CSUDH-SPE 461 PROJECT # 1 Instructor: Dr. Susana Campo PROJECT 1 85 POINTS INSTRUCTIONS FOR FAMILY CENTERED HOME/COMMUNITY PRACTICUM OBSERVATION/INTERVIEW Due Date _____October 17, 2021___________ Must be uploaded onto Blackboard by due date to get on-time credit Go to BB under contents and look for the red circle arrow where it says Project 1 TURN IT IN HERE Late assignments lose 5 points after that date/time each week for 2 weeks Assignment will NOT be accepted after 5 days of due date (grade will be entered as a zero). INTRODUCTION/RATIONALE: As teachers, we often only see our students with disabilities in very organized and prescribed school activities. Activities at home and in the community are very different than those at school. Additionally, parents/guardians are a valuable resource because they are uniquely qualified to share their observations, insight, and ideas that may not be readily apparent to us in a school setting. Many parents are interested in communicating with professionals who are preparing to work with their students with disabilities to enhance parent-professional collaborations. Parents are also interested in acquiring knowledge regarding school programs and in participating in the education of professionals who will serve their children with disabilities and interact with the family members. The intention of this activity is to provide an opportunity for students to engage in an in-depth observation outside the classroom of a child with a disability, and the family dynamics that occur in his/her home or community setting. This activity is designed to promote an understanding of the issues related to parenting, child development and of the value of home visitation as a strategy for serving individuals with disabilities in school. GOALS OF THE PROJECT: 1. Students will review and report on literature using APA format from accepted sources. Accepted sources must be peer reviewed professional Journal articles or textbooks (NOT non-referenced websites). a. A minimum of 3 sources is required for the value of home visits, and/or parent/professional collaboration b. A minimum of 3 sources is required for the research on the child’s disability. 2. Students will apply appropriate observation strategies (use notes from class PPT). 3. Students will analyze and participate in activities that inquire the family/parent input. 4. Students will apply collaborative communication skills that will enhance their ability to effectively provide family-centered services alongside other professionals. 5. Students will develop skills that enable them to participate with families in an equal partnership. 1|Page ACTIVITIES: 1. Identify a family who has a child with a disability (preschool to grade 12, or in school district CBI/ transition program) and contact them to a conduct an interview and discuss your goals and expectations for the interview. 2. Identify a service provider for the child (i.e., school psychologist, speech pathologist, special ed teacher) and contact them to schedule an interview and discuss the student’s present level of performance, goals, and services. As a result of formal and informal assessments, student’s work samples, grades, teachers observation, the students placements were changed from special day class to resource support program. 3. Schedule a 30-minute observation of the child in a non-classroom environment (i.e. lunch, after school program, recess). 4. Complete the pre-observation log (attached). Develop all your questions prior to the interviews. 5. Write your paper. It will consist of: I. Introduction: Write an introduction and briefly review and discuss literature on the value of home visits and parent/professional collaboration and how to make naturalistic/environmental observations. This means locate and cite from journals/research articles or texts with proper APA format (minimum of 3 sources). II. Student demographics: (keep name of child confidential) 1. Age/Gender/School/Grade 2. Disability-give complete description (you need to use a minimum of 3 references for this section). 3. Type of program/services child is currently being served and summary of his/her performance. 4. Family description 5. Community description (you need to use research and cite source-one reference is sufficient) III. Narrative of observation: Summary of your interviews, observation, and findings in narrative format/complete sentences/paragraphs, utilizing the information in the notes you took during the visit. IV. Reflection Questions: Include the responses to the reflection questions in a summary format. VI. Attach Reference page on its own page (PROPER APA format required- minimum of 6 references). 2|Page Any information that you find in a journal, textbook or other source (website) must be cited with appropriate citation format and you must include a reference page. All citations in the body of the paper and information on the reference page MUST follow APA format: Use the OWL Purdue University Online Writing Lab for a tutorial on APA format. That information can be linked below: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/664/01/ Examples for various types of sources can be found at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ See the additional APA format handout & PPT I posted on BB. If you STILL need help with APA format and general writing, make an appointment at the writing lab. Be sure any references used are professional in nature-which means both professional Peer Reviewed Journal articles or textbooks. You may use the web for retrieving journal articles. You may use one, but not more than one non-referenced website (i.e: the Down Syndrome association, or WebMD). Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable reference. Other non-referenced websites will not be counted as a reference and you will not get credit for them. EVALUATION: The instructor will evaluate the quality of this experience using the RUBRIC through the review of the literature, notes/log and the answered reflective questions. Students will complete a typed paper that includes all requirements listed above, a reflection of the experience, and a self-assessment of their knowledge of a child’s life outside the classroom, their own collaboration skills, and their ability to participate with families as equals in a partnership. Points are deducted for late papers. IMPORTANT: You are to submit your paper BLACKBOARD 3|Page Physical Disabilities Cerebral Palsy Examples of Some Disabilities/Disorders/Conditions for Project Others may be appropriate: get approval prior to starting the project Developmental Emotional Communication Sensory Disabilities Disabilities Disabilities Disabilities Fetal Alcohol Effects Attention Deficits and Hyperactivity Down Syndrome Turner Syndrome Bipolar Disorder Fragile X Syndrome Spina Bifida Muscular Dystrophy Developmentally Delayed ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder Speech and Language Delays Apraxia Aphasia Autism Hearing Impairment Cognitive Disabilities Intellectual Disabilities Specific Learning Disabilities Visual Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Deaf-Blind Seizures/Epilepsy Asperger’s Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder Please Note: Many of the conditions mentioned above can be placed in multiple columns. 4|Page WITH REGARD TO WHAT YOU SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR IN THE OBSERVATION, HERE ARE THE AREAS YOU SHOULD FOCUS ON: DEVELOPMENTAL DOMAINS: By functional domains: Communication/Socialization Conversation skills Literacy & reading Social engagement Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) Dressing skills Toileting skills Feeding skills Electronic/computer literacy Mobility Ambulatory Skills BY SKILLS SETS Language Expressive Receptive Problem solving Visual-spatial skills Visual motor skills Social & Play Hobbies/areas of interest Family dynamics Behavior Follows directions Has responsibility in the home How is behavior managed? How is sibling interaction? Sensory Vision Hearing Motor Fine motor Gross motor Attention & impulse control Academic Skills 5|Page SPE 461 PROJECT 1: PRINT OUT AND TAKE NOTES ON THIS PAGE I. PRE-OBSERVATION/INTERVIEW CONTACT—LOG/NOTES A. Preparation for your pre-observation contact: (Set a time to call the parents to request agreement for the observation and set a time. Describe to them the purpose of the visit.) 1. Time/date set: ____________________ 2. Place/address for visit/observation: ____________________________________________ 3. Phone/email contact: _______________________________________________________ 4. Proposed Start Time: ________________ 5. Proposed End time: _________________ 6. Purpose of the visit was described to the parents as: B. Summarize your initial contact/parent response to your request. C. Preparation for your observation meeting: (Describe your preparations for the meeting.) 1. What observations will you make? 2. Describe the communication skills you will use, listening skills you will employ. 3. List all the questions you will ask during the parent interview (minimum of 10 questions). 6|Page SPE 461 Project #1 OBSERVATION MEETING—NOTES/LOG PRINT THIS OUT AND TAKE NOTES ON THIS PAGE DURING VISIT (Use this as p. 1, then use other paper for rest of notes. Date:________________ Place: ___________________________________________________________________ Start Time:____________ End time:_____________ Length of Meeting: ______________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ 7|Page Student Self-Evaluation Reflection Questions (Complete after your interviews and observation) 1. What are the three most important pieces of information that you acquired through your preparation for your interviews and observation? 2. List and assess the communication skills you acquired or that were enhanced. 3. Discuss your observation on the effect of this family's involvement on teaching, learning, and academic achievement, and cultural differences in home-school relations. 8|Page