Home » Inggris Maritim » Soal Jawab Inggris Maritim Soal Jawab Inggris Maritim Add Comment Inggris Maritim 04 February 2011 I. Change these sentences in to passive voices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Naval architects design ships the royal navy has ordered two new war ships people must prepare the plate properly the queen will loach the tanker tomorrow next we weighed the piece of metal jawab: Ship are designed by naval architects (it) Two new ships has been ordered by it. The plate must be prepared properly by them The tanker will be loach tomorrow by her The piece of metal was weighed next by us. II. Arrange these words become completed sentences ; Economical – a diesel engine – than – is – a petrol engine – more. A diesel engine s more economical than a patrol engine. 2. Internal combustion engine – similar –the diesel engine – a form of – is – to that used – in bus. The diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine similar to that use in a bus. 3. Is – developed – the power – effective horse power – in the cylinder – the piston – by. Effective horse power is the power developed by the piston in the cylinder. 4. Transferred – the propeller shaft – this rotary motion – is – to – by gears. The rotary motion is transferred to the propeller shaft by gears 5. A modern marine diesel engine – the power – of about 40.000 brake horse power – is – out put. A modern marine diesel engine is the power out put of about 40.000 bhp. 1. III. Find the corresponding pairs on the right side 1. The engine reduced speed * slowing the ship down. 2. Friction is increased by * making a surface roughter 3. Reducing the carbon content * make it softer. 4. The hole had to be mode large * Before the golf would fit. 5. The gap between the two vessels * become wider. 6. Careful navigation is * caused by good management. 7. Lock of maintenance causes * Structural strain. 8. A gas turbine engine is more * Very light and easily removed. 9. A diesel engine is more * Economical then a patrol engine 10. Light travels more * Quickly than sound. II. A. TRANSLATE THE TEXT BELLOW INTO INDONESIAN In steam turbines high pressure steam is directed into a series of blades or vanes attached to a shaft, causing it To rotate .This rotary motion is transferred to the propeller shaft by gear .Steam is produced by boiling water in a boiler, Which is fired by oil .Recent developments in steam turbines which have reduce fuel consumption and raised power out put have made then more attractive as an alternative to diesel power in ship. They are 50% lighter and on very large tankers some of the steam can be used to drive the large cargo oil pumps. Turbines are often used in container ship, which travel at high speed. Turbin uap,uap bertekanan tinggi pd torbin uap diarahkan keserangkaian sudu2 yg terpasang pd sebuah poros menyebabkan rangkaian itu brputar.Uap dihasilkan oleh air panas dlm sebuah ketel yg dinyalakan oleh b.bakar .Perkembangan2 terakhir terhadap turbin uap yg mana mengurangi konsumsi b.bakar dan meningkatkan tenaga keluar sbagai sebuah pilihan terhadap tenaga diesel di kpl. Turbin2 uap 50% lebih ringan , dan pd bebrapa kpl tanker besar uap itu dpt digunakan utk menjalankan pompa2 kargo diatas kpl. Turbin2 ini juga digunakan kpl2 pti kemas yg maana bergerak dgn kecepatan tinggi . III. ARRANGE THE DISORDERED WORDS BELLOW INTO RIGHT SENTENCES. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Are types, engine,of,main,marine,four,there. Supply,for,starting,are,used to, compressore,Air, air,compressed,engines. Either,or,oil, water,used,are,coolers,for,cooling. Power,as,expressed,The , of,engine, diesel,is,brake, horse power. White, place, the rise, pressure,in, take, combustion. Jawab: There are four types of marine main engine. Air compressors used supply compressed air for starting engine. Cooler are used for cooling either oil or water. The power of diesel engine is expressed as BHP. Take places with in the rise pressure combustion. Naskah III Close procedure ; I. 1. Auxiliary machinery covers everything Mechanical on board except the main engine ,boilers and pipes. 2. Stand Ultra large Crude carrier which is a type of tankers having over 500000 dead weight Tonnage . 3. The chief Engineer is responsible to the master for the engine department and looks after the engine running of the department. II. Translation 1. Chief Engineer is observing the propulsion of the new engine number two in the engine room right now. → KKM sedang memantau mesin pennggerak no 2 skr ini di kmr mesin. 2. Fruit, meats,and dairy produce which need cold temperature are generally carried in refrigerated ship. → Buah daging danm susu biasanya dimuat dgn kpl yg memiliki mesin pendingin krn membutuhkan suhu yg dingin. 3. Chemically there is no differences between the gas ,the liquid and solid,all of which are made up of molecules with the formula → Bahan kimia tdk terdapat perbedaan antara gas , cair dan padat semuanya dibuat berdasarkan susunan rumusnya 4. The successful operation of the vessel also depends upon the smoothness of the chief engineer,s work. → Keberhasilan pengoperasian kapal juga tergantung atas kecakapan dr KKM bekerja 5. It is important to learn foreign languages particularly English for seaman nowadays → Akhir2 ini penting sekali mempelajari bahasa asing terutama sekali bhs utk pelaut III.SHIPPING TERMS LNG Carriers → Specialist ships designed to carry liquid natural gas only 2. Middle Watch : → Is time duty at 08.00 to 24.00 3. Ice Breaker : → Ship designed for part bow for breaker ice. 4. Deratisation Certificate: → Certificate issued quarantine and healthy officers 1. 5. Turbine : → Propulsion power with change energy potential to energy kinetic by steam 6. Quarter Master : → He is a rating ,deck department. 7. Effective Horsepower : → Thermo energy converted to be power shaft. 8. The Suiz Canal : → Direct line from middle east to eropa NASKAH IV. I. Join Logical Connective 1. Tankers usually operated as specialist vessel BUT Tankers sometimes operate as tramps. 2. Multi deck vessel have tween decks ALSO twin deck help stowage. 3. The crew saved the ship and the cargo. II. Join Relative Clauses. 1.Merchant ship carry the cargo AND it may be divided into two basic type : bulk cargo and general cargo 2. An officer may become the master of this own ship BUT he has the right qualifications and experience. 4. Ventilators are positioned over the cargo hold FOR air flows through these. III Explain. 1. COOLER → Medium for make temperature comedown 2. Air Compressor → Specialize designed for produced air pressure. 3. Bulkheads 4. Double Bottom tanks → Part of construction ,the bottom and beside 0f ship for put some liquid. 5. Bulk Cargo. → Ship designed to carry bulk cargo. 6. LINERS → Ship Voyage continued 7. OIL TANKER → Specialized designed for carry liquid cargo. 8. GENERATOR. → Construction for produced electric power 9. WELDING → Processing for connect two part of metal. 10 FUUL SPEED DIESEL ENGINE → Maximum rotation from a diesel engine at the ship IV. corresponding pairs on the right side 1. poor lubrication causes FRICTION. 2. breakdown result from LACK OF MAINTENANCE 3. heat loss leads to A REDUCTION IN POWER 4. accident are caused by CARELESSNESS 5. instability is the cause of STRUCTURAL STRAIN 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. V. make these sentences into passive voice outside companies usually do the electrical work plumbing and any woodwork # the electrical work ,plumbing and any work wood usually do by outside companies 2. The owner accepted the ship from the builder # The ship from the builder accepted by the owner 3. Two men are welding the plate # The plate will be welded by them VI. Translate into Indonesia Although the dry bulk cargo stow itself, it is important to maintain the ship stability and to make sure that the cargo not move during the voyage # walaupun muatan curah kering memuat sendiri, adlh penting memelihara stabilitas kpl dan untuk meyakinkan bahwa muatan tdk akan bergerak selama dlm perjalanan The diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine and its power is expressed as brake horsepower (BHP*) # Mesin diesel adlh format dr mesin pembakaran dalam dan tenaganya dinyatakan dlm satuan tenaga kuda auxiliary machinery covers everything mechanical on board ship expect the main engines and boiler # permesinan Bantu menunjang semua permesinan keculi mesin induk dan ketel a viscosity regulator automatically controls the temperature of the oil fuel leaving the heater to maintain its viscosity within close limits. # Suatu pengatur kekentalan yg secara otomatis mengendal.ikan temperature dr b bakar minyak yg mininggalkan alat pemanas utk memelihara sifat kekentalannya didalam batas yg dekat. NASKAH V. I. translate the following text into Indonesian! Whenever one surface moves over another,a forse is set up which resist the movement.this force,which we call friction,always opposes motion.it exists in every machine.it can be reduced by lubricat6ion but never completely removed.in general,the force opposing motion is slightly greater before one surface starts moving over another a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d e III. surface than after movement has started.This slightly grater force is called static friction.the force which must be overcome to keep one surface moving over another is known as sliding friction. static friction is greather than sliding friction. Terjemahan... Suatu pengatur yg sifatnya merekat secara otomatis mengendalikan temperatur dari bahan bakar minyak yg meninggalkan alat pemanas utk memelihara sifat perekatnya didlm.adapun batas dekat suatu permukaan adalah kekuatan yg lain,kekautan A disediakan pergerakan lapisan pelindung.kekuatan ini disebut friksi.selalu berlawanan dgn gerakan itu.gerakan yg berlawanan itu ada ditiap mesin.peristiwa itu dpt dikurangi oleh pemberian minyak lumas tetapi tdk perna dgn sepenuhnya dipindahkan dlm mengangsur permukaan yg lain dibanding setelah pergerakan itu dimulai.kekuatan yg sedikit lebih besar ini disebut friksi yg statis.kekuatan yg harus digunakan utk memelihara satu permukaan yg lain. Friction always occurs when there is movement between surface. We can remove all sliding friction by lubricating moving surfaces. To start a body moving requires a greater force than to keep it moving, Sliding friction opposes motion. Friction is a force. Jawab: Gesekan sering terjadi bilamana gerakan antara dua buah permukaan yg bersinggungan. kita dpt menghilankan semua gesekan luncur dg memberi pelumasan pd permukaan tsbt. untuk memulai pergerakan benda membutuhkan gaya yg baik dibanding pergerakan yg berkelanjutan. gerakan gesekan luncur bolak balik. gesekan adalah suatu gaya. Complete pollowing passage # The chief engineer is HEAD of the engine department .He is ASSIST by second ,THIRD, fourth and ALSO fifth engineer.An electrical officer are storekeeper and PUMPMAN on tankers there is s RATING He is also a petty OFFICER .The engine room ratings are firemen and punpman. 1. second engineer: it is responsibility for main engine. 2. auxiliary machiner:all machinery on board are supported operational except main engine. 3. engine governor:part of engine device for regulated. 4. emergency alarm:make a the sound warning to all crew on board for something happen 5. Helmet:safety equipment for proteck on the head 6. Fresh water:natural water we can drink,clean and other. 7. Piston:engine device moving inside the cyl to suct and compres air for froduced the power. 8. Screw driper:tools equipment for tight and loose bolt 9. Air compressor:A machinery to produced air pressure. 10. Engine room:place on board for put all auxiliary machinari and main engine. FRICTION 5 Whenever one moves another, A Force is set up which resists THE MOVOMENT,This force, which we call friction,always opposes motion.it exists in every machine. it can be reduced by lubrication but never completely removed. in general, the force opposing motion is slightly greater before one surface starts moving over another surface than after movement has started. This slightly greater force is called static friction. The force which must be overcome to keep one surface moving over another is know as sliding friction. Static friction is greater than sliding friction. I. Bilamana suatu permukaan bergerak dg permukaan yg lain ada gaya suatu tahanan pda pergesekan tsb.gaya ini biasa disebut dg gesekan,selalu pda gerak berlawanan.kejadian ini selalu terjadi pd setiap permesinan.hal itu dp dikurangi dg pelumasan tetapi tdk sepenuhnya dpdicegah.pd umunya gaya gerak bolak balik agakbaik sebelum pergerakan permukaan dimulai antara yg satu dg yg lain kemudian terjadi pergerakaan pda permukaan yg telah berlanjut. Gaya seperti ini biasanya disebut gesekan statis gaya ini harus senantiasa dpt mengatasi gesekan permukaan yg berlebihan seperti yg kita ketehui adalah gesekan meluncur gesekan statis lebih baik pd geswekan meluncur. - Naskah IX TRANSLATE 1. mesin diesel dr sebuah silinder dimana sebuah torak dpt bergerak turun dan naik Diesel engine from a cylinder apiston can make of move to go down and to up. 2. mesin mesin harus dirawat dgn teratur untuk menghindari kerusakan -. Engine have to be taken care of consecutively to avoid the damage 3. pergerakan torak keatas menyebabkan tenaga gas dlm silinder -. The movement of piston go up cause the gas pressure in cylinder 4. katup pengaman dipasang untuk menghindari kecelakaan dan kerusakan serius -. Safety valve attached to avoid serios damage and accident 5. kecepatan di kurangi untuk menurunkan beban pd mesin. Speed lessening to degrade the burden of the engine. II. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION 1.what would happen if the valve from the fuel supply tank was not open = at the time engine start, the engine run and a few moment later the engine stop. 2.what would you do if the oil viscosity was too high = please check the LO cooler. 3.where would you look if the engine was running too fast = look from indicator of engine rotation. 4.what would happen if there was water in the fuel = the engine rpm not stabil and the engine will be blackout. III. . CONCISE DEFINITION 1.TRANSFORMER = is rectifier of electrcs current. 2.BOWTHRUSTER = is appliance which is using for the maneuvering.of the ship. 3.COOLER = is appliance heat exchanger where its medium use the sea water or fresh water. 4.SCREW DRIVER = is instrument for open screw or tighten the screw. 5.GOGGLES = is spectacles using at the times of welding and grimling atc. 6.GOVERNOR = is appliance of regulator of machine rotation,so that remain to stablise at the time of fuul rotation . IV.ARRANGE THE FOLLOWING WORDS INTO A MEANINGFUL SENTENCIS! a.Get-poor-parts-with-engine-lubrication-wornget. +.Get poor lubrication get worn with engine part b.Cooled-liquefies-is-gas-when-acertain-it-temperature-below. +.Gas is liquefies when cooled it below a certain temperature. c.Point-water-becomes-boiling-reaches-it-steam-when. +.water boiling when point it steam become reaches. d.Engine-internal-into-mechanical-chemicai-energy-an-energy-combution-comverts. +.Engine internal combution energy comverts on chemicai into mechanical energy naskah X GIVE CONCISE DEFINITION TO THE GIVEN TERMS. 1. Life boat : Ship carry life boat so that crew will save on board if the ship sink. 2. Chief engineer : is a head of the engine department, and he is responsible to the master for the day to day running of his department. 3. Oiler : is a rating who responsibility for lubricating part of engine. 4. Pump : is a type for transferring of water/oil/ to and from tank. 5. Passenger : A passenger ship has been designed to carry passengers, but some can also carry small amounts of cargo. 1. 2. 3. 4. TRANSLATION. Beberapa engineer sedang memperbaiki mesin induk yg rusak. # The engineers repairing of main engine is trouble. Beberapa katup pengaman dipasang untuk mencegah kecelakaan dan bahaya. # A few safety valve install for protect accident and dangerous. Sore ini saya akan turun kapal bersama masinis II # This afternoon I will go to shore with 2nd. ABK biasanya memulai pekerjaannya pada jam 08.00 pagi. # The crew usually to begin work at 08.00 AM. NASKAH VI I.Chief engineer : is a head of the engine department, and he is responsible to the master for the day to day running of his department. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Bridge : Center of activity for controlling when the ship sailing, and place of navigation appliance. Auxiliary machinery : covers everything mechanical on board ship except the ME. Liquid bulk cargo : special designed to carry liquid bulk cargo. Hull : Ship side construction for supporting from out side. Cooler : medium for make temperature come down. Viscosity regulator : A equipment for control viscosity of oil / lub oil. Expansion : processing inside the cylinder after combustion stroke. Reciprocating motion ; Moving piston inside the cylinder from BDC to TDC continued. Bunker : transferring fuel oil from ship to ship or from station to ship. II. TRANSLATION & GRAMMAR Translate these sentences into good Indonesian The chief Engine is observing the rotation of the main engine in the engine room. → KKM itu sedang memperhatikan putaran mesin induk di dalam kamar mesin Auxiliary Machinery covers everything mechanical on board ship except the main engines and boilers → Permesinan Bantu di atas kapal adalah semua yang menunjang operasional di atas kapal kecuali mesin induk dan boiler Effective Horse Power is the power developed by the piston in the cylinder but some of this is lost by friction within the engine. → Tenaga efektif mesin di hasilkan oleh piston di dalam silinder,tetapi ada tenaga yang hilang akibat dari gesekan pada mesin High pressuresteam is directed into a series of blades or vanes attached to a shaft. → Tekanan tinggi dari uap lansung masuk menekan sudu turbin untuk memutar poros. 5. A lot of equiqment is duplicated, so that for example, one generator can be overhauled without cutting off the supply electricity to the ship new modern cruise ship will be launched by the minister tomorrow. → Banyak peralatan yang menjadi contoh, ceperti contohnya, sutu generator dapat di bongkar tampa harus mematikan sumber listrik,teknologi kapal pesiar canggih ini akan diluncurkan oleh mentri besok. IV.Logical Composition 29/10/04 – MT Boston –Greek fleg – Durban to Bombai – Crude oil – Mozambique and Mombassa – Indian Ocean – India – 12 dais of voyage – 5 days unloading – 16/11/04 return. # On oktober the twenty nine 2004, the mt boston under the greek flag leparted from Durban to Bombay , with a cargo of crude oil , she colled oil, she colled at mozambigue and Mombassa ,and than saited straight a cross the Indian ocean to India .her voyage lasted twelve day of voyage, she spent five day un loading the cargo in Bombay and begain her return voyage on sixteen November 2004 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Definitions: Passenger : A passenger ship has been designed to carry passengers, but some can also carry small amounts of cargo. General cargo ship : this freighter carries cargo in bags, boxes, crates or cargo coming in pieces. Dry bulk carrier : dry bulk cargo (grain,ore,coal,etc) is unpacked cargo of one commodity. Tankers : carry liquids in bulk. VLCC : A very large crude carrier, carries enormous quantities of crude oil. Containers : are stowed in rows (a beam), bays (fore to after and riers (layers). RORO : cargo is rolled on and rolled off the vessel by lorries, so no cargo handling equipment is required. CALON RAJA KAPAL Tempat Belajar Bersama soal Dunia Maritim Dan Segala Hal Tentang Ilmu Navigasi Home SUKSES UKP NAUTIKA ENGLISH S. PELAYARAN DIKLAT DINAS JAGA VIDEO Friday, November 1, 2013 soal jawab UKP bahasa Inggris edisi 5 Bahasa Inggris UAD (Naskah 1) Terjemahkan kisah dibawah ini kedalam Bahasa Indonesia yg baik dan benar : The Sibigo of the Netherlands merchant navy was caught in a cyclone in the Coral Sea on M arch 16, 1945, and foundered with the greater part of her 85 men crew. Only 13 survivors were picked up by a steamer of the same nationality after having been drifting about on two raft for several days. Among those who were rescued were the second officer and the chief wireless operator. The former reported that the captain did all in his power to save the vessel and her crew. The gale commanded at 11 a.m. on March 13. Tremendous seas battered the ship, the engines broke down and the holds were making water. The boats were all washed overboard so that, when the order was given to abandon the disabled vessel, rafts had to be flung overboard. The two wireless operators and some men of the crew managed to find momentary safety on one of the rafts. The chief radio officer reported that the last he saw of the captain and the first officer was that they were standing together on the navigating bridge of sinking vessel. The raft was overturned several times and the second wireless operator and a native sailor were drowned. The wreck was rolling heavily and suddenly she was seen to turn over on her beam-ends. She righted herself again for moment and next went down stern first. The raft was tossed about helplessly for four days, the castaways living on tins of milk and meat, but lacking drinking water all together. On March 20 a search plane spotted them and enable to land on the rough seas, dropped food supplies. A gunner’s mate left the raft to try and secure the supplies, but his strength giving out, he was drowned. Of the six rafts that had left the ship only two were found, carrying thirteen survivors. In spite of an extensive search by sea and air not a trace was discovered of the other rafts. The Sibigo was built in Rotterdam and in 1928 taken over by the Royal Packet Navigation Company for the inter island trade in the Netherlands East Indies. When the Japanese invaded this island, the Sibigo managed to escape unharmed from the port of Tjilatjap on the South coast on central java, arriving in a West Australia port on March 7, 1942. Afterwards she made many trips between Australia and New Guinea, carrying supplies for the allied armies. Tenggelamnya Kapal Sibigo Kapal Sibigo dari pelayaran niaga Belanda terperangkap didalam badai laut Coral pada tanggal 16 Maret 1945, dan tenggelam serta sebagian besar dari awak kapal sebanyak 85 orang, hanya 13 yang selamat yang diangkut oleh sebuah kapal dengan berkebangsaan yang sama setelah terapung-apung diatas dua buah rakit untuk beberapa hari. Diantara mereka yang selamat terdapat Mualim II dan Markonis Kepala, Perwira Radio Kepala. Mualim II nya melaporkan bahwa nakhoda telah melakukan segala sesuatu menurut keemampuannya untuk menyelamatkan kapal dan awaknya. Badai mulai pada jam 11 pagi; pada tanggal 13 Maret, ombak besar menghantam kapalnya sehingga mesinnya macet dan palka-palka kemasukan air, sekoci-sekocinya terlempar ke laut. Sehingga sewaktu perintah untuk meninggalkan kapal yang malang itu, rakit-rakit telah dilemparkan ke laut. Kedua perwira radio dan beberapa awak berhasil untuk keselamatan sementara diatas salah satu dari rakit-rakit tersebut. Perwira radio kepala melaporkan bahwa terakhir ia melihat nakhoda dan mualim I nya ada sewaktu mereka berdiri bersama di anjungan dari kapal yang sedang tenggelam. Rakitnya terbalik beberapa kali dan perwira radio II nya dan seorang pelaut pribumi tenggelam. Kerangka kapal sedang mengoleng keras dan kemudian tenggelam dgn buritannya dahulu.. Rakitnya terombang-ambing tanpa daya selama 4 hari dan mereka yg selamat hidup dgn susu kaleng dan daging. Namun tanpa sama sekali air minum. Pada tgl 20 maret, pesawat udara pengintai melihat mereka dan karena tidak mungkin mendarat di ombak yang keras, mereka menjatuhkan pasokan—pasokan makanan. Seorang penembak meninggalkan rakit untuk berusaha mendapatkan pasokan-pasokan tsb tetapi habis kekuatannya dan ia tenggelam. Dari keenam rakit yang meninggalkan kapal, hanya dua yg ditemukan kembali, yg mengangkut 13 korban. Meskipun pencarian yg luas melalui laut dan udara, tidak menemukan jejak rakit—rakit yang lain. Kapal Sibigo dibangun di Rotherdam dan pada tahun 1928 diambil alih oleh Perusahaan Royal Packet Navigation Company, untuk pelayaran antar pulau di Hindia Belanda. Waktu Jepang memasuki kepulauan ini, kapal Sibigo berhasil melarikan diri tanpa cedera dari pelabuhan Cilacap di pantai selatan jawa tengah dan tiba di Australia Barat pada tgl 7 Maret 1942. Kemudian kapal tsb melakukan banyak sekali pelayaran antara Australia dan Papua New Guinea, dgn mengangkut pasokan-pasokan utk tentara-tentara sekutu. Abbreviations FIOST: Free in out Stowed and Trimmed. Meaning that all cargo costs will be borne by the charterer, free for the vessel. LayCan : Laydays and Canceling date. Example. 15-30 Sept. 2004. meaning that vessel does not have to arrive as cargo not ready yet but not after 30 Sept. (canceling date). MOLOO :More Or Less Owners Option To be inserted in the charter party to prevent the owners from being claimed by the Charterer in case not all the cargo contracted can be lifted, to be declared by the master before completion of loading. Example. “10000 tons 10 % MOLOO to be declare by the master 12 hours before completion of loading”, that mean if 10 % less than 10000 tons, vessel can not be claimed. CQD : Customary Quick Dispatch. In accordance with customary speed in port. TLO : Total Loss Only. Condition that used if detriment is total loss ( actual, constructive, pressured ). Indemnity only if total loss. B/L : Bill of Lading is evidence of a contract of carriage. CTL : Constructive Total Loss. If the costs to return the ship in the condition before the damage will exceed the value of the ship when repaired. GA : General Average. There is GA act. When and only when any extra ordinary sacrifice or expenditure is intentionally and reasonable make or in cure for the common safety, to preserve from perils the property involved in common maritime adventure. NOR : Notice of Readiness That the ship is in all respects ready to load or discharge. WWDSHEX (Weather Working Days Sundays and Holidays Excepted) Only working days, weather permitting will be counted, while Sundays and holidays are excepted. WIFPON (Weather in Free Pratique Or Not) NOR may be tendered before free pratique is obtained. WICCON (Weather In Custom Clearance Or Not) Cargo operations may begin prior to obtaining custom clearance. LIFO : Liner In Free Out Loading costs is to be borne by the ship while discharging will be borne by the cargo or charterer. WIBON (Weather In Berth Or Not) NOR may be tendered although the vessel has arrived. Demurrage A penalty to be paid by the charterer as loading/discharging exceeds the time allowed. Dispatch The opposite of Demurrage, a kind of a bonus to be paid by the owners for having his ship earlier back than the time allowed, but dispatch is only half demurrage. LOF : Lloyd Open Form A salvage contract based on no cure no pay. a.a.r : Against All Risk Bahasa Inggris UAD (Naskah 2) Terjemahkan pemberitahuan dan kisah kapal dibawah ini kedalam bahasa Indonesia yg baik. Notice to the Master of Liberian mv " Challenger " The undersigned Capt. "John Doe" of the Indonesian mv. "Bahtera" also on behalf of his Owners and Underwriters hold you and your Owners solely responsible for the loss and damage done to his vessel as a consequence of the collision with your vessel in the Strait of Singapore on June 8th 2002 at 04.00 Singapore time and invite you to witness the damage to his vessel. The mv. "Bahtera" is expected to arrive at Singapore on June 8th 2002 at 08.00 Singapore time. Marine Note Of Protest Today, June 8th 2002. the undersigned Capt John Doe, Master of the Indonesian mv "Bahtera" registered at the port of Jakarta, appeared before the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore and declared as follows : That his vessel left the port of Belawan, North Sumatera on June 7th 2002 after loading about 5000 tons of general cargo bound for Bangkok, Thailand; That during the middle watch at abt 03.50 Singapore time whilst proceeding eastbound in the Singapore Traffic Separation Scheme all of a sudden another vessel loomed up from the dark and struck us at our portside forward in way of our forepeak; That the mv "Bahtera" was proceeding in the proper line i.e the eastbound lane of the T.S.S. - That it later appeared that the other vessel was the Liberian mv. Challenger; That the weather at the time of collision was raining heavily andd visibility was very poor caused by the torrential rains; That the mv"Bahtera" was proceeding on a safe speed of about 5 knots and was sounding the prescribed fog signals; - That no fog signals were heard from the Challenger; That after exchanging vessel’s names and ports of departure and ports of destination and learning that his assistance was not needed, he decided to proceed to Singapore for repairs of the damage thereby sustained; That he had sent notice on behalf of his owners and underwriters holding the master of the mv challenger and his owners solely responsible for the damage done to his vessel and had invited the master of mv Challenger to witness the damage done to hiss vessel; That he reserves his rights to extend this note of protest at time and place convenient. Legalized by : the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Singapore, June 8th 2002 Witnesses : Chief Mate Second Mate Quartermaster Capt. John Doe Master mv Bahtera Pemberitahuan kpd KM Liberia “Challenger” Yg bertanda tangan dibawah ini Capt. John Doe, KM Indonesia “Bahtera”, juga atas nama pemiliknya dan asuransi menyatakan bhw anda dan pemilik kapal anda ber tanggung jawab penuh atas kerugian dan kerusakan yg terjadi pada kapalnya sbg akibat tubrukan dgn kapal anda di Selat Singapore pd tgl 8 juni 2002 pd pkl 04.00 wkt Singapore dan mengundang anda menyaksikan kerusakan pd kapalnya. KM ‘Bahtera” diperkirakan tiba di Singapore pd tgl 8 juni 2002 pd pkl 08.00 wkt Singapore. Kisah Kapal Pd hari ini tgl 8 juni 2002, yg bertanda tangan dibawah ini Capt. John Doe, naakhoda dari KM Indonesia “Bahtera” terdaftar dipelabuhan JKT, menghadap didepan konsul jenderal RI di Singaapore danmenerangkan sbb : Bahwa kplnya meninggalkan pelabuhan Belawan, Sumatera Utara pd tgl 7 juni 2002 setelah memuat kuraang lebih 5000 ton muatan campuran dgn tujuan Bangkok, Thailand. Bahwa sewaktu jaga tengah malam pd kira-kira pkl 03.50 wkt Singapore, wkt sedang berlayar kearah timur di bagan pemisah lalu lintas Singapore tiba-tiba sebuah kapal lain muncul dari kegelapan dan menabrak kami disebeah kiri depan disekitar ceruk haluan kami. Bahwa KM Bahtera sedang berlayar dialur yg tepat ialah dialur timur dari daerah bagan pemisah lalu lintas. Kemudian ternyata bhw kpl yg lain tsb adalah KM Challenger dari Liberia. Bhw cuaca pd saat tubrukan hujan deras dan jarak pandang adalah sangat pendek disebabkan krn hujan deras. Bhw KM Bahtera sdg berlayar dgn kecepatan aman kira-kira 5 mil laut / jam dan sdg membunyikan isyarat-isyarat kabut yg ditentukan. Bhw tidak ada isyarat-isyarat kabut terdengar dari kpl Challenger. Bhw setelah pertukaran nama-nama kpl dan pelabuhan tolak dan pelabuhan tujuan dan mendengar bhw bantuannya tdk dibutuhkan, maka ia memutuskan utk menuju ke Singapore utk perbaikan kerusakan yg dialaminya. Bhw ia telah mengirim pemberitahuan atas nama pemiliknya dan asuransinya dan menyatakan nakhoda KM Challenger bertanggung jawab penuh atas kerusakan yg dilakukan atas kapalnya dan mengundang nakhoda dari KM Challenger utk menyaksikan kerusakan pd kapalnya. Bhw ia mempertahankan haknya utk menambah kisah kapal ini apabila dibutuhkan. Diketahui oleh : Konsul Jenderal RI Singapore pada tgl 8 juni 2002. Singapore, 8 Juni 2002 Saksi-saksi : Mualim Satu Mualim Dua Jurumudi Capt. John Doe Nakhoda KM Bahtera Bahasa Inggris UAD (Naskah 3) Terjemahkan Prelimenary Survey Report dibawah ini kedalam Bahasa Indonesia. Prelimenary Survey Report Pursuant to my assignment as Owner’s Surveyor to supervise the repair of the damage sustained by the mv "Halilintar" as a consequence of grounding on Hazard shoal located at the entrance of the fairway leading to the port of Houston, the state of Texas, USA. On January 2nd 1994 at 5 am and I hereby report as follows : According to the report of the Master and data obtained from the Ship’s logbook, after the pilot boarded on January 2nd 1994 at about 04.30 in the morning, the vessel started to enter the fairway on moderate speed, engine revolution 70, suddenly extraordinary vibrations were felt, the engine stopped by itself and when restarted and put ahead, the vessel did not move. It appeared that the vessel had grounded on the said shoal, visibility at that time was only around 200-300 meters caused by fog, immediately soundings were taken of the tanks and bilges to check whether the vessel had sustained any leakage, however it appeared there were no signs of leakage, thereafter soundings were taken around the vessel and found that at the forward part starboard side a depth of 5 meters was found while the draft forward was 55 dm. Subsequently the main engine was moved astern several times and the vessel managed to refloat, however it appeared that the rudder was jammed, the pilot station was contacted by VHF to report this incident and simultaneously 2 tugboats were ordered to assist the vessel to reach the port. Via the local Agents Surveyors from the Classification Society, Underwriters Todd Shipyard were contacted to attend on ship’s arrival in port. The ship arrived safely at 08.00 in the morning and was immediately berthed at the wharf of the said shipyard and at the time this report was being made a joint survey by said parties was still in progress, while the master was noting a Sea Protest and a Ship’s Accident Report at the local Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia. As soon as new developments are available I will send you a more detailed report. Laporan Survey Pendahuluan Sesuai penugasan saya sbg surveyor dari pemilik kapal unutk mengawasi perbaikan dari kerusakan pada kapal mv "Halilintar" sbg akibat dari terkandas pada lokasi gosong Hazard didaerah alur masuk pelayaran pelabuhan Houston, Negara bagian Texas, Amerika Serikat, pada tgl 2 Januari 1994 pukul 5 pagi dan saya melaporkan sbg berikut : Sesuai laporan nakhoda dan data yg benar dari buku harian kapal setelah pandu diatas kapal tgl 2 Januari 1994 pukul 04.30 pagi. Kapal mulai memasuki alur pada kecepatan sedang, putaran mesin 70, tiba-tiba terasa getaran yg luar biasa, mesin berhenti sendiri dan ketika dihidupkan kembali dan digerakan pada posisi maju, kapal tidak bergerak. Ternyata kapal kandas diatas gosong tsb, daya tampak pada waktu itu sekitar 200-300 meter karena kabut, segera pemeruman dilakukan thd tanki-tanki dan got-got utk memeriksa apakah kapal mengalami kebocoran, bagaimanapun ternyata tidak ada tandatanda kebocoran, serta pemeruman dilakukan sekeliling kapal dan diketahui pada bagian depan sebelah kanan suatu kedalaman 5 meter sementara sarat depan 55 dm. Kemudian mesin induk kapal digerakan mundur beberapa kali dan kapal diusahakan agar mengapung kembali, kemudian ternyata kemudinya macet, stasiun pandu dihubungi dgn radio VHF utk melaporkan kecelakaan ini dan sekaligus 2 kapal tunda diperintahkan untuk membantu kapal mencapai pelabuhan. Melalui agen setempat, para surveyor dari biro klasifikasi, asuransi galangan kapal Todd telah dihubungi untuk hadir setibanya kapal , kapal tiba dipelabuhan dgn selamat pada pukul 8 pagi dan segera disandarkan pada dermaga dari galangan tsb dan sewaktu laporan ini dibuat sebuah survey bersama sedang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak tsb sedang berlangsung, sedangkan nakhoda sedang memuat kisah kapal dan laporan kecelakaan kapal pd consulat jenderal RI setempat. Segera setelah ada perkembangan baru, saya akan mengirim laporan yg lebih rinci. Bahasa Inggris UAD (Naskah 4) Communication at sea Communications at sea are essential for the efficient and safe running of a ship. They take place within the ship herself, between the ship and other ships, between the ship and shore stations and sometimes between the ship and aircraft. Communications can be made over different distances and using methods ranging from the simplest to those using the most sophisticated radio technology. Communications within the ship are done by an internal telephone system. Voice pipes are also used. Engine orders are passed from the bridge to the engine room by means of the ship’s telegraph. Messages can also be given to the ship’s company through a loudspeaker system. Very large ships had docking telegraphs, usually at the bows and stern. These were used when the vessel was being moored alongside. Nowadays VHF communication is more common. Communications over relatively short distances can be made by visual or sound signals. Visual signals can be sent by using flags or an Aldis lamp. An Aldis lamp is an electric lamp used for flashing messages in Morse Code. The traditional method of signaling from one ship to another was by using flags. There are different coloured flags for each letter of the alphabet. Communication over long distances are sent by radio. Radio communications on board are the responsibility of the Radio Department. The Radio Officer is responsible to the Master for both the efficient operation and maintenance of the communication equipment on board. I. Read the above passage carefully and 1. Answer the following questions : a. Mention types of communications at sea Communications within the ship by an internal telephone system. Communication over relatively short distances by visual or sound signals. Communications over long distances by radio. b. Mention methods used for communication at sea Ranging from the simplest to those using the most sophisticated radio technology method. Voice pipes method. Visual and sound signals method. c. When were docking telegraph used in communication within the ship ? These were used when the vessel was being moored alongside. d. To what extant the importance of flags or an aldis lamp use ? Visual signals. e. To whom is the Radio Officer responsible to and why ? The Radio Officer is responsible to the Master for both the efficient operation and maintenance of the communication equipment on board. 2. Find at least three forms of passive voices in the passage and change them into active voices. a. Communications can be made over different distances. We can make communication over different distances. b. Engine order are passed from the bridge. The Chief Officer passes engine order from the bridge. c. The docking telegraph were used when the vessel was being moored alongside. The Radio Officer used docking telegraph when the pilot was mooring the vessel alongside. II. Fill the blanks of the following passage with words provided below : Much of the work of the deck department onboard concerns. The maintenance of the ship and her fittings, this is the responsibility of the Chief Officer. He and the men in his charges must protect the ship from the damaging affects of salt water, change in temperature and the action of waves. III. Rewrite this paragraph, putting most of the verbs into passive to make it sound more formal : "In addition, men erect masts and derricks and put various items of deck machinery in place, outside company usually do the electrical work, plumbing and any wood work" "In addition, masts and derrick were erected by men and various items of deck machinery were putted in place, the electrical work, plumbing and any wood work were done by outside companies" IV. Create your own questions of the underlined words of the following sentences, use the question words : 1. The seafarers attended the safety training. What did the seafarers attend ? 2. The labors work very hard because they are well paid. Who work very hard ? How do the labors work ? Why do the labors work very hard ? 3. Our ship passed many ships on the North Sea. Where did our ship pass many ships ? V. Translate these sentences into English. 1. Rencana penyusunan muatan di kapal merupakan tanggung jawab Mualim Satu. Stowage plan on board ship is the responsibility of the Chief Officer. 2. Petugas Radio menerima isyarat bahaya dari kapal yg berada dekat kami. The Radio Officer received distress signal from the ship near ours. 3. Sesuai dengan persyaratan keselamatan semua alat—alat penyelamat harus diperiksa 2 kali setahun. According to safety regulation, all safety equipment must be checked two times a year. VI. Change these sentences to passive voices : 1. We finish of the superstructure for the crew. The superstructure is finished of by us for the crew. 2. They are painting the hull. The hull is being painted by them. 3. They can joint two pieces of metal together. The pieces of metal can be joined together by them. 4. Men erect masts and derricks in place. Masts and derricks are erected in place by men. 5. We weight the piece of metal. The piece of metal is weighted by us. VII. Translate into Indonesian : 1. When out sight of land, a ship position can be found by using the technique of celestial navigation. Ketika jauh dari daratan, posisi kapal dapat ditentukan dgn menggunakan tehnik navigasi perhittungan benda angkasa. 2. When is sight of land, the navigator uses the technique of coastal navigation to find his position. Ketika daratan terlihat, navigator menggunakan tehnik navigasi pantai untuk mendapatkan posisinya. 3. Navigation in coastal waters is known as pilotage, at regular interval the officer in watch takes observations of conspicuous land marks, such as a light house or church spire, using the ship’s compass and a sextant. Navigasi di perairan pantai dikenal sebagai pemanduan, dgn interval waktu yg teratur perwira jaga mengambil baringan dari benda-benda darat, seperti mercu suar atau kubah gereja, dgn menggunakan kompas dan sextant kapal. VIII. Choice the right answer provided in each sentences. Much ( on, of, in, off ) the work of the deck department ( in, on, at, of ) board. A ship concern the ( maintenance, maintains, maintaining, maintenances ) of the ship and ( its, her, his, my ) fittings. This is ( the response, the responsible, the responsibility, the responsibly ) of the Chief Officer. He and the man in ( her, his, him, himself ) charges must ( protected, protect, protecting, protects ) the ship from ( a, the, an, is ) damaging effect ( of, on, in, at ) salt water, change ( in, on, of, at ) temperature and action ( of, on, in, at ) the waves. by alf fiyan di 5:21 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Label: ENGLISH MARITIME, soal jawab UKP Reaksi: Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Popular Posts ALAMAT PERUSAHAAN PELAYARAN (CREWING) BERIKUT KAMI BAGIKAN ALAMAT2 PERUSAHAN PELAYARAN/CREWNG BAGI PARA PELAUT BAIK UNTUK CADET, RATING, PERWIRA DLL. SILAHKAN CEK DAN KIRIM CV K... soal-jawab UKP olah Dinas Jaga DINAS JAGa SOAL 1 1. Bagaimana tugas-tugas seorang perwira dinas jaga di anjuganpada saat kapal sedang berlayar sehubungan dgn... SISTEM KEMUDI KAPAL Sistem pengendalian kapal merupakan pengetahuan yang wajib dipahami oleh seorang navigator. Untuk dapat memahami secara baik maka seorang... SOAL JAWAB UKP ILMU PELAYARAN ASTRONOMI PART 1 soal jawab ujian keahlian pelaut (UKP) english language third edition (bahasa inggris3) I. Complete these sentence with Proper preposition 1. wheel 2. The ship is fulled at... The helmsman stood at the SOAL JAWAB UKP PENCEGAHAN POLUSI (MARITIME POLLUTION/MARPOL) PENCEGAHAN POLUSI 1. Penyebab terjadinya pencemaran laut yg berasal dari kapal yaitu = * Krn adanya kerusakan-2 peralatan-2 d... Labels Alamat perusahaan ASTRONOMI BANGUNAN & STABILITAS KAPAL diklat Dinas Jaga/P2TL ENGLISH MARITIME GYRO KOMPAS & MAGNET islam MANAGEMEN KAPAL MESIN METEOROLOGI & OCEANOGRAFI Nautika olah gerak pembukaan PENANGANAN MUATAN PENENTUAN POSISI PROSDAR & SAR RANCANGAN PELAYARAN sekolah pelayaran soal jawab UKP video Followers Arsip Blog ► 2014 (79) ▼ 2013 (80) December (7) November (9) October (12) September (42) August (10) Total Pageviews Sparkline 54,936 Mengenai Saya My Photo alf fiyan View my complete profile hak cipta oleh Allah SWT. Ethereal template. Powered by Blogger. Related Searches ? Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur City Centre Adanak CALON RAJA KAPAL Tempat Belajar Bersama soal Dunia Maritim Dan Segala Hal Tentang Ilmu Navigasi Home SUKSES UKP NAUTIKA ENGLISH S. PELAYARAN DIKLAT DINAS JAGA VIDEO Friday, November 1, 2013 soal ukp bahasa inggris-4 ENGLISH UKP ELECTRONIC AIDS TO NAVIGATION In addition to the traditional methode of navigation a number of sophisticated electronic devices have been developed to help the navigator. These include the echo sounder, radar and various types of radio navigation equipment. The echo sounder sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea bed from where it is reflected. The time taken to receive the reflected signal is a measure of the depth of water under the ship. The received pulse is displayed on a chart of open recorder so that the navigator can see the outline of the bottom over which the vessel is passing. A similar device is the sonar system which uses high frequency sound signal. In sonar the sound signal can be sent back from the object, such as an under water rock, is a measure the object distance from the ship. The sonar system can also be used to measure the speed of the ship over the sea bed. I. Read carefully the passage and, 1. Answer the following question . a. What are the name of sophisticated electronic devices which can help the navigator ? … The name of sophisticated electronic devices which can help the navigator are : Echo sounder, Radar, and Various types of radio navigation equipment. b. How to measure the depth of water under the ship by using the echo sounder ? … To measure the depth of water under the ship by using the echo sounder is The echo sounder sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea bed from where it is reflected. c. Where is high frequency sound signal used ! … The high frequency sound signal used in the sonar system. d. What are the other function of sonar system ? … The other function of sonar system are : To be used to measure the speed of the ship over the sea bed. 2 .Find at least three forms of passive voices from the passage & change them in to active voices. ! a. A number of sophisticated electronic devices have been developed to help the navigator b. It is reflected the time taken to receive the reflected signal is a measure of the depth of water under the ship. c. The received pulse is displayed on a chart of open recorder. d. The sonar system can also be used to measure the speed of the ship over the sea bed. e. The sound signal can be sent back from the object. Cukup tulis 3 terserah yg mana. II. Fill the blanks in the passage with words provided below. It is the deck officer ‘s job to TAKE the ship safety from place to place as ECONOMICALLY and QUICKLY as POSSIBLE to do this he must have A THOUGH knowledge of navigation. From the moment a ship LEAVES a berth to her arrival at the next PORT her position is CONSTANTLY checked and PLOTTED on a chart . To do this accurately the NAVIGATOR use a number of instrument and techniques. ( 5 ) – a through ( 10 ) -- Navigator ( 1 ) – Take ( 6 ) -- Leaves ( 2 ) – Economically ( 3 ) -- Quickly ( 8 ) – Constantly ( 7 ) – Port ( 4 ) -- Possible ( 9 ) -- Plotted III. Translate these sentences in to English and Indonesian 1. Keselamatan kerja bukan hanya merupakan tanggung jawab perwira saja. Namun juga merupakan tanggung jawab seluruh awak kapal. … Safety work does not responsible of officers only however the responsibility of all seafarers. 2. Sesuai dengan persyaratan keselamatan pelayaran semua alat petunjuk kebakaran harus diperiksa 2x setahun. … According to safety regulation , the fire detectors has inspected 2 times a year. ( twice a year ) 3. Nearly all sea going vessels are fitted with radio for transmitting and receiving signals are of the common is by using the radio direction finder ( RDF ) RDF is a simple system in with the operate finds the direction of two homing beacons however the system is often not very accurate. … Hampir semua kapal pelayaran samudera telah dipasang perangkat radio untuk memancarkan dan menerima tanda yang digunakan untuk Radio pencari arah. ( RDF ) RDF merupakan sistim yang mudah yang bekerja mencari arah dari 2 stasiun pantai , tetapi sistim ini sering tidak teliti ENGLISH BAHAN UTK UKP / UAD I. Change these sentences in to Passive voices 1. Economic, engineering and safety factors, all govern the design of a ship. … The design of ship are Governed by economic , engineering, and safety factors. 2. The echo sounder is sending a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea bed. … A radio signal has been sent by the echo sounder from the bottom of the ship to the sea bed. 3. Naval architecs have designed a modern shipyard for building ships. … A modern ship yard have been designed by naval architecs for building ships . II. Rewrite these sentences in to three alternative ways. 1. The function of a crane is lift the heavy objects - We use a crane to lift the heavy objects - A crane lifts the heavy objects - A crane is used to lift the heavy objects. 2. We use a fire extinguisher to put out fire - The function of a fire extinguisher is to put out fire - A fire extinguisher puts out fire - A fire extinguisher is used to put out fire 3. A windlass rises and lowers the anchor - The function of windlass is to rises and lower the anchor - We use a windlass to rise and lower the anchor - A windlass is used to rise and lower the anchor 4. A chronometer is used for measuring time - The function of chronometer is to measure time - We use chronometer to measure time - A chronometer Measure time III. Answer the following questions 1. How can a ships position found when out of sight of land and in sight of land ? … - Ship position found when out of sight of land is use the celestial navigation, and when in sight of land is use the coastal navigation. 2. . What other responsibilities of the deck department besides navigating the ship safety and economically from port to port ? … The other responsibilities of the deck department are to see that the cargo is stowed properly in the holds and kept in good condition during the voyage , Maintaining the ship and her equipment in good condition ( this means constant cleaning, painting, and repair work ) . 3. Why does the stowage of bulk cargo present few problems ? … Because bulk cargo is usually carried loose and carried in special designed vessel. 4. Why does the stowage of general cargo present many problems ? … Because general cargo consist of a variety of good what are packet separately and each item has its own type of package and character. by alf fiyan di 5:20 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Label: ENGLISH MARITIME, soal jawab UKP Reaksi: Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Popular Posts ALAMAT PERUSAHAAN PELAYARAN (CREWING) BERIKUT KAMI BAGIKAN ALAMAT2 PERUSAHAN PELAYARAN/CREWNG BAGI PARA PELAUT BAIK UNTUK CADET, RATING, PERWIRA DLL. SILAHKAN CEK DAN KIRIM CV K... soal-jawab UKP olah Dinas Jaga DINAS JAGa SOAL 1 1. Bagaimana tugas-tugas seorang perwira dinas jaga di anjuganpada saat kapal sedang berlayar sehubungan dgn... SISTEM KEMUDI KAPAL Sistem pengendalian kapal merupakan pengetahuan yang wajib dipahami oleh seorang navigator. Untuk dapat memahami secara baik maka seorang... SOAL JAWAB UKP ILMU PELAYARAN ASTRONOMI PART 1 soal jawab ujian keahlian pelaut (UKP) english language third edition (bahasa inggris3) I. Complete these sentence with Proper preposition 1. wheel 2. The ship is fulled at... The helmsman stood at the SOAL JAWAB UKP PENCEGAHAN POLUSI (MARITIME POLLUTION/MARPOL) PENCEGAHAN POLUSI 1. Penyebab terjadinya pencemaran laut yg berasal dari kapal yaitu = * Krn adanya kerusakan-2 peralatan-2 d... Labels Alamat perusahaan ASTRONOMI BANGUNAN & STABILITAS KAPAL diklat Dinas Jaga/P2TL ENGLISH MARITIME GYRO KOMPAS & MAGNET islam MANAGEMEN KAPAL MESIN METEOROLOGI & OCEANOGRAFI Nautika olah gerak pembukaan PENANGANAN MUATAN PENENTUAN POSISI PROSDAR & SAR RANCANGAN PELAYARAN sekolah pelayaran soal jawab UKP video Followers Arsip Blog ► 2014 (79) ▼ 2013 (80) December (7) November (9) October (12) September (42) August (10) Total Pageviews Sparkline 54,938 Mengenai Saya My Photo alf fiyan View my complete profile hak cipta oleh Allah SWT. Ethereal template. Powered by Blogger. Related Searches ? Kuala Lumpur International Airport Petronas Twin Towers Adanak CALON RAJA KAPAL Tempat Belajar Bersama soal Dunia Maritim Dan Segala Hal Tentang Ilmu Navigasi Home SUKSES UKP NAUTIKA ENGLISH S. PELAYARAN DIKLAT DINAS JAGA VIDEO Friday, November 1, 2013 soal jawab ujian keahlian pelaut (UKP) english language third edition (bahasa inggris-3) I. Complete these sentence with Proper preposition 1. The helmsman stood at the wheel 2. The ship is fulled at Dakar 3. The engineer stood away from the flames 4. The ship anchored away from other ship 5. The ship stayed on the course 6. The chart lay on the table 7. The ship was off the course 8. The keel was off the sea bed 9. The ship moored in the harbour 10. The instrument lay in their box II. Join this sentences together by using Relative Clause. 1. Some ship are called colliers. - these ship carry coal. Jwb. The ship which carry coal are called colliers 2 Hemp and sisal rope are made from the leaves of plant. - this plant grows in part of Europe, Persian and the USA Jwb. The hemp and sisal rope are made from a plant which are grow in parts of Europe, Persian and the USA 3 An officer may become the master of his own ship. - He has the right qualification and experience. Jwb. An officers may become the master who has the right qualification and experience. I. Give concise definition to the following terms 1. Chief officers is one of the ship officers who is head of the deck department, responsible of cargo handling, making stowage plan, preventing and maintenance of the ship. 2. Head line is a kind of the ships mooring line which are used when their ship alongside at the wharf or jetty in order to keep in position. 3. Starboard hand buoys is on a buoys designed and marked to pass by the ship the starboard hand. 4. Monkey ladder is a kind of ladder made from ropes and boards to climb up or go aboard the vessel 5. Bulk Carrier is a type of vessel which are designed to carry cargo in bulk. 6. Chief engineer is one of the ships engineer who is the head of engine department and responsible to the engine operation, preventing and maintenance. 7. Freeboard is the depth measured from the water line until deck line. 8. Draught is the depth measured from the keel until the water line. 9. Lifeboat is a kind of live saving appliances onboard the vessel which are used when in the emergency situation and need to abandon ship \ vessel. 10. Muster list is a kind of list which are used to handle the emergency situation where it is contain all of the ships crew name and position and also their duties when there is an emergency situation. II Translate the next into Indonesian Building Ship Ships cost a lot of money to build. A general cargo vessel costs several million pounds and giant tanker can costs over 40 million pounds. On reason for this is the high cost of steel and other materials used in shipping building. Another reason is the high cost of labour. A modern shipyard is designed for building ships are cheaply an quickly as possible. Many of the old processes have disappeared or been combined into one fully mechanized process. Machines are now used instead of men. Today, ship can built in about sixteen months costs can be kept to a minimum. Who designs ships? Ship are designed by naval architects. The largest shipping companies have their own naval architects. In Europe and Japan, shipyards employ naval architects to design a ship for a customer, or offer basic design which can be varied to suit the customer’s needs. Ship owners may also go to independent firms of shipping consultant and ask their naval architects to design a ship for them. jawab Bangunan Kapal Untuk membangun sebuah kapal membutuhkan ( menghabiskan ) banyak biaya. Sebuah kapal kargo menghabiskan biaya beberapa juta pondsterling and sebuah kapal tanker dapat menghabiskan lebih dari 40 juta pondsterling. Dengan alasan tingginya harga baja dan bahan lain yang dipakai dalam membangun kapal. Alasan lain adalah mahalnya biaya buruh. Sebuah galangan kapal yang moderen di rancang untuk membangun sebuah kapal semurah dan secepat mungkin. Banyak dari proses yang lama tidak nampak lagi atau telah dikombinasikan kedalam dengan proses mekanik sepenuhnya mesin mesin sekarang telah dipergunakan untuk mengganti tenaga manusia. Dewasa ini kapal dapat dibangun 16 bulan dan biayanya dapat ditekan seminum mungkin Siapakah merancang kapal? Kapal dirancang oleh arsitek kelautan (Naval Architect).Perusahaan pelayaran terbesar mempunyai arsitek kelautan tersendiri. Di Eropa dan Jepang, galangan kapal mempekerjakan Architect kelautan merancang sebuah kapal untuk pelanggan, atau menawarkan rancangan dasar yang dapat divariasikan sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan. Pemilik kapal dapat juga pergi ke firma tersendiri dari konsultan perkapalan untuk merancang sebuah kapal untuk mereka. III. Change into the negative sentence 1. Chief mate goes to the agent office by taxi. 2. Mess boy washes the napkin everyday. 3. Chief engineer went to the city yesterday. 4. I called boatswain last night. 5. He gets up at 04:00 o’clock every morning. 6. Vessel must keep clear of this area. 7. I will pass north of the green buoy. 8. Mines reported in this area. 9. I am on fire and have flammable cargo on board. 10. I have lost one of my crew. Jawab 1. Chief mate doesn’t go to the agent office by taxi. 2. Mess boy doesn’t wash the napkin everyday. 3. Chief engineer didn’t go to the city yesterday. 4. I didn’t call boatswain last night. 5. He doesn’t get up at 04:00 o’clock every day. 6. Vessel must not keep clear of this area. 7. I will not pass north of the green buoy. 8. Mines didn’t reported in this area. 9. I am not on fire and have not flammable cargo on board. 10. I have not lost one of my crew. I. Please Translate The Following Passage Into Good Indonesian Steering A Course Order to the helmsman, who steers the ship, are given by the officer of the officer order the helmsman to turn the wheel (or helm ) to port or starboard and to steady the ship on the new compass course. The helmsman repeats all orders given to him so that the officer knows that his order have been understood. When the helmsman has completed his turn at wheel, he states clearly the course to be steered to the relieving helmsman. When the ship is on voyage, the wind and waves, as well as the action of the propeller, tend to cause the direction in which the ship is heading to change. The helmsman therefore, must counter the swing of the ship by applying the rudder in the reserve direction of that of the swing of the ship. An experienced helmsman is able to anticipate how the ship behaves. He is therefore, able to keep the ship on the straight course, and so cave the time on voyage. Most ship are equipped with gyro compasses. A gyro compass is an electromechanical instrument, but every ship is equipped with a magnetic compass the action of which is depend upon the magnetism of the earth. The rudder fitted at the stern of the ship is turned by a steering engine. If the steering engine fails, it is necessary to use an emergency steering system with which every ship must be equipped. Jawab. Mengemudikan Haluan Perintah kepada jurumudi,yang mengemudikan kapal yang diberikan oleh perwira, Perwira memerintahkan jurumudi untuk merubah kemudi kekiri dan kekanan untuk menjaga kapal tetap pada haluan kompas yang baru. Jurumudi mengulang semua perintah yang diberikan oleh oleh perwira kepadanya, sehingga perwira tahu bahwa perintah telah dimengerti. Ketika jurumudi telah selesai tugasnya mengemudikan kemudi, Dia menyatakan dengan jelas haluan yang harus dikemudikan jurumudi penggantinya Pada saat kapal dalam perjalanan angin dan ombak mempengaruhi pergerakan baling baling dan dapat menyebabkan arah haluan kapal, oleh karena jurumudi harus membalas pergerakan kapal dengan memberi kemudi kearah berlawanan dengan pergerakan kapal tersebut. Seorang jurumudi yang berpengalaman mampu mengantisipasi sifat kapal. Dia juga mampu menjaga kapal tetap pada haluan yang tepat dan dapat membuat pelayaran lebih pendek. Kebanyakan kapal – kapal dilengkapi dengan kompas gyro. Sebuah kompas gyro adalah suatu peralatan electromekanik tapi setiap kapal yang dilengkapi kompas magnetik, pergerakannya dipengaruhi atau bergantung pada magnetisme bumi. Daun kemudi yang dipasang diburitan kapal digerakkan oleh sebuah mesin, jika mesin kemudi rusak, sangat perlu menggunakan sebuah system darurat yang harus dilengkapi oleh setiap kapal. II. Please answer to the following question in English To whom does the helmsman repeat to orders he receives? What does a helmsman do when completes his turn at the wheel? Who steers the ship? Mention two of the factor that cause the direction of the ship to change. How does a helmsman counter the swing of a ship? What does the action of magnetic compass depend upon? What turns the rudder of a ship? What will happen if the engine fails? Jawab 1. To the officers. 2. He states clearly the course to be steered to the reliving helmsman. 3. The helmsman 4. The winds and waves. 5. He apply the rudder in the reverse direction of the ships swing. 6. The magnetism of the earth. 7. The steering engine. 8. The ships will not under control and dangerous will appear, we have to avoid the dangerous with use an emergency steering system. I. Please make format communication between MV ANRO GOWA and TOKYO PILOT The data of MV. ANRO GOWA a. Call sign YTCD b. Her position is 6 miles south of entrance buoy c. She is proceeding to enter Tokyo harbour d. Her nationality is Indonesia e. Her agent in Tokyo is PT. DJAKARTA LLYOD f. Her draught is 9.5 meters g. Her maximum height is 18 meters Tokyo pilot station calls to MV ANRO GOWA a. Tokyo pilot needs the nationality of MV ANRO GOWA b. Tokyo pilot wants some information about draught, height and agent in Tokyo. c. Tokyo pilot orders to MV ANRO GOWA make reduce speed down to 5 knot and make ready port side pilot ladder 1 meter above water level. Attention: communication by VHF RADIO channel 12. Jawaban. A. Tokyo Pilot Station: MV. ANRO GOWA 3x c/s YCTD This is tokyo pilot station Change to VHF channel 12, over Mv. Anro Gowa : Tokyo pilot station 1x This is Anro Gowa YCTD Changing to VHF channel 12, over Tokyo Pilot Station: MV Anro Gowa YCTD This is Pilot station Question : How do you read me, over Mv. Anro Gowa : Tokyo pilot station This is Anro Gowa YCTD I read you loud and clear Answer: Have you anything for me, over Tokyo Pilot Station: Mv. Anro Gowa YCTD This is Tokyo pilot Question: What is your nationality – flag states, over Mv. Anro Gowa : Tokyo pilot station This is Anro Gowa YCTD Answer : My nationality is Indonesia, over Jawaban. B. Tokyo pilot station: Mv. Anro Gowa YCTD This is Tokyo pilot station Question : What is your draught and your height, over Mv. Anro Gowa : Tokyo pilot station This is Mv. Anro Gowa YCTD Answer : My draught 9,5 and my height 18 meters, over Tokyo pilot station: Mv. Anro Gowa YCTD This is Tokyo pilot station Question : What is your agent in Tokyo, over Mv. Anro Gowa : Tokyo pilot station This is Mv. Anro Gowa YCTD Answer : My agent is Pt Djakarta Llyod , over Jawaban. C. Tokyo pilot station: Mv. Anro Gowa YCTD This is Tokyo pilot station Instruction : Reduce your speed down to 5 knot And rig pilot ladder on portside one meter Above water level, over Mv. Anro Gowa : Tokyo pilot station This is Mv. Anro Gowa YCTD Information : Reduce speed down to 5 knots and pilot ladder Ready on portside, one meter above water level, over. I. What do these abbreviation stand for? Explain! 1. AOR- W = Atlantic Ocean Region – West 2. NAVWNG = Navigational Warning Navwng is Information to the all station which contain of meteo – Rological information, forecast and other warning. 3. S A R = Search and Rescue SAR is Each contracting government undertakes to ensure that any Necessary arrangements are made for coast watching and for the rescue Of person in distress at sea round its coast. 4. SOLAS = Safety Of Life At Sea 5. GMDSS = Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. Gmdss is a new system takes advantage of modern technology to ensure Immediate alerting, fase distribution and effective communications in Search and rescue operation et sea. II. Fill in : Question, Instruction, Advice, Request, Information, Warning or Intention in The space provided as appropriate. 1. : “ I will enter the fairway” 2. fairway” : “ Do I have permission to enter the 3. you” : “ Do not overtake the vessel north of 4. degrees 35 minutes” : “ Dangerous wreck in position 15 North 061 degrees 29 minutes west” 5. : “ I will enter the fairway” Jawab 1. Information. 2. Question. 3. Instruction. 4. Warning. 5. Information. III. Describe the position of ship A,B, C, D. E below. IV. Change these sentences into passive voices. In addition man erect mast and derricks and put various item of deck machinery in Place. Outsides companies usually do the electrical work, plumbing and any wood work. Economic, engineering and safety factor all govern the design of ship. Jawab 1. Pv : Masts and derrick are erected and various items of deck machinery are put in Place by men. 2. Pv : The electrical work, plumbing, and any wood work are usually done by outside companies 3. Pv : The design of ship is governed by economic, engineering and safety factor V. Translate these sentence into English. Saudara hati – hati bila melakukan pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan listrik. - You must be carefully to perform job which relation with electric. Sebuah saringan digunakan untuk menjamin agar minyak itu bersih dan tidak Mengandung kotoran. - A filter is used to quarantee that oil clean and not contain dirty oil. Pengiriman berita radio dilakukan melalui pemancar radio. - Sending of radio message is done by radio transmitter. I. Complete the following each sentence with each phrase provided on the right side 1. Merchant ship are ……………. 2. A large number of merchant ship 3. Lines are employed………….. 4. Tramps are not employed……….. 5. They had no food and…………… to fixed - Operated as specialized vessel - on regular routes can fixed time table - Designed to carry cargo - Starboard side - On regular routes and do not keep Time table 6. The main body of a ship is called….. - Portside 7. The rearmost part of a ship is called.. - The hull 8. The foremast part of a ship is called.. - The bow 9. The left hand side of a ship is called.. - No water for two days 10. The right hand side of a ship is called.. - The stern Jawab. 1. Designed to carry cargo 2. Operate as specialized vessels 3. On regular routes can fixed time table 4. On regular routes and do not keep to fixed time table. 5. No water for two days 6. The hull 7. The stern 8. The bow 9. Port side 10. Starboard side II. Change these sentences into passive voices 1. Bulk carrier do not usually carry derricks 2. Cooks do not check the engine’s temperature 3. Does the chief officer write any reports today? Jawab. 1. Derricks are not usually carried by bulk carrier. 2. The engines temperature are not checked by cooks. 3. Any reports is written by the chief officer today? III. Translate the following passage into Indonesian 1. Electronic navigation is a term used refer navigation involving the use of electronic. The term includes the use of gyro compass for steering and the echo sounder when Piloting, because of the wide use of electronics in navigation equipment. The term Of electronic navigation has limited value has term for a division of navigation. 2. Celestial or astronomical navigation is navigation using information obtained from Celestial bodies i,e sun, moon, planets and stars. 3. Terrestrial navigation is navigation by means information obtained by earth based aids To navigation. Jawab. 1. lmu pelayaran electronic adalah suatu istilah yang digunakan di dalam navigasi yang melibatkan penggunaan tentang electronic, istilah meliputi penggunaan gyro kompas untuk kemudi dan perum gema ketika memandu, oleh karena penggunaan electronika yang luas di peralatan ilmu pelayaran, istilah ilmu pelayaran electronika telah membatasi nilai untuk suatu devisi ilmu pelayaran. 2. Ilmu pelayaran astronomi atau angkasa adalah informasi penggunaan ilmu pelayaran yang diperoleh dari badan angkasa, matahari, bulan, planet dan bintang. 3. Ilmu pelayaran datar atau benda bumi adalah ilmu pelayaran yang berarti informasi yang diperoleh dari bumi yang berdasarkan alat bantu navigasi. IV. Answer the following questions with your own words. 1. How long have you been working on board a ship? 2. Why do you want to attend the training? 3. What will you do if you pass the final examination? 4. What kind of certificate will you obtain after you pass the final examination? Jawab. 1. answer it with own reason …………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………………………...... 3. …………………………………………………………………… 4. ……………………………………………………………………….. I. Answer the sentence with completed answer 1. Why do ships cost a lot of money to build? 2. Why do ships owners do when they decided to order new ships? 3. Why does stowage of bulk cargo present few problems? 4. Why does stowage of non containerized cargo present most problems? 5. To what extent is the responsibility of boatswain delivered of chief Officers Jawab 1. Because The high cost of steel, labour and other materials used in ship Building 2. Because The ship owners want the ship carry cargo as they like and they Tell him (naval architect) what routes the ship will ply and the desired Speed and also the ship must also comply with rules of the classification society 3. Because bulk cargo consist of a single commodity and this commodity is Usually carried loose, bulk cargo is carried in specially designed vessel Therefore stowage presents few problems. 4. Because each commodity has its own type of packaging and characteristic Goods may in bags, bales, cases or steel drums, Individual pieces Machinery may not be packaged at all. 5. The boatswain delivered maintaining the ship and her equipment in good Condition this means constant cleaning, painting and repair work this is Done by ratings under the supervision of the boatswain. II. Translete these sentence into English 1. Kami tidak bias memasuki teluk lebih dalam lagi karena dangkal 2. Para nelayan biasanya pergi memancing ikan pada waktu terjadinya Pasang 3. Kapal itu memasuki teluk dengan hati – hati karena teluk itu sangat Sempit Jawab 1. We can’t enter of the bay due to the shallow water. 2. The fisherman usually go fishing when high tide water. 3. That ship enter the bay carefully because the bay is narrow. III. Change this sentence into passive voice 1. The compass will help you to find the right course. 2. The life bouy saved the man from drawing. 3. The officers look the ship on the horizon through his binoculars. Jawab 1. To find the right course will be helped you by the compass 2. The man from drawing are saved by the lifebuoy 3. The ship on the horizon through his binoculars are looked by the officers. I. Answer the following questions completely in English No text is given 1. Who designs a ship? 2. When is the middle watch? 3. Does non containerized cargo present stowage problem? 4. Where is liquid bulk cargo carried? 5. What are the examples of fragile cargo? Jawab 1. Ship is designed by Naval Architect 2. 00.00 – 04.00 3. Yes, Because each commodity has its own type of packaging and Characteristics. 4. Liquid cargo carried in tanker ship. 5. Glass, bottle, ceramic and electronic. II. Give concise definition to the given terms. 1. Deep sea liner 2. Bunkering 3. Pitching (ship in motion) Jawab 1. Deep sea liner is the vessel sailing international voice or ocean going. 2. Bunkering is the ship supply taking, carrying or discharging provision, Fuel Oil and fresh water to the other ship 3. Pitching is when the ships bow and stern rises and falls with on coming Waves III. Complete the following sentence using Verb, preposition, noun, adjective, adverb. 1. He works (adverb) on board 2. The (adjective) company bought a new passenger ship last year. 3. The ship (Verb) in the harbour. 4. Meat is carried (preposition) refrigerated holds 5. (Noun) was painting a lifeboat. Jawab 1. Hard 2. Shipping 3. Moored 4. In 5. The sailor IV. Writing / Discuccion, Choose only one question to be discussed and make up into Paragraphs. 1. Containerization reduces handling, give your reason ! 2. Cargo ships are much larger in size nowdays, What your reason? Jawab. 1. answer it with own reason……………………… 2. own reason ……………………………………… Were any of the ships that you had though of mentioned here? A summary of a reading passage can sometimes be made in the form of a tree diagram. Complete the one below using the information from the reading passage. Merchant ships types Multi deck vessel Oil Tanker Bulk cargo ship LNG carriers Container ship Chemichal carriers Passenger liner Cruise ship Ferries Refrigerated ship I. Use your diagram and the passage to complete the sentence these a. Merchant ships can be designed as ……………………………….. b. Cargo ships can be devided into ………………………………….. c. Dry cargo ships include …………………………………………... d. ……….. are examples of liquid cargo carriers e. Three types of passenger ships are ………………………………. sentence Jawab. a. Two types such as Cargo ship and Passenger ship b. Two types such as Dry cargo and Liquid cargo c. Include Multi deck vessel, Dry bulk cargo, Container ship, and Refrigerated ships d. Oil tanker c. Passenger liners, Cruise ship and ferries. II. Fill the blank with the applied terminology relating to a ship movement. a. A ship is said to be ………. When she is borne by the water b. A ship is said to be ……… When she is moving without means of propulsion. c. A ship is said to be ………. When she is moving sideways through the water d. A ship is said to be ………… When she stopped at sea e. A ship is said to be ………. When she is moving sideways through the water being blown by the wind. Jawab. a. A float b. A drift c. Moving broadside on d. Hove at sea e. Leeway. by alf fiyan di 5:16 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Label: ENGLISH MARITIME, soal jawab UKP Reaksi: Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Popular Posts ALAMAT PERUSAHAAN PELAYARAN (CREWING) BERIKUT KAMI BAGIKAN ALAMAT2 PERUSAHAN PELAYARAN/CREWNG BAGI PARA PELAUT BAIK UNTUK CADET, RATING, PERWIRA DLL. SILAHKAN CEK DAN KIRIM CV K... soal-jawab UKP olah Dinas Jaga DINAS JAGa SOAL 1 1. Bagaimana tugas-tugas seorang perwira dinas jaga di anjuganpada saat kapal sedang berlayar sehubungan dgn... SISTEM KEMUDI KAPAL Sistem pengendalian kapal merupakan pengetahuan yang wajib dipahami oleh seorang navigator. Untuk dapat memahami secara baik maka seorang... SOAL JAWAB UKP ILMU PELAYARAN ASTRONOMI PART 1 soal jawab ujian keahlian pelaut (UKP) english language third edition (bahasa inggris3) I. Complete these sentence with Proper preposition 1. wheel 2. The ship is fulled at... The helmsman stood at the SOAL JAWAB UKP PENCEGAHAN POLUSI (MARITIME POLLUTION/MARPOL) PENCEGAHAN POLUSI 1. Penyebab terjadinya pencemaran laut yg berasal dari kapal yaitu = * Krn adanya kerusakan-2 peralatan-2 d... Labels Alamat perusahaan ASTRONOMI BANGUNAN & STABILITAS KAPAL diklat Dinas Jaga/P2TL ENGLISH MARITIME GYRO KOMPAS & MAGNET islam MANAGEMEN KAPAL MESIN METEOROLOGI & OCEANOGRAFI Nautika olah gerak pembukaan PENANGANAN MUATAN PENENTUAN POSISI PROSDAR & SAR RANCANGAN PELAYARAN sekolah pelayaran soal jawab UKP video Followers Arsip Blog ► 2014 (79) ▼ 2013 (80) December (7) November (9) October (12) September (42) August (10) Total Pageviews Sparkline 54,940 Mengenai Saya My Photo alf fiyan View my complete profile hak cipta oleh Allah SWT. Ethereal template. Powered by Blogger. Related Searches ? Berjaya Redang Beach Resort Petronas Twin Towers Grand Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur Adanak CALON RAJA KAPAL Tempat Belajar Bersama soal Dunia Maritim Dan Segala Hal Tentang Ilmu Navigasi Home SUKSES UKP NAUTIKA ENGLISH S. PELAYARAN DIKLAT DINAS JAGA VIDEO Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Soal Ujian UKP: Bahasa Inggris (edisi 1) Re: grounding near Suez This is to confirm my cable of Nov 19th 1980 as per copy enclosed, and following is a briet provisional report about the above accident. On Nov 19th at about 6 p.m. when we were approaching Suez with a speed of 5 knots, all of a sudden the vessel sheered heavily to port and its main engine stopped by itself. I was on the ridge together with the chief Mate while the Third Mate was already on the forecastle with the carpenter and both anchors were already ready to be let go. Immediately soundings were taken of the bilges, however no leakage was apparent and subsequently it appeared that the vessel had grounded on the Hazard shoal which was located at the entrance of the fairway leading to the outer roads of Suez. The shoal was marked by a red and yellow chequered conical buoy which should be kept on starboard side which we actually did, however we only later learned that the said buoy had drifted eastward caused by a western gale for which the Notice to Mariner was as yet not issued. Due at the time of grounding the tide was rising, we managed to refloat at about 19.00 hours. This accident was immediately reported to Suez Canal Authority and we arrived at the Suez outer roads at 11 in the evening and via the local agents, surveyors from underwriters, classification society and Tood Shipyard were requested to attend at ship’s arrival. At the time of writing this report divers were conducting an underwater inspection and both surveyors were still waiting for the result of the divers report, however as earlier mentioned, soundings did not reveal any leakage. As soon as more further deatails are available we will immediately send you a more detailed report. Hoping to have informed you accordingly, i remain by. calonrajakapa.blogspot.com TERJEMAHAN ! Prihal kandas di dekat Suez Dgn ini untuk menegaskan kawat saya pd tgl 19 nov 1980 sesuain dgn copy terlampir, & berikut adalah laporan singkat sementara tentang kecelakaan tsb di atas. Pd 19 nov pd kira2 pukul 6 sore. Sewaktu mendekati Suez dgn kecepatan 5 mil laut/jam, tiba2 kapalnya merewang keras ke kiri & mesin induk berhenti sendiri. Saya berada di anjungan bersama2 dgn mualim I sedangkan mualim III telah berada di depan dgn mistri & kedua jangkar telah siap untuk di lego. Segera pemeruman2 di lakukan pd got2, namun tdk ditemukan kebocoran2 & kemudian bahwa kapal telah kandas di gosong Hazard yg terletak pd pintu masuk dari alur pelayaran yg menuju ke bandar luar Suez. Gosong tsb di tandai oleh sebuah buoy kerucut kotak2 merah kuning2 yg harus di letakkan pd sebelah kanan, yg memang akan di lakukan, namun belakangan kami mendengar bahwa semalam buoy tsb telah hanyut ke arah timur disebabkan karena badai barat untuk mana belum ada berita pelaut dikeluarkan. Karena pd saat kandas arus sedang pasang maka kami berhasil untuk mengapung kembali pd kira2 pukul 19.00. Kecelakaan ini segera dilaporkan pd otoritas Suez & kami tiba pd bandar luar suez pd pukul 11 malam & melalui agent setempat, surveyor2 dari asuransi, biro klasifikasi & galangan kapal Todd telah diminta untuk hadir setibanya kapal. Pd saat laporan ini di tulis para penyelam masih melakukan pemeriksaan di bawah air & para surveyor sedang menunggu hasil laporan dari para penyelam, namun sebagai mana dilaporkan sebelumnya, peruman2 tidak menemukan adanya kebocoran. Segera setelah rincian lanjut kami segera mengirim laporan yg lebih lengkap. Kami harap telah melaporkan kepada anda, sbg mana mestinya Hormat Kami Nakhoda by. calonrajakapa.blogspot.com Notice to the Liberian MV “Challenger” The undersigned Capt.”John Doe” of the Indonesian mv.”Bahtera” also on behalf of his Owners and Underwriters hold you and your owners solely responsible for the loss and damage done to his vessel as a consequence of the collision with your vessel in the Straits of Singapore on june 8th 2002 at 04.00 Singapore time and invite you to witness the damage to his vessel. The mv “Behtera” is expected to arrive at Singapore on June 8th,2002 at 08.00 singapore time. Marine Note of Proteset Today, june 8th 2002, the undersigned Capt. John Doe, Master of the Indonesian mv.”Bahtera” registered at the port of Jakarta, appeared before the consul general of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore and declared as follows: that his vessel left the port of Belawan North Sumatra on june 7th 2002 after loading about 5000 tons of general cargo bound for Bangkok, Thailand; that during the middle watch at about 03.50 Singapore time whilst proceeding eastbound in the Singapore Traffic Separation Scheme all of a sudden another vessel loomed up from the dark and struck us at our pour side forward in way of our forepeak; that the m.v “Bahtera” was proceeding in the proper lane i.e. the eastbound lane of the TSS ; - that it later appeared that the other vessel was the Liberian mv Challenger ; that the weather at the time of collision was raining heaviley and visibility was very poor caused by the torrential rains ; that the mv “Bahtera” was proceeding on a safe speed of about, 5 knots and was sounding the prescribed fog signals; - that no fog signals were heard from the “Challenger”; that after exchanging vessel’s names and port of departure and port of destination and learning that his assistance was not needed, he decided to proceed to Singapore for repairs of thw damage thereby sustained ; that he had sent notice on behalf of his owners and underwriters holding the Master of the mv.”Challenger” and his owners solely responsible for the damage done to his vessel and had invited the Master of the mv.”Challenger to witness the damage done his vessel. That he reserves his rights to extend this note of protest at time aad place convenient. Legaluzed by : the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Singapore, june 8th 2002 by. calonrajakapa.blogspot.com TERJEMAHAN ! Pemberitahuan kpd nakhoda kpl motor Liberia “Challenger” Yg bertanda tangan di bawah ini capt.John Doe kpl motor indonesia “Bahtera” juga atas nama pemiliknya & asuransi menyatakan bahwa anda & pemilik kapal anda bertanggung jawab penuh atas kerugian & kerusakan yg terjadi pd kplnya sebagai akibat tubrukan dgn kpl anda di selat Singapore pd tgl 8 juni 2002 pd pukul 04.00 pagi waktu Singapore & mengundang anda untuk menyaksikan kerusakan pd kplnya. Kpl motor “Bahtera” diperkirakan akan tiba di Singapore pd tgl 8 juni 2002 pd pukul 08.00 pagi waktu singapore. Kisah kapal Pd hari ini tgl 8 juni 2002, yg bertanda tangan di bawah ini capt.John Doe, Nakhoda dari kpl motor indonesia “Bahtera” terdaftar di pelabuhan jkt, menghadap di depan konsul jendral RI di Sgp & menerangkan sbb : Bahwa kplnya meninggalkan pelabuhan Belawan, Sumatra utara pd tgl 7 juni 2002 setelah memuat kurang lebih 5000 ton muatan campuran dgn tujuan Bangkok, Thailand ; Bahwa sewaktu jaga tengah malam pd kira2 pukul 03.50 waktu Sgp waktu sedang berlayar kearah timur di bagan pemisah lalulintas Singapore tiba2 sebuah kpl lain muncul dari kegelapan & menabrak kami di sebelah kiri depan di sekitar ceruk haluan kami ; Bahwa kapal motor Bahtera sedang berlayar di alur yg tepat ialah di alur timur dari daerah bagan pemisah lalulintas; Kemudian ternyata bahwa kpl yg lain tsb adalah kpl motor Challenger dari Liberia ; Bahwa cuaca pd saat tubrukan hujan deras & jarak pandang adalah sangat pendek disebabkan karena hujan deras ; Bahwa kpl motor Bahtera sedang berlayar dgn kecepatan aman kira2 5 mil laut/jam & sedang membunyikan isyarat2 kabut yg di tentukan ; - Bahwa tdk ada isyarat2 kabut terdengar dari kpl Challenger ; Bahwa setelah pertukaran nama2 kpl & pelabuhan tolak & pelabuhan tujuan & mendengar bahwa bantuannya tdk di perlukan, maka ia memutuskan untuk menuju ke Sgp untuk perbaikan kerusakan yg dialaminya ; Bahwa ia telah mengirim pemberitahuan atas nama pemiliknya & asuransinya & menyatakan Nakhoda kpl motor Challenger bertanggung jawab penuh atas kerusakan yg dilakukan atas kapalnya & mengundang Nakhoda dari kpl motor Challenger untuk menyaksikan kerusakan pd kplnya. Bahwa ia mempertahankan haknya untuk menambah kisah kpl ini apabila di butuhkan Diketahui oleh : Consul jendral RI Sgp pd tgl 8 juni 2002 Saksi-saksi : Mualim satu Mualim dua Juru mudi Capt.John Doe Nakhoda MV.”Bahtera” Prelimenary Survey Report Pur suant to my assignment as Owner’s Surveyor to supervise the repair of the damage sustained by the mv “Halilintar” as a consequence of grounding on Hazard shoal located at the entrance of the fairway leading to the port of Houston, the state of Texas, USA on January 2nd 1994 at 5 am and i hereby report as follows : According to the report of the Master and data obtained from the Ship’s log book, after the pilot boarded on januari 2nd 1994 at about 04.30 in the morning, the vessel started to enter the fairway on moderate speed, engine revolution 70, suddenly extraordinary vibrations were felt, the engine stopped by itself and when restarted and put ahead, the vessel did not move. It appeared that the vessel had grounded on the said shoal, visibility at that time was only around 200-300 meters caused by log, immediately soundings were taken of the tanks and bilges to check whether the vessel had sustained any leakage, however it appeared there were no signs of leakage, there after soundings were taken around the vessel and found that at the forward part starboard side a depth of 5 meters was found while the draft forward was 55 dm. Subsequently the main engine was moved astern several times and the vessel managed to refloat, however it appeared that the rudder was jammed, the pilot station was contacted by VHF to report this incident and simulataneously 2 tugboats were ordered to assist the vessel to reach the port. Via the local agents Surveyors from the Classification Society, underwriters Todd Shipyard were contacted to attend on ship’s arrival in port, the ship arrived safety at 08.00 in the morning and was immediately berthed at the wharf of the said shipyard and at the time this report was being made a joint survey by said parties was still in progress, while the Master was noting a Sea Protest and a ship’s Accident Report at the local Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia. As soon as new developments are available i will send you a more detailed report. by. calonrajakapa.blogspot.com TERJEMAHAN ! Laporan Survey Pendahuluan Sesuai dgn penugasan saya sbg surveyor pemilik untuk mengawasi perbaikan dari kerusakan yg di alami oleh kpl motor “Halilintar” sebagai akibat kandas pd gosong Hazard yg terletak pd pintu masuk dari alur pelayaran menuju ke pelabuhan Houston, negara bagian Texas Amerika Serikat pd 2 januari 1994 pukul 5 pagi & dgn ini saya melaporkan sbb : Sesuai dgn laporan Nakhoda & data yg di peroleh dari buku harian kpl, setelah pandu naik pd 2 jan 1994 kurang lebih pukul 04.30 pagi, kplnya mulai memasuki alur pelayaran dgn kecepatan sedang, putaran mesin 70, tiba2 getaran luar biasa terasa, mesinnya berhenti dgn sendirinya & sewaktu di hidupkan kembali & digerakkan maju kplnya tdk bergerak. Teryata bahwa kplnya telah kandas di gosong tsb, jarak pandang waktu itu hanya kira2 200-300 meter disebabkan karena kabut, segera pemeruman2 dilakukan pd tangki2 & got2 untuk memeriksa apakah kpl telah mengalami kebocoran, namun ternyata tdk terdapat kebocoran, kemudian pemeruman2 dilakukan di sekeliling kpl & telah di temukan pd bagian depan sebelah kanan terdapat kedalaman 5 meter sedangkan sarat depan 55 dm. Kemudian mesin induknya digerakkan mundur beberapa kali & kplnya berhasil mengapung kembali, namun ternyata kemudinya macet, stn pandu dihubungi dgn VHF untuk melaporkan peristiwa ini & sekaligus memesan 2 kpl tunda untuk membantu kplnya mencapai pelabuhan. Melalui agent setempat para surveyor dari biro klasifikasi, asuransi, galangan kpl Todd telah dihubungi untuk hadir setibanya kpl, kpl tiba di pelabuhan dgn selamat pd pukul 8 pagi & segera di sandarkan pd dermaga dari galangan tsb & sewaktu laporan ini dibuat sebuah survey bersama sedang dilakukan oleh pihak2 tsb sedang berlangsung, sedangkan nakhoda sedang melakukan kisah kpl & laporan kecelakaan kpl pd consulat jenderal RI setempat. Segera setelah ada perkembangan baru saya akan segera mengirim laporan yg lebih rinci. Marine Note of Protest by. calonrajakapa.blogspot.com On march 5th 1999 appeared before me, Jean Hputen, consul of the Kingdom of the Netherland in Dakar, Mr.Simon Koster, Master of the Dutch motorship “Liberia” of 10.000 tons gross who declared as follows : That his ship drawing 30 feet laden with abt 8000 tons general cargo, on Februari 24th at 5 pm. Left amsterdam bound for West African port; That his ship at the timeof departure was in a condition of “tight, staunch and strong” and provided with sufficient provisions, fresh water anf bukers; - That its cargo was stowage in accordance with the practice of good seamanship. That during the voyage trough the english channel fair weather was experienced with good visibility and little wind; That on february 27th in bay of biscay, the weather deteriorated and the wind increased to NW until force 8 on the Beaufort scale; - That the vessel started to pitch and roll heavily while shipping much water; That at that time speed was ordered to be reduced until 60 rpm and the course directed against the seas; - That at noon on March 1st in said condition Cape Finnistere was passed; That subsequently the wind veered to west and gradually abated enab ling the vessel to proceed again on full speed. That on the rest of the voyage to west africe experienced good weather and arrived in Dakar at 6 am on march 5th. That he considerered it not impossiblethat ship and cargo did not sustain any damage during the foul. Weather in spite of the preventive measures taken, while reserving his rights “to extend this protest at time and place convenient” Made without prejudice Done at Dakar on March, 9th 1999 Capt.Simon Koster MASTER TERJEMAHAN ! KISAH KAPAL Pada tgl 15 maret 1999 menghadap di depan saya, Jean Houten, konsul kerajaan Belanda di Dakar, tuan Simon Koster, nakhoda dari kapal motor Belanda “Liberia” berukuran 10.000 isi kotor yg menerangkan : Bahwa kapalnya dengan sarat 30 kaki dimuati dengan kurang lebih 8.00 ton muatan campuran pada tanggal 24 februari jam 5 sore meninggalkan Amsterdam dengan tujuan pelabuhan2 Africa Barat. Bahwa kapal pada waktu berangkat dalam kondisi “tight, staugh and strong” dan dilengkapi dengan bahan makanan, air tawar dan bahan bakar. baik. Bahwa itu adalah muatan yg dimuat/ditaruh berdasarkan kecakapan pelaut yg Bahwa kapalnya pada saat berlayar melalui English Channel mengalami cuaca baik dg jarak tampak baik dan sedikit angin. Bahwa pd tanggal 27 Februari, dalam teluk Biscay, cuaca buruk dan angin bertambah ke barat laut hingga kekuatan 8 dalam skala beaufort. Bahwa kapal mulai mengangguk dan mengoleng berat/keras sambil menimba banyak air. Bahwa pada saat itu kecepatan diperintahkan untuk dikurangi sampai 60 putaran per menit dan haluannya diarahkan melawan ombak. Bahwa pada tengah hari tanggal 1 maret dalam kondisi tersebut Tanjung Fanistere dilewati. Bahwa kemudian anginnya berubah (sesuia arah jarum jam) dan secara bertahap berkurang yg memungkinkan kapalnya untuk berlayar kembali dg tenaga penuh. Bahwa dalam sisa pelayaran ke Africa Barat mengalami cuaca baik tiba di Dakar pukul 6 pada tanggal 5 maret. Bahwa ia menganggap bukan tidak mungkin kapal dan muatanya mengalami kerusakan sewaktu cuaca buruk tersebut meskipun penegahan kapal dan muatannya, sewaktu penyelamatan sudah diambil pada waktu dan tempat yg layak. Dibuat tanpa prasangka Dibuat di Dakar pd tgl 9 maret 1999 Capt. Simon Koster Nakhoda The Sibigo of the netherlands merchant navy was caught in a cyclone in the Coral sea on march 16, 1945, and foundered with the greater part of her 85-man crew. Only 13 survi vors were picked up by a steamer of the same nationality after have been drifting abuct on two rafts for several days. Among those who were rescued were the second officer and the chief wireless operator. The former reported that the captain did all in his power to save the vessel and her crew. The gale commenced at 11 a.m on march 13. Tremendous seas battered the ship, the engines broke down and the holds were making water. The boats were all washed overboard so that, when the order was given to abandon the disabled vessel, rafts had to be flung overboard. The two wireless operators and some men of the crew managed to find momentary safety on one of the raft. The chief radio officer reported that the last he saw of the sinking vessel. The raft was overturned several times and the second wireless operator and a native sailor were drowned. The wreck was rolling heavily and suddenly she was seen ti turn over on her beam-ends. She righted herself again for a moment and next went down stern first. The rafts was tossed about helplessly for four days, the castaways living on tins of milk and meat, but lacking dringking water altogether. On march 20 a search plane spotted them and, unable to land on the rough seas, dropped food supplies. A gunner’s mate left the raft to try and secure the supplies, but his strength giving out, he was drowned. Of the six rafts that had left the ship only two were found, carrying thirteen survivors. In spite of an extensive search by sea and air not a trace was discovered of the other rafts. The sibigo was built in Rotterdam and in 1928 take over by the Royal Packet Navigation Company for the inter-island trade in the Netherlands East indies. When the japanese invaded these island, the sibigo managed to escape unharmed from the port of Tji latjap on the South coast on central java, arriving in a West Australia port on March 7, 1942. Afterwards she made many trips between Australia and New Guinea, Carrying Supplies for the Allied armies. by. calonrajakapa.blogspot.com Terjemahan : Kapal Sibigo dari pelayaran niaga Belanda terperangkap dalam badai di laut Coral pada tgl 16 maret 1945, dan tenggelam serta sebagian besar dr awak kapal sebanyak 85 orang, hanya 13 yg selamat yg diangkut oleh sebuah kapal dari berkebangsaan yg sama setelah terapung2 diatas dua buah rakit utk beberapa hari. Diantara mereka yg selamat terdapat mualim II dan markonis kepala/perwira radio kepala. Mualim II tsb melaporkan bahwa nakhoda telah melakukan segala sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan kapal dan awaknya. Badai mulai pd jam 11 pagi pada tanggal 13 maret. Ombak-ombak besar menghantam kapalnya shg mesinnya macet dan palka-palka kemasukan air, sekoci-sekoci tersapu keluar shg sewaktu perintah utk meninggalkan kapal yg tak berdaya tsb rakit-rakit harus dilemparkan ke laut. Kedua perwira radio dan beberapa awak berhasil untuk diselamatkan sementara diatas salah satu dari rakit-rakit tsb. Perwira radio kepala melaporkan bahwa terakhir ia melihat nakhoda dan mualim I –nya ada sewaktu mereka berdiri bersama dianjungan dari kapal yg sedang tenggelam. Rakitnya terbalik beberapa kali dan perwira radio II –nya dan seorang pelaut pribumi tenggelam. Kerangka kapal sedang mengolengkeras tiba-tiba kelihatan terbalik untuk beberapa saat dan kemudian tenggelam dg buritannya dahulu. Rakitnya terlempar kesana-kemari tanpa daya selama 4 hari dan mereka yg selamat hidup dg susu kaleng dan daging. Namun tanpa sama sekali air minum. Pada tanggal 20 maret, sebuah pesawat udara pencari melihat mereka dan tidak mampu mendarat di ombak yg keras dan menjatuhkan pasokan-pasokan makanan. Seorang juru tembak meninggalkan rakit dan berusaha mendapatkan pasokan-pasokan tsb tetapi habis kekuatannya dan ia tenggelam. Dari ke enam rakit-rakit yg meninggalkan kapalnya, hanya dua yg ditemukan kembali, yg mengangkut 13 korban. Meskipun pencarian yg luas melalui laut dan udara, tidak menemukan jejak rakit-rakit yg lain. Kapal Sibigo dibangun di Rotherdam dan pada tahun 1928 diambil alih oleh perusahaan Royal Packet Navigation Company untuk pelayaran antar pulau di Hindia Belanda. Sewaktu jepang memasuki kepulauan ini, kapal Sibigo berhasil melarikan diri tanpa cedera dari pelabuhan Cilacap di pantai selatan Jawa Tengah dan tiba di pelabuhan Australia Barat pada tgl 7 maret 1942. Kemudian kapal tsb melakukan beberapa pelayaran antara Australia dan Papua New Guinea dengan mengangkut pasokan2 untuk tentara-tentara sekutu. B/L : Bill of Lading, NOR : Notice of Readness, TLO : Total Loss Only, AAR : Againt All Risk, FIOST : Free in and out Stowage and Trimmed, GA : General Average, MOLOO : More or Less Owner’s Option, CTL : Contructive Total Loss, CQD : Customary Quik Despatch, LAYCAN : Laydays and Cancelling Date. by. calonrajakapa.blogspot.com by alf fiyan di 5:36 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Label: ENGLISH MARITIME, soal jawab UKP Reaksi: Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Popular Posts ALAMAT PERUSAHAAN PELAYARAN (CREWING) BERIKUT KAMI BAGIKAN ALAMAT2 PERUSAHAN PELAYARAN/CREWNG BAGI PARA PELAUT BAIK UNTUK CADET, RATING, PERWIRA DLL. SILAHKAN CEK DAN KIRIM CV K... soal-jawab UKP olah Dinas Jaga DINAS JAGa SOAL 1 1. Bagaimana tugas-tugas seorang perwira dinas jaga di anjuganpada saat kapal sedang berlayar sehubungan dgn... SISTEM KEMUDI KAPAL Sistem pengendalian kapal merupakan pengetahuan yang wajib dipahami oleh seorang navigator. Untuk dapat memahami secara baik maka seorang... SOAL JAWAB UKP ILMU PELAYARAN ASTRONOMI PART 1 soal jawab ujian keahlian pelaut (UKP) english language third edition (bahasa inggris3) I. Complete these sentence with Proper preposition 1. wheel 2. The ship is fulled at... The helmsman stood at the SOAL JAWAB UKP PENCEGAHAN POLUSI (MARITIME POLLUTION/MARPOL) PENCEGAHAN POLUSI 1. Penyebab terjadinya pencemaran laut yg berasal dari kapal yaitu = * Krn adanya kerusakan-2 peralatan-2 d... 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TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH BASED ON IMO-SMCP ! 1. Anda akan menemukan baju penolong di bawah tempat tidur. Answer : You will find helper clothes under the bed 2. Lapor bilamana kemudi tidak makan. Answer : Reported when the sterring is not eating 3. Tanda bahaya darurat umum terdiri dari tujuh tiup pendek dan satu tiup panjang. Answer : General emergency alarm consists of seven short inflatable and one inflatable long II. 1. CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE WORD PROVIDED IN THE BRACKET ! A crane is ( use, used, using ) for lifting heavy objects. Answer : use 2. The safety of the ship is the ( responsible, responsibility, responding ) of the master. Answer : responsible 3. The ship and ( its, his, her ) equipment are tested. Answer : her 4. An officer is always ( on, of, by ) watch on the bridge. Answer : on III. REARRANGE THE FOLLOWING WORD TO BECOME A GOOD SENTENCES ! 1. Fitted – propeller - bow – pitch – in – is – the Answer : 2. Port – make – your – lee – side – on. Answer : Make port on your lee side 3. Body – ship – a – the – the – hull – called – is – of . Answer : the body of a ship is called the hull 4. Fighting – fire – have – helmets – have – team – smoke – must . Answer : IV. WAYS ! REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES IN THE THREE ALTERNATIVE 1. We measure time with a chronometer. 2. A sextant is used for measuring the angle between the celestial body and horizon. 3. The function of a windlass is to raise and lower the anchors. BAHASA INGGGRIS 2 I. TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH. 1. Para nelayan biasanya pergi menangkap ikan pada waktu terjadinya pasang perbani. Answer : The fishermans usually go to catch fish when the hepenis of time of time perbani. 2. Sesuai dengan peraturan keselamatan semua alat pemadam kebakaran harus diperiksa dua kali setiap tahun. Answer : According to the regn safety regulation all equipment of fire extinsme mit of inspation twice every year. 3. Makanan beku harus dicairkan dulu sebelum dimasak. Answer : Frozen food must be malkied being cooked. II. JOIN THESE SENTENCES TOGETHER BY ADDING RELATIVE CLAUSES WHICH OR WHO 1. An officer may become the master of his own ship. He has the right qualification and experience. Answer : 2. One officer is called is called the Chief Steward. He is responsible for the catering Department. Answer : 3. Some cargoes are stowage in lock – ups. These cargoes are stowage classes as valuable. Answer : III. COMPLETE THESE SENTENCES WITH PREPOSITIONS, AT, AWAY FROM, ON, OFF, IN AND OUT OFF. 1. The helmsman stood AT the wheel. 2. The ship anchored AWAY FROM other ships. 3. The Chart lay ON the table. 4. He stood OUT OFF the way of the derrick. 5. The keel was just AWAY FROM the seabed. IV. 1. ANSWER THIS QUESTION IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. What is bulk cargo ? Answer : bulk cargo um packed cargo of comudity. 2. What is general cargo ? Answer : general cargo is cargo coming in baxes crates bags and plices. 3. Why is bulk cargo easier to stow then general cargo ? Answer : because it is packed cargo of one comudity. Ket : Mohon dikoreksi kalau ada jawaban yang salah.. Karena jawaban ini berdasarkan kemampuan saya sendiri.. by http://ariatmancool.blogspot.com/ Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Reaksi: Anda mungkin juga meminati: Soal Jawab Penanganan & Pengaturan Muatan 1 Soal Jawab Bahasa Inggris Maritim 1 RPP untuk Materi ajar Menggunakan Alat Ukur Multimeter Linkwithin Newer Post Older Post Home 0 komentar: Post a Comment Link ke posting ini Create a Link Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Social Profiles TwitterFacebookGoogle PlusLinkedInRSS FeedEmail Tags Popular Blog Archives Labels About Blog (5) adat dan budaya (1) akuntansi (2) Cerita Dongeng ( fairy tales ) (3) Cinta (1) Contoh Laporan (3) Contoh Makalah (13) Contoh RPP ( Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ) (18) Crows Zero (5) Fakta Paling Menakjubkan di Dunia (10) Foto-foto Unik - aneh - dan lain-lain (12) Kampus (2) Kata-Kata Bijak (1) Kata-kata di Saat Aku Merasa Hampa dan Putus Asa (2) kata-kata untuk sahabat (1) Khutbah Islamik (3) Materi Kelistrikan (16) Materi TKJ ( Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan ) (22) Penipuan (3) Perkembangan Peserta Didik (2) Proeblem your computer (4) Puisi (2) Renungan (5) Soal Jawab Pelayaran ANT IV (7) Strategi pembelajaran (1) Surat dari Masa Depan (1) tips dan trik (2) trik mempengaruhi orang lain (1) Tukaran Link Banner (1) Umum (13) Sahabat Bloger Back Link SEO Stats powered by MyPagerank.Net Show all blogs Pengunjung Alexa Certified Traffic Ranking for http://ariatmancool.blogspot.com/ 399849 Buku Tamu Powered by Blogger. Copyright © 2014 ALL PUBLISHED | Powered by Blogger Design by FThemes | Blogger Theme by Lasantha - Premium Blogger Themes | VPS Hosting Related Searches ? Berjaya Redang Beach Resort Prepaid Cell Phone Service Adanak ALL PUBLISHED YOU CAN GET MORE KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION HERE..!!! All-Published Home Materi Kelistrikan Materi TKJ Contoh RPP Contoh Makalah Contoh Laporan Fakta Unik Translate Select Language▼ CHAT ME SILAHKAN DICOBA Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Soal Jawab Bahasa Inggris Maritim 1 8:30 PM Soal Jawab Pelayaran ANT IV No comments Anda mungkin juga meminati: Soal Jawab Bahasa Inggris Soal Jawab Penanganan & Pengaturan Muatan 1 Soal Jawab Penanganan & Pengaturan Muatan 2 Linkwithin SOAL JAWAB BAHASA INGGRIS MARITIM I. COMPLETE THESE SENTENCES WITH YOUR OWN WORD. 1. The main in charge of ship is the master 2. The master is responsible for the ship her cargo and the safety of the crew. 3. The Captain must be qualified and experienced navigator. 4. The chief officer or chief mate. 5. The Deck Department is responsible for navigating the ship safety. II. 1. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE SENTENCES. What are the responsibilities of the second officer ? Answer : The responsibilities of the second officer provides navigating equipment. 2. Who makes a programme of maintenance for each day on board ship ? Answer : A programme of maintenance is made by chief officer. 3. Whose responsibility to provide the life – saving equipment ? Answer : Third officer is responsibility to provide live saving equipment. III. THERE ARE FOUR POSSIBLE ANSWER FOLLOW THE SENTENCES, CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER TO THE QUESTION. 1. Bulk cargo can ( be, is, are, was ) divided into liquid or dry bulk cargo. Answer : be 2. Liquid bulk cargo is ( carrying, carried, carry, carries ) in tankers. Answer : carrying 3. The Suez Canal ( is, was, were, are ) opened on 17 November 1869. Answer : was 4. The Canal ( join, joins, joining, joined ) the Mediterraneam each sea to Red sea. Answer : joins 5. The Canal ( has, have, had, is ) been widened several time. Answer : has 6. An officer may ( becoming, becomes, become, became ) the master of the ship. Answer : becomes 7. Now a day they make ship ( on, of, off, from ) steel. Answer : from 8. They had ( to, too, do ) repair the bows. Answer : to 9. We weighed the metal ( now, yesterday, everyday, tomorrow ). Answer : yesterday 10. They are painting the hull ( now, yesterday, tomorrow ). Answer : now Ket : Mohon dikoreksi kalau ada jawaban yang salah.. Karena jawaban ini berdasarkan kemampuan saya sendiri.. by http://ariatmancool.blogspot.com/ Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Reaksi: Newer Post Older Post Home 0 komentar: Post a Comment Link ke posting ini Create a Link Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Social Profiles TwitterFacebookGoogle PlusLinkedInRSS FeedEmail Tags Popular Blog Archives Labels About Blog (5) adat dan budaya (1) akuntansi (2) Cerita Dongeng ( fairy tales ) (3) Cinta (1) Contoh Laporan (3) Contoh Makalah (13) Contoh RPP ( Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ) (18) Crows Zero (5) Fakta Paling Menakjubkan di Dunia (10) Foto-foto Unik - aneh - dan lain-lain (12) Kampus (2) Kata-Kata Bijak (1) Kata-kata di Saat Aku Merasa Hampa dan Putus Asa (2) kata-kata untuk sahabat (1) Khutbah Islamik (3) Materi Kelistrikan (16) Materi TKJ ( Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan ) (22) Penipuan (3) Perkembangan Peserta Didik (2) Proeblem your computer (4) Puisi (2) Renungan (5) Soal Jawab Pelayaran ANT IV (7) Strategi pembelajaran (1) Surat dari Masa Depan (1) tips dan trik (2) trik mempengaruhi orang lain (1) Tukaran Link Banner (1) Umum (13) Sahabat Bloger Back Link SEO Stats powered by MyPagerank.Net Show all blogs Pengunjung Alexa Certified Traffic Ranking for http://ariatmancool.blogspot.com/ 399852 Buku Tamu Powered by Blogger. 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