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Bone & Joint Infections MCQs and Problems

Omdurman Islamic University
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department
Bone & Joint Infections
1) Osteomelitis is:
Infection of the bone marrow.
Infection of a joint.
Infection of bone & bone marrow.
Infection of the periostum.
2) Regarding acute heamatogenous osteomyelitis, what is the correct order?
A. Inflammation, suppuration, bone necrosis, reactive new bone formation.
B. Inflammation, bone necrosis, suppuration, reactive new bone formation.
C. Inflammation, bone necrosis, reactive new bone formation, suppuration.
D. Inflammation, reactive new bone formation, suppuration, bone necrosis.
3) 55 years old diabetic man presented with severe R. knee pain, swelling, f
ever and difficulty with bearing weight. Physical examination revealed hotne
ss over the knee and ristricted knee movements. The best invistigation to co
nfirm the suspected diagnosis is?
C. Analysis of the fluid asirated from the knee joint
D. Knee MRI
4) Septic arthritis is bwst treated with:
A. Analgesia and antipyratics.
B. Analgesia and antibiotics.
C. Antibiotis and analgesia.
D. Surgical drainage and antibiotics.
5) The most common cause of bone and joint infection is:
A.S. pneumoniae.
B. Staphylococcus aureus.
c. H. influenzae.
D.Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Problem (1):
44 years old man underwent ORIF for open R. tibia fracture three m
onths ago. He prese nts to the clinic complaining from continous R. leg pai
n even at rest. Physical examination revealed a sinus which is discharging a
thick yelowish fluid.
1) Other important information you would like ask about in the history?
2) Other important signs you would look for them in the physical exam?
3) what is the chronological class if the disease?
4) How are you going to treat him?
Problm (2):
18 Months old girl brought to the emmergency department by his par
ents complaining from refusal to bear weight on her L. Lower limb, loss of
appetite and fever. She cries with any attempt to move her L. hip joint.
1)Mentioned two valid differetial diagnosis.
2)Which investigations are you going to request in order to reach the diagn
osi? Justify?
3)What are the expected complications?