1 Quantitative Research Methods and Data Analysis for Education Practitioners Assignment 1: Applied Statistics REGRESSION ANALYSIS 2 Table of Contents Part 1: Influence of years of teaching on average income Input screenshots………………………………………………….. 2 Output screenshots…........................................................................ 3 Scatterplot…..................................................................................... 5 Co-relation coefficient….................................................................. 5 Corelation…..................................................................................... 5 T-Test…..…..................................................................................... 5 Part 2: Relationship between race and level of education Input screenshots………………………………………………….. 2 Output screenshots…........................................................................ 3 Meaning of items….......................................................................... 5 Interpretation of regression results..................................................... 5 REGRESSION ANALYSIS Part I: influence of years of teaching on average income Exploring the influence of years of teaching on average income a) i) Input screen shots Input Screen 1- Variable view Input Screen 2 Data view 3 REGRESSION ANALYSIS a) Produce a scatterplot for average income and years of teaching 4 REGRESSION ANALYSIS b) Compute the correlation coefficient, r, between years of teaching and average income. Step 1 select analyse>bivariate (after entry of variables ( and data) 5 REGRESSION ANALYSIS 6 Correlations Years of Teaching Years of Teaching Pearson Correlation 1 Average Teaching Income .500* Sig. (2-tailed) N Average Teaching Income .049 16 16 Pearson Correlation .500* 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .049 N 16 16 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). The correlation coefficient, r, between years of teaching and average income= .500 c) Explain the results of the correlation obtained between years of teaching and average income. The relationship between years of teaching and average income was investigated using the Pearson r statistic. The correlation coefficient/ Pearson r statistic, reveals the strength and direction of the linear relationship between years of teaching and average income. The results showed that there is a moderate positive/direct relationship between years of teaching and average income (r = .500, p< 0.05). The relationship is significant (p=.049, < 0.05). d) Conduct a T-test to explore whether the difference in salary between those with 10 years REGRESSION ANALYSIS of teaching or less and those with greater than 10 years of teaching is significant. Null hypothesis H°: There is no significant difference in the salaries of teachers with 10 years or less teaching experience and the salaries of teachers with more than 10 teaching experience. Alternative hypothesis H°: There is a significant difference in the salaries of teachers with 10 years or less teaching experience and the salaries of teachers with more than 10 teaching experience. Input screenshot 1 (create values for 10 and more years and more than 10 years) Input screenshot 2- Data view 7 REGRESSION ANALYSIS Input screenshot 3 Input screenshot 4 Output table 1 8 REGRESSION ANALYSIS 9 Group Statistics Years of Teaching Average Teaching Income N Mean 10 and less years More than 10 years Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 5 30782.00 2828.837 1265.094 11 32675.45 3738.158 1127.097 Output table 2 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means 95% Confidence F Average Equal Teaching variances Income assumed 1.514 Sig. .239 Equal t df Sig. Mean Std. Error Interval of the (2- Differenc Differenc Difference tailed) e e Lower Upper -1.002 14 .333 -1893.455 1889.122 -5945.217 2158.308 -1.118 10.2 .289 -1893.455 1694.347 -5654.829 1867.920 variances not 79 assumed Output table 3 Independent Samples Effect Sizes 95% Confidence Interval Standardizera Average Teaching Income Point Estimate Upper Cohen's d 3502.525 -.541 -1.607 .544 Hedges' correction 3705.248 -.511 -1.519 .514 Glass's delta 3738.158 -.507 -1.574 .585 a. The denominator used in estimating the effect sizes. Cohen's d uses the pooled standard deviation. Hedges' correction uses the pooled standard deviation, plus a correction factor. Glass's delta uses the sample standard deviation of the control group. Discussion Lower REGRESSION ANALYSIS 10 The data was analysed using an independent sample t-test. Looking at the results from the independent sample t-test, it can be seen that the comparison of the salaries of teachers who have 10 and less years experience with the salaries of those teachers who have more than 10 years experience show no significant difference (t=-1.002, p=.333> .05). This means that there is no significant difference in salaries according to years experience. The mean salary of teachers with 10 years and less experience is $30,782.00 while the mean salary of teachers with more than 10 years is $32,675.45 . The null hypothesis is therefore not rejected. Part II: Relationship between race and level of education a. Perform a linear regression analysis to examine the effect of the independent variables (race and education) on the dependent variable (test score). i) Input screen shots Step 1: Input Screen 1- Variable view Step 2: Input Screen 2- Variable view. Values entered for Level of Education and Race REGRESSION ANALYSIS Input Screen- Enter data- Data view Input Screen- Analyse-Regression-Linear Input Screen- Enter Dependent and Independent Variables 11 REGRESSION ANALYSIS 12 Output screen shots Variables Entered/Removeda Variables Variables Entered Removed Model 1 Level of Method . Enter Education, Participant raceb a. Dependent Variable: Score on Math Test b. All requested variables entered. ANOVAa Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square Regression 571.634 2 285.817 Residual 961.366 13 73.951 1533.000 15 Total F Sig. .048b 3.865 a. Dependent Variable: Score on Math Test b. Predictors: (Constant), Level of Education, Participant race Residuals Statisticsa Minimum Predicted Value Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N 69.45 91.43 80.25 6.173 16 -16.105 10.551 .000 8.006 16 Std. Predicted Value -1.750 1.812 .000 1.000 16 Std. Residual -1.873 1.227 .000 .931 16 Residual a. Dependent Variable: Score on Math Test b) On the screenshot for the regression output, indicate each item as described below: REGRESSION ANALYSIS 13 Model Summaryb Model R Std. Error of the Square Estimate R Square .611a 1 Adjusted R .373 .276 8.599 a. Predictors: (Constant), Level of Education, Participant race b. Dependent Variable: Score on Math Test Circle the R Square, Box the Adjusted R Square Coefficientsa Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B Std. Error (Constant) 83.474 7.505 Participant race -4.271 1.929 3.058 2.037 Level of Education Coefficients Beta t Sig. 11.123 .000 -.488 -2.214 .045 .331 1.501 .157 a. Dependent Variable: Score on Math Test Double underline the three (3) B values; and Underline any significant t-values c. Explain the meaning of each item in the four bullets listed above. R Square R square is also known as the coefficient of determination. It shows how close the data is to the regression line and whether there is a relationship between two variables. -1 indicates a perfect negative relationship while +1 indicates a perfect positive relationship, while 0 indicates that there is no linear relationship (Bastick & Matalon, 2007). Adjusted R Square REGRESSION ANALYSIS 14 Adjusted R square is a version of r squared that has been modified for the number of predictors in the model (Bhalla, n.d.) It therefore gives a clearer picture of how well the data fits the regression line. Adjusted R-squared increases only when an independent variable is significant and affects the dependent variable. The Adjusted r-squared value will always be less than or equal to the r-squared value. The three (3) B values The B values represent the unstandardized regression coefficient. Since they are measured in their natural units, they are referred to as “unstandardized”. The B values are used in the regression equation to predict the dependent variable from the independent variable. Significant t-values A t-value of 0 means that the results of the sample are exactly equal to the null hypothesis and therefore there is no significant difference (Frost, n.d.). Therefore the closer the t-value is to 0, the more likely that there is no significant difference. Conversely, the higher the t-value the greater the significant difference. A negative t-value indicates that it lies to the left of the mean while a positive t-value indicates that it lies to the right of the mean. d. Explain what the regression results mean. Race and test scores Null hypothesis H0: Race has no effect on test scores. Alternate hypothesis H1: Test scores are affected by the race of participants. Explanation A linear regression analysis was performed to examine the effect of the independent variable REGRESSION ANALYSIS 15 (race) on the dependent variable (math test score). There is no significant change in math test score due to race. This is because the P-value (.045) is more than the acceptable significance level (0.05). The null hypothesis is therefore not rejected. Education and test scores Null hypothesis H0: Education has no effect on test scores. Alternate hypothesis H1: Test scores are affected by education levels. Explanation A linear regression analysis was performed to examine the effect of the independent variable (education) on the dependent variable (math test score). There is no significant change in math test scores due to level of education. This is because the P-value (.157) is more than the acceptable significance level (0.05). The null hypothesis is therefore not rejected. References Bastick, T & Matalon, B.A. (2007). Research: new and practical approaches. 2nd Ed. U.W.I. Chalkboard Press Bhalla, D. (n.d.). Difference between adjusted r-squared and r-squared. https://www.listendata.com/2014/08/adjusted-r-squared.html Frost, J (n.d.). How t-tests work: t-values, t-distributions, and probabilities. https://statisticsbyjim.com/hypothesis-testing/t-tests-t-values-t-distributions-probabilities/