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To say Education is vital is a real understatement

To say Education is vital is a real understatement. Education could be a weapon to enhance one’s life.
it's probably the foremost important tool to vary one’s life. Education for a child begins reception. it's a
lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the standard of an individual’s life.
Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most
noteworthy, Education affects the probabilities of employment for people. A highly educated individual
is maybe very likely to induce a decent job. during this essay on importance of education, we'll tell you
about the worth of education in life and society.
How is Stewardship Related to Time Management?
As we have already seen, how you manage your time affects your productivity levels.
See, God made us His co-creators. We are the managers of the resources that God has
given us, and at the end of time, He will judge each of us for the way we managed what
He gave us.
But here is the thing; we are here for a limited time. None of us will live in this fallen
world forever. Another thing to note is that we all have different time-frames within which
we are supposed to accomplish the plans of God on earth.
You cannot compare yourself to another person. We do not know when we will leave
this world, so we need to be careful about how we manage our time every single day.
How to be a Good Steward of Your Time
By: Haly Ministries | Published on: 30 May 2020Leave a Comment
“Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and
entrusted his wealth to them. To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two
bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his
journey.” – Matthew 25:14-15 (NIV)
At the end of your life, will you honestly say, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished
the race”? Or will you leave this world with regret in your heart because you wasted a lot
of time? Knowing how to be a good steward of your time will not only help you to
become productive, it will also help you to glorify God in all that you do.
Like Paul, you will leave this world with assurance that you fought a good fight and won
the race. The fact is we don’t have much time. Jeremy Tailor said, “God hath given to
man a short time here upon earth, and yet upon this short time, eternity
So what should we do? We need to be good stewards of the time God has given us.
What is the Meaning of Good Stewardship?
In the context of time, a good steward is someone who manages time in a way that
glorifies God. It is a person who doesn’t waste time on unnecessary things but strives to
live under God’s plans for their life.
Now, do we manage our time correctly?
No, not really. We get caught with things and situations that are not important from time
to time; that’s why we need to ask God for help. He is willing to help us get on track with
time management.
Stewardship and Time Management
What is Stewardship?
Simply put, stewardship is managing the resources God has given you for the glory of
God and the advancement of his creation. Time is one of the resources God has given
us to manage. (Colossians 4:5)
Being a good steward of time is an excellent way of honouring and expressing your love
to God.
Biblical Stewardship Principles
1. God is the owner of everything – Psalm 24:1
2. We are responsible for the resources God has given us – Matthew 25:16-18
3. You’ll give a personal account to God of how you managed your time – Matthew
4. God will reward you for the way you managed His resources – Matthew 25:21
How is Stewardship Related to Time Management?
As we have already seen, how you manage your time affects your productivity levels.
See, God made us His co-creators. We are the managers of the resources that God has
given us, and at the end of time, He will judge each of us for the way we managed what
He gave us.
But here is the thing; we are here for a limited time. None of us will live in this fallen
world forever. Another thing to note is that we all have different time-frames within which
we are supposed to accomplish the plans of God on earth.
You cannot compare yourself to another person. We do not know when we will leave
this world, so we need to be careful about how we manage our time every single day.
Stewarding your Time
Did you know that how you steward your time will primarily affect how you steward other
resources that God has given you?
Let’s say you spend time binge-watching TV shows instead of doing your job, the output
or value you were supposed to provide will be affected negatively. Producing low quality
work will, in turn, affect the people that were supposed to benefit from your product or
service. The results?
● Negative customer Feedback
● Risk of losing your job or business
● Not advancing the kingdom of God
Stewarding your time is very important. You should never take it lightly. But how do you
do it? How do you steward your time well?
My Testimony – God’s Calling & His Perfect Time
From my experience, a few years back the Lord told me to leave a ministry, I had been
working for 12 years, move to London and start learning digital marketing. God’s time
for me was to make a change. I was like that third steward. I could just stay where I was
or could be like Abraham moving into the unknown. It was the scariest thing I had ever
done in my life. I did not have anything in London waiting for me, but I knew if I did not
move out, I could miss the blessings of God, the next path of my future destiny.
I prayed and asked the Lord to lead me to people who could teach me digital marketing.
Instantly and miraculously, God did exactly like that. In this internet world, there are so
many scammers out there, but the Lord knew who was not. He introduced me to people
who want to see others succeed and think outside a box mentality, who do not think as
a religion thinks. Who are free to talk about money and also teach others how to create
wealth and to do it in a genuine way.
During a transition time and no job, I had to take a step of faith. I sowed money into my
future. I paid for a one-year membership and I had to buy a laptop. And you know what,
I went for the best laptop. I had to rely on God during the time of the unknown and with
no money coming in. Looking back, I am so grateful I was obedient. If I did not take a
step of faith, I would still be where I was. Maybe I would still continue working at the
same place, hiding one talent. If I stayed at the same place, I would not have moved
forward. I would be that unfaithful steward who did not do anything with what was given
to me because of fear.
The Lord was faithful and He introduced me to awesome people who know about how
online business works and who are genuine and honest. I think and believe it is a very
good platform designed for those who would like to work from home. God introduces us
to the best to learn from them and then go with what we have learnt and accomplish His
will in this day and age and ages to come.
I believe, we Christians must take every opportunity which is set before us. Maybe you
wanted to start your online home business or ministry a long time ago but was
bombarded with all the information and do not know where to start? You can get started
with your own niche business here.
In Provers 12:24 it says, “The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put
to forced labor.” If you want to see a breakthrough, you must be diligent, schedule your
time to learn and put into practice what you have learned.
Leo Tolstoy in the book “War and Peace” wrote, “The two most powerful warriors are
patience and time.” Are you tired of procrastinating, being stuck and behind God’s
schedule? You know what? It’s never too late. With patience and set aside time, YOU
with God’s help can change that!
How to Be a Good Steward of Your Time?
1. Take Responsibility
We are living in times when people do not like to take responsibility for their actions.
Sadly, this has also been embraced by folks in the church. We blame the devil,
government, pastors, children, parents for our bad experiences and habits.
But here is the thing at the end of it all we are going to be judged for how we spent the
resources that God gave us. So be responsible for how you manage your time.
Don’t be like the third servant who hid his talent instead of multiplying it. Instead of
complaining about how you don’t have enough time, find out how to steward your time.
The truth is we all have 24 hours in a day, and you can manage your time well, just the
way successful people steward their time. (Luke 19:24-25)
Will it be easy?
No, it will take time, but when you take responsibility and choose to take small steps
towards managing your time, you will find yourself in control of how you manage your
time in no time.
Plan Your Day
2. Plan
Planning your day will help you to avoid wasting time and the resources that God has
given you. There are so many free resources like daily, weekly, monthly planners, and
journals that you can get on the internet to manage your time. Carry out research and
get tools that are suitable for your plans and lifestyle.
We are wired differently, and that means we are productive at different times of the day.
Know your most productive time and then act accordingly. For example, if you are
productive in the morning, start your day early and make sure to start with your most
important tasks for the day.
In the creation story, we see how God planned everything before He started creating
them. God created the sun, moon, water bodies, plants, and animals before He created
man. Imagine if He created man then the rest of the things, Adam would have to dodge
trees and swim in the water to rescue himself. Be an imitator of God by planning your
time effectively.
Let your plans be realistic so that you can be motivated to fulfil them.
Find out where you are in your journey with time management. Write down where you
want to be in the next few weeks, months, or years and be honest about what is
stopping you from reaching where you want to be. Then plan on how to move from
where you are to where you want to be.
To make planning easy, you can use:
● Daily, weekly or monthly planners
● Time management software
● To-do lists
You can purchase these or create your own at home. There are so many free tutorials
online to help you develop planners or to-do lists. There are also free time management
apps and tools that you can find online and install them on your device.
3. Rely on God
Rely on God
It is good to plan your week, day, or month but there is so much that you can do.
The truth is you can plan your week or month, but only God knows how things will turn
out. Most of us made great plans at the end of last year or the beginning of this year,
but most of those plans have not been fulfilled because of the challenges that we are
facing right now. So, make it a point to seek God’s wisdom before you plan. (Proverbs
Like the Psalmist in Psalm 92:12, we should ask God to help us number our days. Your
heavenly Father knows what is happening and what will happen in the months to come.
God makes known the end from the beginning. When you surrender your time to Him,
He will help you to plan your days accordingly and teach you how to be a good
steward of your time.
4. Remove Distractions
There are so many things that can waste your time. Some are bad, while some are
good things that we don’t even notice are time wasters. Watching educational videos or
listening to podcasts can be useful, but they can also be harmful if you are letting them
overshadow your job, house chores or bible study.
Remove Distractions
A phone call from your friend is great, but if it is going to take up the time you were
supposed to spend in God’s presence or do that project, then that phone call is a
distraction. Getting rid of distractions is not as easy as we may think.
To effectively remove distractions in your life, you need to be honest with yourself. Take
time off your schedule and find out where you are in your journey today with time.
Measure that against your dreams and goals and find out the things that are distracting
you from meeting your goals.
Decide where you want to be and find out the things that are blocking you from reaching
that point and then decide how you are going to get rid of those time wasters or work
around them to accomplish the purpose of God in your life.
I myself have to turn off my mobile before I start doing important things. If I do not
remove it from my working desk or turn it off, I will get distracted. You probably all had
the same experience as me. As soon as you take a mobile, wanting to check out
important things, you find out you have wasted one hour on unimportant things.
5. Review Your Day
When you look at the creation story, you will notice that God would take time each day
to review His work. He looked at what He had created and saw that it was good.
Reviewing your day doesn’t mean spending time criticizing yourself over the mistakes
you made that day, week, or month. Reviewing is intended to help you grow and
improve in the way you manage your time. (Genesis 1:10)
At the end of the day spend some time alone answering these questions:
Review Your Day
● Did I do the most important things for the day?
● How long did it take me to accomplish each item on the list?
● Did I make any progress today?
● What can I do better tomorrow?
● Did I do everything today as unto God or as unto man?
6. Do Everything as Unto God
The best way to do something well is to find out your “why”. See, if you are doing things
just to get by then, it is only a matter of time before you get bored and start
procrastinating. Knowing your “why” will help you to wake up each morning with the
determination to do it.
Why do you do that project or chore?
The word of God tells us to do everything as unto God and not man. Why? When you
do things for God and not man, then you will be an effective steward because you will
be doing things from the point of rest. God is perfect, but He doesn’t expect us to do
things perfectly. He knows we are imperfect vessels, so when we serve Him, we do it
knowing that He loves us unconditionally. (Colossians 3:23)
The same cannot be said when you do things as unto man. See, no matter what you do,
man will never love you unconditionally, they may try, but at the end of it all, they will
judge you for the mistakes you made. When you do things as unto man, you end up
being frustrated and discouraged, and this will cause you to waste time.
Final Thoughts
Investing Time – Ten Life-Changing Principles from Rabbi Sacks
In conclusion, I would like to share these ten life-changing principles from Rabbi Sacks.
There are lots of wisdom here.
Learning how to be a good steward of your time will not only help you to be
productive, but it will help you to glorify God with your time. Stewarding your time also
causes you to be in control of your life, and this will help you to live a fulfilling life. To be
wise with your time, always have a plan, rely on God’s wisdom, remove distractions,
review your day and do everything as unto God.