as for the scenario of ALL-Sector, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost is 19.54 USD/t in carbon tax with revenue recycling, as is significantly lower than that in carbon tax without revenue recycling (100.00 USD/t). Furthermore, in terms of the scenario of IND-Sector, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost is 62.19 USD/t in carbon tax with revenue recycling, as is substantially lower than that in carbon tax without revenue recycling (120.98 USD/t). From the above results, it can be concluded that revenue recycling can reduce carbon dioxide emission abatement cost considerably, implying high performance of cost-effectiveness. Hence, revenue recycling may be important in determining carbon dioxide emission abatement cost. In sum, revenue recycling can reduce carbon leakage slightly and improve cost-effectiveness significantly. These results are as expected and the explanations are as follows. Revenue recycling implies low capital tax rate, which can encourage capital to replace energy during production process. Such inter-factor substitution 2 Cui et al. (2014) evaluated the scenario of the carbon emissions trading, which covers pilots (PETS). Total cost across provinces referred to the sum of cost of carbon dioxide emission abatement and the expenditure to buy emission rights. Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 results in low carbon dioxide emissions. In this way, revenue recycling can reduce carbon leakage and improve the emission performance. Furthermore, low capital tax rate encourages new capital inflow from other countries to China. More capital inflow advances domestic production. Then, revenue recycling can reduce carbon dioxide emission abatement cost and improve costeffectiveness of carbon tax. Nevertheless, China still suffers from overall output loss rather than overall output gain in the scenario of carbon tax with revenue recycling. Put it differently, these simulation results do not support the argument of “double dividends”. The results are not surprising, since carbon tax adds new distorting effect to the economy. Tax interaction between carbon tax and capital tax may function as a barrier to “double dividends”. 4.2.2. Impact of integrated tax-subsidy policy In this subsection, this study discusses the impact of integrated tax-subsidy policy. The purpose is to investigate whether lowcarbon energy subsidy can improve the performance. As presented in Fig. 5a, there are significant downward trends of carbon dioxide emission abatement cost, when low-carbon energy subsidy rate increases. In the scenario of ALL-Sector, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost is 98.53 USD/t, when low-carbon energy subsidy rate is 5%. In comparison, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost reduces to 41.05 USD/t, when low-carbon energy subsidy rate increases to 95%. In the scenario of IND-Sector, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost reduces from 119.76 USD/t to 73.76 USD/t, when low-carbon energy subsidy rate increases from 5% to 95%. Therefore, low-carbon energy subsidy reduces carbon dioxide emission abatement cost dramatically. From Fig. 5b, one can see that leakage rate tends to reduce, when low-carbon energy subsidy rate rises. In the scenario of ALL-Sector, leakage rate decreases from 40.18% to 37.38%, when low-carbon energy subsidy rate rises from 5% to 95%. In the scenario of INDSector, leakage rate reduces from 34.30% to 29.67%, when lowcarbon energy subsidy rate rises from 5% to 95%. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that low-carbon energy subsidy can have a moderate effect on carbon leakage. 4.3. Sensitivity analysis and the driving factors In this section, this study performs sensitivity analysis in order to identify the potential driving factors which affect the performance considerably. 4.3.1. Carbon intensity reduction This subsection discusses the impact of carbon intensity reduction, as illustrated in Fig. 6. The aim is to explore whether the size of carbon intensity reduction can affect the performance. Fig. 6a illustrates the relationships between carbon intensity reduction and carbon dioxide emission abatement cost. In the scenarios of both ALL-Sector and IND-Sector, there are significantly increasing trends of carbon dioxide emission abatement cost, when the size of carbon intensity reduction increases. Furthermore, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost increases drastically, especially when reduced carbon dioxide emissions account for a relatively high proportion of total carbon dioxide emissions. The results are not surprising, since increasing carbon dioxide emission intensity reduction implies the declining potential and growing difficulty in carbon dioxide emission reduction. Fig. 6b demonstrates leakage rate as a function of carbon intensity reduction. In the scenarios of both ALL-Sector and INDSector, there are moderately increasing trends of leakage rate, when the size of carbon intensity reduction increases. The explanations are as follows. When carbon intensity reduction rises, there 11 are relatively large energy price changes in China. Larger energy price changes in domestic market result in greater reduction in domestic energy consumption. Greater reduction in China's energy consumption leads to larger drops in international energy price. Consequently, larger drops in international energy price result in relatively large size of cross-border rebound effect, implying high carbon leakage. 4.3.2. Armington trade elasticity This subsection evaluates the impact of Armington trade elasticity on the performance, as demonstrated in Fig. 7. Fig. 7a depicts carbon dioxide emission abatement cost as a function of Armington trade elasticity. Clearly, there are dramatically increasing trends of carbon dioxide emission abatement cost in the two scenarios, when Armington trade elasticity rises. Fig. 7b displays leakage rate as a function of Armington trade elasticity. In the two scenarios, there are moderately growing trends of leakage rate, with the increase of Armington trade elasticity. Meanwhile, there are slight differences in the impact of Armington trade elasticity on leakage rate between the two scenarios. These above results are not surprising and the reasons are as follows. Higher Armington trade elasticity implies increasing substitution possibility between domestic goods and imported goods. Therefore, higher Armington trade elasticity corresponds to more competitiveness loss of China's producers in international competition. Additional competitiveness loss leads to larger output relocation from China to the non-abating countries. More output loss leads to higher carbon dioxide emission abatement cost. In addition, large output relocation across countries results in high carbon leakage across borders. 4.3.3. Energy supply elasticity This subsection considers the impact of energy supply elasticity on the performance. Figs. 8a, 9a and 10a illustrate the impact of price elasticity of three fossil fuels on carbon dioxide emission abatement cost respectively. As demonstrated in Fig. 8a, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost tends to decrease moderately, when coal supply elasticity rises. These results are not surprising, since large values of coal supply elasticity imply that coal supply can be elastic to coal price. In this case, carbon tax might result in smaller changes in coal price. Then, small coal price changes can generate small output loss. In this case, carbon dioxide emission abatement cost tends to decline. From Figs. 9a and 10a, it can be found that there is a negligible impact of oil supply elasticity and natural gas supply elasticity on carbon dioxide emission abatement cost. Therefore, oil supply elasticity and natural gas supply elasticity may be insignificant in determining carbon dioxide emission abatement cost, and have an insignificant effect on cost-effectiveness of carbon tax. Figs. 8b, 9b and 10b demonstrate leakage rate as a function of price elasticity of various fossil fuels. As illustrated in Fig. 8b, there are considerably diminishing trends of leakage rate, when coal supply elasticity increases. These results are not surprising and the explanations are mainly related to cross-border rebound effect. Large values of coal supply elasticity imply that coal supply is elastic to price changes. In other words, small changes in coal price can result in significant changes in coal supply. In this case, the same reduction in China's energy consumption causes smaller drops in coal price in international market. Then, there is a relatively small increase in coal consumption in the non-abating countries, indicating lower carbon leakage from China to the non-abating countries. Similarly, leakage rate tends to decline slightly, when oil or natural gas supply elasticity rises, as presented in Figs. 9b and 10b. In comparison with other fossil fuels, coal supply elasticity can play an important role in determining the size of leakage rate, because of Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z., et al., How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China?, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), 12 Z. Zhang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e13 coal-dominant energy consumption mix in China. 5. Conclusion and policy implications The Chinese government committed to reducing carbon intensity, controlling carbon dioxide emissions and promoting development of non-fossil fuels. Thus, it becomes a top priority for the Chinese government to adopt effective climate policies to curb domestic carbon dioxide emissions. It is noteworthy that welldesigned climate policies require detailed information regarding the potential driving forces that affect the performance. Under such circumstances, this paper develops a new multi-country general equilibrium model with detailed energy disaggregation. Here, this study evaluates the impact of both single policy instrument (carbon tax) and aggregate policy mixes. The purpose is to find out whether carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. Furthermore, this study performs sensitivity analysis to identify the driving factors affecting the performance of carbon tax in China. According to the simulation results and the above-mentioned discussion, this study puts forward the following conclusions. Firstly, cross-border externalities function as important barriers to unilateral carbon dioxide emission reduction. Through trade channel, competitiveness loss results in new output loss of the abating countries. In addition, through energy channel, crossborder rebound effect generates additional competitiveness loss. Furthermore, carbon leakage makes it difficult for the world to achieve anticipated carbon dioxide emission reduction target. Secondly, the integrated policy mixes can perform better than carbon tax alone, implying that carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. In this paper, two integrated policy mixes are covered. Carbon tax revenue is recycled to reduce capital tax in the integrated tax-tax policy and is used to subsidize lowcarbon energy in the integrated tax-subsidy policy. Two policy mixes show better performance than carbon tax alone, which implies that carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. Finally, all driving factors affecting the performance can be classified into two types. The first type of factors has a significant effect on cost-effectiveness, such as the size of carbon intensity reduction and Armington trade elasticity. The second type of factors generates a considerable effect on the emission performance, such as coal supply elasticity. Based on the above discussion and conclusions, this paper proposes the following policy implications regarding how to design China's carbon tax: Low carbon tax and low-carbon energy subsidy can be implemented simultaneously, given that policy mix can perform better than carbon tax alone. Meanwhile, high carbon tax rate has a substantial adverse effect on the economy and some sectors may be highly adversely affected. To overcome this barrier, carbon tax should begin with low tax rate. Besides, low-carbon energy subsidy can result in energy substitution from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy, without considerable negative impact on the economy. In this case, policy-makers should consider how to combine carbon tax and low-carbon energy subsidy in order to improve the performance. Looking ahead, more complicated policy mixes are preferred, in order to mitigate negative impact of cross-border externalities and high carbon tax rate. According to the simulation results, carbon tax revenue can be used to improve the performance. In this regard, other policy instruments can be combined with carbon tax, as long as new integrated policy mixes can improve the performance. In the future research, some limitations in the model can be overcome. Firstly, detailed analyses of low-carbon energy subsidy are quite interesting, which go beyond the focus of this study. Secondly, more countries can be added and the sectors should be further disaggregated. Thirdly, the existing climate policies outside of China should be added to the model. After overcoming the above limitations, researchers can produce more realistic simulation results and provide more useful policy suggestions for policy makers. 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