Engineering Mathematics partial differential equations 4 clarification 2) Lagrange 's a) Type b) Type 4 - 41 Heat 5) Wave I -2 Type 31 char pit method 's -3 → Multipliers method equation equation - a -o---f__f__p___fI-o gÉ-g _ - paihal differential equations flu y ) 2- - where u y , ① which w r t - - / is i. e dependent is 4Y . y r is constant s=%÷y t=¥yr In equation which 2) pole which is H, said is partial first order only 1) A : f- ( F- ✗ - %y=¥y / jhz an a on z contains partial . First-order pde_ contains ① constant is r= A pole derivatives it y q=%y DEI : Difft , variables & depending is u - %ñ¥u p=%u independent are variable Difft ① - , to first order pole derivatives it . of the form y; 2 ; p hyp tug , g) = E- a 0 -1g ÑÑ%-ntYEy=ñi @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o---f__f__p___fI-o gÉ-g _ - clarification of first order pde Linear pde_ be linear of P g. i. e F- × if it linear is + yip ñyq + linear functions in of i. Ex : re e 1) - only the coefficients . play ) p pole said to semi linear the co efficient of is - pole psg if it are pole the sing = ' ' -12 said is co - to be quaei linear if be functions efficient may variables play it is of linear dependent . , 2) P 11 n'zp + 21 Ñy p Every linear F- lineorpde : order independent + ntyq + but all i. e a . Iuaeilinear pde p sq + z p and q , and and y only hyp A first xyz pde#osI A first order " and z to " = rip + y 'q= Eibar and , said play )P 2) in p g. is : 1) is in functions of nay are z . partial differential equation A : " + ICKY y2zq + = , semi converse = 12174,2) Ñy'z " but the q my Key )q= pole 2) linear pole is not true → euaeilinear pole . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__l0-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-f-II-p___fI-- - niyp 1) rig + 2) Pt q 3) My zp 4) ÑY'p 5) UP + n' y ' q + ygL= ' dependent F- ✗ : pole pole is - variable ' - A pole derivatives F- ✗ - I : said its Tzu l + Not pde_ pole if terms of pole D 21 0¥ Y÷y= nyz are of not 0¥ In - e- non ÷% ( wave variable s÷y + ÷ , homogeneous - order same , - + . all its contains partial either . equation) . : said to be is linear pole derivatives = * a pole pole partial , He pole homogeneous be to linear Linear → → pde oeeaei linear → y 22 dependent on : - xyz + = or homogeneous depend x of same order and all the 2) Non semi → rly 'zq= + Linear → +z I = Homogeneous A derivatives My = . In - - and if all the partial contains a term that does 't pole +2 = my ng @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____--E-f__p-Tf---→og--___ - Lagrange 's i. e where method Equation p R I ✗ . first orderpde_ to solve of the form pp functions of are ruled Lagrange Qq=R + y a , ez . wg write the auxiliary equation 's d÷=d÷=d÷ 2) choose Either d÷= d% d÷=d÷ dig 3) solve those The two like lolutions 41 U Either wing u solution is absent is absent is n = c , 4 for the 0 arbitrary or or absent is talk or or YI = , , function f- 2) = out cancel cancel to one out find Cz given pde Uff cancel methods well known film g) ( 2 Either y , general where DIE = from equations two any is 0 . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-og-r-ng-ghog-IE.A T ____-f-Ih_p_-→fI-fÉ-g _ - Example sold : : The - solve D - µ÷)p+uzq=y given equation - of the form is PP + Qq=R where The P YIµ : D= az & , 12=5 Lagrange 's auxiliary equations are d÷= dig d÷ = ¥-4 choose d÷z=dy÷ = , 2nd term its ① in - ① , dy÷µ=d÷z ÷Ie=d÷ n' die Integrate n÷ y = Eg = - 1st dy both sides on ¥ ¥ choose - and + c = e 3rd we , get , - , terms ② in ① . ¥1m se du - = YI zdz @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-oco-fi.AM -___--__f__p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - integrate U÷ ÷ for obtain by choose general solution is ¥ Y÷ Eg E) ( . - - and = p of the pole 1- any q + = tanz auxiliary d,÷ny= dt÷z 2nd terms in equations - ① , Cota on both ln ( Sina ) = - . Cost Sinn sides . lnfsiny ) bn given are ① d÷nn=d¥ny Integrate 0 , Lagrange 's d÷ann= 1st ③ have the we the solution The - ( 0 tana - Cz c- = pole the given u sign : Is - + , Cl ② 2-2 = and ③ ② From both sides on we + get bnc , ( lm Sinn = , - ② @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-ofng-ghd-fi.AM -___-foIh_p_-→_É-o ff--___ - Choon 2nd and 3rd terms d÷ny= of ( e , , a - + luck) ③ - solution for the given pde general the eat . = ";÷z . lnlsinz ) = sing sides both on lnlsiny ) is get cotzdz = integrate ③ we , d÷nz wtydy From ② and ① in -0 &C÷÷y si;÷d=o . ③ solve sign : - The yap The - seyq xlz = given eqh is 2g ) of the form pp Lagrange 's auniliarg dig Hay = Choon - 1st and 2nd % ditty - - - ndn= %Tz = terms of in ① is + age R given by ① - ay , , ydy integration both sides II Eg % we , get - = - @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-ofng-ghog-IF.A T ____--E-f__p_-→fÉ-o - n'+ choose and y dttey Cz %Tz dy dz I - I. F. el tody = tg . e. = ay ) - ydz = Zy 2¥ + Zy + z = - = %y get ( ←g→) - = + ② d÷y = ay ) Ty we , = - - , term Ly dy - c = 3rd and - - lost 81 2 2-③ ¥⑨+Py y = The solution for the differential equation ③ y z . =/ yz y y ' = Y From 2. dy - y ② and a +c is + er + en ' z = Cz = ④ - we have the , for the given pole of laity ④ ' general solution as ' ya y 1=0 - , @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-oco-fi.AM -o---foII-p___fI-- - > + aq ) R : Rules Lagrange auxiliary working tepi write - equations the d÷=%-= ¥ step a Find - a solution wing d÷= dog / dip dz / , dog dz / = fi ray step -3 the first Use Itu - general µ( fi Exampty : sofa : - The 1) Thr it is If it free from free from is If it is free from fz a P -13g given pole is of ④ ④ = f, 52 + = dY- did choose 1st and day = 2nd pole of the form - is ) given by , term 3N PP+Qq=R dz = is § ( Fz ) tan ly Lagrange 's auxiliary equation = from Cz = fz )=0 solve @ , solution for the given , z - equation two remaining Thr a If solution to find second solution say step c = following equations of the one ① , did @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ngr-LE-FF.AE -___-f-Ih_p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - 3dm integrate = 3k and 1st both sides - -1C y y=e , ② , 3rd terms equation in ① , dz dYd - on 3N choose dy - = g- " z + fancy -3k ) , = 3N Y , Integrate fdn = N = n = n The general / = fdn both sides on sz ÷) Is ¥ ( + tante 52 + , )d - y , N - 3N = , - C , " ) tante , ) ( 52 + fancy solution of the given of ( 3k - , g- z bn C - ? Fante ) + Cz ) ) - - Y , 5 bn - Isdn / 52 + -3N pole + )) Cz = Cz - ③ is tardy -3N ) ) = 0 @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T -___-foIh_p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - Solve ② sold : - given pole The The a- p of the form is auxiliary Lagrange 's dy = ✗ choose 2122 + ny ) 2nd terms and 1st aoe given by dz - = Ia yz(z2+ny , ① , dy du = NY PP+oq=R equations du - T2 ) yzfz4nyy - ÷=%both integration lulu ) . = truly - but my / my choose sides e = ② , terms du (22+9) z is du = / d÷ = = get we , d÷. = ( z2+ny , is du lucci ) , dn U2 + luce ) = 1st and 3rd NZ / we = n = + 24 + " " - - my (23+92) dz , " - , (22+4) dz integration both sides 4- 2¥ ¥ ¥ u c z - e. 2C , get + " z 2nyz + C- = ez ' / - G : my ③ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__Lg-÷É& Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -___-faf-_p_-→fI-ff--___ - From , of ( ny ① ③ solve sin : my xyp + F yfq " " - z of the form ' Lagrange auxiliary The = given by - zny -2W 2nd terms and is dz d÷y= dytt 1st Pp + Qq=R equation 's choose ' 2x - > - - X is given by any 221--0 - zay to is " of Cu at any 4 = = given pole the - n , solution of the given pole general the ② &③ ① , d÷y,= dfte d÷= integrate dig lnlnl = lulu ) n choose 2nd - and I dy dy dy - 1g dy sides both on truly / = + , lncc , ) but ye , ) ye , - - c - , ② 3rd terms , dz = any -2W dz = "÷! - ÷ • dz = zloty ) -21kg / ~ dz - zc , -24 ' @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T -___-faf-_p-TfI--- - both on J dy - . say = Y Y Y From - = ze , 25 - )%,%→ :-, ÷ ÷ In lnlzc -292 ) hrlzc , % - sci ) -2¥ ttn solution , a) + , but ② and ③ 5) " I ez / ez = , 41¥ H- , dz , - sides , Y - solve solve 1- but py + / for e- the - 1g ③ given pole is given by -4--2%111=0 qn=nyzYÑ-yY Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences = G= . . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -___--__f__p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - TYP Let p Q , , , R , functions of be , my 42 . Then well known principle of algebra each function by will be equal Itu 's equation aniliary Lagrange a , ) term ( If P , which P -19 I , -1-12,12=0 method This Us lay 2) cz = , The G. s give u to find Cale p , lay -4--9 another , - o . integral Q , - 4 , , R are , called . for . to this In . the repeated is multipliers i. integrated be can then , in the given pole flu .ua/-- is , 0 solve ① zcu-iyjp-zcn-yjq-oi-yt-p-rso-ni.LI Lagrange auxiliary equations 's du ZCn+y ) choose P dn , + Piz CU d. → Pix Qi - y Ri - as z n2+yÉ 22 , - , ① multipliers zedu -10,21N g) + R / - n'+ye - y) = zcu y ) . , given by da dy = are ✗ = - ydy - zdz / UTY ) yzlu y ) -2C n'ayy - - du - y dy - zdz H+#H+-ÉH ndx integrate - ydy - U ? y zdz both on ÷ YI =) - - ' - o = sides we , get 3- % = 22 c , - ② @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__hE-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-foII_p___fI-ff--___ - choose y N , - , second as z out ydn yzlnty ) tuzla y ) - - zlx ydntudy dlyn ) integrate From ② &③ zdz - s . ndy - zdz - 0 =o sides z÷=cz - + H+#+¥Hz Ézyf = zdz - the G. , '+yy= both on yn of multipliers for , - the ③ given pole is ② solve Lagrange auniliaryegf m÷y 's : is ① = ly choose as first ut - mu multipliers of . = , edu integrate IN choose + + mdytndz my a. y ,z both on -1 nz as = C __ 0 tmz - lrfytmnn mllztny nnfn - - ( are constants ) sides , second - set ② of multipliers nyy+yyn yeasty -7m - @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng_-LT-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-faf-_p___fI-ff--___ - udntydytzdz =) integrate Ig both on Ig + sides ÷ + af+ye+z2= from Solve sotn ly my + + nz 2) Pt ( z - y choose Ndn - for . the given pole is n'+ y -124=0 ' , - n )q= dy = (Y - N y - Lagrange 's auxiliary equations : du ✗ ③ ez , & ( IN ③ kg = the G. s and ③ ② o = 2) - y a. ydy + + ylz z z d÷y = n multipliers as z , - zdz -1 ndntydy = - a) + - both sides on zdz HUH -14/2-44+24 -2¢ zcn y , sedntydytzd integrate → -3=0 , ÷+Y÷+¥=÷ 214 y =) choose 1,1 , ' -12 dn+dy+dz_ Y - 2+2 - u 1- N - C - , ① multipliers as I ? fdntdytdz ) = o y du + integrate ✗ + dytdz on y -12 = both = ez o sides - ② @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-L T-fi.AT -o----E-f__p___fI-gÉ-g _ - From the G. s and ② ① for the . , of Luty classification at - → , y a + + 2) pole given = is o of _É comet integral com¥ s An or expression of the pole f- Cu the , y Z , , P E) , = o complete integral called type where - , of Cu Y , , 2 , and b a b) a. are 0 = is arbitrary the solution of constants is . pairs integrate 2) particular integral of the pdefcn.y.z.AE/--0 is obtained and b in complete integral by giving particular values to A a General integral 3) An expression of functions said is the type be to Singular incl 4) gal or or . solution of Lu general , v1 = o where solution of the ofln , y ,z a. b) , = o be the is pole of Now ( if it the ) enist arbitrary -_ o . of the pole . y=a envelope is of complete integral alto solution of pale flu . y ,z, b. g) so , Y=b : If Itu vase . Remand that and singular solution complete integral If the envelope of complete integral called exist then it singular integral Let u envelope pole has of no complete integral singular volution does 't exist then we say . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng_-LT-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -oG_--E-f__p___fÉ-o - first Itn coneider Let f- ( n , y , first order pde_ solving non-h of order non linear pole - 2,1391=0 working Rate steps steps Write . given pole the ¥+÷÷=÷y÷e¥ ¥n=fn Let dp find and stupa SOI : - two P sq ¥g 4 - terms - for dy = , proper The given Let pole da in 1K in ② fq auxiliary egn ② + qdy integral writer be can Pdu - and hence integrate . complete obtain the D : fp dy qfg - complete integral find Examp↳_ Pfp - . substitute . to - - , = egeeali or q ¥ , dz fytqfz p ¥z=fz . - ¥ • - = select . - ¥ . fy - = de = fu + pfz steps Fy , ① . -7¥ -1¥ dz = → 0 auxiliary equation eharpit 's write down . as of z=pn+qy+p4I① Pntory -11045-2--0 as partially u . , fn =P char , pit 's dp fu + pfz fy=q , fz= auxiliary d , = equation is dp , P E , +21' fq=Y -12g , given die = fytqfz Z , a dz " = fp -1 y = - pfp - qfg dq by = - fp dz ¥2 From dp -0 1st and the 4 dg 2nd terms we ③ %÷p ) = %+É , have , :O @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T -___-faf-_p___fÉ-o fÉ-g _ - integrate p a - dz WKT integrate which ② - µdp a - fdg - b) by + obtain we , fla b) , required complete integral the pole Given pde - sides + an = bdy + both on solve sold : adn - the is get pdutqdy . 2 we , q :b g - dz sides both on q=3P ? - ① be writers can . q -31,2=0 as partially Let fu 0 char pit 's fy=O = dp , fz , auxiliary , is dp=° integrate Pfp - by µ - ¥2 fp du = = • l = - dz cop q ③ dy - 1 , both sides on - given qfg - = term 1st the fq = - d÷ = P&g 2. du dz fytqfz d÷ 4. -67.4 = futpfz From = equation de = fp :O , , p=a From ① D= WKT we , have g- sat q= sat a dz pdn = dz= adu + -13A integrate 2 = which are is qdy on + the - dy both sides salty . + b required complete integral . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-ghf-fi.A T -___-faf-_pTfI--fÉ-g _ - 3) obtain complete integral of sod : Given equation can be writers - Corridor Differentiate fu The =P fntpfz DP Choo a -8 1st two teams ¥ pfp spa - lnlq ) = bnfp ) substitute = qy - pz=o . , y p given - by - - pi -d÷q , - -d÷p , , both sides tncp ) peg + % = on pre . -¥= % = - fg is dz , integrate & , d÷=→d÷ gig = p , f- p= , f÷gfz= = y ,z, auxiliary equation char pit 's d" partially f- 2=0 , as f fy=q , pole px+qy=pq the : , lnlal + lnlqa ) p : qa p=qa the in pole given pn+qy=pq qaktqy gia = arty - - ga arty q= a i. p=qa = an + y & anti g- - a WKT dz dz = = adz pdntqdy ( an + g) du = alan = adz = g) (an g) + ( ant)dy du + Can + g) dy ( adu dy ) + Canty ) d Canty ) integrate az + + = on both sides H÷ + , b @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-gho-fi.A T ____--__f__p_-→fÉ-o - # step ' complete integral wing Find . 4 IN steps steps Difft . of solution Mold , Y a , b) , w 2% 4 = 0 a and r - integral the of the get we , ¥b=0 b ¥a=o wing ¥ & - find to o - singular , solution of pde which and is constants arbitrary functions particular values of a and b in singular from Find and b a solution the is arbitrary obtained by any 4) method say . 0 = t - prev . The : 2 , partially Eliminate : solution , is free not complete . pole 22N and hence obtain integral complete - poi 2qny+pq=0 - singular solution / if exist ) . Conti der flu y Solin ? Differentiate f- partially y ,z peg - , , 2 , , , fu = char 22 - pit 's dp 2Pac From pfp team 2N = given d" qfg fp= , by = - y Ñ+q - = - -2mg + p doe dz pl n'+ El fq= fq = - , dy - , - El - any-117 dy = - fake, - 1- yay xp) have we , 0 = gg- - 222 both sides on - given pde in a - pl Is , a pn 2- a = ' - ie ganef ) = 2k + " ¥ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Pa zany ( ay = 0 - - a- a , - -294+294=0 integrate substitute is fz , = dq +2p/m dq equation - = 2nd -29N = dz fytqfz sqy fy = dp - , " = -2p/m 284 aumliary d fu + pfz 22 - - 22N 2) 2 @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -___--__f__p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - substitute P&g dz - ady - ur 2k dn = ay ✗ h by - a- z dz 1- y - integrate ady z both sides on - aka - ay ay) partially ① y = - which soju : bulb ) blah a) - - - a - ① but ba b the pole 1- a ñy=ylu- 64 rely solution required singular complete aka = ✗ - partially ① o z , the is pifft b z= of the 1- - b - that implies Find / n' a) bn = . . y 5) du → required complete integral is - ① 2k ay lnfz Difft n - = 2- which ady + - ady - qdy Calf 2) du 2N = a- dz + 2 A- ✗ dz Pdn - lay -21 du 2k = da in and hence obtain integral 212 + Pntyql =yp~ . solution / if exist ) singular . Conti der partially , fu - 217 , char fy= pit 's dp 2g -15 , g- p - 2 f- p , - equation 2N is = DE sg - phony 2YP - pfp - given qfg plan - gyp ) by = - y du - syst dy - , dz - f- g- 2y - , = = " - d" dz " fytqfz fu + pfz - aumhary d = dp fz fq sypj dy - ay @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-ofng-ghd-fi.AM -o-_--__f__p___fÉ-o ff--___ - choose 1st and ÷ dtp last - 29dg = integrate both sides 2hr14 I on (p) but - - - ) P P p =) p 212-1 . dz ✗ h = my Eye ydz ydz gy + p q die -1 / y = 22 - ay÷ . - + - dy - ¥ dy = ya is , we - the - + 2a÷ ) dy - dy dy qdy + - + a ad ( zdy ( ty aiytdy - du - Kyu dy ) Eg ) get aIY÷ + atg + b ① required complete integral singular soln Difft ① partially For The 2a÷ ) - -22 , . sa ¥ → = ÷ = safe - Fy / ÷ agdn - , dz =p du in q integration which pde , dcyzl on / g- Ty 1¥ g- substitute a ¥ = luca I a = = = luca 1 = given a÷ qy luca ) + ) ' y . in - y - p substitute , 2hr / y ) + but 2 , Fay - , bn term . . given pole has . no b o = I singular solution . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-ghh-fi.A T -___-faf-_p___fÉ-o - clauif_Én linear The seed order pde_ of second order pole AÑ÷~+B°÷ugy+c Where A B , C , , D, E SF , hyperbolic elliptic clauify E 1) 3 Sok :-p + F- Fy , + is FU=0 . said to be o B2_4Ac=o if 1374A eco - pole's ; the 2) Rewriting Itu 33%2 Fy > - if °÷nu= Hegg constants B' AAC following thin + real are if parabolic ✓ 8- Far 3) ÷ = given pde Y÷ -1%2=0 as - observe that A :3 B ? AAC The i. 2) -0 - = 13--0,4<=0 , 0 given pole Rewriting pole 's the %÷z 0¥ = - parabolic is as 0 , observe - that A- - 132-4 Ac : i. 3) 1 = The 13=0 S , = -4 (1) C- 1) 0¥ 1,13=0 132-4 Ac + , = , - = given pde Given A- = C 470 hyperbolic is 0¥ I - ☐ , & → Given pole is elliptic . c- I 0 -4 - (1) (1) = -4 Co @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__h T-f÷ÉÑ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-faf-_p___fÉ-o ff-o-coneider-wpdeRr-ss-tt-fcn.Y.z.PE/-- - ① 0 where r -53 , R S . T - s=0÷sy t=°¥u - - defined partial 1) Hyperbolic a 5at 5- Elliptic 3) at RT > ART 1) Nagy 12=1 ② said is domain in to be if D 0 Cay ) domain in ☐ if 0 Cny ) domain in D if 0 ? , T 5--0 , ↳ 0¥ = ( equation ) Tricorn N , RT 0 = pole given -1-0 n 0 = 5- 4.12T Th < ① ltupde Aunt s = point a 5- ART Efg ( a. g) point a D. equation point 4 only powering partial nosy the domain in at parabolic 2) of differential The S , functions are derivatives , 4G ) ( N ) - - - is 4N hyperbolic if elliptic parabolic ✗ it if < or a > 0 , a- o - . ( n' my , - - observe that coneider The SIKRI given pole R=ny . s= - ( n'-74 T - - - my .tn?y4t-4lny1l-ny1--(x?yy4-an'y- is { parabolic if y elk a- - -0 - hyperbolic @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-gho-fi.A T -___--__f__p_-→fÉ-o - . . Uk - differential equation U where a .cz - Cia - solutions are , e = U, + , Cruz-1 - + - - constants are a linear Itu thin of CKUK , alto is a , partial linear homogeneous combination solution of pde Itn Money vibrating string ( wa_veeguatw : it place to ends string andalongfasten 1k n lengthand , n=o the it home problem is that string time at any The model One - dimensional equation wave since the boundary release We Assume it t >0 find vibrations deflection its vibrating string %÷= ie c- gy fastened motion of initial = ④ f- in) coneisls where c the ends string velocity Equation , " ① Fla ) implies G " will n Ctl = T , - - linton g= =L dimensional we , have the • depend initial its on ③ of the ¥ duuihi . pole ① . ④ pifft , partially ④ ' Ft Flu ) G'Itt Difft partially ice Gltg FIN G' It ) Glt ) F IN ) = ↳ ✗ x=o be the solution Gltl , ÷ = 2¥/t=o= got ) 0¥ any point one ① at & partially ¥n= F'In ) of the , the = FIN partially at . a its [ ✗ → the - ifft : 0° . Itu , and Difft " www.oeucr.t ,=o , ☐ T . to , ← UCH 01 - t=o is is deflection : the determine string conditions Furthermore sold then distort to of equation wave the it . , and we . time to vibrate at , The =L a stretch , at L and string and allow of anis - = ' ' = , that c ' F' Tn ) Glt) @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T -oG---E-f__p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - separating variables the " G Ctl " In , F¥ = c-Get , observe that but LHS two then constant home " (n ) " + put n=o , = function of RHS is & when it is ' n' equal only to - G÷÷µ and o = ② UCO .tl × - , & ④ we G " - - . ✗ , -1 c-✗ Gl -11=0-50 have , Glt I Foil = = and Fen / ✗ Using equations only ' t possible only is , → = g. F- 1117 this - . "I ÷+ F function of is equal are obtain we , 1--107911-7=0 / - - UCO +1=0 . . 1--107=0 put a =L , UIL,tl= F- ( F- i. " ( n) Gct FCL ) L ) -_ _- 1--121=0 & → - calf solve this to find Fen ) ⑥ 7=0 Equation implies that ⑥ F' ' (a) on 0 0 1--101=0 + ✗ Fln )=0 I 1=0 integrating we , n=0 n f- Cn ) get = Can Flo / , =) put =L F' Cal S 0 = 5- ( n ) put , + ez = Cz= FIL ) = , c= ☐ / - = C , Cnn -112 I 1--107=0 0 C , L :O I FLL )=0 4=0 i. i. FCN ) From = = , cz= 0 0 equation ④ "=o→ This is pole ① trivial solution for which is of no the interest . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__Lg-÷É& Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-faf-_p_-→fI-ff--___ - cased ✗ -22<0 = Equation F- The " ( n) A E that 2- FIN )=0 - 1--101=0 m2-22--0 - . i. Flat put implies ⑥ 2--0 ' = [( o MEI " e e )= put =L a + ez , C =) = , FILK , e- -1C , e , 1--121=0 4 - e = I 0 " - Cz Flat e e- + =D ④ C 4 ✗ FThe " A E is . ' __ i. have we This → o trivial solution of the pole ① is is of no inleresent . 1--101=0 ME Flo )= , L - a- Colfax ) c FIL ) , 1--121=0 4 . Flake , n=o n= 0 = by given =) put , 1=0 that implies -1×2--0 M put ⑥ ( n ) -124--1217=0 - 1--121=0 22>0 = Equation - , which Casey < < : Eo < e- 1 0 equation the From 1--101--0 : -1 Cz " czc i. - Cz cze - real roots ✗ k ed + c- e- 4=0 , → -12 m= , + m=±ix→ ezsinctn ) costs 't casino} C , = / sink 4=0 =) LL F- I ⑦ FCN ) implies = - NIT , ✗ =n that czsin ( I 1--101=0 0 I Casino 4=0 = roots ⑦ - =o Complex . n= ✗ - 1--14=0 i Take 1,2 , 3 = ✗ . ' Cito - for non-trivial sobn . . =ñ¥→ Eigenvalues , NII ) ⑧ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T ____--__f__p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - G the equation solve Now A. given by is E. ' ; Get / . CLEO -1 m =) czcoslctnt ) = ME + substitute @ and @ find ⑤ to -1 c-✗ Gl -11=0--1 " Cr sin - - Gltl , G' dI ' Lt ) -1cL m= ↳ since ✗ t ) ④ in ( MII ) ↳ - Gltl -1 ice → Un - n ' we - un - n have we n - - put . i. 2.3 . - - - - un / ( NII ) - } - An : GG Bn - Cola - , cost n)tBnSinCcn ) ' i n t=o in - - ten) -_ . flu ) ) we find An An = 4 Bn ④ . 2¥/t=o= got ) & ① and to flat is Ula 01 sinfn I conditions ③ Ulan i.e put An = initial the use : sin , P W solutions 1,2 ) t + get different By superposition principle MT = I cos(cn f) casino Ancoscctj+Bnsin(cn) - ✗ , MI For each complex roots / ⑨ - 0 -_ sin / n¥ , ) ="-szsa--→-* which is half range Fourier eerie . Zfotfcn1sinCnII1dse1 ODif _t@w.rt 4ueeY_1t.j-gcn1.p An It - - f- Anc = since " ) + cost - t) Bnc n=l ) sin / n) p 4-+1+-5-8 " / Bnc = n Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences - - sin ( NII ) l @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences . ____--__f__p_-→_É-o ff--___ - which is BnIÉ half ¥ ! tgcnsincn ± ÷ Bn= solution for Ducati where - the An = n [ gents in ( , The cost An - is deflection of n¥)dn-i@ ⑦ t ' I die ) is + by given Bn since I f. 4-in siren ÷ , which pole , ) sinfn ) l Bn= ↳ Fourier eerie range the the [ gents in required string at non - I die NII ) du trivial solution any point on < L 4 at any that time represents t> o - @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__hI-_÷÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -___-faf-_p___fI-fÉ-g _ - Heat Equation Consider thin a lengthandL of rod temperature tent throughout zero for all time limp temp Ulu .tl at . at . k8¥n Uco t ) Ul n , 01 f- In ) ② 022cL Assume - t . find to L }-@ and at > 0 temperature the time any egf 2¥ Difft partially ④ Ñ÷ " ✗ ( = Equation X) home then two are constant ① Difft partially ④ ✗ cnltltl = , " ✗ (n ) - Fi - , function of is equal this only ' t - RHS is s possible only is , function of when it is ' n' equal only to . ' - ☒+ , ×"✗÷g " pole ✗ (a) Tilt ) = 1- It I ✗ any , ÷÷+ but at n - that the variables LHS >a Tct ) " observe that [ Yf K ✗ (a) TITI separate g the solution of the implies ① yu=o . ' teen partially y of the rod ✗ (a) Ttt ) = 0 ④ - Difft t> 0 be ✗ (a) Tct ) = Us t >0 . ③ . is obtain Then . ① . 04 LL point SOI ? = whose ends held 0 < n < , initial an . UIL t 1=0 , problem The ¥ , 0 = , time t any = -1>0 with = (N ) - ¥÷ + ✗ ✗ Cn ) = and ✗ 101=0 = - ✗ , 1-1+1 1¥ , and ✗ From ② - 4 0 ④ 4 T ' = Its + - ✗ ✗ KT It 1=0 have we , ✗ ( L) = 0 @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-L T-fi.AT ____-faf-_pTfI--ff--___ - " ✗ Cn ) F- ✗ = ✗ IN / integrating N=0 =L ✗ ( , L = put ✗ ( n " ) ✗( . (n ) - - o) e put ✗ 14=0 cz=0 ④ , we get of solution the pole which of @ no interest . that d- ✗ CNI = , ✗ 0 __ mIñ=o m=±a→ real mkI roots eM+cze→n , I C , + cz=o Cp =) N=L : 0 = given by is N=0 4 0 equation implies ⑤ ✗ : ) ✗ 101=0 -22<0 Equation - 92=0 -_ , in the trivial is A. E. /I 0 = ) ✗ in )=o = 0 ✗ CU / = 0 substitute ✗ KTlt1=0⑥ ✗ -112 C, N ✗ ( O ) =cz= , i. cased + get we , C which ⑤ 0 = → Cz ✗ 1- Itt , ✗ ( Nt put - that implies ⑤ " put - 0 equation on ' O - 4×14=0 ✗ 101=0 calf ✗ Cal 1- ✗ 14=9 = - ^ ✗ 101=0 - . Cz " + e cz e- ✗ 2=0 I ' - . ✗ ( 4=0 - e- =) i. put Cz ✗ Cut in ✗ In )=o =D < 4--0 4--0 & 0 = equation __ 0 → ④ we , get Trivial solution for the pole @ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__hE-f÷i& Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o---faf-_p_-→fI-ff--___ - calf ✗ =L Equation " > 0 ✗ The A. i. put ✗ Cn ) 2=0 ✗ , " log C put n =L ) + + (2) LL . ✗ cut = n - ⑥ i. e ' 11- ' ) → find to Iti = - - - = - we , k → complex roots ✗ 101=0 - ez -1-0 ✗ 14=0 for nontrivial cob ) - =L → = Eigenvalues . ⑦ . ' - TLE ) ~ get lnltct ) ) bnltltl ) tnl = - 1T¥ - Kitt bug ) = 3 T¥ Titi = - ↳ e- = - - + lncg ka 't kit K - 4- e- KII / 't - " I Eigenfunction Tltl Ka , integrating + is Ct ) -1K ✗ 1-1-4=0 t÷÷ on : - czsincn equation ) I Take ✗ - solve m= 0 = o = i. 2,3 - =n¥ ✗ : ( , NIT = ( LL ) ez Sin = sink 21=0 =) a- Sinful Cz I casino ? , - 0 = , ✗ , c = ME m2+< 2=0 cos ( 2n c , = . -122 ✗ Into Cal given by is E- that implies ⑤ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences D= 2¥ ' ⑧ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -___-faf-_p_-→fI-fÉ-g _ - put egn ⑦ For then ⑧ & obtain we , czsin ( = each ' ' solutions e- ¥1T " solution . Eun - n = 't n - , 2 , 3- solution - to ( /n ) - differentiate An - Crs of their solutions rum [ 1 - Un is • Ula .tl = sin By superposition principle a " different have take An = 1¥ NII ) ↳ e- we n Un ④ in An e- Ñt sin ( is ) abo NII ) l - n - I ( -)n-put t This - - : . half is An The and o - 2- non - we egI ③ e . 1 range [ flat Fourier sin ( NII) series . dn trivial solution for the P pde ⑦ is given by where An = 2- [ flat sin ( NII) dn @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ±___zs_fA--olT --ÉÑ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____--__f__p___fÉ-o - c- - russet .tn/--04uCL.t.--oUCn.01--ftn1&Y-t/t=j-gcN Ufo ) www.t/--AnCosCen-It)tBnSinCcnL-Tt)sinfnIY)n-1 where An I - !¥nsin( NII [ ÷ Bn= / die gcns, ¥ Ul it / ul n , 01 = o< , UCL 1-1=0 0 , , = f- In ) nah , t >o , t > o 022cL . P where An :[ [ flu )sin( NIL)dn @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__Lg-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -___-faf-_p___fÉ-- - obtain the kite Jun IN U soI : = for the A :[ - Ane N where ① U( 1. 1-1=0 , NT that foehn solution The ° Jt ) equation 0 I UCM Given - 0 , Ju = U( 0,1-1=0 of the heat solution ' equation kl 0 ) = x - t=i & heat . is ) ① l - L An . 2- / flu ) ( NII ) die sin 0 flu )=Ñ put 4 2=1 polynomial An in lieu , " An . at sinlnitn ) du 2) Te o = Tu = - An - 4- substitute - + cant An + = [ 21 " - u / f) v 'Hv - . "¥¥" 1+4%1%-17'D a + ' + 0 •%;÷§ :÷÷÷→] %÷? ÷ ] - . 42=1 in . ① , A ulv ' •"÷: w¥É• 21 -1¥ - tu Guy ws÷¥4 =2fñ•s;; - +21¥? Jyp ) - e- " "" tsincnñn ) n @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T -o---f-Ih-fTfI--ff--___ - the solution obtain ② the heat of equation 1<8%5%7 U( Ul 0,1-1=0 UCN SOI Given : ) 0 . L= IT { = & it :{ where k - , ,={ . ☒ ! in fcn ) - - 0 < " , 0 Ty < Me CKC IT , , is sin sin / NII ) ① ( NII ) du An g o +¥inlnn1dn Tin Cnn ) die Tle 0 An 1 equation / ¥11T 2- - fall F- / - IT/ 2 < 1172<22 IT 0 fin < x L 9 - 0 . l - An 2=17 An - Ane n put 1 solution of the hurt II IT ,t 7--0 f- ¥ 0 - = ÷( wscn ) , An put 2=19 = - - wscol ) ÷*(wsln÷) 1) - 4 An in ① . A :[ :-, ( ws(n¥ I - I / e- " " tsinlnn ) nil @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__hI_f÷i& Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -___--__f__p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - the solution of obtain ③ i the equation wave :÷=i÷ Ulu -11=0 . Ulm 07 , UCH , t 7--0 , It -0=0 :-X . sin : Given - the that f- solution for the girl , wave __ 42 0 equation - given by is P An = n where cost - I f. 4-cnisincn - ÷ 2g - Bn since ) sinfn ) ① An - 1- - , An ) l - Bn= put t ' Idn -20 fotgcnsinlnitejdn 4 tilt ② in . sesinlnnldn N = ¥1 - ] ñws÷ñÉisinc;; ¥ I = put - 1- = An ③ - E-] = IT - - ÷ " girl :O / :# ) IT ÷ = 'T 0 'T 2=0 o 1 ] : sin In 7 = " 0 +1 till iii. 1- ii. - " Bn in Bn = we , get 0 @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T ____-faf-_p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - An 4 Bn put { = - l U The :{Ane where 2x~ N, 01 kl - - KOI flat A - equation U ( = O Cos ✗ = and cosh 2=1 of the heat equation solution N = , that Given of the heat 10 -11=0 UL - Sin Inn ) ) co scent ¥ : get we , " 2 the solution obtain SOI ① A n 41 equation in t sin . given by is / NII ) ① l L An substitute An 2- . flat . = 2 ! fcn ) sin ( NII ) da 2=1 cosas An in get we , " / cosh Sin 200s A sin D= sin /A + B) ( NHK ) du - sin / A- B) 0 / = incr + nm ) since - - min / dn ) ) sin to ) : - since 0 / ( sin ( linin ) = + sin O =[÷÷÷ - ( MIT - 1) N) ) du •"÷j N - = wscn - NIT -11 a. " = - •": Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences - ws! •s1: -0 ' l n÷+in÷ ) - - . + n÷+in÷ , @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -___-faf-_p___fÉ-o ff--___ - An 4 put L - ① in l - , it aint , - [ -001,7¥ N ⑤ !;+n÷+n÷ ' as - &¥= 10 .tl c2z2u UCH -11=0 0 = 2¥ / Ulna 7=0 lpiven That The solution of equation wave Full - "" " I ? obtain solution of the sod ! e- , " f- into the , gin , wave Sinn E- + , = L 4 Sinn equation is - - IT given by P cost An = n where - An - 1=0 & = put gents incnl - Bnsinccntt ) ÷ Idn sin L= IT ③ - egI② in , 0 t= -11 4 ③ egf in sinoelsinl , Cn)-① -20 fotgcnsinlnitfjdn ÷ An Bn It Z f. 4-cnisincn - , ten n l Bn= put ' , Idn IT Bn = ÷ , = ÷ ! Sinn Sin ( nm ) - Hosen - nn ) - : 25in Asin B=os( A- D) da - costa -1131 ④ costa inn - 1) da IT = ÷ I @ ski - nm ) - costa -1mn ) / du Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -o---faf-_p___fÉ-o - ] " , n , NIO> ☐ = 1 B, ¥ / = ④ egf in , " Sinn Sinn , du 0 ¥ = ¥2 ÷ = , " ! [ = / Sirin du ( 1- u - 2 sink = 1- wszu wsanldn sing] 'T HI 0 [ = B. since An = , sin__ - o ] ÷ = 0 IT Bn = 0 ÷ = , nai d- 4 = since"¥ ) 1- since Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ⇐÷_-gf@_grdrggg_f_ B. t) equation sin ( Yf ① implies that ) sincnl @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -___-faf-_p___fI-ff--___ - obtain Itu solution of the ⑥ ice = 2¥ c- = ¥ , UC 0 IT , f- ± " : ' The Given (n ) :{ that sink t) Mz { feat Sinn ← CN < An = n where - cost is An + given Bn since I f. 4-cnisincn - / Idn = f- it in I = ③ - ② ,ydn+ / 70 1T sincnlsinln du 0 Me " F÷ 1- sin -20 gcn )sin(m¥)dn ° = ) i ÷ / fins G- = ) y ① , An 8th 1=0,42--7 ' < l Bn= substitute t ' IT 11-12 < u 0 A % a- 172 • < equation wave 0 = o< u 0 . solution of the , ¥+1T -5-0 Ucu 01=1-1^1 where equation wave Sinn sinlnn ) du ④ / I 25in A sin B- WHA - B) - Costa + B) - "Fws( ! ! n - na ) - coslntnnlldu The ÷ / costa =¥[ - nin ) - cos / lunk ) / dn sina.IN#-sinH:;;-nJ*.n-ti ✗ =D @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__hE-_↳÷Ñ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o-_-faf-_p-TfI--- [ - sina.÷[IMsina.IT#-sinlY;:--H).n-+i #-sinlYIn---l-o),n-tiAn-:# - put in n=1 A. ④, Tina It ! = Sinn ÷ ! Tinta = ! ÷ - f- [ = a du / du , = ⑤ 2 Sirin . I - cos an wsanldn Sinan] - Mr N =D A, put glue :[ E- ¥ I = o in ③ - ⑤ , ⑥ 4 ⑦ in - o ] ⑥ get we , Bn=0 put " " = - ⑦ ① A - A ios ( IE) sin / II / An + n - cost t ' ) 2 -113m¥? ) sinfn ) b Wnt I =L coset ) Sinn where + [ An wsccnt ) sin Cnn ) An=÷[sinT&mn" sin(¥;] - Term Test - l @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-gho-fi.A T ____-foIh-p___fÉ-o ff--___ - cha's method ① obtain complete the yzp 5¥ " of the pole integral ? q=o - ① www.derflqy.z.P.E/--Yzp2-z-1ODifftegf partially Let us ① foe = 0 char pit fy= , 's dp auxiliary d¥y %÷ fq given by is = dz = = , - = -1 pcgyzp, _gµ, ¥p = 4- .gg?F-+g---zdyn-zp--dY- = terms & last ÷ ¥ dy - , - Ipr pt - > Jj dr. ydy - , . YJ = y . - - p: a :-# ¥ Y ¥ a p = - RE ⑦ in - • q YI az p put , fp=2yzp , equation z¥÷ypi = > 1st ' Psg z =fyd÷fz=→¥÷q=?÷= ¥5 empt Take fz=Yp ZP ? a. Y, . : - - o Ya÷ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T ____--__f__p___fÉ-o ff--___ - dz= WKT da ✗ an pdn qdy + taFdn-IT@7f.yrra.y - Fda É dz die = + Ya¥u Ya?Fdy= - - dy du y?dz+zk--ydy integrate 2- z both sides on iay Ta - - y , b N + = ) 4=4+312 tankage's method ⑤TY*÷,+④%=⑨R ( say : - The auniliary of choose % 2nd is pp + aq=R ) given by ¥ = terms , d¥= dfa fadn =/ydy É= au = ! y y II + ÷ 4- 4 ' = C , @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T ____--__f__p___fÉ-o ff--___ - 2nd choose ditzy 3rd and linn d¥ey . )ydy=§dz E- E -1¥ - 2=22+12 y y the G. s . she ' - - for the given pole is .cz/=o@9--&ce-)&Cxt-y3y'-z7-#Type-2ofcc ④ se , (u)p+①yg=2④R P A. Ei , daily choose Q Fay = 2- z 2nd - 4 srd gdyzy d÷z = terms d¥z = / %- =/ dz buy lnz = my Choon luce ) , tnlzc ) = y + , = 1st 2C & , 2nd c. = terms H2 2- - ¥ , @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__LI-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -___--__f__p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - !÷⑤= Fay !÷÷i 2 my dn Fay - - - " ✗" tyg 2% d ( a - dn dy a = guy du dy ¥) y - - dy - = If dy - dy Inui ÷:) - - o - dy - = - dy y dy - - 4¥ dy Edy - tidy tidy integrate Ey ÷ ÷ - = : . G. s . & - = + y y y + - Egg - tis + er 35.* - → c- Cz is (C , , Cz 1 = 0 @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__hE-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-foIh_p_-→fÉ-o - f di÷y choose multipliers the d÷z - . - z , -2 _zdn-zdy+d2_ - 2 ( n y - ) z - i= , - tada - tydy ( nty ) + 2h2 + I4÷←dz=o zdntzdy dz= tzds bn ( - - z ) -1dg Nt = = ee y + c , -14-19 en 2- = 2- du ' . en -14 "* choose Idn multipliers + i. dy - as Ida dy iz - " z% . Fingaz; dnt / ene d"%÷;÷ dz=o @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__Lg-÷É& Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -oG--faf--@_--→I-ff--___ - Y n + - bul 2) C = > 2=eN+? d÷y=dY In n-÷y . y - dye v-iudgn-n-n.IM v + n a % dd÷ ru v + = ridge - u g = t✓ . - v " " = = n / ' it :-. "÷ ,÷ dv tu - , /¥ dr , tain 't v1 du -1£ ;÷udr - tell + it - ) toed = n tu t b @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_gEz-oh T_f÷Ép• ?⃝ ?⃝ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____--E-f__p___fI-o - dY-m : d÷ ?÷yy=d÷ - buy tnz = bull , ) e d÷m - . : - , - - luce ) , loathing Zy Em defer →t÷yT . put & your love @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-ghog-IF.AE -o---faf-_p_-→fÉ-o - qz - - ply f- . fu - o fy + g - = - " @ g + c g- Pbr z - -2¥ zig - = 2 = + qz _d%y+z qdg , ? G y = g- - :p fp -9ft § = p [ dy→ = II - z orgy d÷qy = = @ - = , g - + -9¥ ¥É pdp y p' g- fz = Fg 9¥ ' - :c , - gz 44-2 9÷E @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__hI-_↳÷Ñ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____--__f__p___fÉ-o ff--___ - p dz pdn = da da FÉ = I -1 dy g fE÷I - dnt Ñ = .dz ¥÷ = du dnt i÷ I , d + Hz dy ily a÷⇐ , , - Iz dy - ;÷gydy= (Hiryu ) = Fig - eidn cidn - c in + c- @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__hI-_÷÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o----E-f__p___fI-o - - function £ ① complex valued ② Limits continuity ③ Analytic function ④ , complex line - and ⇐ Exponential trigonometric polynomial 4 logarithmic functions ) Cauchy , , - Riemann equation integral @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__l0-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-faf-_p___fÉ-o ff--___ - Analysis Empty complex b A where and a number the real The * The (a) iff Conjugate conjugate re = , → in 3 = number denoted by conjugate of z , -12 - m+iy = then I then i In = 2i+zT , → the = = 21-+2 , = + unit imaginary 2 , -_ . ( Rech at -_ ( Insta) b) - nntiyr = Z 2 are equal . the number , 6 = I then - 2- - = - is obtained called complex . is a - iy si -3 - si Z , 2 z Imlza ) = 22--42 + IN 4 s its i=F i. - - iy 3 - = 2 , - ? 2- a + part of imaginary past of 2=6+3 i z 2 n (2) complex a z=a+iy 2- = If Im i outing = , conjugate e. If z sign of Itu or i. - satisfies i & is z the i is imaginary is Re ( Zz) and is unit If : by changing F- ✗ : numbers complex numbers = number of the foam a called real part of called a b imaginary The Two * is real are The real number * * number = native icy -1W) uz ) + + Nz ) - ich -1421 I + Is yr → = ✗+ iy ✓ y : - 2 " ¥ , Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences - - as - ga - - - : position > a vector @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -___-faf-_p___fÉ-o ff--___ - Moduhy_ modulus The is absolute value of or given by 121 = n2+y denoted z=n+iy 121 Ey Ir = n'+ y 121 i. 121 * = it uh-17218 = * ' =r 121 - - circle with radius radius circle r 121 > ' - * . . j - Er - . Disc r . 121 → r ↳ * r - → disc with a ¥ = ' represents represents Er r " 121 - → ☒ by , - - Petar forms coordinate In Rectangular y , , and Y polar ^ • coordinate ( r,o ) related by the r equations 2=n+iy : Itu complex are Sino member z z the raw + = z angle iy ✗+ = . Thes fore r Sind rccoiotisino ) = 0 is D= called ) arglzl should This The - it be written can i argument < o c- IT . of is an → The I . . n as 22+44 complex number argument of z and is . - i. > rcoso - r a - in polar form . denoted by . satisfy tano - In . complex number in the called principal argument of Itu interval z . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__h T-f÷ÉÑ Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o---faf-_p_-→fI-ff--___ - Ex : 1) . Obtain sold 2 argli ) i = U tano argci ) 2) obtain sod Y 4 0 = iy ✗ + = 1- - → , i + n - tune n+ = 4 y l - o I = asgci 2--1 1 = + - I = tano ③ empress so I: I n - r g - - Fsi l -121 - tano y - - In 1- and o - . - - - Cosa principal polar form = = - Ia → B ¥2 = - Ig = in 4 - I - Sino O ti ) principal argument iy =) arg ( - ) i % - Is - = argument z=r( cosotisino First = Ft = ) 2 E , - v5 tariffs ) 0=511--3 5¥ number given complex i 2=2 ( cos avg (2) II = + " Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in sin polar form is given by ) @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ?⃝ FLEM of comin variably off range iy=g w=t% → a- - Domain off 2- A valued function f function auigns the B is ut element each to W EI : +↳ flz 7 = are F- complex An -2^-1 an non function i. , function one Retz ) = 2 + YmPhk k . defined flag - , 2h - ' + - - + . is by and co - enponential function = eh + it = e ? , efficient polynomial a eiY= " e =/ an an 2 f- ow of fcz , ° , Ai degree is , i :O, i. 2. n defined . by ( cosy + isiny ) function is inverse enponential of . e in functions : w = lnz - ② only ' - f- (2) = e- - complex a that correspondence and element , negative called integer constants a ¥Iñafhe¥Éo Logarithmic one z=n+iy function A is n to : f- (2) = where A ut ) = 2 + if potful A ¥-1 = plane sale of a of ft ) = - complex number ( 27=22-42 f - w from B plane 2 = ① if = - - ew - ew Ntiy z ② x+iy= eutiv ell eiv . | 2- - w= ✗ + iy Utiv I ucqy , " V48 ) n B . zetiy " me a'+ y ③ ( eu : wsvtisinv y wsv ) e•sinv-③ : ' = . - . e&U= n' y"=Ñ= 121 + e&U= see ' " 121 slog = e 121 log 121 u= e ③ In .ee#i-Ysu--tanv - tanv =) this of to is z is implies not that v=o= unique 0 -12nA , i. Therefore In = n= v= that . 0 - the since , if is II. IL , is the o argument argument of 2 lnz - = = Utiv bog / 2) + I (0+2^7) n=0 , , -71 , -12 e the For Logarithmic of a -1-0 and , bnz = then that w = lnz i. , 0 -12nF implies ① argcz ) a- a complex number is given arglz ) logelzlti ( 0+2 NIT / n , -0 -1-1 - , , -12 . - by - - - Limit of function a Vr D Su Sa plane 2- w - plane suppose the function flat is defined in some neighborhood of possibly at so then f is said to be possess a limit at a , him fed so , except written as =L z -520 for each if c- so I fcz) proteins - / 2 him ( ft ) + glz ) ) z z 2-520 # 2) glzl) 7¥ =L , then -320 -112 =L , L2 glz ÷ = ) function La -1-0 , . , A L, = glz ) -520 him 3) . -520 him 2) him and =L , z -7 20 1) 12-201<8 whenever c- < nee that or > o limits of limflzl suppose L enist there , aka point fcz ) limfczl z→ said to be is = continuous at f- too ) D zo Derivative : suppose the complex function f- is defined The derivative of f at zo is of point a 20 . ' 9- to )= him ffzo oz provided this so -102 ) oz - limit exist if 2--2 . - flzo ) in a neighborhood •¥ the limit If in the above function fcs ) the that EI:-p show sold wz f- ( = -1021 z - + a -14 = flat If so along Oz → o fk+°Yz-f him i. let we along fear = not is n+4iy Dz r - -0 - ÷ ioy to x-axis then , oy = 0 " = I s DN = so 0 > u parallel to 4ii°÷ him = 02 -70 i. - + parallel ÷ line a tl-+°%z-f him i. . ¥iy✗ - Ok him = Oz Oz → o differentiable on+4ioy_ line a 02-30 If . og zz→o let that say Df him = → we we 4ioy on + - - zo Eaton ) -141¥ y ) = him 812-1027 flat 02 at nowhere is iy then i by = to enist differentiable is flat on equation So differentiable y - anis then on -0 - 4 = at . any point z . A¥tic function complex function A at point a point in A at - Itu if f- is in - - flat said is differentiable neighborhood function flat every The zo w of is zo at zoos at analytic condition for - - analytic every • a . in a domain D ↳ D. necessary be to if flat is analytic analytiiihi - cautery Rien equations - differentiable at z=n+iy Then It first order at partial derivatives of u and verist and satisfy the Cauchy Riemann equation suppose fcz ) = ceca ,y , + ivcu y ) , is . z - 2÷= Ey and Fy - - Fn . Exampli : the show that 1) analytic at point any that Given function In ) is not . ,y1=2Ñ+y partially SOI : and u ÷n % observe ucn In an . the Cauchy function Ey + flat 1- to - l ::•÷→y 24 = Given Difft that ¥y = = ' - y - In satisfies does 't analytic . therefore . Riemann conditions for the function + a) ucn,y , = partially Uav Ya - - equations not is In = Fy ← Riemann - verify Cauchy SIM : - - y that In ② - Ey 1 = and v - and + / My + y ) i n' - + n Fy -27 vinyl . 2mg + nay . In 2n +1 and - y 2g - = 2n -11 observe that It In Cauchy - = Ey = Riemann 2^+1 s Koy . - equations satisfies In . = - sy y the the verify ③ Cauchy f- (2) SIN ! Given - - 322+52-6 = that equations Riemann i f. (2) =3 ( ntiy ) =3 + ( n' + i'y Csu = " ' -3g 2=2 , 7121=322+52 - Gi + su ) Ntiy - + function iy + -6 i ginytesniisy - + the 2- , slntiy ) - for i ( cony - +5g - Gi it , - 6) u,VCn,Y1--6Hy-5y-GDiff-t i. and u ¥n In the He 6N -15 . Fy y v - = Ing = Cauchy - %y by and Gn -15 = Riemann by = 6k -15 = tug equations In - = = - verified are by . suppose the real valued and first order partial derivatives in and vinyl satisfies the Cauchy Riemann have continuous and If - point of D analytic D E in complex function the then , f- (2) is functions y ) = , D. It check fcz1=u÷F sots : - Here . ÷y - of Itn i function a÷y~ and vlMY1= , Difft u and v partially . ay _n¥-yu are a continuous domain D equations . at all I ?⃝ UH y ÷= - µ :* , ' In + - *Y Y÷÷ - , nosy ) even , and y, equations fcz ) 2=0 , 4+441-11+24 ! = civil y " @ Kye, n'+5=0 satisfies in derivatives partial its analytic is ;÷÷ :-# 4-+442 - ~ ÷y=-:÷=→m_ ( 24442 the point where at function containing • . + - ¥ fu4yy~ Riemann - ÷ -2mg ye erupt Cauchy The y ng - continuous i. - = functions also ;÷÷ . - HIM " = F. The 2kt = JU guy ' at 2=0 point except all domain any are D at z=o . not D . 0,07 function show that the 2) SOI ! - put z=n+iy f- (2) = in since Sinn = f (2) Ula Difft 2¥ ¥ = C iy) cosciy] cushy + + flat . in sin icosnsinhy partially v writ . COSA Sind coshn = in -1 - isinhn nay . sign R cos cosnsinfiy , sinnsinhy - analytic sin / At B)= sin AWSB + try = is get eosncoshy 25m Therefore Sinn we , sinz .ly/--sinncoshy4VCn.y1=cosnsinhycontinuous functions - and u = ft) ft ) : = Ing = oosaecoshy equations sins is = are = 9 - sinus ¥ ¥n= satisfied analytic . ;nhy} cosncoshy = - and continents given in domain any sinnsinhy hence the function D. -o-_--__f__p_-→fÉ-o - ordinator ¥ Go Fo r% - and - - - - - ③ that show sold ! f- (2) - put reio z= flat logz = 7121 in log / reio ) - Difft I. ¥ r - logo and u and V= ÷ ÷ = 0 -1 - . % -0 - = v. f- - - 1=40 = rYg=0= ngo function c- is Regeuetions analytic o • Fr r%= - therefore get logrtio partially v . + = U we , analytic login logeio bogrtiologe = = =) is 2-+0 , are satisfied ¥ - - Koo and hence given . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-gho-fi.A T _o-_--E-f__p-Tf---→g→--___ - Hazmi functions A real valued function okay ) is if it's second order partial derivatives satisfies the Laplace equation II. +0¥ suppose f- 121 Then the functions Hankie we can do that such ① sohf ! i 8¥ ivcn y ) , called are function function very , a domain functions ☐ . domain D then that is harmonic in D in a analytic function function of conjugate harmonic is . an . is U . harmonic . uln y ) , partially 3ñ→y~ = - = ✓ II Ky & Gre -6N function = the entire = - Ji y Guy -5-10 - Gu Continuous in the entire complex plane → 0 way , Therefore the function , Fu s Gu - -1 in in function entire complex plane the conjugate harmonic function of u Difft , the analytic harmonic . %÷ " + is that the the true - . , the harmonic is is Find a) , find ucn, y , Verify - uca , always b) - g) + ivcny ) y ) and ceca = uln y ) in continuous and o - conjugate vinyl a) are harmonic function function Sifu of suppose said to be satisfies Laplace ucn y ) complex plane , is equation harmonic . function . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__h T-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o-_--E-f__p___fI-gÉ-g _ - b) the harmonic since c- equations R and ÷g=s÷ From ① & vinyl must conjugate I; Fy - - , Fy In Integrate ¥y partially 3k13g ' & - = 3dg - 3y÷ - - V Diff 3N - t - > y - Guy = , From y ③ &⑨ Gnyfthtnl w h Cn integrate ) The , y, = r - t = 6mg + 5- ③ y Integrating constant ④ a . - ⑤ 5 both sides on = - - - only -15 = hln 1--5 vcn hln ) → 1- Guy 5) have ' ④ + h1n1 + we , hen , + partially v ¥ ② ② = v satisfy n 3n2y analytic function + c - y > + su + e. → Required conjugate harmonic of U . is c) @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____--E-f__p___fI-o gÉ--___ - ② b) Find Ula , ykécawsy analytic function :' Fu Difft = Mtn - ysiny ) e ( 2 wsy " , partially u = Mjg Ing e " writ form ey ysiny ) - nary - - = e ( any " + away - ysiny ) ysiny ) ysiny ) y . - l - e - " , = e - - " 0¥ -10¥ using ( → - C- y cosy cosy cosy - C- awry en Ju a cosy - - - sing ) C- ysiny - way + awry y sing + + - way ) ) cosy 1 y sing ) Laplace equation III. +0¥ , = , = therefore + cosy + a and hence C- using (young +sing 1) en = gyu en ca cosy + u . emory + e4 any = Difft Ky en cosy = idea partially a function of harmonic conjugate the the : function harmonic is six the that Verify a) . The o function → ucn y , , is harmonic function . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__l0-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-f-Ih_p_-→fI-fÉ-g _ - the harmonic since conjugate =e"( any %= teal % c- R equations %; Fy - many using - - + satisfy must u and Eg ! Fy of - - ysiny ) ywsy - ① ) sing ) e4nsiny-ywsy-isinyj-s@Integrali Opartial yw.r.t = , . Diff partially v ÷n= From ② . u sing ( neuter ) ④ & encasing ③ then ) cosy + éywsy + hYn ) - ④ have we , + ékywsy -1h 'm + ) seeming éywy eying .net#y+ensiy-e/ywy-inYn + + - ) n' into integration h1n1 Equation The flake ③ both = sides , C vcqy , = mensing ernywsy + corresponding analytic " Gewsy - ysiny ) + ie " function ( using + -1C is goosy / + e @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es__-ng__L T-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o---f__f__p___fI-o gÉ-g _ - bogecrity Klay / = ) ' harmonic is b) Find the say function the that Verify ③ a) : the analytic function Dittt - harmonic conjugate u partially %n= Y÷= " ) - 4444121 - arm city -5 ÷=÷::÷ 7:÷→ * x4y Igy "÷÷÷ she form % = ; @ 2+55 = and hence & y Ef s , 4:44 121 -242 u . Ju nay function of ÷i÷÷g : Take "÷i+¥=?¥:¥+;÷÷E=ax→K+m→x @ 2+425 0¥ -10¥ therefore b) since c- R the = → o Laplace equation , , function the harmonic conjugate equations Ey=¥n %; & 5- :÷ r = - Ucny ) ① - is harmonic of ufiev ) must satisfy Ey :÷=→_ a'+ y - @ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__hT-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____--E-f__p-Tf---→og--___ - Integrate partially tetanic In / ① 2h ✓= + ✗ 2 tan v= Difft ( In ) + partially v In ' 2. = h Y . a . ty✗¥+÷ ÷=% ÷ + - . d( tail :) / Into ÷ -1¥ ⇐a~dn=I h1n1 a. , - ? + Eth " → tail E) ÷a = In a → , tg " "' " n' in → . From ② ③ & -3¥ - = tical integrate = ⑦ vcn y , , which In is the = • is = both sides = Yu , , C atari ( Hn ) required login !iy4 + c harmonic corresponding analytic flat h + 0 on h (a) have We . + function i 2 tan ' conjugate ⑨ of u . is ( Mn ) + c @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o-_--__f__p___fÉ-o ff--___ - Moti : . always can Suppose way , find harmonic its analytic wing is complex An or is c curve integral § f- (2) integral a- Nlt ) dz , defined y yet ) a - 02k path or eloÑ integral contour point of at # c- b. The flat dz = - 2k 11PM , - Elinor If f ankur of continuous Hurt to we Utiv zF¥ • line complex nerve c a integral a , this or [ f- ( 2¥ ) him y) then In smooth contour UP 11-50 2k , by / ftzldz is c . n = ucn - - smooth off integral defined along c . . by is 02k 1<=1 = / 02k / Max , F- - , § where curve a as - denoted is if Itu - , contour c on Integral be f- - Fy s piecewise a , ako called of ftd Cankar Let variables referred is conjugate integrations coup In Ey = function harmonic given equations c- R F. is integral given by then It f flzldz / fczlt 1) is a on smooth t c- b , b = z C 1 sold It c- : - 4 't 1) - a Evaluate F- - C weave / where I dz c is given by rest , g- t ' C . Given n ist 4 - 4--1-2 ziti ' z f- 121--5 Therefore = , 3-1 + it ~ = It - It it { fczldz =/ bfczct - ntiy =3 t + it - 1=3+1-2 t - 1) a' ltidt a " ¥ , Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences -___-faf-_p___fI-fÉ-g _ - 4 / fczldz / = C (3T - / ( 3+2 it / dt ' it i - = - sit - + 2Ñ)dt 4 1,191-+21-3 = + =/ ÷ -14¥/ 90¥ 72 = / 1-2.4 128 + - " - 5 195 I dz= + " I - + 4 dt 4 ( = sit + 1¥ ! (% + ↳ , 2) + i (43+1) i 65 ist - c § tdz Evaluate ② where , c is Itu circle n= cost , y - Sint , c 0kt golf : . EAT Given f- 121=1-2 Therefore , . n - cost e- = y 4 241 Sint - = cost + is int = eit it b §f( 2) dz / fczct = ) / ziltldt a c text " .ie/tdl0qnT =/ if = dt 0 = i (f) 21T 0 fgtzdz " ¥ , Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences = 2mi @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ____-faf-_p_-→fÉ-o ff--___ - obtain ③ / - z where dz is c by given , 211-1=3++2 it , -2<-1-2-2 . C SOI ! - Given f (2) = ziti 2- - , ✗ 1- = 2^11-1=3+25 3t+i2t + i , 21-5=91-2 at - - + i 12 t - b therefore / fczldz =/ flat ) ) a' ltidt a e 2 / = - 19th at - - - + i 121-413+21-1 + i 36T dt 2 ( ( 27¥ = - 1st - - + i lot - ist _-2ÉtYdt 2 %f9t l-aI)-iaYt?!i = - = { Ida - ~ -1*2>+27 - Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ⇐÷_-gff_grdrggfg_f_ 48 + i + i 4-(23+3) 46¥ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ____--__f__p_-→fÉ-o - formed Let be the c Then analytic cloud fcz ) in is iimple Z - connected domain ☐ 4 ht within the domain D. trying entirely curve § flat limply a dz where gmtiflzo ) = Zo within C Evaluate 1) Ñ-4Z § dz I z + where , ¥ Let us and take Zo f. (2) - - - Z + C 22-42-14 10in , 21T 121=2 g. • iflzo ) - - • z i &" /z i 21T = dz - ) i z ( 1- if 4C it -14) 21T if -1 ai 4) = § if 2ñi = ( 2mi - 3 + , - - z , / = V Cult v. - radius + + - . zi i z-Edz= § = . the circle is c point a C e • is 20 ai ) / z al - - r c §÷+gd=2 Evaluate 21 , where c is the circle 12-21-1--4 . si C • ± " " '+g=(z+ , ;) z E- point but f- (2) lies si - ,, imide . , Itu circle bins outside si 42-20 z+zi = gi the circle 2 = 3T • 2-3 i • ¢21 • go , • - § c 2- da : 22+9 § ÷gd2 / • - gi -3 i 20--31 c = = §¥g 21T if (a) anti da = (1+7)=2 if }÷i)=-•÷=-÷÷ - " in C @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-E-fi.A T ____-faf-_pTfI--ff--___ - Evaluate 3) the shy ! - Circle 121--3 -2 = 2+21 ai + % i • theorem By Cauchy integral 2 zo - - f- Go ) 21T i = is e .si - c z = i where . . 7121=2^-32 Let dz ' c zu § £→Z+ § integral An - = -12 i = = = • , . zi 2ñi( 202-320+4 i 2mi 21T (( →i if -4 Ziti 5- 31 Gi + ) ) -14 if ai - + ai ) f- a -110 i / Guarded candy intyI theorem fcz) be the analytic function he e be the cloned curve lies Let and § c 1) Evaluate HI (z zoynti § e : - n 2 d2 24+423 entirely is c within • ; ! where the 2-11 = / 20 = 0 n , point C. 121=1 . -.÷ ::÷=;- f. (2) ☐ then D. circle . domain the interior is of , Take connected limply a &" 7%20 ) - - - dz in - -1-1=3 i 2 n= 2+4 § ZI 24-1423 dz = §(Z+zY}- for %÷ = = = Hi - 3¥ , dz ti e c - ' - = " f to ) = _µ÷p -61¥ g g- F' (2) " " " + to . - - F' = " 312+452 ¥4,5 §÷p -←÷p - " c- ' = @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__hE-f÷i& Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -___-faf-_p-TfI--- - following integrals Evaluate the . § z÷i 2) § 3) § 5) %%- 12 : dz : / i - 2- 1--2 2) =p 121--1 ; f. ¥ ,zdz 41 - £÷dz 121--4 : § z¥2d2 4) sold : dz ; c-> 12-21=1 , SOI : - ¥ ,i"¥=¥¥n+ fczl = É 20--1 7^121=-32-4 § C g , F' (2) = n : , -11=2--7 n : I:o) s I -32 ,,i-f'Go)--2Hi-g?-=2itiC- §¥pdz= " - 31 Gili @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-gho-fi.A T ____--E-f__p___fI-o - and statistics operations sent ht A AUB An B B { re = / & then AA ☒ KEA NEA a = Complement * two are :{ / AND If * and U A- { = of a U = A / a c- An Ñ , ult . a or and B) c- a c- B } A and B devoted by a- É ATB = A- u ° B A- n B- B- U of A = . ñ A ☒ ATB ids given by is sect A } its = disjoint are } Avis De Morgan Laws 's probability deterministic enpesiment whole outcomes result is known ☒ A or * A is with certainly . random probabilistic experiment whom outcomes result or is or can't * be predicted Sample space out of all with s pouible of not certainly a random outcomes experiment an of is an enperiment unique s ther fore . enperiment is the experiment the . @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-_-Es_EEz-oL T-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____--E-f__p-Tf---→fÉ-g _ - Event is * events Two * liebert of a and A An i. e * B list of events A , exhaustive if Ñ Ai = A space . exclusive if mutually are happen simultaneously B can't sample a A and B of A- . - - , An are said to be collectively s = i :| The * If ☒ entire sample space event F- an ways PCE defined by and B In Ai Ai . - - , PCA , or A. or p¥t theorem If - - on is defined likely by calls = of I - F- In denoted = 1- by PCÉ ) PCE ) 1 = mutually ) pl A) = An An PIA then exclusive events then PCB) mutually are = + exclusive events ) , + play + - - - + plan ) probability of A and PCA - PLÉ ) two B) or n÷ = t are generally If pouible and equally of probability of PCA event for E cans occurrence non p (E) A out by PCE)) E of Total p( E) If universal = of Addition theorem a ways on Favourable my = probability The is ) called exhaustive collectively ( denoted , probability then happen can exclusive mutually is s B and B) are = independent events then PCA ) PCB ) - @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-f__f__p___fI-o - route n PCAU B) =p(A) ☒ + p( B) - a PLAN B) S B Ants a-NB § 8 A and It * then B plan B) mutually are exclusive 0 = pl AUB ) =p /A) + pl B) conned probability Let of event B conditional A and when the event A is p( B) a) " pl = already probability P¥? = - • If - A ① and B xam# plan B) 1) PIAU B) say : If = WKT WKT A 314 of both occurrence of Itn pl = and B B) - A and D given event A • PIAIB ) ① events then PCB/ A) =p /B) PIA ) - are events B) = with PIAF 318 pl B) PCB/A) , p( A / B) PlAp%÷ PIAU B) =p / A) plan =p (B) =p (A) PCB) then find PLAID )= B) independent two are plan B) F. . occurrence plan plan B) =p / B) PLA / B) NIK : of is called happened An of happening the probability Plp÷¥ = Al B) the . by PCB/ A) probability of the , PCB/ A) 111 denoted probability • Itu two event be B + p / B) 4 - - = 518 & . ① plan B) plait PCB ) - pl AUB ) - ② @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -___-f__f__p_-→fI-gÉ-g _ - From ② ① ↳ , p( / B) A " A) + PCB ) plans ] - = PCB) 3- = I + 3+5-6 ? - ?÷ = PLA / B) 111 " pl B) A) 2) Givin p( AUB ) sold ! , %÷= Plan B) = play Is = F- 1✗ = g- Is = p (A) # ¥0 = ¥ = = PCB / A) ÷ = 518 = 314 PIB / = , plan 5) PLÑAB ) , 1154 Plan B) PLA / B) , , = PCBIAI PIÑIB) , find then 1120 , PIA / B- ) . - i) p( AUB ) :p (A) + PIB ) 3-4+1-5 = PCAUB ii ) plants ) = = )= - plan B) - I. ' 5+4-1 = = 20 18-20--9-0 % PIA ) 3-4 - - plan B) AANI s ☐ § a-NB 8 Io sj-r.E ?jplAnI)- ? oi 1p(A-nB1-.plB-plAnB)- ' s- Lo' = %j- p( An B) = Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ⇐÷_-gff_grdrggfggf = So Igo @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ____-faf-_p___fI-ff--___ - in plat B) P¥?¥ = PIA / B) v1 " l = = Igo = ÷ ¥ t.PH#fY- -Y;Ya- -Ey&- !-plBlA)- 'TsplAn-D)- plAuB) plñ1I)=Ppñ; = "¥- Plñ / is plans ) - De - Morgan = ' I f- )=P';f☐ PLA / I )= ¥ 's tar = '=÷÷-="÷=¥:É1- l "Ff- PINA = "' = 111h = 111h Find 7¥ PLI / A) = ? - - - - ,, ,, Find PCB / A- I ÷ = ¥:# = ¥ ? @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-ghf-fi.A T -o---foII-p___fI-ff--___ - Baynes theorem congeal on probability of exhaustive and mutually exclusive events of the sample each space s with PCA ;) -1-0 for If A is any other event www.ated with Ai (Ac Gail with Let Ai Az . . , be the An . ut i. . then PIA 7=10 p( Ai in / A) PYHPLAIAI = )p CAI Ai Ai ) i:| 1) Three machines A and B , produce of factory 60% C of the total number of items defective output of there item ulected at random and that the item was An probability only : an item i. suppose PCD/ A) 3% , , A B. and , from machines PCA 1= 60-1 the D is = 2% event ÷ probability = , find 1£ from machine By Baye 's p ( CID ) c we , o = theorem PCB) 6 PCD / B) that of zupectively . Find the . e. of selection of 3,00-0--0.3 = = % , defective a O - plc ) - 03 to item PCD/ c) ulected item find plc / 1 a is : = = o - I them ¥ 0.04 : produced have we , Plc ) = PC A) PCD/ A) 10% se . need a % machine events the of selection of 0.02 - . To As B. 6¥ = . for stand c g and found detective is produced by Let - 2% are . , percentage The a machines 30% , P( B) pl D)B) 1- 0 . PCD/ c) . I ✗ + pcc ) p (D) c) - 0.04 = 0 6 . O ' ✗ Or 02 0.3 = 0 = 0.03 -1 -0 ✗ , I 0 Or 04 00 4 = PCC / D) 1- . 025 0.16 0 . I 6 probability of the elected ( is produced from machine cis The (16%1) item 016 @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__l0-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o---foII-p___fI-fÉ-g _ - four machines factory there production percentage rupee lively of Itu total production 2) In a machines is 20% , there Their & D. 25-1,440-1 was are , a . , item - 4% , 3% 5% defective If item is drawn at random found defective then what is the probability that D ? was manufactured by A 2% Solin : 15% , out . and A. B. c. are the or that Given - PIA 1--2%0 Let p( ✗ be ✗ / A) probability find To by Aor D and A Since PLAUD / X ) By Baye Pl A /✗) find to PLAIN = 0.15 20% , Pcc ) , 15%-25-1.4401 : , 's theorem -1 item PCD) : , ÷ " . -0.4 - then eucluiive PLD/ ✗ I manufactured was pl AUDI ✗ ) mutually are D = that the selected need we . produces 4 D , p( ✗ / B) =÷o= 0.04 P( ✗ 14=0-03 PINDI :O -02 0.05 = C , %j= 0.2T of selection of defective item event = B , p (B) = 0.2 = the A = . ? we have ① have we , PIA ) PC ✗ IA ) . = P (A) .PH/A)tpCB).pCx1Bi-pcc7.pCX1c)tPlDtPlX/D) 0.2 ✗ 0.05 = 0 I . Or ✗ 0 . 05 -1 0 . 15×0.04 + 0.25 ✗ 0.03 + 0 . Lex 0-02 07 = Or p( A/ ✗ I Again = by PID / ✗ ) 0315 0.3175 Baye 's - ② Theorem PCD ) = we , - have PC ✗ / D) PCAI.PH/A)+plB).pCX1B)+pCctPCX1c)-plD1.PlX/D) @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o---f__f__p___fI-o gÉ-g _ - PCD/ ×) 0 a - 0.02 ✗ = PCD/ 0.0315 ✗ ) 0.252 : substitute ② and ③ P( AUDI ✗ ) PLAUD / machine by Discrete * If then it Ex : - D v1 * it If is and is obtain 0.252 that the ideated or is D 0.575 item manufactured was . Contras random variables random variables a of values A + we , 0.5715 = probability The : . ) ⑦ in 0.3175 = ✗ ③ - called Towing Throwing a or countable infinite number discrete random variable a and Wint ' a finite takes dice . and observing observing the outcome number the face on random variable takes uncountable number of values then called non discrete or continuous random variable a Er : - . - it 21 Lengths of nails observing the produced by pointer on the a machine pedometer @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_Es_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A← Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ____-foII-p___fI-- - distributions - for each value It auign we of a discrete random real number plait such that a i) pcni ) the function by p( ✗ The out of probability ✗ = Ni ) called is pen ni = that { Ini pcni ) ) , 92 ng is is ni a denoted discrete Nn Plan) . . - called - - . pcni ) plmo ) PIM ) Plm) Plas) * the values . . values M function probability a takes ✗ distribution Mo . 1 = probability the ✗ 70 i :D then * [ ) ii * plait variable ni function plx ) is called function The distribution function fcn ) The An probability dimity . * flag flat is Mean the PC = P( = called , c- ) ✗ Eni plno ) = ) and variance variance É = of dis ( v ) = = plan ) -1 Play -1 - - + pcni ) distribution function . Mdi# probate distribution of discrete (M) + Épcslj ) = cumulative vañanu mean Ni j :O mean The ✗ defined by probability xi Teli . [ 4h + is given by plnil probability { (ni ? distribution - µ pet ' - ? distribution is given by pcni ) snipe) plni ) @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__lT-_↳÷A Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -o-_--__f__p_-→fÉ-o - ) Enipcnitpispnii gpeznipm.IM = - variance ( v ) 1) 4 pl - l < finite 2) see N - plus 3 - K For - > ) - Tv - its . deviation find Also . pcx a- 1) , pcx > 1) . pint sold : r ne such that the K standard mean ( - -2µL µ distribution following Hence find probability distribution Find the value of a + ENE plni ) = standard deviation represents and ' { nipcnil = * ) I 2K finite K 0 I 2 3K 4K 3k 2k probability and o I - Epcul = K distribution I -12k -11<=1 -13k -12k -13k -14K 3 161<=1 1<=41670 i. n pm Mean - ' 3 116 - I - I 0 4116 3/16 2116 =µ= I Ex poet - = 3 2/16 411 % ( -3-4-3+0 ÷( = 3116 2 o -13+4+3 ) ) µ=0 variance - ' =v= V In per ) = Eaipcx ) - M / M=o @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-ng-ghf-fi.A T -___-faf-_p___fI-fÉ-g _ - 9×1-6 V= % = + ↳ % -110%+0 -110%+4×2%+90,16 ✗ ( 9+8 -13*3+8+9 ) " =¥;¥ V 5. D. i ) Ig = plus ¥ = = 1) I = - pen > 1) iii) pl - ku c- - % = pen > 1) ÷ = pen = - 2) 1< ✗ c- 2) e- + IT Pln - 3) % = pln -01 = = pl Pla =3 ) ) + 1-1%1 = Ii ) - 1-1%+7,1 = PINEY ( p( a- g) 2) = + Pln - 1) + Pln -4 - ÷ -1%-1 : % @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences i-ag-of-o-nge-L T-fi.AT ____-faf-_p___fI-ff--___ - 2) probability duuihi function following table II the K ploy Find finite 3K the the value of K for which distribution probability a variate is ✗ given by 13k 11k 9K 7k 5k of Also given distribution is find PINE 4) 32×2-61 PIM 70 Splat 4 - 49K . D . . l K -13K -15K -17K =) S distribution probability finite the For soy & mean , , . -19k +11K -113K = I I = 1<=1149 ' PIN it pin > ii ) pls 149 5) = < see 5/49 Flag 9/49 1114g 3149 ¥a+¥a= IF 6) ÷, = ) plus 4) 1- = = ( Pln 1- = = ¥g -1¥, + 3÷g = iii 13/49 1- - 5) 1¥, + + pcn -61 - ) Is ) 2¥, = ?÷ @ Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences ÷-g_ES_-Bng__h T-f÷i& Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Mean = µ Enpcx ) - ¥( = = 3 -110 + [ a- pint v= tag ( = tag = - 973 ✗ - , . Tv = AT +31-20+63+144 -1275-1468 ) 0 9¥ = -121+36-155+78 ) ÷, = variance 0 - 4120,92 ¥0,1 92¥ = -4¥)~ - 4¥91 Berni 's theorem the probability nenpnq of "" - success where q Moti : a The is p the teem i. e peg trials Ihi probability is = n is equal probability of probability of failure is of of failure in I one excess of to and . success & probability Bird distribution If p of failure , by pcnkncnpngn It 1,2 - of µ -1p/m this or Itn are in " g = -1 " " c. - Hmu Mean = pq ' " g -1 ne , pg " + . . . + v= became of Binomial Distribution " . - ' " = " nezp g 't + pen , is . called np [ ripen ) pet - standard deviation and pn = npq n=0 * given . function In play µ= " nap g is called " the = probability is trials pn . n variance the n 2=0 ☒ n - . . + Bernoulli Distribution = n - p2qn~ ng distribution { pen ) * l is observed that the value of each pen, for the teecceitive terms in the binomial enpanlim be may . - q of out naevus 2 nqpqh qn and success n - l O per ) of probability An n n=o , probabilityof Hu is = - = Tv = Rpg - - + p"=(q+pi= 1hrs1 probability function . 1) when getting a Exactly i) one head s heads utmost atleast iii ) of heads 2 exactly in probability find the , iil sod : four times toned is coin heads two - know that we given and Therefore it the by we PCH plot pent 2 I 0 n Pls ) Plz) probability of " pink heap g oleo know of head / = Pln where exactly 1) - Ac = 1- p= " iil probability plat most head of s ) = 4 getting heads ) = - I = = - 1 - is ' (o -5110.5 } • lost ( 0.574 ° at most I = 4 pq , . 4- - ] = pct - p q , y?÷ = - trials 1-0.5=05 head one Ac = = n n PCH 1=1-2--0.5 failure q= - of out ueecees a p= probability getting Pli Play " " that probability 4 3 p( u > - - 4cg p " heads a) " p ga qn -4 -4 " is plat most heads / s 1 = I = iiil probability getting of p( atleast 2 I I = - I - 14 ' 2 probability I - I heads )= " Coq " 5 . . 5) pcu =D + ° he + " + co 4. 5) ( lo - " - c " + is , P , pg ,÷ 10.574 exactly the heads / c- heads two is Pln -21 - = " " nczp 'q = " Cz = 6 . exactly 2 heads) " ( o *¥ = P( (0-5) ? 10.53£ ¥?_② = = • ( 0.5) 0.375 5) . " ) (0-514) d. 5)4) a. + " ' &) , " ) 0.6875 getting of plena ( - Pln :o) ( neo p°gh ( - = p( atleast - heads two ( 1- = 4 9375 . atleast heads ) = " G. 5) - 0 = p - " ② probability The defective be what is the ii ) iii ) we - given it Yio If is that 2 factory a , are are are probability of the defective a non a probability " p( exactly 2 - - 2) p defective pen is out of where / Pln = 12cg = = 122£ 66 = plat least 2 ( defective / I = I - - ( ( 2) g- - n l - P trials - - neap qn 9) . = 0.9 is -2 '° 10.95° ? (0 9) = 0.230 ( Pln -01 - ai 't plan )) + " - '° . Keo p° q lo - 12 - = (0-1) ? 0.1 ) 1- = - 1110--0.1 - ( . defective ) 2 = . - n 10.1510 . = p( exactly pen ueecees a " " defective . is of pink heap g Pln til by manufactured are pens defective defective atleast 2 them defective none of Exactly of by inch 12 . probability know that pen manufactured a probability i) 80¥ ! that - z ° + . pig ) " 12C , (0.1110-9) " ) pl atleast 2 defective / 1- = 0.3409 = iiil p( no defective ) Pln -01 = = = = (10.9%+12.10-1110.9) ) " - p° qh Nco µ . 12 . g) 0.282 -0 correlation analysis and correlation In variables n b/w ray number v called as correlationy two 1) volume E 2) Two of coins and Types of correlation ut the By plotting given for i i. i. - said is - . positive i) or Negative or inverse iii) Linear if all the Non-linear v :L of i. iii. :÷÷÷ - . ÷ if Itn if n y decreaees tie points points as in creaks y die on to as some a Negative r=¥€g straight line curve ii. ÷! > n Uncorrelated Nonlinear find correlation where , increases Yr ÷ >a u non-linear yr : :÷÷ ^ . increases u near :: : positive Fermin correlated is ÷, : uncorrelated is n yr • yield crop direct if ii ) Iv ) . . be to - a pair of random variables lniisi ) scattered diagram Itn correlation as in co simultaneously tossed Rainfall 3) is measured ? perfectly correlated cube a degree relationship angle by efficient Itn . ✗= y - n - I y -5 il lies r the interval in i. e ii) r - l C- 1 ] I E r E r is independent of r is independent of unit in ) I , origin . Rennen ✗ suppose and y equation in if regression Y depends ✗ known = too + rumination Take Ey = Ty of From ① end q= @ = we , resign . re on y . Zant + + as Et n J U Earn + MI = on both sides of of ① Zany = y line of on n linear simple big Eao It variables them regression as two ① line on n then re on Clotaire as If is study dependent = between the relationship of is y Y is known MY the Ao n + as I - ② get where EXY_ F- E✗Éy sa - ✗= a Y y : - - Ñ j FF=F÷ srT÷÷=F÷ . For the 1) coefficient H Y sod ! fit a 57 67 67 56 65 68 Y 65 67 66 56 line regression 66 N calculate Itu correlation randy 65 n=8= . 68 69 70 72 72 72 69 77 length / N ✗ =n - I y=y -5 65--66.75=-1.75 -0.75 ✗ -0.5 2 ya ✗ Y 3.0625 0.25 0.875 -11.5 0.5625 132.25 g. 625 -2.5 95.0625 6.25 24.375 57 65 -9.75 67 68 0-25 0.5 0.0625 0.25 0.125 68 72 I -25 4.5 1.5625 20.25 5.625 69 72 2.25 4.5 5.0625 20.25 10.125 70 69 3.25 1.5 10.5625 2.25 4.875 5.35 3.5 12.25 18375 F- Ex : / data given and 7 534 EY= ' 27.5625 2×2=143-5 540 ñ=E÷ = a- Correlation co r= r= = - -y=E÷ 5,3-4 ¥0 = Ty 66.75 efficient EY "-194 EXY -73 r = is 67.5 given by Exy ¥µ=143.50194N 0.4375 → No correlation - line Regreuion y a. + : given by is Ey an ① WKT :rs÷n a ③ - sy=✓¥ sy=F÷ = Sn ③ aotarñ = sn=✓ where - T g- ay Sy 4.5276 = = 5.2644 5.264€ 0.437g , = 4. 5276 An put 0-5086 = 9--0.5086 Ñ = Ao -1 Ao - Ao Y = O - 67.5 - 5086 - O - Ñ 5086 ✗ 33.5509 aosq = Ñ 0.5086 J - = substitute eef ② in in 33.5509 1- equation 0.5086N / Sao -1922 T T - ① , 66.75 ② Ear . now obtain the 2) regression a goin ! ✗ I 3 4 5 Y 2 6 8 10 - n a En y 7 14 ✗ in - ñ yay -5 ✗ ~ y ' ✗ y -3.66 -7-33 13-395 53.728 26-827 -1.66 -3.33 2.755 11.088 5.527 0.4352 1. 6 4 8 5 10 0.34 0.67 0.1156 7 14 2.34 4.67 5- 8 16 3.34 6.67 - 0.66 1.33 - 475 11.155 0.877 768 0.448 0.227 21.808 10.927 44.488 22-277 { ✗ 2=33.330 EYE 133.3285×4=66.662 -56 - a- End = g- co - g- efficient r=E✗Y_ yare 9.33 = r is given by 66.662 = ⇐y and % = Ñ= 4.66 Correlation End = 7- = a 16 -6 3 i. fit - 2 EY and 8 l -28 - correlation coefficient b/w nosy line - - lÉ,y= positively correlated 0 -99g line Regression y ao : given by is -1 Ey an - = g- a- I I ① Eao -19 En = ñ an + as - ② WKT an where :r¥n ③ - sn=F ss=F÷ =F¥ =F÷ Sn 2 : Sy 5818 . 5-1638 = ③ q r : Ay put ao Ñ = Ao Y The ao = = 5j!%÷ ② Ñ 9998 - 9. 33 = Go substitute 1. ✗ 9998 eg1 in Aot = 0.999 = 1- = q= 1.9998 4- Sign . 1.9998 - I - Ñ 9998 ✗ 4. 66 0.0109 ear in est ① 0.0109 -1 1.9998k required regression line that fits the given data .