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GST Mock Test Paper: Case Studies & Multiple Choice

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Total No of Questions – 4
Time Allowed – 1 Hours 10 Mins
Total No. of Printed Pages - 5
Maximum Marks – 40
All Questions are compulsory.
All questions relate to financial year 2020-21, unless stated otherwise in the question. Working notes should
form part of the respective answers. Wherever necessary, suitable assumptions may be made by the candidates
and disclosed by way of note.
Question 1: Case study based Multiple choice questions:
(a) Mr. X, a registered dealer of West Bengal gives the following information Case 1- if he is a trader
Case 2- if he is a manufacturer
Other information - His aggregate turnover in the preceding year is 110 lakhs. He opted to pay tax under
composition scheme. All intra state supply made by him in the current financial year is as under (1) Supply of goods liable for GST @ 12%
₹ 40,00,000
(2) Supply of services liable for GST @ 18%
₹ 8,00,000
(3) Supply of services exempted u/s. 11
₹ 2,00,000
(3) Interest on Bank deposits -exempt service
₹ 5,00,000
(4) Inward supplies liable under RCM @18%
₹ 2,00,000
Using the above information answer the following questions:
(i) The threshhold limit for Composition scheme in the state of West Bengal is Rs:
(A) 75 Lakhs
(B) 1.5 Crores
(C) 1 Crores
(D) 50 Lakhs
(ii) Current effective Rate for Manufacturers under composition scheme (CGST + SGST/UTGST) is:
(A) 2%
(B) 5%
(C) 1%
(D) 0.5%
(iii) Current effective Rate for Traders under composition scheme (CGST + SGST/UTGST) is:
(A) 2%
(B) 1%
(C) 5%
(D) 0.5%
(iv) In the above case, to opt for composition scheme Mr. X can also supply services of Value up to Rs:
(A) 10 lakhs
(B) 15 Lakhs
(C) Can not involve in supply of services
(D) 11 Lakhs
(v) Total GST payable by Mr. X, if he is a Trader:
(A) 48000
(B) 36000
(C) 86000
(D) 84000
(vi) Total GST payable by Mr. X, if he is a manufacturer:
(A) 50000
(B) 36000
(C) 86000
(D) 84000
Ding Dong (P) Ltd, a company engaged in supply of various types fire protection product like fire alarm,
extinguisher etc. has given you the following details. The turnover of the company as per last year audited
financial report is more than 500 crores.
(i) Payment of ₹ 5,00,000 made to an independent director on 10.1.2021 in respect to attending board meeting
held in the month of September’ 2020, the date of invoice is 30.9.2020.
(ii) Payment of ₹2,00,000 made in relation to settlement of a dispute to an arbitral tribunal. The date of invoice is
10.1.2021 and the payment date is 25.1.2021.
Based on the above information, you are required to determine the GST liability and the due date of payment of
tax, interest liability if any, if the company has paid GST on the above two transaction 20 th February,
2021.Assuming, the rate of GST is 18%, all transaction is made in the course of intra-state supply and value are
exclusive of GST.
Using the above information answer the following questions:
(i) The time of supply in case of payment to director is:
(A) 10.01.2021
(B) 30.09.2020
(C) 30.11.2020
(D) 20.12.2020
(ii) The time of supply in case of payment of arbitral fees is:
(A) 25.01.2021
(B) 12.03.2021
(C) 10.01.2021
(D) 20.02.2021
(iii) Amount of interest payable due to late payment of GST in case of payment to director is Rs:
(A) 1376
(B) 2752
(C) Nil
(D) 16200
Question 2:
(a) Whether e-way bill is required in the following cases?
(i) Mr. X, a registered LPG dealer needs to transport empty cylinders from Kolkata to Haldia to IOCL refilling
(ii) Goods moved from DTA to SEZ unit located in the same State.
(b) Mr. Lakhan provides Continuous Supply of Services (CSS) to M/s. TNB Limited. He furnishes the following
further information:
(i) Date of commencement of Providing CSS
(ii) Date of completion of Providing CSS
(iii)Date of receipt of payment by Mr. Lakhan
- 01-10-2020
- 31-01-2021
- 30-03-2021
Determine the time of issue of invoice as per provisions of CGST Act, 2017, in the following circumstances:
(i) If no due for payment is agreed upon by both under the contract of CSS.
(ii) If payment is linked to the completion of service.
(iii) If M/s. TNB Limited has to make payment on 25-03-2021 as per the contract between them.
Question 3: (a)
M/s. Maheshwari Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is a supplier of goods and services at Bangalore,
registered in the State of Karnataka having Turnover of ₹ 200 lakhs in the last financial year. It has furnished the
following information for the month of June, 2020.
Excluding GST
(1) Services provided by way of Labour Contract for repairing a single 1,30,000
residential unit otherwise than as a part of residential complex (It is an intra
state transaction.)
(2) Intra State Sale of Taxable Goods including ₹ 50,000 received as advance 2,50,000
in April 2020. The invoice for the entire sale value is issued on 15 th June,
3) Goods Transport Services received from GTA, GTA is paying tax @ 12% 1,80,000
(It is an interstate transaction.)
4) Goods Purchased from unregistered dealer on 20th June, 2020 (Interstate 80,000
purchases are worth ₹ 45,000 and balance purchases was intrastate)
Compute Net GST Liability (CGST, SGST, IGST as the case may be) of M/s. Maheshwari Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
for the month of June, 2020 assume the rates of GST, unless otherwise specified, as under: CGST -9%, SGST 9%, IGST – 18%.
(b) Know & Grow Publishers, a registered dealer in India, paid an advance ₹ 50,000 to Mr. Ganatra, an author,
for the copyright covered under Section 13(1) (a) of the Copyright Act, 1957, of his original literary work on 5 -
9-2020. It made the balance payment ₹ 1,50,000 on 12-12-2020. You are required to determine the time of supply,
if Mr. Ganatra raised the invoice on:
(i) 6-10-2020 or (ii) 17-12-2020
(c) Discuss the type of supply which is covered under E-Invoicing and who is responsible to issue such invoices?
Question 4:
(a) Compute taxable value of supply from the following information provided by Mr. X
1. Motor car given on hire to B Ltd which is engaged in business of running taxis and cars on
hire ₹12 lacs.
2. Vehicle given on hire of a capacity of 10 passengers to state transport undertaking ₹ 2 lacs.
3. Vehicle given on hire with a capacity of 24 passengers to state transport undertaking ₹ 5
4. Trucks given on hire to GTA ₹ 2 lakhs.
5. Vehicle given on hire to ABC Ltd. A manufacturing company ₹ 6 lakhs.
(b) Discuss The eligibility for QRMP Scheme?
(c) Who are the class of persons who are exempted from E-Invoicing?
(d) Decide which person is liable to pay GST in the following independent cases, where the recipient is located
in the taxable territory. Ignore the Aggregate Turnover and Exemption available.
(i) Mr. Raghu provided sponsorship services to WE-WIN Cricket Academy, an LLP.
(ii) “Safe Trans”, a Goods Transport Agency, transported goods of Kapil & Co., a partnership firm which is not
registered under GST.