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CAPS aligned
E Emmenes
Revised by
S Grimsley
Ë1605-E-SOS-SG02´ ´ µ Î
Study Guide
G05 ~ Social Sciences: History
LESSON ELEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 5
YEAR PLAN........................................................................................................................ 6
UNIT 1: Hunter-gatherers and shepherds in southern Africa ........................................ 8
Lesson 1: How we get information about the hunter-gatherers and shepherds .......... 9
ACTIVITY 1 ........................................................................................................ 10
Lesson 2: Information from stories ............................................................................ 10
Lesson 3: Information from objects ........................................................................... 12
ACTIVITY 2 ........................................................................................................ 13
Lesson 4: Information from rock paintings ................................................................ 13
ACTIVITY 3 ........................................................................................................ 15
Lesson 5: Information from books ............................................................................. 15
UNIT 2: The San hunter-gatherer society in the Later Stone Age ............................... 17
Lesson 6: How the San people lived in their environment ........................................ 18
Lesson 7: Discovery of the bow and arrow ............................................................... 19
Lesson 8: Social organisation within the San community ......................................... 20
Lesson 9: Medicinal plants ........................................................................................ 20
ACTIVITY 4 ........................................................................................................ 22
Lesson 10: San beliefs and religion .......................................................................... 23
ACTIVITY 5 ........................................................................................................ 23
Lesson 11: Rock art .................................................................................................. 23
ACTIVITY 6 ........................................................................................................ 24
REVISION EXERCISE UNIT 2 ........................................................................... 25
UNIT 3: The Khoikhoi shepherd society in the Later Stone Age ................................. 26
Lesson 12: The pastoral way of life........................................................................... 26
Lesson 13: How the San and Khoikhoi people shared the same land ...................... 28
REVISION EXERCISE UNIT 3 ........................................................................... 28
UNIT 4: The first farmers in southern Africa ................................................................. 30
Lesson 14: Interaction with the Khoisan people ........................................................ 30
REVISION EXERCISE UNIT 4 ........................................................................... 32
UNIT 5: The chieftainship of the early African farmers ................................................ 33
Lesson 15: Homesteads and farming villages........................................................... 34
Lesson 16: Agriculture: Crops and livestock ............................................................. 35
Lesson 17: Social, political and economic structures ................................................ 37
Lesson 18: A culture of cooperation – the roles of men and women......................... 38
Lesson 19: Role of the paramount chief ................................................................... 39
Lesson 20: The role of cattle ..................................................................................... 40
© Impak
Study Guide
G05 ~ Social Sciences: History
REVISION EXERCISE UNIT 5 ........................................................................... 41
UNIT 6: Tools and weapons of iron and copper ........................................................... 42
Lesson 21: Metal work .............................................................................................. 42
Lesson 22: Pottery .................................................................................................... 43
Lesson 23: Trade ...................................................................................................... 45
Lesson 24: Religion and medicine ............................................................................ 45
REVISION EXERCISE UNIT 6 ........................................................................... 46
UNIT 7: An ancient African society – Egypt .................................................................. 47
Lesson 25: The Nile River and how it influenced settlements ................................... 48
ACTIVITY 7 ........................................................................................................ 50
UNIT 8: The way of life in ancient Egypt........................................................................ 51
Lesson 26: The social structure in ancient Egypt ...................................................... 51
Lesson 27: Beliefs and religion ................................................................................. 53
Lesson 28: Pharaohs ................................................................................................ 55
Lesson 29: Sphinx, pyramids and temples................................................................ 56
Lesson 30: Hieroglyphics .......................................................................................... 57
ACTIVITY 8 ........................................................................................................ 58
Lesson 31: Mathematics and astronomy .................................................................. 59
ACTIVITY 9 ........................................................................................................ 60
Lesson 32: Medicine and healers ............................................................................. 60
Lesson 33: Case study: Tutankhamun’s grave ......................................................... 61
ACTIVITY 10 ...................................................................................................... 63
REVISION EXERCISE UNIT 8 ........................................................................... 64
UNIT 9: A heritage trail through the provinces of South Africa .................................. 65
Lesson 34: The names of the provinces and their capital cities on a map ................ 65
ACTIVITY 11 ...................................................................................................... 66
UNIT 10: What is heritage? ............................................................................................. 67
Lesson 35: Heritage of places of importance ............................................................ 67
Lesson 36: Heritage in objects .................................................................................. 69
Lesson 37: Heritage in people’s achievements ......................................................... 70
Lesson 38: Heritage in place names ......................................................................... 71
Lesson 39: Heritage and changing identity ............................................................... 72
Lesson 40: Heritage and indigenous medicines........................................................ 73
Lesson 41: Heritage in architecture .......................................................................... 73
Lesson 42: Natural heritage and indigenous knowledge systems............................. 74
Lesson 43: Heritage in art ......................................................................................... 75
REVISION EXERCISE UNIT 10 ......................................................................... 76
GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................... 77
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 80
© Impak
Study Guide
G05 ~ Social Sciences: History
UNIT 1: Hunter-gatherers and
shepherds in southern Africa
After completing this unit, you should be able to do the following:
Use a variety of sources to obtain information about the past.
Gather information from text, photos and images.
Obtain information from songs, poems and interviews with people.
Use more than one source of written information, for example books, magazines,
newspapers and websites.
In this unit, you will learn about how the first people in southern Africa lived a long time
ago. You will also need to look up information about the San and Khoikhoi people, and
learn how to conduct research and find facts about them.
• Stone Age
• Hunter
• Shepherd
• Story
We will learn about the San and Khoikhoi people, the earliest inhabitants of
southern Africa. Some lessons have an activity that must be completed.
These activities summarise the work that you have to learn. Make sure you
can do each activity.
© Impak
Study Guide
G05 ~ Social Sciences: History
Lesson 1: How we get information about the hunter-gatherers and
Stone Age: thousands of years ago when people made objects from
Hunter: a person who kills animals for their meat and skins.
Shepherd: a person who keeps cattle and looks after them.
The first people who lived in southern Africa were hunter-gatherers. The
men usually hunted animals for food and the women collected roots, nuts
and berries for food. These people are known as the San people.
We can get information about them from different sources.
We distinguish between three types of sources namely primary, secondary and tertiary
A primary source, among others, is a book written by a San person (the person writes
down his or her personal experiences), so we get the information directly from the
person who was there.
A secondary source, for example, is when someone reads the book and then writes a
report with his or her own interpretation of the book and we obtain information about the
San people in this way.
A tertiary source, for example, is when a person uses the secondary source to obtain
more information to also write a book, report or some other kind of publication. We
therefore obtain information that does not come directly from someone who was actually
The San people came to live in southern Africa 10 000 years ago. They are the people
whom we refer to in the ‘Later Stone Age’. The Stone Age refers to the period when
people made tools from stone.
The San people were hunters, which means they hunted and killed wild animals, mainly for
food. After them, the Khoikhoi people moved into southern Africa but they had a different
way of living. They were shepherds who kept livestock and looked after their animals.
Later during the term we will learn more about the San and the Khoikhoi people. For now,
it is important that you know how we obtained the information about these people. We
obtained the information from stories, objects, paintings and books. We call these sources.
© Impak
Study Guide
G05 ~ Social Sciences: History
Search on the Internet or read through books for any interesting facts
about the San people. Read about their lifestyle and what they did to
Study the following images and answer the questions.
What do you think the two San men in source 1.1 are doing?
What are the two men in source 1.2 trying to make?
Source 1.1
Source 1.2
Lesson 2: Information from stories
Story: a tale told to you by someone about something.
We can find information about the hunter-gatherers and shepherds from
the Later Stone Age by reading the stories they have told.
© Impak
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